replaceFirst('$', '')->replaceFirst('{', '')->replaceLast('}', ''); } function serviceStatus(Service $service) { $foundRunning = false; $isDegraded = false; $foundRestaring = false; $applications = $service->applications; $databases = $service->databases; foreach ($applications as $application) { if ($application->exclude_from_status) { continue; } if (Str::of($application->status)->startsWith('running')) { $foundRunning = true; } else if (Str::of($application->status)->startsWith('restarting')) { $foundRestaring = true; } else { $isDegraded = true; } } foreach ($databases as $database) { if ($database->exclude_from_status) { continue; } if (Str::of($database->status)->startsWith('running')) { $foundRunning = true; } else if (Str::of($database->status)->startsWith('restarting')) { $foundRestaring = true; } else { $isDegraded = true; } } if ($foundRestaring) { return 'degraded'; } if ($foundRunning && !$isDegraded) { return 'running'; } else if ($foundRunning && $isDegraded) { return 'degraded'; } else if (!$foundRunning && !$isDegraded) { return 'exited'; } return 'exited'; } function getFilesystemVolumesFromServer(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $oneService, bool $isInit = false) { // TODO: make this async try { $workdir = $oneService->service->workdir(); $server = $oneService->service->server; $fileVolumes = $oneService->fileStorages()->get(); $commands = collect([ "mkdir -p $workdir > /dev/null 2>&1 || true", "cd " ]); instant_remote_process($commands, $server); foreach ($fileVolumes as $fileVolume) { $path = Str::of(data_get($fileVolume, 'fs_path')); $content = data_get($fileVolume, 'content'); if ($path->startsWith('.')) { $path = $path->after('.'); $fileLocation = $workdir . $path; } else { $fileLocation = $path; } ray($path,$fileLocation); // Exists and is a file $isFile = instant_remote_process(["test -f $fileLocation && echo OK || echo NOK"], $server); // Exists and is a directory $isDir = instant_remote_process(["test -d $fileLocation && echo OK || echo NOK"], $server); if ($isFile == 'OK') { // If its a file & exists $filesystemContent = instant_remote_process(["cat $fileLocation"], $server); $fileVolume->content = $filesystemContent; $fileVolume->is_directory = false; $fileVolume->save(); } else if ($isDir == 'OK') { // If its a directory & exists $fileVolume->content = null; $fileVolume->is_directory = true; $fileVolume->save(); } else if ($isFile == 'NOK' && $isDir == 'NOK' && !$fileVolume->is_directory && $isInit && $content) { // Does not exists (no dir or file), not flagged as directory, is init, has content $fileVolume->content = $content; $fileVolume->is_directory = false; $fileVolume->save(); $content = base64_encode($content); $dir = Str::of($fileLocation)->dirname(); instant_remote_process([ "mkdir -p $dir", "echo '$content' | base64 -d > $fileLocation" ], $server); } else if ($isFile == 'NOK' && $isDir == 'NOK' && $fileVolume->is_directory && $isInit) { $fileVolume->content = null; $fileVolume->is_directory = true; $fileVolume->save(); instant_remote_process(["mkdir -p $fileLocation"], $server); } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { return handleError($e); } } function updateCompose($resource) { try { $name = data_get($resource, 'name'); $dockerComposeRaw = data_get($resource, 'service.docker_compose_raw'); $dockerCompose = Yaml::parse($dockerComposeRaw); // Switch Image $image = data_get($resource, 'image'); data_set($dockerCompose, "services.{$name}.image", $image); // Update FQDN $variableName = "SERVICE_FQDN_" . Str::of($resource->name)->upper(); $generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first(); if ($generatedEnv) { $generatedEnv->value = $resource->fqdn; $generatedEnv->save(); } $variableName = "SERVICE_URL_" . Str::of($resource->name)->upper(); $generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first(); if ($generatedEnv) { $url = Str::of($resource->fqdn)->after('://'); $generatedEnv->value = $url; $generatedEnv->save(); } $dockerComposeRaw = Yaml::dump($dockerCompose, 10, 2); $resource->service->docker_compose_raw = $dockerComposeRaw; $resource->service->save(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return handleError($e); } }