<form wire:submit="submit"> <div class="flex gap-2 pb-2"> <h2>Scheduled Backup</h2> <x-forms.button type="submit"> Save </x-forms.button> @if (Str::of($status)->startsWith('running')) <livewire:project.database.backup-now :backup="$backup" /> @endif @if ($backup->database_id !== 0) <x-modal-confirmation isErrorButton> <x-slot:button-title> Delete </x-slot:button-title> This will stop the scheduled backup for this database.<br>Please think again. </x-modal-confirmation> @endif </div> <div class="w-48 pb-2"> <x-forms.checkbox instantSave label="Backup Enabled" id="backup.enabled" /> <x-forms.checkbox instantSave label="S3 Enabled" id="backup.save_s3" /> </div> @if ($backup->save_s3) <div class="pb-6"> <x-forms.select id="backup.s3_storage_id" label="S3 Storage" required> <option value="default">Select a S3 storage</option> @foreach ($s3s as $s3) <option value="{{ $s3->id }}">{{ $s3->name }}</option> @endforeach </x-forms.select> </div> @endif <div class="flex flex-col gap-2"> <div class="flex gap-2"> @if ($backup->database_type === 'App\Models\StandalonePostgresql') <x-forms.input label="Databases To Backup" helper="Comma separated list of databases to backup. Empty will include the default one." id="backup.databases_to_backup" /> @elseif($backup->database_type === 'App\Models\StandaloneMongodb') <x-forms.input label="Databases To Include" helper="A list of databases to backup. You can specify which collection(s) per database to exclude from the backup. Empty will include all databases and collections.<br><br>Example:<br><br>database1:collection1,collection2|database2:collection3,collection4<br><br> database1 will include all collections except collection1 and collection2. <br>database2 will include all collections except collection3 and collection4.<br><br>Another Example:<br><br>database1:collection1|database2<br><br> database1 will include all collections except collection1.<br>database2 will include ALL collections." id="backup.databases_to_backup" /> @elseif($backup->database_type === 'App\Models\StandaloneMysql') <x-forms.input label="Databases To Backup" helper="Comma separated list of databases to backup. Empty will include the default one." id="backup.databases_to_backup" /> @elseif($backup->database_type === 'App\Models\StandaloneMariadb') <x-forms.input label="Databases To Backup" helper="Comma separated list of databases to backup. Empty will include the default one." id="backup.databases_to_backup" /> @endif </div> <div class="flex gap-2"> <x-forms.input label="Frequency" id="backup.frequency" /> <x-forms.input label="Number of backups to keep (locally)" id="backup.number_of_backups_locally" /> </div> </div> </form>