'nullable', 'settings.wildcard_domain' => 'nullable', 'settings.public_port_min' => 'required', 'settings.public_port_max' => 'required', 'settings.default_redirect_404' => 'nullable', ]; protected $validationAttributes = [ 'settings.fqdn' => 'FQDN', 'settings.wildcard_domain' => 'Wildcard domain', 'settings.public_port_min' => 'Public port min', 'settings.public_port_max' => 'Public port max', 'settings.default_redirect_404' => 'Default redirect 404', ]; public function mount() { $this->do_not_track = $this->settings->do_not_track; $this->is_auto_update_enabled = $this->settings->is_auto_update_enabled; $this->is_registration_enabled = $this->settings->is_registration_enabled; } public function instantSave() { $this->settings->do_not_track = $this->do_not_track; $this->settings->is_auto_update_enabled = $this->is_auto_update_enabled; $this->settings->is_registration_enabled = $this->is_registration_enabled; $this->settings->save(); $this->emit('success', 'Settings updated!'); } private function setup_instance_fqdn() { $file = "$this->dynamic_config_path/coolify.yaml"; if (empty($this->settings->fqdn)) { remote_process([ "rm -f $file", ], $this->server); } else { $url = Url::fromString($this->settings->fqdn); $host = $url->getHost(); $schema = $url->getScheme(); $traefik_dynamic_conf = [ 'http' => [ 'routers' => [ 'coolify-http' => [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'http', ], 'service' => 'coolify', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`)", ], ], 'services' => [ 'coolify' => [ 'loadBalancer' => [ 'servers' => [ 0 => [ 'url' => 'http://coolify:80', ], ], ], ], ], ], ]; if ($schema === 'https') { $traefik_dynamic_conf['http']['routers']['coolify-http']['middlewares'] = [ 0 => 'redirect-to-https@docker', ]; $traefik_dynamic_conf['http']['routers']['coolify-https'] = [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'https', ], 'service' => 'coolify', 'rule' => "Host(`{$host}`)", 'tls' => [ 'certresolver' => 'letsencrypt', ], ]; } $this->save_configuration_to_disk($traefik_dynamic_conf, $file); } } private function setup_default_redirect_404() { $file = "$this->dynamic_config_path/default_redirect_404.yaml"; if (empty($this->settings->default_redirect_404)) { remote_process([ "rm -f $file", ], $this->server); } else { $url = Url::fromString($this->settings->default_redirect_404); $host = $url->getHost(); $schema = $url->getScheme(); $traefik_dynamic_conf = [ 'http' => [ 'routers' => [ 'catchall' => [ 'entryPoints' => [ 0 => 'http', 1 => 'https', ], 'service' => 'noop', 'rule' => "HostRegexp(`{catchall:.*}`)", 'priority' => 1, 'middlewares' => [ 0 => 'redirect-regexp@file', ], ], ], 'services' => [ 'noop' => [ 'loadBalancer' => [ 'servers' => [ 0 => [ 'url' => '', ], ], ], ], ], 'middlewares' => [ 'redirect-regexp' => [ 'redirectRegex' => [ 'regex' => '(.*)', 'replacement' => $this->settings->default_redirect_404, 'permanent' => false, ], ], ], ], ]; $this->save_configuration_to_disk($traefik_dynamic_conf, $file); } } private function save_configuration_to_disk(array $traefik_dynamic_conf, string $file) { $yaml = Yaml::dump($traefik_dynamic_conf, 12, 2); $yaml = "# This file is automatically generated by Coolify.\n" . "# Do not edit it manually (only if you know what are you doing).\n\n" . $yaml; $base64 = base64_encode($yaml); remote_process([ "mkdir -p $this->dynamic_config_path", "echo '$base64' | base64 -d > $file", ], $this->server); if (config('app.env') == 'local') { ray($yaml); } } public function submit() { $this->resetErrorBag(); if ($this->settings->public_port_min > $this->settings->public_port_max) { $this->addError('settings.public_port_min', 'The minimum port must be lower than the maximum port.'); return; } $this->validate(); $this->settings->save(); $this->dynamic_config_path = '/data/coolify/proxy/dynamic'; $this->server = Server::findOrFail(0); $this->setup_instance_fqdn(); $this->setup_default_redirect_404(); if ($this->settings->fqdn || $this->settings->default_redirect_404) { dispatch(new InstanceProxyCheckJob()); } $this->emit('success', 'Instance settings updated successfully!'); } }