wip: compose based apps
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ class SyncBunny extends Command
try {
if (!$only_template && !$only_version) {
$this->info('About to sync files (docker-compose.prod.yaml, upgrade.sh, install.sh, etc) to BunnyCDN.');
if ($only_template) {
$this->info('About to sync service-templates.json to BunnyCDN.');
if ($only_version) {
$this->info('About to sync versions.json to BunnyCDN.');
$confirmed = confirm('Are you sure you want to sync?');
if (!$confirmed) {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use App\Models\Application;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Livewire\Component;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
class General extends Component
@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ class General extends Component
public bool $is_static;
public $parsedServices = [];
public $parsedServiceDomains = [];
protected $listeners = [
@ -50,6 +54,9 @@ class General extends Component
'application.docker_registry_image_name' => 'nullable',
'application.docker_registry_image_tag' => 'nullable',
'application.dockerfile_location' => 'nullable',
'application.docker_compose_location' => 'nullable',
'application.docker_compose' => 'nullable',
'application.docker_compose_raw' => 'nullable',
'application.custom_labels' => 'nullable',
'application.dockerfile_target_build' => 'nullable',
'application.settings.is_static' => 'boolean|required',
@ -74,6 +81,9 @@ class General extends Component
'application.docker_registry_image_name' => 'Docker registry image name',
'application.docker_registry_image_tag' => 'Docker registry image tag',
'application.dockerfile_location' => 'Dockerfile location',
'application.docker_compose_location' => 'Docker compose location',
'application.docker_compose' => 'Docker compose',
'application.docker_compose_raw' => 'Docker compose raw',
'application.custom_labels' => 'Custom labels',
'application.dockerfile_target_build' => 'Dockerfile target build',
'application.settings.is_static' => 'Is static',
@ -81,6 +91,14 @@ class General extends Component
public function mount()
try {
$this->parsedServices = $this->application->parseCompose();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->emit('error', $e->getMessage());
$this->parsedServiceDomains = $this->application->docker_compose_domains ? json_decode($this->application->docker_compose_domains, true) : [];
$this->ports_exposes = $this->application->ports_exposes;
if (str($this->application->status)->startsWith('running') && is_null($this->application->config_hash)) {
@ -98,6 +116,38 @@ class General extends Component
$this->emit('success', 'Settings saved.');
public function loadComposeFile($isInit = false)
if ($isInit && $this->application->docker_compose_raw) {
$uuid = new Cuid2();
['commands' => $cloneCommand] = $this->application->generateGitImportCommands(deployment_uuid: $uuid, only_checkout: true, exec_in_docker: false, custom_base_dir: '.');
$workdir = rtrim($this->application->base_directory, '/');
$composeFile = $this->application->docker_compose_location;
$commands = collect([
"mkdir -p /tmp/{$uuid} && cd /tmp/{$uuid}",
"git sparse-checkout init --cone",
"git sparse-checkout set .$workdir$composeFile",
"git read-tree -mu HEAD",
"cat .$workdir$composeFile",
$composeFileContent = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->application->destination->server, false);
if (!$composeFileContent) {
$this->emit('error', "Could not load compose file from $workdir$composeFile");
} else {
$this->application->docker_compose_raw = $composeFileContent;
$commands = collect([
"rm -rf /tmp/{$uuid}",
instant_remote_process($commands, $this->application->destination->server, false);
$this->parsedServices = $this->application->parseCompose();
$this->emit('success', 'Compose file loaded.');
public function updatedApplicationBuildPack()
if ($this->application->build_pack !== 'nixpacks') {
@ -172,8 +222,10 @@ class General extends Component
$this->customLabels = str($this->customLabels)->replace(',', "\n");
$this->application->custom_labels = $this->customLabels->explode("\n")->implode(',');
$this->application->docker_compose_domains = json_encode($this->parsedServiceDomains);
$showToaster && $this->emit('success', 'Application settings updated!');
$this->parsedServices = $this->application->parseCompose();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
} finally {
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
private $docker_compose;
private $docker_compose_base64;
private string $dockerfile_location = '/Dockerfile';
private string $docker_compose_location = '/docker-compose.yml';
private ?string $addHosts = null;
private ?string $buildTarget = null;
private $log_model;
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$this->destination = $this->application->destination->getMorphClass()::where('id', $this->application->destination->id)->first();
$this->server = $this->mainServer = $this->destination->server;
$this->serverUser = $this->server->user;
$this->basedir = "/artifacts/{$this->deployment_uuid}";
$this->basedir = $this->application->generateBaseDir($this->deployment_uuid);
$this->workdir = "{$this->basedir}" . rtrim($this->application->base_directory, '/');
$this->configuration_dir = application_configuration_dir() . "/{$this->application->uuid}";
$this->is_debug_enabled = $this->application->settings->is_debug_enabled;
@ -183,16 +184,10 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
// Check custom port
preg_match('/(?<=:)\d+(?=\/)/', $this->application->git_repository, $matches);
if (count($matches) === 1) {
$this->customPort = $matches[0];
$gitHost = str($this->application->git_repository)->before(':');
$gitRepo = str($this->application->git_repository)->after('/');
$this->customRepository = "$gitHost:$gitRepo";
} else {
$this->customRepository = $this->application->git_repository;
['repository' => $this->customRepository, 'port' => $this->customPort] = $this->application->customRepository();
try {
if ($this->restart_only && $this->application->build_pack !== 'dockerimage') {
if ($this->server->isProxyShouldRun()) {
@ -203,6 +198,8 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} else if ($this->application->dockerfile) {
} else if ($this->application->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
} else if ($this->application->build_pack === 'dockerimage') {
} else if ($this->application->build_pack === 'dockerfile') {
@ -397,19 +394,20 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
// private function save_environment_variables()
// {
// $envs = collect([]);
// foreach ($this->application->environment_variables as $env) {
// $envs->push($env->key . '=' . $env->value);
// }
// $envs_base64 = base64_encode($envs->implode("\n"));
// $this->execute_remote_command(
// [
// executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '$envs_base64' | base64 -d > $this->workdir/.env")
// ],
// );
// }
private function save_environment_variables()
$envs = collect([]);
foreach ($this->application->environment_variables as $env) {
$envs->push($env->key . '=' . $env->value);
$envs_base64 = base64_encode($envs->implode("\n"));
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '$envs_base64' | base64 -d > $this->workdir/.env")
private function deploy_simple_dockerfile()
$dockerfile_base64 = base64_encode($this->application->dockerfile);
@ -447,7 +445,36 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
private function deploy_docker_compose_buildpack()
if (data_get($this->application, 'docker_compose_location')) {
$this->docker_compose_location = $this->application->docker_compose_location;
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Starting deployment of {$this->application->name}.");
commands: $this->application->prepareHelperImage($this->deployment_uuid),
loggingModel: $this->application_deployment_queue
$composeFile = $this->application->parseCompose();
$yaml = Yaml::dump($composeFile->toArray(), 10);
$this->docker_compose_base64 = base64_encode($yaml);
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '{$this->docker_compose_base64}' | base64 -d > {$this->workdir}/docker-compose.yaml"), "hidden" => true
"docker network create --attachable '{$this->application->uuid}' >/dev/null || true", "hidden" => true, "ignore_errors" => true
], [
"docker network connect {$this->application->uuid} coolify-proxy || true", "hidden" => true, "ignore_errors" => true
$this->stop_running_container(force: true);
private function deploy_dockerfile_buildpack()
if (data_get($this->application, 'dockerfile_location')) {
@ -472,7 +499,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
// $this->push_to_docker_registry();
// $this->deploy_to_additional_destinations();
// } else {
// }
private function deploy_nixpacks_buildpack()
@ -725,6 +752,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
private function clone_repository()
$importCommands = $this->generate_git_import_commands();
"echo '\n----------------------------------------'",
@ -740,90 +768,14 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
private function generate_git_import_commands()
$this->branch = $this->application->git_branch;
$commands = collect([]);
$git_clone_command = "git clone -q -b {$this->application->git_branch}";
if ($this->pull_request_id !== 0) {
$pr_branch_name = "pr-{$this->pull_request_id}-coolify";
if ($this->application->deploymentType() === 'source') {
$source_html_url = data_get($this->application, 'source.html_url');
$url = parse_url(filter_var($source_html_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
$source_html_url_host = $url['host'];
$source_html_url_scheme = $url['scheme'];
if ($this->source->getMorphClass() == 'App\Models\GithubApp') {
if ($this->source->is_public) {
$this->fullRepoUrl = "{$this->source->html_url}/{$this->customRepository}";
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$this->source->html_url}/{$this->customRepository} {$this->basedir}";
$git_clone_command = $this->set_git_import_settings($git_clone_command);
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
} else {
$github_access_token = generate_github_installation_token($this->source);
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "git clone -q -b {$this->application->git_branch} $source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$this->customRepository}.git {$this->basedir}"));
$this->fullRepoUrl = "$source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$this->customRepository}.git";
if ($this->pull_request_id !== 0) {
$this->branch = "pull/{$this->pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "cd {$this->basedir} && git fetch origin $this->branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name"));
return $commands->implode(' && ');
if ($this->application->deploymentType() === 'deploy_key') {
$this->fullRepoUrl = $this->customRepository;
$private_key = data_get($this->application, 'private_key.private_key');
if (is_null($private_key)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Private key not found. Please add a private key to the application and try again.');
$private_key = base64_encode($private_key);
$git_clone_command_base = "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$this->customPort} -o Port={$this->customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" {$git_clone_command} {$this->customRepository} {$this->basedir}";
$git_clone_command = $this->set_git_import_settings($git_clone_command_base);
$commands = collect([
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "mkdir -p /root/.ssh"),
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '{$private_key}' | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa"),
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa"),
if ($this->pull_request_id !== 0) {
if ($this->git_type === 'gitlab') {
$this->branch = "merge-requests/{$this->pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $this->branch'"));
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$this->basedir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$this->customPort} -o Port={$this->customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $this->branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name";
if ($this->git_type === 'github') {
$this->branch = "pull/{$this->pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $this->branch'"));
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$this->basedir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$this->customPort} -o Port={$this->customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $this->branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name";
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
return $commands->implode(' && ');
if ($this->application->deploymentType() === 'other') {
$this->fullRepoUrl = $this->customRepository;
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$this->customRepository} {$this->basedir}";
$git_clone_command = $this->set_git_import_settings($git_clone_command);
$commands->push(executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
return $commands->implode(' && ');
['commands' => $commands, 'branch' => $this->branch, 'fullRepoUrl' => $this->fullRepoUrl] = $this->application->generateGitImportCommands($this->deployment_uuid, $this->pull_request_id, $this->git_type);
return $commands;
private function set_git_import_settings($git_clone_command)
if ($this->application->git_commit_sha !== 'HEAD') {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$this->basedir} && git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout {$this->application->git_commit_sha} >/dev/null 2>&1";
if ($this->application->settings->is_git_submodules_enabled) {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$this->basedir} && git submodule update --init --recursive";
if ($this->application->settings->is_git_lfs_enabled) {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$this->basedir} && git lfs pull";
return $git_clone_command;
return $this->application->setGitImportSettings($this->deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command);
private function cleanup_git()
@ -879,6 +831,26 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$this->env_args = $this->env_args->implode(' ');
private function modify_compose_file()
// ray("{$this->workdir}{$this->docker_compose_location}");
$this->execute_remote_command([executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "cat {$this->workdir}{$this->docker_compose_location}"), "hidden" => true, "save" => 'compose_file']);
if ($this->saved_outputs->get('compose_file')) {
$compose = $this->saved_outputs->get('compose_file');
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($compose);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$definedNetwork = collect([$this->application->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork) {
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
private function generate_compose_file()
$ports = $this->application->settings->is_static ? [80] : $this->application->ports_exposes_array;
@ -1209,6 +1181,7 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
$this->execute_remote_command(["echo -n 'Removing old container.'"]);
if ($this->newVersionIsHealthy || $force) {
$containers = getCurrentApplicationContainerStatus($this->server, $this->application->id, $this->pull_request_id);
if ($this->pull_request_id !== 0) {
$containers = $containers->filter(function ($container) {
return data_get($container, 'Names') === $this->container_name;
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Spatie\Activitylog\Models\Activity;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
class Application extends BaseModel
@ -123,6 +125,21 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
public function dockerComposeLocation(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
set: function ($value) {
if (is_null($value) || $value === '') {
return '/docker-compose.yml';
} else {
if ($value !== '/') {
return Str::start(Str::replaceEnd('/', '', $value), '/');
return Str::start($value, '/');
public function baseDirectory(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
@ -157,7 +174,16 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
: explode(',', $this->ports_exposes)
public function serviceType()
$found = str(collect(SPECIFIC_SERVICES)->filter(function ($service) {
return str($this->image)->before(':')->value() === $service;
if ($found->isNotEmpty()) {
return $found;
return null;
public function environment_variables(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', false)->orderBy('key', 'asc');
@ -342,7 +368,8 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
return false;
public function healthCheckUrl() {
public function healthCheckUrl()
if ($this->dockerfile || $this->build_pack === 'dockerfile' || $this->build_pack === 'dockerimage') {
return null;
@ -358,4 +385,204 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
return $full_healthcheck_url;
function customRepository()
preg_match('/(?<=:)\d+(?=\/)/', $this->git_repository, $matches);
$port = 22;
if (count($matches) === 1) {
$port = $matches[0];
$gitHost = str($this->git_repository)->before(':');
$gitRepo = str($this->git_repository)->after('/');
$repository = "$gitHost:$gitRepo";
} else {
$repository = $this->git_repository;
return [
'repository' => $repository,
'port' => $port
function generateBaseDir(string $uuid)
return "/artifacts/{$uuid}";
function setGitImportSettings(string $deployment_uuid, string $git_clone_command)
$baseDir = $this->generateBaseDir($deployment_uuid);
if ($this->git_commit_sha !== 'HEAD') {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout {$this->git_commit_sha} >/dev/null 2>&1";
if ($this->settings->is_git_submodules_enabled) {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git submodule update --init --recursive";
if ($this->settings->is_git_lfs_enabled) {
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git lfs pull";
return $git_clone_command;
function generateGitImportCommands(string $deployment_uuid, int $pull_request_id = 0, ?string $git_type = null, bool $exec_in_docker = true, bool $only_checkout = false, ?string $custom_base_dir = null)
$branch = $this->git_branch;
['repository' => $customRepository, 'port' => $customPort] = $this->customRepository();
$baseDir = $custom_base_dir ?? $this->generateBaseDir($deployment_uuid);
$commands = collect([]);
$git_clone_command = "git clone -b {$this->git_branch}";
if ($only_checkout) {
$git_clone_command = "git clone --no-checkout -b {$this->git_branch}";
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$pr_branch_name = "pr-{$pull_request_id}-coolify";
if ($this->deploymentType() === 'source') {
$source_html_url = data_get($this, 'source.html_url');
$url = parse_url(filter_var($source_html_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
$source_html_url_host = $url['host'];
$source_html_url_scheme = $url['scheme'];
if ($this->source->getMorphClass() == 'App\Models\GithubApp') {
if ($this->source->is_public) {
$fullRepoUrl = "{$this->source->html_url}/{$customRepository}";
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$this->source->html_url}/{$customRepository} {$baseDir}";
if (!$only_checkout) {
$git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command);
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
} else {
} else {
$github_access_token = generate_github_installation_token($this->source);
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "{$git_clone_command} $source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}.git {$baseDir}"));
$fullRepoUrl = "$source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}.git";
} else {
$commands->push("{$git_clone_command} $source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository} {$baseDir}");
$fullRepoUrl = "$source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}";
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$branch = "pull/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "cd {$baseDir} && git fetch origin {$branch} && git checkout $pr_branch_name"));
} else {
$commands->push("cd {$baseDir} && git fetch origin {$branch} && git checkout $pr_branch_name");
return [
'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '),
'branch' => $branch,
'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl
if ($this->deploymentType() === 'deploy_key') {
$fullRepoUrl = $customRepository;
$private_key = data_get($this, 'private_key.private_key');
if (is_null($private_key)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Private key not found. Please add a private key to the application and try again.');
$private_key = base64_encode($private_key);
$git_clone_command_base = "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" {$git_clone_command} {$customRepository} {$baseDir}";
if (!$only_checkout) {
$git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command_base);
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands = collect([
executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "mkdir -p /root/.ssh"),
executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo '{$private_key}' | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa"),
executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa"),
} else {
$commands = collect([
"mkdir -p /root/.ssh",
"echo '{$private_key}' | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa",
"chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa",
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
if ($git_type === 'gitlab') {
$branch = "merge-requests/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $branch'"));
} else {
$commands->push("echo 'Checking out $branch'");
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name";
if ($git_type === 'github') {
$branch = "pull/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name";
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $branch'"));
} else {
$commands->push("echo 'Checking out $branch'");
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name";
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
} else {
return [
'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '),
'branch' => $branch,
'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl
if ($this->deploymentType() === 'other') {
$fullRepoUrl = $customRepository;
$git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$customRepository} {$baseDir}";
$git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command);
if ($exec_in_docker) {
$commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command));
} else {
return [
'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '),
'branch' => $branch,
'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl
public function prepareHelperImage(string $deploymentUuid)
$basedir = $this->generateBaseDir($deploymentUuid);
$helperImage = config('coolify.helper_image');
$server = data_get($this, 'destination.server');
$network = data_get($this, 'destination.network');
$serverUserHomeDir = instant_remote_process(["echo \$HOME"], $server);
$dockerConfigFileExists = instant_remote_process(["test -f {$serverUserHomeDir}/.docker/config.json && echo 'OK' || echo 'NOK'"], $server);
$commands = collect([]);
if ($dockerConfigFileExists === 'OK') {
"command" => "docker run -d --network $network -v /:/host --name $deploymentUuid --rm -v {$serverUserHomeDir}/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json:ro -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock $helperImage",
"hidden" => true,
} else {
"command" => "docker run -d --network {$network} -v /:/host --name {$deploymentUuid} --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock {$helperImage}",
"hidden" => true,
"command" => executeInDocker($deploymentUuid, "mkdir -p {$basedir}"),
"hidden" => true,
return $commands;
function parseCompose()
if ($this->docker_compose_raw) {
return parseDockerComposeFile($this);
} else {
return collect([]);
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Server extends BaseModel
return instant_remote_process(["docker network create coolify --attachable >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"], $this, false);
public function executeRemoteCommand(Collection $commands, ApplicationDeploymentQueue $loggingModel)
public function executeRemoteCommand(Collection $commands, ?ApplicationDeploymentQueue $loggingModel = null)
foreach ($commands as $command) {
@ -419,33 +419,35 @@ class Server extends BaseModel
'hidden' => $hidden,
'batch' => static::$batch_counter,
if (!$loggingModel->logs) {
$newLogEntry['order'] = 1;
} else {
$previousLogs = json_decode($loggingModel->logs, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$newLogEntry['order'] = count($previousLogs) + 1;
if ($name) {
$newLogEntry['name'] = $name;
if ($loggingModel) {
if (!$loggingModel->logs) {
$newLogEntry['order'] = 1;
} else {
$previousLogs = json_decode($loggingModel->logs, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$newLogEntry['order'] = count($previousLogs) + 1;
if ($name) {
$newLogEntry['name'] = $name;
$previousLogs[] = $newLogEntry;
$loggingModel->logs = json_encode($previousLogs, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
// if ($name) {
// $loggingModel['savedOutputs'][$name] = str($output)->trim();
// }
$previousLogs[] = $newLogEntry;
$loggingModel->logs = json_encode($previousLogs, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
'current_process_id' => $process->id(),
if ($loggingModel) {
'current_process_id' => $process->id(),
$processResult = $process->wait();
if ($processResult->exitCode() !== 0) {
if (!$ignoreErrors) {
$status = ApplicationDeploymentStatus::FAILED->value;
$loggingModel->status = $status;
if ($loggingModel) {
$status = ApplicationDeploymentStatus::FAILED->value;
$loggingModel->status = $status;
throw new \RuntimeException($processResult->errorOutput());
@ -371,521 +371,6 @@ class Service extends BaseModel
public function parse(bool $isNew = false): Collection
// ray()->clearAll();
if ($this->docker_compose_raw) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($this->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$dockerComposeVersion = data_get($yaml, 'version') ?? '3.8';
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]);
if (is_null($this->destination)) {
$destination = $this->server->destinations()->first();
if ($destination) {
$definedNetwork = collect([$this->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS) {
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
$removedLabels = collect([]);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) {
if (!str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) {
$removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel);
return false;
return $serviceLabel;
foreach($removedLabels as $removedLabelName =>$removedLabel) {
$containerName = "$serviceName-{$this->uuid}";
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = false;
$image = data_get_str($service, 'image');
if ($image->contains(':')) {
$image = Str::of($image);
} else {
$image = Str::of($image)->append(':latest');
$imageName = $image->before(':');
if (collect(DATABASE_DOCKER_IMAGES)->contains($imageName)) {
$isDatabase = true;
data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase);
// Create new serviceApplication or serviceDatabase
if ($isDatabase) {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $this->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $this->id
} else {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $this->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $this->id
if (is_null($savedService)) {
if ($isDatabase) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $this->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $this->id
// Check if image changed
if ($savedService->image !== $image) {
$savedService->image = $image;
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (!$networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) {
foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
$savedService->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(',');
// Add Coolify specific networks
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (!$definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true
$networks = collect();
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) {
if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
} else if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
// $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
$networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork);
foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks->put($network, null);
data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray());
// Collect/create/update volumes
if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) {
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($savedService, $topLevelVolumes) {
$type = null;
$source = null;
$target = null;
$content = null;
$isDirectory = false;
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = Str::of($volume)->before(':');
$target = Str::of($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
if ($source->startsWith('./') || $source->startsWith('/') || $source->startsWith('~')) {
$type = Str::of('bind');
} else {
$type = Str::of('volume');
} else if (is_array($volume)) {
$type = data_get_str($volume, 'type');
$source = data_get_str($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get_str($volume, 'target');
$content = data_get($volume, 'content');
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', false);
$foundConfig = $savedService->fileStorages()->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull) {
$content = $contentNotNull;
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
if ($type->value() === 'bind') {
if ($source->value() === "/var/run/docker.sock") {
return $volume;
if ($source->value() === '/tmp' || $source->value() === '/tmp/') {
return $volume;
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
'fs_path' => $source,
'mount_path' => $target,
'content' => $content,
'is_directory' => $isDirectory,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
} else if ($type->value() === 'volume') {
$slugWithoutUuid = Str::slug($source, '-');
$name = "{$savedService->service->uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = Str::of($volume)->before(':');
$target = Str::of($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$source = $name;
$volume = "$source:$target";
} else if (is_array($volume)) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $name);
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
$savedService->getFilesFromServer(isInit: true);
return $volume;
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
// Add env_file with at least .env to the service
// $envFile = collect(data_get($service, 'env_file', []));
// if ($envFile->count() > 0) {
// if (!$envFile->contains('.env')) {
// $envFile->push('.env');
// }
// } else {
// $envFile = collect(['.env']);
// }
// data_set($service, 'env_file', $envFile->toArray());
// Get variables from the service
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
$variable = Str::of($variable);
if ($variable->contains('=')) {
$key = $variable->before('=');
$value = $variable->after('=');
} else {
$key = $variable;
$value = null;
} else {
$key = Str::of($variableName);
$value = Str::of($variable);
// TODO: here is the problem
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew || $savedService->fqdn === null) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
$fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, "{$name->value()}-{$this->uuid}");
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) {
$port = $key->afterLast('_');
} else {
$port = null;
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) {
if (is_null($value)) {
$value = Str::of('/');
$path = $value->value();
if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) {
$alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value());
if ($alreadyGenerated) {
$fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value());
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
$fqdn = "$fqdn$path";
if (!$isDatabase) {
if ($savedService->fqdn) {
$fqdn = $savedService->fqdn . ',' . $fqdn;
} else {
$fqdn = $fqdn;
$savedService->fqdn = $fqdn;
// data_forget($service, "environment.$variableName");
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment.$variableName");
// if (count(data_get($yaml, 'services.' . $serviceName . '.environment')) === 0) {
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment");
// }
if ($value?->startsWith('$')) {
$value = Str::of(replaceVariables($value));
$key = $value;
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $this->id,
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
// Count _ in $value
$count = substr_count($value->value(), '_');
if ($count === 2) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
$forService = $value->afterLast('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = null;
if ($count === 3) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
$forService = $value->after('SERVICE_')->after('_')->before('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = $value->afterLast('_');
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' || $command->value() === 'URL') {
if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, $containerName);
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($this->server, Str::lower($forService) . '-' . $this->uuid);
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
} else {
if ($command->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $this->id,
'is_preview' => false,
if (!$isDatabase) {
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' && is_null($savedService->fqdn)) {
$savedService->fqdn = $fqdn;
} else {
switch ($command) {
case 'PASSWORD':
$generatedValue = Str::password(symbols: false);
case 'PASSWORD_64':
$generatedValue = Str::password(length: 64, symbols: false);
case 'BASE64_64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(64);
case 'BASE64_128':
$generatedValue = Str::random(128);
case 'BASE64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(32);
case 'USER':
$generatedValue = Str::random(16);
if (!$foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $generatedValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $this->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':-');
} else if ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$defaultValue = $value->after('-');
} else if ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':?');
} else if ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$defaultValue = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$defaultValue = null;
if ($foundEnv) {
$defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $this->id,
], [
'value' => $defaultValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $this->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Add labels to the service
if ($savedService->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($savedService, forTraefik: true);
} else {
$fqdns = collect(data_get($savedService, 'fqdns'));
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($this->id, $containerName, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels);
if (!$isDatabase && $fqdns->count() > 0) {
if ($fqdns) {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik($this->uuid, $fqdns, true));
if ($this->server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $savedService->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
data_set($service, 'logging', [
'driver' => 'fluentd',
'options' => [
'fluentd-address' => "tcp://",
'fluentd-async' => "true",
'fluentd-sub-second-precision' => "true",
data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray());
data_forget($service, 'is_database');
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
// Remove unnecessary variables from service.environment
// $withoutServiceEnvs = collect([]);
// collect(data_get($service, 'environment'))->each(function ($value, $key) use ($withoutServiceEnvs) {
// ray($key, $value);
// if (!Str::of($key)->startsWith('$SERVICE_') && !Str::of($value)->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
// $k = Str::of($value)->before("=");
// $v = Str::of($value)->after("=");
// $withoutServiceEnvs->put($k->value(), $v->value());
// }
// });
// ray($withoutServiceEnvs);
// data_set($service, 'environment', $withoutServiceEnvs->toArray());
return $service;
$finalServices = [
'version' => $dockerComposeVersion,
'services' => $services->toArray(),
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
$this->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$this->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
return collect([]);
} else {
return collect([]);
return parseDockerComposeFile($this, $isNew);
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Str;
trait ExecuteRemoteCommand
public ?string $save = null;
public static int $batch_counter = 0;
public function execute_remote_command(...$commands)
@ -24,7 +25,6 @@ trait ExecuteRemoteCommand
throw new \RuntimeException('Server is not set or is not an instance of Server model');
$commandsText->each(function ($single_command) {
$command = data_get($single_command, 'command') ?? $single_command[0] ?? null;
if ($command === null) {
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\ServiceApplication;
use App\Models\ServiceDatabase;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
@ -137,18 +140,28 @@ function defaultLabels($id, $name, $pull_request_id = 0, string $type = 'applica
$labels->push('coolify.name=' . $name);
$labels->push('coolify.pullRequestId=' . $pull_request_id);
if ($type === 'service') {
$labels->push('coolify.service.subId=' . $subId);
$labels->push('coolify.service.subType=' . $subType);
$subId && $labels->push('coolify.service.subId=' . $subId);
$subType && $labels->push('coolify.service.subType=' . $subType);
return $labels;
function generateServiceSpecificFqdns($service, $forTraefik = false)
function generateServiceSpecificFqdns(ServiceApplication|Application $resource, $forTraefik = false)
$variables = collect($service->service->environment_variables);
$type = $service->serviceType();
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\ServiceApplication') {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$server = $resource->service->server;
$environment_variables = $resource->service->environment_variables;
$type = $resource->serviceType();
} else if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$environment_variables = $resource->environment_variables;
$type = $resource->serviceType();
$variables = collect($environment_variables);
$payload = collect([]);
switch ($type) {
case $type->contains('minio'):
case $type?->contains('minio'):
$MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL = $variables->where('key', 'MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL')->first();
$MINIO_SERVER_URL = $variables->where('key', 'MINIO_SERVER_URL')->first();
@ -156,12 +169,12 @@ function generateServiceSpecificFqdns($service, $forTraefik = false)
if (is_null($MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL?->value)) {
"value" => generateFqdn($service->service->server, 'console-' . $service->uuid)
"value" => generateFqdn($server, 'console-' . $uuid)
if (is_null($MINIO_SERVER_URL?->value)) {
"value" => generateFqdn($service->service->server, 'minio-' . $service->uuid)
"value" => generateFqdn($server, 'minio-' . $uuid)
if ($forTraefik) {
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ function get_proxy_path()
function connectProxyToNetworks(Server $server)
// TODO: Connect to service + compose based application networks as well.
$networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\EnvironmentVariable;
use App\Models\InstanceSettings;
use App\Models\LocalFileVolume;
use App\Models\LocalPersistentVolume;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\ServiceApplication;
use App\Models\ServiceDatabase;
use App\Models\StandaloneMariadb;
use App\Models\StandaloneMongodb;
use App\Models\StandaloneMysql;
@ -31,6 +36,7 @@ use Poliander\Cron\CronExpression;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
function base_configuration_dir(): string
@ -472,7 +478,8 @@ function generateDeployWebhook($resource)
$url = $api . $endpoint . "?uuid=$uuid&force=false";
return $url;
function generateGitManualWebhook($resource, $type) {
function generateGitManualWebhook($resource, $type)
if ($resource->source_id !== 0 && !is_null($resource->source_id)) {
return null;
@ -487,3 +494,852 @@ function removeAnsiColors($text)
return preg_replace('/\e[[][A-Za-z0-9];?[0-9]*m?/', '', $text);
function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = false)
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Service') {
if ($resource->docker_compose_raw) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$dockerComposeVersion = data_get($yaml, 'version') ?? '3.8';
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]);
if (is_null($resource->destination)) {
$destination = $resource->server->destinations()->first();
if ($destination) {
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource) {
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
$removedLabels = collect([]);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) {
if (!str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) {
$removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel);
return false;
return $serviceLabel;
foreach ($removedLabels as $removedLabelName => $removedLabel) {
$containerName = "$serviceName-{$resource->uuid}";
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = false;
$image = data_get_str($service, 'image');
if ($image->contains(':')) {
$image = Str::of($image);
} else {
$image = Str::of($image)->append(':latest');
$imageName = $image->before(':');
if (collect(DATABASE_DOCKER_IMAGES)->contains($imageName)) {
$isDatabase = true;
data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase);
// Create new serviceApplication or serviceDatabase
if ($isDatabase) {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $resource->id
} else {
if ($isNew) {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::where([
'name' => $serviceName,
'service_id' => $resource->id
if (is_null($savedService)) {
if ($isDatabase) {
$savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id
} else {
$savedService = ServiceApplication::create([
'name' => $serviceName,
'image' => $image,
'service_id' => $resource->id
// Check if image changed
if ($savedService->image !== $image) {
$savedService->image = $image;
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (!$networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) {
foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
$savedService->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(',');
// Add Coolify specific networks
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (!$definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true
$networks = collect();
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) {
if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
} else if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
// $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
$networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork);
foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks->put($network, null);
data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray());
// Collect/create/update volumes
if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) {
$serviceVolumes = $serviceVolumes->map(function ($volume) use ($savedService, $topLevelVolumes) {
$type = null;
$source = null;
$target = null;
$content = null;
$isDirectory = false;
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = Str::of($volume)->before(':');
$target = Str::of($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
if ($source->startsWith('./') || $source->startsWith('/') || $source->startsWith('~')) {
$type = Str::of('bind');
} else {
$type = Str::of('volume');
} else if (is_array($volume)) {
$type = data_get_str($volume, 'type');
$source = data_get_str($volume, 'source');
$target = data_get_str($volume, 'target');
$content = data_get($volume, 'content');
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($volume, 'isDirectory', false);
$foundConfig = $savedService->fileStorages()->whereMountPath($target)->first();
if ($foundConfig) {
$contentNotNull = data_get($foundConfig, 'content');
if ($contentNotNull) {
$content = $contentNotNull;
$isDirectory = (bool) data_get($foundConfig, 'is_directory');
if ($type->value() === 'bind') {
if ($source->value() === "/var/run/docker.sock") {
return $volume;
if ($source->value() === '/tmp' || $source->value() === '/tmp/') {
return $volume;
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
'fs_path' => $source,
'mount_path' => $target,
'content' => $content,
'is_directory' => $isDirectory,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
} else if ($type->value() === 'volume') {
$slugWithoutUuid = Str::slug($source, '-');
$name = "{$savedService->service->uuid}_{$slugWithoutUuid}";
if (is_string($volume)) {
$source = Str::of($volume)->before(':');
$target = Str::of($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':');
$source = $name;
$volume = "$source:$target";
} else if (is_array($volume)) {
data_set($volume, 'source', $name);
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
'name' => $name,
'mount_path' => $target,
'resource_id' => $savedService->id,
'resource_type' => get_class($savedService)
$savedService->getFilesFromServer(isInit: true);
return $volume;
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
// Add env_file with at least .env to the service
// $envFile = collect(data_get($service, 'env_file', []));
// if ($envFile->count() > 0) {
// if (!$envFile->contains('.env')) {
// $envFile->push('.env');
// }
// } else {
// $envFile = collect(['.env']);
// }
// data_set($service, 'env_file', $envFile->toArray());
// Get variables from the service
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
$variable = Str::of($variable);
if ($variable->contains('=')) {
$key = $variable->before('=');
$value = $variable->after('=');
} else {
$key = $variable;
$value = null;
} else {
$key = Str::of($variableName);
$value = Str::of($variable);
// TODO: here is the problem
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew || $savedService->fqdn === null) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, "{$name->value()}-{$resource->uuid}");
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) {
$port = $key->afterLast('_');
} else {
$port = null;
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) {
if (is_null($value)) {
$value = Str::of('/');
$path = $value->value();
if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) {
$alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value());
if ($alreadyGenerated) {
$fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value());
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
$fqdn = "$fqdn$path";
if (!$isDatabase) {
if ($savedService->fqdn) {
$fqdn = $savedService->fqdn . ',' . $fqdn;
} else {
$fqdn = $fqdn;
$savedService->fqdn = $fqdn;
// data_forget($service, "environment.$variableName");
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment.$variableName");
// if (count(data_get($yaml, 'services.' . $serviceName . '.environment')) === 0) {
// $yaml = data_forget($yaml, "services.$serviceName.environment");
// }
if ($value?->startsWith('$')) {
$value = Str::of(replaceVariables($value));
$key = $value;
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
// Count _ in $value
$count = substr_count($value->value(), '_');
if ($count === 2) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
$forService = $value->afterLast('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = null;
if ($count === 3) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
$forService = $value->after('SERVICE_')->after('_')->before('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = $value->afterLast('_');
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' || $command->value() === 'URL') {
if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, $containerName);
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($resource->server, Str::lower($forService) . '-' . $resource->uuid);
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
} else {
if ($command->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
if (!$isDatabase) {
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' && is_null($savedService->fqdn)) {
$savedService->fqdn = $fqdn;
} else {
switch ($command) {
case 'PASSWORD':
$generatedValue = Str::password(symbols: false);
case 'PASSWORD_64':
$generatedValue = Str::password(length: 64, symbols: false);
case 'BASE64_64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(64);
case 'BASE64_128':
$generatedValue = Str::random(128);
case 'BASE64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(32);
case 'USER':
$generatedValue = Str::random(16);
if (!$foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $generatedValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':-');
} else if ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$defaultValue = $value->after('-');
} else if ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':?');
} else if ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$defaultValue = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$defaultValue = null;
if ($foundEnv) {
$defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
'key' => $key,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => $defaultValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Add labels to the service
if ($savedService->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($savedService, forTraefik: true);
} else {
$fqdns = collect(data_get($savedService, 'fqdns'));
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($resource->id, $containerName, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels);
if (!$isDatabase && $fqdns->count() > 0) {
if ($fqdns) {
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik($resource->uuid, $fqdns, true));
if ($resource->server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $savedService->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
data_set($service, 'logging', [
'driver' => 'fluentd',
'options' => [
'fluentd-address' => "tcp://",
'fluentd-async' => "true",
'fluentd-sub-second-precision' => "true",
data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray());
data_forget($service, 'is_database');
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
// Remove unnecessary variables from service.environment
// $withoutServiceEnvs = collect([]);
// collect(data_get($service, 'environment'))->each(function ($value, $key) use ($withoutServiceEnvs) {
// ray($key, $value);
// if (!Str::of($key)->startsWith('$SERVICE_') && !Str::of($value)->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
// $k = Str::of($value)->before("=");
// $v = Str::of($value)->after("=");
// $withoutServiceEnvs->put($k->value(), $v->value());
// }
// });
// ray($withoutServiceEnvs);
// data_set($service, 'environment', $withoutServiceEnvs->toArray());
return $service;
$finalServices = [
'version' => $dockerComposeVersion,
'services' => $services->toArray(),
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
return collect([]);
} else {
return collect([]);
} else if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$dockerComposeVersion = data_get($yaml, 'version') ?? '3.8';
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$generatedServiceFQDNS = collect([]);
if (is_null($resource->destination)) {
$destination = $server->destinations()->first();
if ($destination) {
$definedNetwork = collect([$resource->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource, $server) {
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
$serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', []));
$serviceLabels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', []));
if ($serviceLabels->count() > 0) {
$removedLabels = collect([]);
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->filter(function ($serviceLabel, $serviceLabelName) use ($removedLabels) {
if (!str($serviceLabel)->contains('=')) {
$removedLabels->put($serviceLabelName, $serviceLabel);
return false;
return $serviceLabel;
foreach ($removedLabels as $removedLabelName => $removedLabel) {
$containerName = "$serviceName-{$resource->uuid}";
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = false;
$image = data_get_str($service, 'image');
if ($image->contains(':')) {
$image = Str::of($image);
} else {
$image = Str::of($image)->append(':latest');
$imageName = $image->before(':');
if (collect(DATABASE_DOCKER_IMAGES)->contains($imageName)) {
$isDatabase = true;
data_set($service, 'is_database', $isDatabase);
// Collect/create/update networks
if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) {
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) {
$networkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) {
return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName;
if (!$networkExists) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($networkDetails, null);
// Collect/create/update ports
$collectedPorts = collect([]);
if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) {
foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) {
if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) {
if (is_array($sport)) {
$target = data_get($sport, 'target');
$published = data_get($sport, 'published');
$protocol = data_get($sport, 'protocol');
if ($collectedPorts->count() > 0) {
// ray($collectedPorts->implode(','));
$definedNetworkExists = $topLevelNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) {
return $value == $definedNetwork;
if (!$definedNetworkExists) {
foreach ($definedNetwork as $network) {
$topLevelNetworks->put($network, [
'name' => $network,
'external' => true
$networks = collect();
foreach ($serviceNetworks as $key => $serviceNetwork) {
if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'string') {
// networks:
// - appwrite
$networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
} else if (gettype($serviceNetwork) === 'array') {
// networks:
// default:
// ipv4_address:
// $networks->put($serviceNetwork, null);
$networks->put($key, $serviceNetwork);
foreach ($definedNetwork as $key => $network) {
$networks->put($network, null);
data_set($service, 'networks', $networks->toArray());
// Get variables from the service
foreach ($serviceVariables as $variableName => $variable) {
if (is_numeric($variableName)) {
$variable = Str::of($variable);
if ($variable->contains('=')) {
$key = $variable->before('=');
$value = $variable->after('=');
} else {
$key = $variable;
$value = null;
} else {
$key = Str::of($variableName);
$value = Str::of($variable);
// TODO: here is the problem
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, "{$name->value()}-{$resource->uuid}");
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') === 3) {
$port = $key->afterLast('_');
} else {
$port = null;
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if (substr_count($key->value(), '_') >= 2) {
if (is_null($value)) {
$value = Str::of('/');
$path = $value->value();
if ($generatedServiceFQDNS->count() > 0) {
$alreadyGenerated = $generatedServiceFQDNS->has($key->value());
if ($alreadyGenerated) {
$fqdn = $generatedServiceFQDNS->get($key->value());
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
} else {
$generatedServiceFQDNS->put($key->value(), $fqdn);
$fqdn = "$fqdn$path";
if ($value?->startsWith('$')) {
$value = Str::of(replaceVariables($value));
$key = $value;
$foundEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where([
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
if ($value->startsWith('SERVICE_')) {
// Count _ in $value
$count = substr_count($value->value(), '_');
if ($count === 2) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->beforeLast('_');
$forService = $value->afterLast('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = null;
if ($count === 3) {
$command = $value->after('SERVICE_')->before('_');
$forService = $value->after('SERVICE_')->after('_')->before('_');
$generatedValue = null;
$port = $value->afterLast('_');
if ($command->value() === 'FQDN' || $command->value() === 'URL') {
if (Str::lower($forService) === $serviceName) {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, $containerName);
} else {
$fqdn = generateFqdn($server, Str::lower($forService) . '-' . $resource->uuid);
if ($port) {
$fqdn = "$fqdn:$port";
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
} else {
if ($command->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
'key' => $key,
'value' => $fqdn,
'is_build_time' => false,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
switch ($command) {
case 'PASSWORD':
$generatedValue = Str::password(symbols: false);
case 'PASSWORD_64':
$generatedValue = Str::password(length: 64, symbols: false);
case 'BASE64_64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(64);
case 'BASE64_128':
$generatedValue = Str::random(128);
case 'BASE64':
$generatedValue = Str::random(32);
case 'USER':
$generatedValue = Str::random(16);
if (!$foundEnv) {
'key' => $key,
'value' => $generatedValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
} else {
if ($value->contains(':-')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':-');
} else if ($value->contains('-')) {
$key = $value->before('-');
$defaultValue = $value->after('-');
} else if ($value->contains(':?')) {
$key = $value->before(':');
$defaultValue = $value->after(':?');
} else if ($value->contains('?')) {
$key = $value->before('?');
$defaultValue = $value->after('?');
} else {
$key = $value;
$defaultValue = null;
if ($foundEnv) {
$defaultValue = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
'key' => $key,
'application_id' => $resource->id,
], [
'value' => $defaultValue,
'is_build_time' => false,
'service_id' => $resource->id,
'is_preview' => false,
// Add labels to the service
if ($resource->serviceType()) {
$fqdns = generateServiceSpecificFqdns($resource, forTraefik: true);
} else {
$domains = collect(json_decode($resource->docker_compose_domains)) ?? [];
if ($domains) {
$fqdns = data_get($domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($fqdns) {
$fqdns = str($fqdns)->explode(',');
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik($resource->uuid, $fqdns, true));
$defaultLabels = defaultLabels($resource->id, $containerName, type: 'application');
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge($defaultLabels);
if ($server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $resource->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
data_set($service, 'logging', [
'driver' => 'fluentd',
'options' => [
'fluentd-address' => "tcp://",
'fluentd-async' => "true",
'fluentd-sub-second-precision' => "true",
data_set($service, 'labels', $serviceLabels->toArray());
data_forget($service, 'is_database');
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
return $service;
$finalServices = [
'version' => $dockerComposeVersion,
'services' => $services->toArray(),
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
return collect($finalServices);
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
<x-applications.advanced :application="$application" />
@if ($application->status !== 'exited')
<button title="With rolling update if possible" wire:click='deploy' class="flex items-center gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:text-white text-neutral-400">
<button title="With rolling update if possible" wire:click='deploy'
class="flex items-center gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:text-white text-neutral-400">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5 text-orange-400" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2"
stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
@ -27,15 +28,19 @@
<button title="Restart without rebuilding" wire:click='restart' class="flex items-center gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:text-white text-neutral-400">
<svg class="w-5 h-5 text-warning" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2">
<path d="M19.933 13.041a8 8 0 1 1-9.925-8.788c3.899-1 7.935 1.007 9.425 4.747"/>
<path d="M20 4v5h-5"/>
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockercompose')
<button title="Restart without rebuilding" wire:click='restart'
class="flex items-center gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:text-white text-neutral-400">
<svg class="w-5 h-5 text-warning" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"
<path d="M19.933 13.041a8 8 0 1 1-9.925-8.788c3.899-1 7.935 1.007 9.425 4.747" />
<path d="M20 4v5h-5" />
<button wire:click='stop' class="flex items-center gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:text-white text-neutral-400">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5 text-error" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2"
stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
@ -16,20 +16,23 @@
<x-forms.input id="application.name" label="Name" required />
<x-forms.input id="application.description" label="Description" />
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="https://coolify.io" id="application.fqdn" label="Domains"
helper="You can specify one domain with path or more with comma. You can specify a port to bind the domain to.<br><br><span class='text-helper'>Example</span><br>- http://app.coolify.io, https://cloud.coolify.io/dashboard<br>- http://app.coolify.io/api/v3<br>- http://app.coolify.io:3000 -> app.coolify.io will point to port 3000 inside the container. " />
<x-forms.button wire:click="getWildcardDomain">Generate Domain
@if (!$application->dockerfile)
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockercompose')
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="https://coolify.io" id="application.fqdn" label="Domains"
helper="You can specify one domain with path or more with comma. You can specify a port to bind the domain to.<br><br><span class='text-helper'>Example</span><br>- http://app.coolify.io, https://cloud.coolify.io/dashboard<br>- http://app.coolify.io/api/v3<br>- http://app.coolify.io:3000 -> app.coolify.io will point to port 3000 inside the container. " />
<x-forms.button wire:click="getWildcardDomain">Generate Domain
@if (!$application->dockerfile && $application->build_pack !== 'dockerimage')
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.select wire:model="application.build_pack" label="Build Pack" required>
<option value="nixpacks">Nixpacks</option>
<option value="static">Static</option>
<option value="dockerfile">Dockerfile</option>
<option value="dockerimage">Docker Image</option>
<option value="dockercompose">Docker Compose</option>
{{-- <option value="dockerimage">Docker Image</option> --}}
@if ($application->settings->is_static || $application->build_pack === 'static')
<x-forms.select id="application.static_image" label="Static Image" required>
@ -47,26 +50,27 @@
<h3>Docker Registry</h3>
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockerimage')
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockerimage' && $application->build_pack !== 'dockercompose')
<h3>Docker Registry</h3>
<div>Push the built image to a docker registry. More info <a class="underline"
href="https://coolify.io/docs/docker-registries" target="_blank">here</a>.</div>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockerimage')
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_name" label="Docker Image" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_tag" label="Docker Image Tag" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_name"
helper="Empty means it won't push the image to a docker registry."
placeholder="Empty means it won't push the image to a docker registry." label="Docker Image" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_tag"
placeholder="Empty means only push commit sha tag."
helper="If set, it will tag the built image with this tag too. <br><br>Example: If you set it to 'latest', it will push the image with the commit sha tag + with the latest tag."
label="Docker Image Tag" />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockerimage')
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_name" label="Docker Image" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_tag" label="Docker Image Tag" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_name"
helper="Empty means it won't push the image to a docker registry."
placeholder="Empty means it won't push the image to a docker registry."
label="Docker Image" />
<x-forms.input id="application.docker_registry_image_tag"
placeholder="Empty means only push commit sha tag."
helper="If set, it will tag the built image with this tag too. <br><br>Example: If you set it to 'latest', it will push the image with the commit sha tag + with the latest tag."
label="Docker Image Tag" />
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockerimage')
@ -91,7 +95,13 @@
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockerfile' && !$application->dockerfile)
<x-forms.input placeholder="/Dockerfile" id="application.dockerfile_location"
label="Dockerfile Location"
helper="It is calculated together with the Base Directory: {{ Str::start($application->base_directory . $application->dockerfile_location, '/') }}" />
helper="It is calculated together with the Base Directory:<br><span class='text-warning'>{{ Str::start($application->base_directory . $application->dockerfile_location, '/') }}</span>" />
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
<span wire:init='loadComposeFile(true)'></span>
<x-forms.input placeholder="/docker-compose.yml" id="application.docker_compose_location"
label="Docker Compose Location"
helper="It is calculated together with the Base Directory:<br><span class='text-warning'>{{ Str::start($application->base_directory . $application->docker_compose_location, '/') }}</span>" />
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockerfile')
<x-forms.input id="application.dockerfile_target_build" label="Docker Build Stage Target"
@ -108,23 +118,39 @@
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
<x-forms.button wire:click="loadComposeFile">Reload Compose File</x-forms.button>
@if (count($parsedServices) > 0)
@foreach (data_get($parsedServices, 'services') as $serviceName => $service)
@if (!collect(DATABASE_DOCKER_IMAGES)->contains(data_get($service, 'image')))
<x-forms.input helper="You can specify one domain with path or more with comma. You can specify a port to bind the domain to.<br><br><span class='text-helper'>Example</span><br>- http://app.coolify.io, https://cloud.coolify.io/dashboard<br>- http://app.coolify.io/api/v3<br>- http://app.coolify.io:3000 -> app.coolify.io will point to port 3000 inside the container. " label="Domains for {{ str($serviceName)->headline() }}"
id="parsedServiceDomains.{{ $serviceName }}.domain"></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.textarea rows="20" readonly id="application.docker_compose"
label="Docker Compose Content" />
@if ($application->dockerfile)
<x-forms.textarea label="Dockerfile" id="application.dockerfile" rows="6"> </x-forms.textarea>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
@if ($application->settings->is_static || $application->build_pack === 'static')
<x-forms.input id="application.ports_exposes" label="Ports Exposes" readonly />
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000,3001" id="application.ports_exposes" label="Ports Exposes" required
helper="A comma separated list of ports your application uses. The first port will be used as default healthcheck port if nothing defined in the Healthcheck menu. Be sure to set this correctly." />
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:3000" id="application.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system. Useful when you do not want to use domains.<br><br><span class='inline-block font-bold text-warning'>Example:</span><br>3000:3000,3002:3002<br><br>Rolling update is not supported if you have a port mapped to the host." />
<x-forms.textarea label="Container Labels" rows="15" id="customLabels"></x-forms.textarea>
<x-forms.button wire:click="resetDefaultLabels">Reset to Coolify Generated Labels</x-forms.button>
@if ($application->build_pack !== 'dockercompose')
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
@if ($application->settings->is_static || $application->build_pack === 'static')
<x-forms.input id="application.ports_exposes" label="Ports Exposes" readonly />
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000,3001" id="application.ports_exposes" label="Ports Exposes"
helper="A comma separated list of ports your application uses. The first port will be used as default healthcheck port if nothing defined in the Healthcheck menu. Be sure to set this correctly." />
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:3000" id="application.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system. Useful when you do not want to use domains.<br><br><span class='inline-block font-bold text-warning'>Example:</span><br>3000:3000,3002:3002<br><br>Rolling update is not supported if you have a port mapped to the host." />
<x-forms.textarea label="Container Labels" rows="15" id="customLabels"></x-forms.textarea>
<x-forms.button wire:click="resetDefaultLabels">Reset to Coolify Generated Labels</x-forms.button>
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
Based on a Docker Compose
<div class="description">
You can deploy complex application easily with Docker Compose.
You can deploy complex application easily with Docker Compose, without Git.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
Based on an existing Docker Image
<div class="description">
You can deploy an existing Docker Image form any Registry.
You can deploy an existing Docker Image form any Registry, without Git.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user