wip: swarm
fix: gitcompose deployments
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,35 +17,42 @@ class CheckProxy
return false;
$status = getContainerStatus($server, 'coolify-proxy');
if ($status === 'running') {
$server->proxy->set('status', 'running');
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$status = getContainerStatus($server, 'coolify-proxy_traefik');
$server->proxy->set('status', $status);
return false;
$ip = $server->ip;
if ($server->id === 0) {
$ip = 'host.docker.internal';
} else {
$status = getContainerStatus($server, 'coolify-proxy');
if ($status === 'running') {
$server->proxy->set('status', 'running');
return false;
$ip = $server->ip;
if ($server->id === 0) {
$ip = 'host.docker.internal';
$connection80 = @fsockopen($ip, '80');
$connection443 = @fsockopen($ip, '443');
$port80 = is_resource($connection80) && fclose($connection80);
$port443 = is_resource($connection443) && fclose($connection443);
if ($port80) {
if ($fromUI) {
throw new \Exception("Port 80 is in use.<br>You must stop the process using this port.<br>Docs: <a target='_blank' href='https://coolify.io/docs'>https://coolify.io/docs</a> <br> Discord: <a target='_blank' href='https://coollabs.io/discord'>https://coollabs.io/discord</a>");
} else {
return false;
$connection80 = @fsockopen($ip, '80');
$connection443 = @fsockopen($ip, '443');
$port80 = is_resource($connection80) && fclose($connection80);
$port443 = is_resource($connection443) && fclose($connection443);
if ($port80) {
if ($fromUI) {
throw new \Exception("Port 80 is in use.<br>You must stop the process using this port.<br>Docs: <a target='_blank' href='https://coolify.io/docs'>https://coolify.io/docs</a> <br> Discord: <a target='_blank' href='https://coollabs.io/discord'>https://coollabs.io/discord</a>");
} else {
return false;
if ($port443) {
if ($fromUI) {
throw new \Exception("Port 443 is in use.<br>You must stop the process using this port.<br>Docs: <a target='_blank' href='https://coolify.io/docs'>https://coolify.io/docs</a> <br> Discord: <a target='_blank' href='https://coollabs.io/discord'>https://coollabs.io/discord</a>");
} else {
return false;
if ($port443) {
if ($fromUI) {
throw new \Exception("Port 443 is in use.<br>You must stop the process using this port.<br>Docs: <a target='_blank' href='https://coolify.io/docs'>https://coolify.io/docs</a> <br> Discord: <a target='_blank' href='https://coollabs.io/discord'>https://coollabs.io/discord</a>");
} else {
return false;
return true;
return true;
@ -58,11 +58,25 @@ class Deploy extends Component
public function stop()
"docker rm -f coolify-proxy",
], $this->server);
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
try {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
"docker service rm coolify-proxy_traefik",
], $this->server);
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
} else {
"docker rm -f coolify-proxy",
], $this->server);
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Status extends Component
protected $listeners = ['proxyStatusUpdated', 'startProxyPolling'];
public function startProxyPolling()
$this->polling = true;
public function proxyStatusUpdated()
@ -220,8 +220,11 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Creating / updating stack.");
"docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --prune --compose-file {$this->configuration_dir}/docker-compose.yml {$this->application->uuid}"
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "cd {$this->workdir} && docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose.yml {$this->application->uuid}")
"echo 'Stack deployed. It may take a few minutes to fully available in your swarm.'"
@ -376,7 +379,6 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$envs->push($env->key . '=' . $env->value);
$envs_base64 = base64_encode($envs->implode("\n"));
@ -442,17 +444,21 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$composeFile = $this->application->parseCompose(pull_request_id: $this->pull_request_id);
$yaml = Yaml::dump($composeFile->toArray(), 10);
$this->docker_compose_base64 = base64_encode($yaml);
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '{$this->docker_compose_base64}' | base64 -d > {$this->workdir}/docker-compose.yaml"), "hidden" => true
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "echo '{$this->docker_compose_base64}' | base64 -d > {$this->workdir}{$this->docker_compose_location}"), "hidden" => true
$this->stop_running_container(force: true);
$networkId = $this->application->uuid;
if ($this->pull_request_id !== 0) {
$networkId = "{$this->application->uuid}-{$this->pull_request_id}";
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
} else {
@ -832,26 +838,6 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$this->env_args = $this->env_args->implode(' ');
private function modify_compose_file()
// ray("{$this->workdir}{$this->docker_compose_location}");
$this->execute_remote_command([executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, "cat {$this->workdir}{$this->docker_compose_location}"), "hidden" => true, "save" => 'compose_file']);
if ($this->saved_outputs->get('compose_file')) {
$compose = $this->saved_outputs->get('compose_file');
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($compose);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$definedNetwork = collect([$this->application->uuid]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork) {
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
private function generate_compose_file()
$ports = $this->application->settings->is_static ? [80] : $this->application->ports_exposes_array;
@ -952,10 +938,8 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} else {
$docker_compose['services'][$this->container_name]['labels'] = $labels;
if ($this->server->isLogDrainEnabled() && $this->application->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$docker_compose['services'][$this->container_name]['logging'] = [
@ -43,15 +43,37 @@ class ContainerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
$containers = instant_remote_process(["docker service inspect $(docker service ls -q) --format '{{json .}}'"], $this->server, false);
$containerReplicase = instant_remote_process(["docker service ls --format '{{json .}}'"], $this->server, false);
} else {
$containers = instant_remote_process(["docker container inspect $(docker container ls -q) --format '{{json .}}'"], $this->server, false);
$containerReplicase = null;
$containers = instant_remote_process(["docker container inspect $(docker container ls -q) --format '{{json .}}'"], $this->server, false);
if (is_null($containers)) {
$containers = format_docker_command_output_to_json($containers);
if ($containerReplicase) {
$containerReplicase = format_docker_command_output_to_json($containerReplicase);
foreach ($containerReplicase as $containerReplica) {
$name = data_get($containerReplica, 'Name');
$containers = $containers->map(function ($container) use ($name, $containerReplica) {
if (data_get($container, 'Spec.Name') === $name) {
$replicas = data_get($containerReplica, 'Replicas');
$running = str($replicas)->explode('/')[0];
$total = str($replicas)->explode('/')[1];
if ($running === $total) {
data_set($container, 'State.Status', 'running');
data_set($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'healthy');
} else {
data_set($container, 'State.Status', 'starting');
data_set($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'unhealthy');
return $container;
$applications = $this->server->applications();
$databases = $this->server->databases();
$services = $this->server->services()->get();
@ -63,10 +85,16 @@ class ContainerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$foundServices = [];
foreach ($containers as $container) {
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
$labels = data_get($container, 'Spec.Labels');
$uuid = data_get($labels, 'coolify.name');
} else {
$labels = data_get($container, 'Config.Labels');
$uuid = data_get($labels, 'com.docker.compose.service');
$containerStatus = data_get($container, 'State.Status');
$containerHealth = data_get($container, 'State.Health.Status', 'unhealthy');
$containerStatus = "$containerStatus ($containerHealth)";
$labels = data_get($container, 'Config.Labels');
$labels = Arr::undot(format_docker_labels_to_json($labels));
$applicationId = data_get($labels, 'coolify.applicationId');
if ($applicationId) {
@ -98,7 +126,6 @@ class ContainerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} else {
$uuid = data_get($labels, 'com.docker.compose.service');
if ($uuid) {
$database = $databases->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
if ($database) {
@ -253,7 +280,11 @@ class ContainerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
// Check if proxy is running
$foundProxyContainer = $containers->filter(function ($value, $key) {
return data_get($value, 'Name') === '/coolify-proxy';
if ($this->server->isSwarm()) {
return data_get($value, 'Spec.Name') === 'coolify-proxy_traefik';
} else {
return data_get($value, 'Name') === '/coolify-proxy';
if (!$foundProxyContainer) {
try {
@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
if ($this->docker_compose_raw) {
$mainCompose = parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id);
if ($this->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application' && $this->docker_compose_pr_raw) {
parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id, is_pr: true);
@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
function loadComposeFile($isInit = false)
$initialDockerComposeLocation = $this->docker_compose_location;
$initialDockerComposePrLocation = $this->docker_compose_pr_location;
// $initialDockerComposePrLocation = $this->docker_compose_pr_location;
if ($this->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
if ($isInit && $this->docker_compose_raw) {
@ -623,11 +624,11 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
['commands' => $cloneCommand] = $this->generateGitImportCommands(deployment_uuid: $uuid, only_checkout: true, exec_in_docker: false, custom_base_dir: '.');
$workdir = rtrim($this->base_directory, '/');
$composeFile = $this->docker_compose_location;
$prComposeFile = $this->docker_compose_pr_location;
$fileList = collect([".$composeFile"]);
if ($composeFile !== $prComposeFile) {
// $prComposeFile = $this->docker_compose_pr_location;
$fileList = collect([".$workdir$composeFile"]);
// if ($composeFile !== $prComposeFile) {
// $fileList->push(".$prComposeFile");
// }
$commands = collect([
"mkdir -p /tmp/{$uuid} && cd /tmp/{$uuid}",
@ -645,24 +646,24 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
$this->docker_compose_raw = $composeFileContent;
if ($composeFile === $prComposeFile) {
$this->docker_compose_pr_raw = $composeFileContent;
} else {
$commands = collect([
"cd /tmp/{$uuid}",
"cat .$workdir$prComposeFile",
$composePrFileContent = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->destination->server, false);
if (!$composePrFileContent) {
$this->docker_compose_pr_location = $initialDockerComposePrLocation;
throw new \Exception("Could not load compose file from $workdir$prComposeFile");
} else {
$this->docker_compose_pr_raw = $composePrFileContent;
// if ($composeFile === $prComposeFile) {
// $this->docker_compose_pr_raw = $composeFileContent;
// $this->save();
// } else {
// $commands = collect([
// "cd /tmp/{$uuid}",
// "cat .$workdir$prComposeFile",
// ]);
// $composePrFileContent = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->destination->server, false);
// if (!$composePrFileContent) {
// $this->docker_compose_pr_location = $initialDockerComposePrLocation;
// $this->save();
// throw new \Exception("Could not load compose file from $workdir$prComposeFile");
// } else {
// $this->docker_compose_pr_raw = $composePrFileContent;
// $this->save();
// }
// }
$commands = collect([
"rm -rf /tmp/{$uuid}",
@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ function executeInDocker(string $containerId, string $command)
function getContainerStatus(Server $server, string $container_id, bool $all_data = false, bool $throwError = false)
$container = instant_remote_process(["docker inspect --format '{{json .}}' {$container_id}"], $server, $throwError);
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$container = instant_remote_process(["docker service ls --filter 'name={$container_id}' --format '{{json .}}' "], $server, $throwError);
} else {
$container = instant_remote_process(["docker inspect --format '{{json .}}' {$container_id}"], $server, $throwError);
if (!$container) {
return 'exited';
@ -101,7 +105,19 @@ function getContainerStatus(Server $server, string $container_id, bool $all_data
if ($all_data) {
return $container[0];
return data_get($container[0], 'State.Status', 'exited');
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$replicas = data_get($container[0], 'Replicas');
$replicas = explode('/', $replicas);
$active = (int)$replicas[0];
$total = (int)$replicas[1];
if ($active === $total) {
return 'running';
} else {
return 'starting';
} else {
return data_get($container[0], 'State.Status', 'exited');
function generateApplicationContainerName(Application $application, $pull_request_id = 0)
@ -863,7 +863,6 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
$key = Str::of($variableName);
$value = Str::of($variable);
// TODO: here is the problem
if ($key->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) {
if ($isNew || $savedService->fqdn === null) {
$name = $key->after('SERVICE_FQDN_')->beforeLast('_')->lower();
@ -1145,6 +1144,7 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
data_set($service, 'volumes', $serviceVolumes->toArray());
} else {
// Decide if the service is a database
$isDatabase = isDatabaseImage(data_get_str($service, 'image'));
@ -207,10 +207,10 @@
placeholder="Username to connect to your server. Default is root." label="Username"
id="remoteServerUser" />
<div class="w-64">
{{-- <div class="w-64">
<x-forms.checkbox type="checkbox" id="isSwarmManager"
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
</div> --}}
<x-forms.button type="submit">Check Connection</x-forms.button>
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
helper="If you are using Cloudflare Tunnels, enable this. It will proxy all ssh requests to your server through Cloudflare.<span class='text-warning'>Coolify does not install/setup Cloudflare (cloudflared) on your server.</span>"
id="server.settings.is_cloudflare_tunnel" label="Cloudflare Tunnel" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_manager"
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
{{-- <x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_manager"
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" /> --}}
{{-- <x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_worker"
label="Is it a Swarm Worker?" /> --}}
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
<div class="w-64">
{{-- <div class="w-64">
<x-forms.checkbox type="checkbox" id="is_swarm_manager"
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
</div> --}}
<x-forms.button type="submit">
Save New Server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@if ($server->isFunctional())
<div class="flex gap-2" @if ($polling) wire:poll.2000ms='checkProxy' @endif>
<div class="flex gap-2" wire:poll.5000ms='checkProxy'>
@if (data_get($server, 'proxy.status') === 'running')
<x-status.running status="Proxy Running" />
@elseif (data_get($server, 'proxy.status') === 'restarting')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user