{ "auth.login": "Login", "auth.already_registered": "Already registered?", "auth.confirm_password": "Confirm password", "auth.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "auth.forgot_password_send_email": "Send password reset email", "auth.register_now": "Register a new account", "auth.logout": "Logout", "auth.register": "Register", "auth.registration_disabled": "Your registration is set to disabled. Please contact support@lasthourhosting.org for help.", "auth.reset_password": "Reset password", "auth.failed": "These credentials do not match our records.", "auth.failed.password": "The provided password is incorrect.", "auth.failed.email": "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.", "auth.throttle": "Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.", "input.name": "Name", "input.email": "Email", "input.password": "Password", "input.password.again": "Password again", "input.code": "One-time code", "input.recovery_code": "Recovery code", "button.save": "Save", "repository.url": "Examples
For Public repositories, use https://....
For Private repositories, use git@....

https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples main branch will be selected
https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples/tree/nodejs-fastify nodejs-fastify branch will be selected.
https://gitea.com/sedlav/expressjs.git main branch will be selected.
https://gitlab.com/andrasbacsai/nodejs-example.git main branch will be selected." }