settings->is_logdrain_newrelic_enabled) { throw new \Exception('New Relic log drain is not enabled.'); } $config = base64_encode(" [SERVICE] Flush 5 Daemon off Tag container_logs [INPUT] Name forward Buffer_Chunk_Size 1M Buffer_Max_Size 6M [FILTER] Name grep Match * Exclude log [FILTER] Name modify Match * Set server_name {$server->name} [OUTPUT] Name nrlogs Match * license_key \${LICENSE_KEY} # - EU # - US base_uri \${BASE_URI} "); } else if ($type === 'highlight') { if (!$server->settings->is_logdrain_highlight_enabled) { throw new \Exception('Highlight log drain is not enabled.'); } $config = base64_encode(' [SERVICE] Flush 5 Daemon off Tag container_logs [INPUT] Name forward tag ${HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID} Buffer_Chunk_Size 1M Buffer_Max_Size 6M [FILTER] Name grep Match * Exclude log [FILTER] Name modify Match * Set server_name {$server->name} [OUTPUT] Name forward Match * Host Port 24224 '); } $compose = base64_encode(" services: coolify-log-drain: image: container_name: coolify-log-drain command: -c /fluent-bit.conf env_file: - .env volumes: - ./fluent-bit.conf:/fluent-bit.conf ports: - "); $readme = base64_encode('# New Relic Log Drain This log drain is based on [Fluent Bit]( and New Relic Log Forwarder. Files: - `fluent-bit.conf` - configuration file for Fluent Bit - `docker-compose.yml` - docker-compose file to run Fluent Bit - `.env` - environment variables for Fluent Bit '); $license_key = $server->settings->logdrain_newrelic_license_key; $base_uri = $server->settings->logdrain_newrelic_base_uri; $base_path = config('coolify.base_config_path'); $config_path = $base_path . '/log-drains'; $fluent_bit_config = $config_path . '/fluent-bit.conf'; $compose_path = $config_path . '/docker-compose.yml'; $readme_path = $config_path . '/'; $command = [ "echo 'Saving configuration'", "mkdir -p $config_path", "echo '{$config}' | base64 -d > $fluent_bit_config", "echo '{$compose}' | base64 -d > $compose_path", "echo '{$readme}' | base64 -d > $readme_path", "rm $config_path/.env || true", ]; if ($type === 'newrelic') { $add_envs_command = [ "echo LICENSE_KEY=$license_key >> $config_path/.env", "echo BASE_URI=$base_uri >> $config_path/.env", ]; } else if ($type === 'highlight') { $add_envs_command = [ "echo HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID={$server->settings->logdrain_highlight_project_id} >> $config_path/.env", ]; } $restart_command = [ "echo 'Stopping old Fluent Bit'", "cd $config_path && docker rm -f coolify-log-drain || true", "echo 'Starting Fluent Bit'", "cd $config_path && docker compose up -d --remove-orphans", ]; $command = array_merge($command, $add_envs_command, $restart_command); return instant_remote_process($command, $server); } }