fix: wp missing ftp solution
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,6 +173,14 @@ export const wordpress = [{
isNumber: false,
isBoolean: false,
isEncrypted: false
name: 'ftpPassword',
isEditable: false,
isLowerCase: false,
isNumber: false,
isBoolean: false,
isEncrypted: true
export const ghost = [{
name: 'defaultEmail',
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ import type { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from 'fastify';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';
import { prisma, uniqueName, asyncExecShell, getServiceImage, getServiceImages, configureServiceType, getServiceFromDB, getContainerUsage, removeService, isDomainConfigured, saveUpdateableFields, fixType, decrypt, encrypt, getServiceMainPort, createDirectories, ComposeFile, makeLabelForServices, getFreePort, getDomain, errorHandler, supportedServiceTypesAndVersions } from '../../../../lib/common';
import { prisma, uniqueName, asyncExecShell, getServiceImage, getServiceImages, configureServiceType, getServiceFromDB, getContainerUsage, removeService, isDomainConfigured, saveUpdateableFields, fixType, decrypt, encrypt, getServiceMainPort, createDirectories, ComposeFile, makeLabelForServices, getFreePort, getDomain, errorHandler, supportedServiceTypesAndVersions, generatePassword, isDev, stopTcpHttpProxy } from '../../../../lib/common';
import { day } from '../../../../lib/dayjs';
import { checkContainer, dockerInstance, getEngine, removeContainer } from '../../../../lib/docker';
import cuid from 'cuid';
export async function listServices(request: FastifyRequest) {
try {
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ export async function checkService(request: FastifyRequest) {
exposePort = Number(exposePort);
if (exposePort < 1024 || exposePort > 65535) {
throw { status: 500, message: `Exposed Port needs to be between 1024 and 65535.` }
throw { status: 500, message: `Exposed Port needs to be between 1024 and 65535.` }
const publicPort = await getPort({ port: exposePort });
@ -2416,4 +2417,163 @@ export async function activatePlausibleUsers(request: FastifyRequest, reply: Fas
} catch ({ status, message }) {
return errorHandler({ status, message })
export async function activateWordpressFtp(request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) {
const { id } = request.params
const teamId = request.user.teamId;
const { ftpEnabled } = request.body;
const publicPort = await getFreePort();
let ftpUser = cuid();
let ftpPassword = generatePassword();
const hostkeyDir = isDev ? '/tmp/hostkeys' : '/app/ssl/hostkeys';
try {
const data = await prisma.wordpress.update({
where: { serviceId: id },
data: { ftpEnabled },
include: { service: { include: { destinationDocker: true } } }
const {
service: { destinationDockerId, destinationDocker },
ftpUser: user,
ftpPassword: savedPassword,
} = data;
const { network, engine } = destinationDocker;
const host = getEngine(engine);
if (ftpEnabled) {
if (user) ftpUser = user;
if (savedPassword) ftpPassword = decrypt(savedPassword);
const { stdout: password } = await asyncExecShell(
`echo ${ftpPassword} | openssl passwd -1 -stdin`
if (destinationDockerId) {
try {
await fs.stat(hostkeyDir);
} catch (error) {
await asyncExecShell(`mkdir -p ${hostkeyDir}`);
if (!ftpHostKey) {
await asyncExecShell(
`ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ssh_host_ed25519_key -N "" -q -f ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.ed25519`
const { stdout: ftpHostKey } = await asyncExecShell(`cat ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.ed25519`);
await prisma.wordpress.update({
where: { serviceId: id },
data: { ftpHostKey: encrypt(ftpHostKey) }
} else {
await asyncExecShell(`echo "${decrypt(ftpHostKey)}" > ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.ed25519`);
if (!ftpHostKeyPrivate) {
await asyncExecShell(`ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.rsa`);
const { stdout: ftpHostKeyPrivate } = await asyncExecShell(`cat ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.rsa`);
await prisma.wordpress.update({
where: { serviceId: id },
data: { ftpHostKeyPrivate: encrypt(ftpHostKeyPrivate) }
} else {
await asyncExecShell(`echo "${decrypt(ftpHostKeyPrivate)}" > ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.rsa`);
await prisma.wordpress.update({
where: { serviceId: id },
data: {
ftpPublicPort: publicPort,
ftpUser: user ? undefined : ftpUser,
ftpPassword: savedPassword ? undefined : encrypt(ftpPassword)
try {
const isRunning = await checkContainer(engine, `${id}-ftp`);
if (isRunning) {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker stop -t 0 ${id}-ftp && docker rm ${id}-ftp`
} catch (error) {
const volumes = [
`${isDev ? hostkeyDir : '/var/lib/docker/volumes/coolify-ssl-certs/_data/hostkeys'
`${isDev ? hostkeyDir : '/var/lib/docker/volumes/coolify-ssl-certs/_data/hostkeys'
`${isDev ? hostkeyDir : '/var/lib/docker/volumes/coolify-ssl-certs/_data/hostkeys'
const compose: ComposeFile = {
version: '3.8',
services: {
[`${id}-ftp`]: {
image: `atmoz/sftp:alpine`,
command: `'${ftpUser}:${password.replace('\n', '').replace(/\$/g, '$$$')}:e:33'`,
extra_hosts: ['host.docker.internal:host-gateway'],
container_name: `${id}-ftp`,
networks: [network],
depends_on: [],
restart: 'always'
networks: {
[network]: {
external: true
volumes: {
[`${id}-wordpress-data`]: {
external: true,
name: `${id}-wordpress-data`
await fs.writeFile(
`#!/bin/bash\nchmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key`
await asyncExecShell(`chmod +x ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.sh`);
await fs.writeFile(`${hostkeyDir}/${id}-docker-compose.yml`, yaml.dump(compose));
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker compose -f ${hostkeyDir}/${id}-docker-compose.yml up -d`
return reply.code(201).send({
} else {
await prisma.wordpress.update({
where: { serviceId: id },
data: { ftpPublicPort: null }
try {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker stop -t 0 ${id}-ftp && docker rm ${id}-ftp`
} catch (error) {
await stopTcpHttpProxy(id, destinationDocker, ftpPublicPort);
return {
} catch ({ status, message }) {
return errorHandler({ status, message })
} finally {
await asyncExecShell(
`rm -f ${hostkeyDir}/${id}-docker-compose.yml ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.ed25519 ${hostkeyDir}/${id} ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.rsa ${hostkeyDir}/${id} ${hostkeyDir}/${id}.sh`
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { FastifyPluginAsync } from 'fastify';
import {
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ const root: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify, opts): Promise<void> => {
||||'/:id/:type/settings', async (request, reply) => await setSettingsService(request, reply));
||||'/:id/plausibleanalytics/activate', async (request, reply) => await activatePlausibleUsers(request, reply));
||||'/:id/wordpress/ftp', async (request, reply) => await activateWordpressFtp(request, reply));
export default root;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);`
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 items-center px-10">
<label for="ftpPassword">Password</label>
<CopyPasswordField id="ftpPassword" readonly disabled name="ftpPassword" value={ftpPassword} />
<CopyPasswordField id="ftpPassword" isPasswordField readonly disabled name="ftpPassword" value={ftpPassword} />
<div class="flex space-x-1 py-5 font-bold">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user