"layout": {
"update_done": "Update completed.",
"wait_new_version_startup": "Waiting for the new version to start...",
"new_version": "New version reachable. Reloading...",
"switch_to_a_different_team": "Switch to a different team...",
"update_available": "Update available"
"error": {
"you_can_find_your_way_back": "You can find your way back",
"here": "here",
"you_are_lost": "Ooops you are lost! But don't be afraid!"
"index": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"applications": "Applications",
"destinations": "Destinations",
"git_sources": "Git Sources",
"databases": "Databases",
"services": "Services",
"teams": "Teams",
"not_implemented_yet": "Not implemented yet",
"database": "Database",
"settings": "Settings",
"global_settings": "Global Settings",
"secret": "Secret",
"team": "Team",
"logout": "Logout"
"login": {
"already_logged_in": "Already logged in...",
"authenticating": "Authenticating...",
"login": "Login"
"forms": {
"password": "Password",
"email": "Email address",
"passwords_not_match": "Passwords do not match.",
"password_again": "Password again",
"save": "Save",
"saving": "Saving...",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"action": "Action",
"is_required": "is required.",
"add": "Add",
"set": "Set",
"remove": "Remove",
"path": "Path",
"confirm_continue": "Are you sure to continue?",
"must_be_stopped_to_modify": "Must be stopped to modify.",
"port": "Port",
"default": "default",
"base_directory": "Base Directory",
"publish_directory": "Publish Directory",
"generated_automatically_after_start": "Generated automatically after start",
"roots_password": "Root's Password",
"root_user": "Root User",
"eg": "eg",
"user": "User",
"loading": "Loading...",
"version": "Version",
"host": "Host",
"already_used_for": "{{type}} already used for",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"engine": "Engine",
"network": "Network",
"ip_address": "IP Address",
"ssh_private_key": "SSH Private Key",
"type": "Type",
"html_url": "HTML URL",
"api_url": "API URL",
"organization": "Organization",
"new_password": "New password",
"super_secure_new_password": "Super secure new password",
"submit": "Submit",
"default_email_address": "Default Email Address",
"default_password": "Default Password",
"username": "Username",
"root_db_user": "Root DB User",
"root_db_password": "Root DB Password",
"api_port": "API Port",
"verifying": "Verifying",
"verify_emails_without_smtp": "Verify emails without SMTP",
"extra_config": "Extra Config",
"select_a_service": "Select a Service",
"select_a_service_version": "Select a Service version",
"removing": "Removing...",
"remove_domain": "Remove domain",
"public_port_range": "Public Port Range",
"public_port_range_explainer": "Ports used to expose databases/services/internal services.
Add them to your firewall (if applicable).
You can specify a range of ports, eg: 9000-9100",
"no_actions_available": "No actions available",
"admin_api_key": "Admin API key"
"register": {
"register": "Register",
"registering": "Registering...",
"first_user": "You are registering the first user. It will be the administrator of your Coolify instance."
"reset": {
"reset_password": "Reset",
"invalid_secret_key": "Invalid secret key.",
"secret_key": "Secret Key",
"find_path_secret_key": "You can find it in ~/coolify/.env (COOLIFY_SECRET_KEY)"
"application": {
"configuration": {
"buildpack": {
"choose_this_one": "Choose this one..."
"branch_already_in_use": "This branch is already used by another application. Webhooks won't work in this case for both applications. Are you sure you want to use it?",
"no_repositories_configured": "No repositories configured for your Git Application.",
"configure_it_now": "Configure it now",
"loading_repositories": "Loading repositories ...",
"select_a_repository": "Please select a repository",
"loading_branches": "Loading branches ...",
"select_a_repository_first": "Please select a repository first",
"select_a_branch": "Please select a branch",
"loading_groups": "Loading groups...",
"select_a_group": "Please select a group",
"loading_projects": "Loading projects...",
"select_a_project": "Please select a project",
"no_projects_found": "No projects found",
"no_branches_found": "No branches found",
"configure_build_pack": "Configure Build Pack",
"scanning_repository_suggest_build_pack": "Scanning repository to suggest a build pack for you...",
"found_lock_file": "Found lock file for {{packageManager}}.Using it for predefined commands commands.",
"configure_destination": "Configure Destination",
"no_configurable_destination": "No configurable Destination found",
"select_a_repository_project": "Select a Repository / Project",
"select_a_git_source": "Select a Git Source",
"no_configurable_git": "No configurable Git Source found",
"configuration_missing": "Configuration missing"
"build": {
"queued_waiting_exec": "Queued and waiting for execution.",
"build_logs_of": "Build logs of",
"running": "Running",
"queued": "Queued",
"finished_in": "Finished in",
"load_more": "Load More",
"no_logs": "No logs found",
"waiting_logs": "Waiting for the logs..."
"preview": {
"need_during_buildtime": "Need during buildtime?",
"setup_secret_app_first": "You can add secrets to PR/MR deployments. Please add secrets to the application first.
Useful for creating staging environments.",
"values_overwriting_app_secrets": "These values overwrite application secrets in PR/MR deployments. Useful for creating staging environments.",
"redeploy": "Redeploy",
"no_previews_available": "No previews available"
"secrets": {
"secret_saved": "Secret saved.",
"use_isbuildsecret": "Use isBuildSecret",
"secrets_for": "Secrets for"
"storage": {
"path_is_required": "Path is required.",
"storage_saved": "Storage saved.",
"storage_updated": "Storage updated.",
"storage_deleted": "Storage deleted.",
"persistent_storage_explainer": "You can specify any folder that you want to be persistent across deployments.
This is useful for storing data such as a database (SQLite) or a cache."
"deployment_queued": "Deployment queued.",
"confirm_to_delete": "Are you sure you would like to delete '{{name}}'?",
"stop_application": "Stop application",
"permission_denied_stop_application": "You do not have permission to stop the application.",
"rebuild_application": "Rebuild application",
"permission_denied_rebuild_application": "You do not have permission to rebuild application.",
"build_and_start_application": "Build and start application",
"permission_denied_build_and_start_application": "You do not have permission to Build and start application.",
"configurations": "Configurations",
"secret": "Secrets",
"persistent_storage": "Persistent Storage",
"previews": "Previews",
"logs": "Application Logs",
"build_logs": "Build Logs",
"delete_application": "Delete application",
"permission_denied_delete_application": "You do not have permission to delete this application",
"domain_already_in_use": "Domain {{domain}} is already used.",
"dns_not_set_error": "DNS not set or propogated for {{domain}}.
Please check your DNS settings.",
"settings_saved": "Settings saved.",
"dns_not_set_partial_error": "DNS not set",
"git_source": "Git Source",
"git_repository": "Git Repository",
"build_pack": "Build Pack",
"base_image": "Base Image",
"base_build_image": "Base Build Image",
"destination": "Destination",
"application": "Application",
"url_fqdn": "URL (FQDN)",
"domain_fqdn": "Domain (FQDN)",
"https_explainer": "If you specify https, the application will be accessible only over https. SSL certificate will be generated for you.
If you specify www, the application will be redirected (302) from non-www and vice versa.
To modify the domain, you must first stop the application.
You must set your DNS to point to the server IP in advance.",
"ssl_www_and_non_www": "Generate SSL for www and non-www?",
"ssl_explainer": "It will generate certificates for both www and non-www.
You need to have both DNS entries set in advance.
Useful if you expect to have visitors on both.",
"install_command": "Install Command",
"build_command": "Build Command",
"start_command": "Start Command",
"directory_to_use_explainer": "Directory to use as the base for all commands.
Could be useful with monorepos.",
"publish_directory_explainer": "Directory containing all the assets for deployment.
For example: dist,_site or public.",
"features": "Features",
"enable_automatic_deployment": "Enable Automatic Deployment",
"enable_auto_deploy_webhooks": "Enable automatic deployment through webhooks.",
"enable_mr_pr_previews": "Enable MR/PR Previews",
"enable_preview_deploy_mr_pr_requests": "Enable preview deployments from pull or merge requests.",
"debug_logs": "Debug Logs",
"enable_debug_log_during_build": "Enable debug logs during build phase.
Sensitive information could be visible and saved in logs.",
"cant_activate_auto_deploy_without_repo": "Cannot activate automatic deployments until only one application is defined for this repository / branch.",
"no_applications_found": "No applications found",
"secret__batch_dot_env": "Paste .env file",
"batch_secrets": "Batch add secrets"
"general": "General",
"database": {
"default_database": "Default Database",
"generated_automatically_after_set_to_public": "Generated automatically after set to public",
"connection_string": "Connection String",
"set_public": "Set it public",
"warning_database_public": "Your database will be reachable over the internet.
Take security seriously in this case!",
"change_append_only_mode": "Change append only mode",
"warning_append_only": "Useful if you would like to restore redis data from a backup.
Database restart is required.",
"select_database_type": "Select a Database type",
"select_database_version": "Select a Database version",
"confirm_stop": "Are you sure you would like to stop {{name}}?",
"stop_database": "Stop database",
"permission_denied_stop_database": "You do not have permission to stop the database.",
"start_database": "Start database",
"permission_denied_start_database": "You do not have permission to start the database.",
"delete_database": "Delete Database",
"permission_denied_delete_database": "You do not have permission to delete a Database",
"no_databases_found": "No databases found",
"logs": "Database Logs"
"destination": {
"delete_destination": "Delete Destination",
"permission_denied_delete_destination": "You do not have permission to delete this destination",
"add_to_coolify": "Add to Coolify",
"coolify_proxy_stopped": "Coolify Proxy stopped!",
"coolify_proxy_started": "Coolify Proxy started!",
"confirm_restart_proxy": "Are you sure you want to restart the proxy? Everything will be reconfigured in ~10 secs.",
"coolify_proxy_restarting": "Coolify Proxy restarting...",
"restarting_please_wait": "Restarting... please wait...",
"force_restart_proxy": "Force restart proxy",
"use_coolify_proxy": "Use Coolify Proxy?",
"no_destination_found": "No destination found",
"new_error_network_already_exists": "Network {{network}} already configured for another team!",
"new": {
"saving_and_configuring_proxy": "Saving and configuring proxy...",
"install_proxy": "This will install a proxy on the destination to allow you to access your applications and services without any manual configuration (recommended for Docker).
Databases will have their own proxy.",
"add_new_destination": "Add New Destination",
"predefined_destinations": "Predefined destinations"
"sources": {
"local_docker": "Local Docker",
"remote_docker": "Remote Docker",
"organization_explainer": "Fill it if you would like to use an organization's as your Git Source. Otherwise your user will be used."
"source": {
"new": {
"git_source": "Add New Git Source",
"official_providers": "Official providers"
"no_git_sources_found": "No git sources found",
"delete_git_source": "Delete Git Source",
"permission_denied": "You do not have permission to delete a Git Source",
"create_new_app": "Create new {{name}} App",
"change_app_settings": "Change {{name}} App Settings",
"install_repositories": "Install Repositories",
"application_id": "Application ID",
"group_name": "Group Name",
"oauth_id": "OAuth ID",
"oauth_id_explainer": "The OAuth ID is the unique identifier of the GitLab application.
You can find it in the URL of your GitLab OAuth Application.",
"register_oauth_gitlab": "Register new OAuth application on GitLab",
"gitlab": {
"self_hosted": "Instance-wide application (self-hosted)",
"user_owned": "User owned application",
"group_owned": "Group owned application",
"gitlab_application_type": "GitLab Application Type",
"already_configured": "GitLab App is already configured."
"github": {
"redirecting": "Redirecting to Github..."
"services": {
"all_email_verified": "All email verified. You can login now.",
"generate_www_non_www_ssl": "It will generate certificates for both www and non-www.
You need to have both DNS entries set in advance.
Service needs to be restarted."
"service": {
"stop_service": "Stop Service",
"permission_denied_stop_service": "You do not have permission to stop the service.",
"start_service": "Start Service",
"permission_denied_start_service": "You do not have permission to start the service.",
"delete_service": "Delete Service",
"permission_denied_delete_service": "You do not have permission to delete a service.",
"no_service": "No services found",
"logs": "Service Logs"
"setting": {
"change_language": "Change Language",
"permission_denied": "You do not have permission to do this. \\nAsk an admin to modify your permissions.",
"domain_removed": "Domain removed",
"ssl_explainer": "If you specify https, Coolify will be accessible only over https. SSL certificate will be generated for you.
If you specify www, Coolify will be redirected (302) from non-www and vice versa.
WARNING: If you change an already set domain, it will brake webhooks and other integrations! You need to manually update them.",
"must_remove_domain_before_changing": "Must remove the domain before you can change this setting.",
"registration_allowed": "Registration allowed?",
"registration_allowed_explainer": "Allow further registrations to the application.
It's turned off after the first registration.",
"coolify_proxy_settings": "Coolify Proxy Settings",
"credential_stat_explainer": "Credentials for stats page.",
"auto_update_enabled": "Auto update enabled?",
"auto_update_enabled_explainer": "Enable automatic updates for Coolify. It will be done automatically behind the scenes, if there is no build process running.",
"generate_www_non_www_ssl": "It will generate certificates for both www and non-www.
You need to have both DNS entries set in advance.
Service needs to be restarted.",
"is_dns_check_enabled": "DNS check enabled?",
"is_dns_check_enabled_explainer": "Enable DNS check during SSL certificate generation.
It will check if the DNS entries are set correctly, before trying to get a new cert from Let's Encrypt."
"team": {
"pending_invitations": "Pending invitations",
"accept": "Accept",
"delete": "Delete",
"member": "member(s)",
"root": "(root)",
"invited_with_permissions": "Invited to {{teamName}} with {{permission}} permission.",
"members": "Members",
"root_team_explainer": "This is the root team. That means members of this group can manage instance wide settings and have all the priviliges in Coolify (imagine like root user on Linux).",
"permission": "Permission",
"you": "(You)",
"promote_to": "Promote to {{grade}}",
"revoke_invitation": "Revoke invitation",
"pending_invitation": "Pending invitation",
"invite_new_member": "Invite new member",
"send_invitation": "Send invitation",
"invite_only_register_explainer": "You can only invite registered users at the moment - will be extended soon.",
"admin": "Admin",
"read": "Read"