    <div class="pb-0 subtitle">
    <div >Private Keys are used to connect to your servers without passwords.</div>
    <div class="font-bold">You should not use passphrase protected keys.</div>
    <div class="flex gap-2 mb-4">
    <x-forms.button  wire:click="generateNewRSAKey">Generate new RSA SSH Key</x-forms.button>
    <x-forms.button  wire:click="generateNewEDKey">Generate new ED25519 SSH Key</x-forms.button>
    <form class="flex flex-col gap-2" wire:submit='createPrivateKey'>
        <div class="flex gap-2">
            <x-forms.input id="name" label="Name" required />
            <x-forms.input id="description" label="Description" />
        <x-forms.textarea realtimeValidation id="value" rows="10"
            placeholder="-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" label="Private Key" required />
        <x-forms.input id="publicKey" readonly label="Public Key" />
        <span class="pt-2 pb-4 font-bold dark:text-warning">ACTION REQUIRED: Copy the 'Public Key' to your server's
        <x-forms.button type="submit">