<?php namespace App\Http\Livewire\Server; use App\Actions\Server\InstallDocker; use App\Models\Server; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests; use Livewire\Component; class Form extends Component { use AuthorizesRequests; public Server $server; public bool $isValidConnection = false; public bool $isValidDocker = false; public ?string $wildcard_domain = null; public int $cleanup_after_percentage; public bool $dockerInstallationStarted = false; protected $listeners = ['serverRefresh']; protected $rules = [ 'server.name' => 'required|min:6', 'server.description' => 'nullable', 'server.ip' => 'required', 'server.user' => 'required', 'server.port' => 'required', 'server.settings.is_cloudflare_tunnel' => 'required', 'server.settings.is_reachable' => 'required', 'server.settings.is_part_of_swarm' => 'required', 'wildcard_domain' => 'nullable|url', ]; protected $validationAttributes = [ 'server.name' => 'Name', 'server.description' => 'Description', 'server.ip' => 'IP address', 'server.user' => 'User', 'server.port' => 'Port', 'server.settings.is_cloudflare_tunnel' => 'Cloudflare Tunnel', 'server.settings.is_reachable' => 'is reachable', 'server.settings.is_part_of_swarm' => 'is part of swarm' ]; public function mount() { $this->wildcard_domain = $this->server->settings->wildcard_domain; $this->cleanup_after_percentage = $this->server->settings->cleanup_after_percentage; } public function serverRefresh() { $this->validateServer(); } public function instantSave() { refresh_server_connection($this->server->privateKey); $this->validateServer(); $this->server->settings->save(); } public function installDocker() { $this->emit('installDocker'); $this->dockerInstallationStarted = true; $activity = InstallDocker::run($this->server); $this->emit('newMonitorActivity', $activity->id); } public function checkLocalhostConnection() { $uptime = $this->server->validateConnection(); if ($uptime) { $this->emit('success', 'Server is reachable.'); $this->server->settings->is_reachable = true; $this->server->settings->is_usable = true; $this->server->settings->save(); } else { $this->emit('error', 'Server is not reachable. Please check your connection and configuration.'); return; } } public function validateServer($install = true) { try { $uptime = $this->server->validateConnection(); if ($uptime) { $install && $this->emit('success', 'Server is reachable.'); } else { $install && $this->emit('error', 'Server is not reachable. Please check your connection and configuration.'); return; } $dockerInstalled = $this->server->validateDockerEngine(); if ($dockerInstalled) { $install && $this->emit('success', 'Docker Engine is installed.<br> Checking version.'); } else { $install && $this->installDocker(); return; } $dockerVersion = $this->server->validateDockerEngineVersion(); if ($dockerVersion) { $install && $this->emit('success', 'Docker Engine version is 23+.'); } else { $install && $this->installDocker(); return; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { return handleError($e, $this); } finally { $this->emit('proxyStatusUpdated'); } } public function delete() { try { $this->authorize('delete', $this->server); if (!$this->server->isEmpty()) { $this->emit('error', 'Server has defined resources. Please delete them first.'); return; } $this->server->delete(); return redirect()->route('server.all'); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return handleError($e, $this); } } public function submit() { if(isCloud() && !isDev()) { $this->validate(); $this->validate([ 'server.ip' => 'required|ip', ]); } else { $this->validate(); } $uniqueIPs = Server::all()->reject(function (Server $server) { return $server->id === $this->server->id; })->pluck('ip')->toArray(); if (in_array($this->server->ip, $uniqueIPs)) { $this->emit('error', 'IP address is already in use by another team.'); return; } refresh_server_connection($this->server->privateKey); $this->server->settings->wildcard_domain = $this->wildcard_domain; $this->server->settings->cleanup_after_percentage = $this->cleanup_after_percentage; $this->server->settings->save(); $this->server->save(); $this->emit('success', 'Server updated successfully.'); } }