team_id); $private_key_location = savePrivateKeyForServer($server); return resolve(PrepareCoolifyTask::class, [ 'remoteProcessArgs' => new CoolifyTaskArgs( server_ip: $server->ip, private_key_location: $private_key_location, command: <<port, user: $server->user, type: $type, type_uuid: $type_uuid, model: $model, ), ])(); } } // function checkTeam(string $team_id) // { // $found_team = auth()->user()->teams->pluck('id')->contains($team_id); // if (!$found_team) { // throw new \RuntimeException('You do not have access to this server.'); // } // } if (!function_exists('savePrivateKeyForServer')) { function savePrivateKeyForServer(Server $server) { $temp_file = "id.root@{$server->ip}"; Storage::disk('ssh-keys')->put($temp_file, $server->privateKey->private_key, 'private'); return '/var/www/html/storage/app/ssh-keys/' . $temp_file; } } if (!function_exists('generateSshCommand')) { function generateSshCommand(string $private_key_location, string $server_ip, string $user, string $port, string $command, bool $isMux = false) { $delimiter = 'EOF-COOLIFY-SSH'; Storage::disk('local')->makeDirectory('.ssh'); $ssh_command = "ssh "; if ($isMux) { $ssh_command .= '-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=1m -o ControlPath=/var/www/html/storage/app/.ssh/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r '; } $ssh_command .= "-i {$private_key_location} " . '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' . '-o PasswordAuthentication=no ' . '-o ConnectTimeout=3600 ' . '-o RequestTTY=no ' . '-o LogLevel=ERROR ' . "-p {$port} " . "{$user}@{$server_ip} " . " 'bash -se' << \\$delimiter" . PHP_EOL . $command . PHP_EOL . $delimiter; return $ssh_command; } } if (!function_exists('formatDockerCmdOutputToJson')) { function formatDockerCmdOutputToJson($rawOutput): Collection { $outputLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $rawOutput); return collect($outputLines) ->reject(fn ($line) => empty($line)) ->map(fn ($outputLine) => json_decode($outputLine, true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)); } } if (!function_exists('formatDockerLabelsToJson')) { function formatDockerLabelsToJson($rawOutput): Collection { $outputLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $rawOutput); return collect($outputLines) ->reject(fn ($line) => empty($line)) ->map(function ($outputLine) { $outputArray = explode(',', $outputLine); return collect($outputArray) ->map(function ($outputLine) { return explode('=', $outputLine); }) ->mapWithKeys(function ($outputLine) { return [$outputLine[0] => $outputLine[1]]; }); })[0]; } } if (!function_exists('instantRemoteProcess')) { function instantRemoteProcess(Server $server, array $command, $throwError = true) { $command_string = implode("\n", $command); $private_key_location = savePrivateKeyForServer($server); $ssh_command = generateSshCommand($private_key_location, $server->ip, $server->user, $server->port, $command_string); $process = Process::run($ssh_command); $output = trim($process->output()); $exitCode = $process->exitCode(); if ($exitCode !== 0) { if (!$throwError) { return false; } Log::error($process->errorOutput()); throw new \RuntimeException('There was an error running the command.'); } return $output; } } if (!function_exists('getLatestVersionOfCoolify')) { function getLatestVersionOfCoolify() { $response = Http::get(''); $versions = $response->json(); return data_get($versions, 'coolify.v4.version'); } } if (!function_exists('generateRandomName')) { function generateRandomName() { $generator = new \Nubs\RandomNameGenerator\All( [ new \Nubs\RandomNameGenerator\Alliteration() ] ); return $generator->getName(); } }