<?php namespace App\Actions\Server; use Lorisleiva\Actions\Concerns\AsAction; use App\Models\InstanceSettings; use App\Models\Server; class UpdateCoolify { use AsAction; public ?Server $server = null; public ?string $latestVersion = null; public ?string $currentVersion = null; public function handle(bool $force) { try { $settings = InstanceSettings::get(); ray('Running InstanceAutoUpdateJob'); $this->server = Server::find(0)->first(); if (!$this->server) { return; } $this->latestVersion = get_latest_version_of_coolify(); $this->currentVersion = config('version'); ray('latest version:' . $this->latestVersion . " current version: " . $this->currentVersion . ' force: ' . $force); if ($settings->next_channel) { ray('next channel enabled'); $this->latestVersion = 'next'; } if ($force) { $this->update(); } else { if (!$settings->is_auto_update_enabled) { return 'Auto update is disabled'; } if ($this->latestVersion === $this->currentVersion) { return 'Already on latest version'; } if (version_compare($this->latestVersion, $this->currentVersion, '<')) { return 'Latest version is lower than current version?!'; } $this->update(); } send_internal_notification('InstanceAutoUpdateJob done to version: ' . $this->latestVersion . ' from version: ' . $this->currentVersion); } catch (\Throwable $e) { ray('InstanceAutoUpdateJob failed'); ray($e->getMessage()); send_internal_notification('InstanceAutoUpdateJob failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } private function update() { if (isDev()) { ray("Running update on local docker container. Updating to $this->latestVersion"); remote_process([ "sleep 10" ], $this->server); ray('Update done'); return; } else { ray('Running update on production server'); remote_process([ "curl -fsSL https://cdn.coollabs.io/coolify/upgrade.sh -o /data/coolify/source/upgrade.sh", "bash /data/coolify/source/upgrade.sh $this->latestVersion" ], $this->server); return; } } }