import crypto from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import * as buildpacks from '../buildPacks'; import * as importers from '../importers'; import { dockerInstance } from '../docker'; import { asyncExecShell, asyncSleep, createDirectories, getDomain, getEngine, saveBuildLog } from '../common'; import * as db from '$lib/database'; import { decrypt } from '$lib/crypto'; import { sentry } from '$lib/common'; import { copyBaseConfigurationFiles, makeLabelForStandaloneApplication, setDefaultConfiguration } from '$lib/buildPacks/common'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; export default async function (job) { /* Edge cases: 1 - Change build pack and redeploy, what should happen? */ let { id: applicationId, repository, branch, buildPack, name, destinationDocker, destinationDockerId, gitSource, build_id: buildId, configHash, port, installCommand, buildCommand, startCommand, fqdn, baseDirectory, publishDirectory, projectId, secrets, phpModules, type, pullmergeRequestId = null, sourceBranch = null, settings, persistentStorage } =; const { debug } = settings; await asyncSleep(1000); await{ where: { status: 'queued', id: { not: buildId }, applicationId, createdAt: { lt: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000) } }, data: { status: 'failed' } }); let imageId = applicationId; let domain = getDomain(fqdn); let volumes = persistentStorage?.map((storage) => { return `${applicationId}${storage.path.replace(/\//gi, '-')}:${ type !== 'docker' ? '/app' : '' }${storage.path}`; }) || []; // Previews, we need to get the source branch and set subdomain if (pullmergeRequestId) { branch = sourceBranch; domain = `${pullmergeRequestId}.${domain}`; imageId = `${applicationId}-${pullmergeRequestId}`; } let deployNeeded = true; let destinationType; if (destinationDockerId) { destinationType = 'docker'; } if (destinationType === 'docker') { const docker = dockerInstance({ destinationDocker }); const host = getEngine(destinationDocker.engine); await{ where: { id: buildId }, data: { status: 'running' } }); const { workdir, repodir } = await createDirectories({ repository, buildId }); const configuration = await setDefaultConfiguration(; buildPack = configuration.buildPack; port = configuration.port; installCommand = configuration.installCommand; startCommand = configuration.startCommand; buildCommand = configuration.buildCommand; publishDirectory = configuration.publishDirectory; baseDirectory = configuration.baseDirectory; let commit = await importers[gitSource.type]({ applicationId, debug, workdir, repodir, githubAppId: gitSource.githubApp?.id, gitlabAppId: gitSource.gitlabApp?.id, repository, branch, buildId, apiUrl: gitSource.apiUrl, projectId, deployKeyId: gitSource.gitlabApp?.deployKeyId || null, privateSshKey: decrypt(gitSource.gitlabApp?.privateSshKey) || null }); if (!commit) { throw new Error('No commit found?'); } let tag = commit.slice(0, 7); if (pullmergeRequestId) { tag = `${commit.slice(0, 7)}-${pullmergeRequestId}`; } try {{ where: { id: buildId }, data: { commit } }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } if (!pullmergeRequestId) { const currentHash = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update( JSON.stringify({ buildPack, port, installCommand, buildCommand, startCommand, secrets, branch, repository, fqdn }) ) .digest('hex'); if (configHash !== currentHash) { await db.prisma.application.update({ where: { id: applicationId }, data: { configHash: currentHash } }); deployNeeded = true; if (configHash) { saveBuildLog({ line: 'Configuration changed.', buildId, applicationId }); } } else { deployNeeded = false; } } else { deployNeeded = true; } const image = await docker.engine.getImage(`${applicationId}:${tag}`); let imageFound = false; try { await image.inspect(); imageFound = false; } catch (error) { // } if (!imageFound || deployNeeded) { await copyBaseConfigurationFiles(buildPack, workdir, buildId, applicationId); if (buildpacks[buildPack]) await buildpacks[buildPack]({ buildId, applicationId, domain, name, type, pullmergeRequestId, buildPack, repository, branch, projectId, publishDirectory, debug, commit, tag, workdir, docker, port, installCommand, buildCommand, startCommand, baseDirectory, secrets, phpModules }); else { saveBuildLog({ line: `Build pack ${buildPack} not found`, buildId, applicationId }); throw new Error(`Build pack ${buildPack} not found.`); } deployNeeded = true; } else { deployNeeded = false; saveBuildLog({ line: 'Nothing changed.', buildId, applicationId }); } // Deploy to Docker Engine try { await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker stop -t 0 ${imageId}`); await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker rm ${imageId}`); } catch (error) { // } const envs = []; if (secrets.length > 0) { secrets.forEach((secret) => { if (pullmergeRequestId) { if (secret.isPRMRSecret) { envs.push(`${}=${secret.value}`); } } else { if (!secret.isPRMRSecret) { envs.push(`${}=${secret.value}`); } } }); } await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/.env`, envs.join('\n')); const labels = makeLabelForStandaloneApplication({ applicationId, fqdn, name, type, pullmergeRequestId, buildPack, repository, branch, projectId, port, commit, installCommand, buildCommand, startCommand, baseDirectory, publishDirectory }); let envFound = false; try { envFound = !!(await fs.stat(`${workdir}/.env`)); } catch (error) { // } try { saveBuildLog({ line: 'Deployment started.', buildId, applicationId }); // for await (const volume of volumes) { // const id = volume.split(':')[0]; // try { // await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker volume inspect ${id}`); // } catch (error) { // await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker volume create ${id}`); // } // } const composeVolumes = => { return { [`${volume.split(':')[0]}`]: { name: volume.split(':')[0] } }; }); const compose = { version: '3.8', services: { [imageId]: { image: `${applicationId}:${tag}`, container_name: imageId, volumes, env_file: envFound ? [`${workdir}/.env`] : [], networks: [], labels: labels, depends_on: [], restart: 'always' } }, networks: { []: { external: true } }, volumes: Object.assign({}, ...composeVolumes) }; await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/docker-compose.yml`, yaml.dump(compose)); await asyncExecShell( `DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker compose --project-directory ${workdir} up -d` ); // const { stderr } = await asyncExecShell( // `DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker run ${envFound && `--env-file=${workdir}/.env`} ${labels.join( // ' ' // )} --name ${imageId} --network ${} --restart always ${volumes.length > 0 ? volumes : '' // } -d ${applicationId}:${tag}` // ); saveBuildLog({ line: 'Deployment successful!', buildId, applicationId }); } catch (error) { saveBuildLog({ line: error, buildId, applicationId }); sentry.captureException(error); throw new Error(error); } saveBuildLog({ line: 'Proxy will be updated shortly.', buildId, applicationId }); } }