*/ protected $fillable = [ 'id', 'name', 'email', 'password', ]; /** * The attributes that should be hidden for serialization. * * @var array */ protected $hidden = [ 'password', 'remember_token', ]; /** * The attributes that should be cast. * * @var array */ protected $casts = [ 'email_verified_at' => 'datetime', ]; protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::creating(function (Model $model) { $model->uuid = (string) new Cuid2(7); }); } public function isRoot() { return $this->id == 0; } public function teams() { return $this->belongsToMany(Team::class); } public function currentTeam() { return $this->belongsTo(Team::class); } public function otherTeams() { $team_id = data_get(session('currentTeam'), 'id'); return auth()->user()->teams->filter(function ($team) use ($team_id) { return $team->id != $team_id; }); } public function resources() { $team_id = data_get(session('currentTeam'), 'id'); $data = Application::where('team_id', $team_id)->get(); return $data; } }