get('code'); $state = request()->get('state'); $github_app = GithubApp::where('uuid', $state)->firstOrFail(); $api_url = data_get($github_app, 'api_url'); $data = Http::withBody(null)->accept('application/vnd.github+json')->post("$api_url/app-manifests/$code/conversions")->throw()->json(); $id = data_get($data, 'id'); $slug = data_get($data, 'slug'); $client_id = data_get($data, 'client_id'); $client_secret = data_get($data, 'client_secret'); $private_key = data_get($data, 'pem'); $webhook_secret = data_get($data, 'webhook_secret'); $private_key = PrivateKey::create([ 'name' => $slug, 'private_key' => $private_key, 'team_id' => $github_app->team_id ]); $github_app->app_id = $id; $github_app->client_id = $client_id; $github_app->client_secret = $client_secret; $github_app->webhook_secret = $webhook_secret; $github_app->private_key_id = $private_key->id; $github_app->save(); return redirect()->route('', ['github_app_uuid' => $github_app->uuid]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return general_error_handler($e); } }); Route::get('/source/github/install', function () { try { $installation_id = request()->get('installation_id'); $source = request()->get('source'); $setup_action = request()->get('setup_action'); $github_app = GithubApp::where('uuid', $source)->firstOrFail(); if ($setup_action === 'install') { $github_app->installation_id = $installation_id; $github_app->save(); } return redirect()->route('', ['github_app_uuid' => $github_app->uuid]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return general_error_handler($e); } }); Route::post('/source/github/events', function () { try { $x_github_delivery = request()->header('X-GitHub-Delivery'); $x_github_event = Str::lower(request()->header('X-GitHub-Event')); $x_github_hook_installation_target_id = request()->header('X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Id'); $x_hub_signature_256 = request()->header('X-Hub-Signature-256'); $payload = request()->collect(); if ($x_github_event === 'ping') { // Just pong return response('pong'); } if ($x_github_event === 'installation') { // Installation handled by setup redirect url. Repositories queried on-demand. return response('cool'); } $github_app = GithubApp::where('app_id', $x_github_hook_installation_target_id)->firstOrFail(); // TODO: Verify signature // $webhook_secret = data_get($github_app, 'webhook_secret'); // $key = hash('sha256', $webhook_secret, true); // $hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', request()->getContent(), $key); // if (!hash_equals($hmac, $x_hub_signature_256)) { // return response('not cool'); // } if ($x_github_event === 'push') { $id = data_get($payload, ''); $branch = data_get($payload, 'ref'); if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) { $branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/'); } ray('Webhook GitHub Push Event: ' . $id . ' with branch: ' . $branch); } if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') { $action = data_get($payload, 'action'); $id = data_get($payload, ''); $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'number'); $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.html_url'); $branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.head.ref'); $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.base.ref'); ray('Webhook GitHub Pull Request Event: ' . $id . ' with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id); } if (!$id || !$branch) { return response('Nothing to do. No id or branch found.'); } $applications = Application::where('repository_project_id', $id); if ($x_github_event === 'push') { $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get(); } if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') { $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get(); } if ($applications->isEmpty()) { return response('Nothing to do. No applications found.'); } foreach ($applications as $application) { if ($x_github_event === 'push') { if ($application->isDeployable()) { ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch); $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7); queue_application_deployment( application_id: $application->id, deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid, force_rebuild: false, is_webhook: true ); } else { ray('Deployments disabled for ' . $application->name); } } if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') { if ($action === 'opened') { if ($application->isPRDeployable()) { $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7); $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first(); if (!$found) { ApplicationPreview::create([ 'application_id' => $application->id, 'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id, 'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url ]); } queue_application_deployment( application_id: $application->id, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id, deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid, force_rebuild: false, is_webhook: true ); ray('Deploying preview for ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch . ' and base branch ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id ' . $pull_request_id); return response('Preview Deployment queued.'); } else { ray('Preview deployments disabled for ' . $application->name); return response('Nothing to do. Preview Deployments disabled.'); } } if ($action === 'closed') { $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first(); if ($found) { $found->delete(); $container_name = generate_container_name($application->uuid, $pull_request_id); ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name); remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server); return response('Preview Deployment closed.'); } return response('Nothing to do. No Preview Deplyoment found'); } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { return general_error_handler($e); } });