Merge branch 'next' into vaultwarden-fix
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Special thanks to our biggest sponsor, [CCCareers](!
<a href=""> <img src="" width="60px" alt="FlintCompany"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="" width="60px" alt="American Cloud"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="" width="60px" alt="CryptoJobsList" /></a>
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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class RunRemoteProcess
$decoded = json_decode(
data_get($activity, 'description'),
associative: true,
} catch (\JsonException $exception) {
return '';
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class RunRemoteProcess
public function encodeOutput($type, $output)
$outputStack = json_decode($this->activity->description, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$outputStack = json_decode($this->activity->description, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$outputStack[] = [
'type' => $type,
@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ class RunRemoteProcess
'order' => $this->getLatestCounter(),
return json_encode($outputStack, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
return json_encode($outputStack, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
protected function getLatestCounter(): int
$description = json_decode($this->activity->description, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$description = json_decode($this->activity->description, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
if ($description === null || count($description) === 0) {
return 1;
@ -221,7 +221,19 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$name = data_get($exitedService, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($exitedService, 'fqdn');
$containerName = $name ? "$name, available at $fqdn" : $fqdn;
if ($name) {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = "$name, available at $fqdn";
} else {
$containerName = $name;
} else {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = $fqdn;
} else {
$containerName = null;
$projectUuid = data_get($service, 'environment.project.uuid');
$serviceUuid = data_get($service, 'uuid');
$environmentName = data_get($service, '');
@ -231,7 +243,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
} else {
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$exitedService->update(['status' => 'exited']);
@ -258,7 +270,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningApplicationPreviews = $previews->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplicationPreviews);
foreach ($notRunningApplicationPreviews as $previewId) {
@ -283,7 +295,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningDatabases = $databases->pluck('id')->diff($foundDatabases);
foreach ($notRunningDatabases as $database) {
@ -307,7 +319,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
} else {
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// Check if proxy is running
@ -539,7 +551,19 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$name = data_get($exitedService, 'name');
$fqdn = data_get($exitedService, 'fqdn');
$containerName = $name ? "$name, available at $fqdn" : $fqdn;
if ($name) {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = "$name, available at $fqdn";
} else {
$containerName = $name;
} else {
if ($fqdn) {
$containerName = $fqdn;
} else {
$containerName = null;
$projectUuid = data_get($service, 'environment.project.uuid');
$serviceUuid = data_get($service, 'uuid');
$environmentName = data_get($service, '');
@ -549,7 +573,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
} else {
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$exitedService->update(['status' => 'exited']);
@ -576,7 +600,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningApplicationPreviews = $previews->pluck('id')->diff($foundApplicationPreviews);
foreach ($notRunningApplicationPreviews as $previewId) {
@ -601,7 +625,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
$notRunningDatabases = $databases->pluck('id')->diff($foundDatabases);
foreach ($notRunningDatabases as $database) {
@ -625,7 +649,7 @@ class GetContainersStatus
} else {
$url = null;
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped($containerName, $this->server, $url));
// Check if proxy is running
@ -10,7 +10,18 @@ class CheckProxy
use AsAction;
public function handle(Server $server, $fromUI = false)
if ($server->proxyType() === 'NONE') {
if (!$server->isFunctional()) {
return false;
if ($server->isBuildServer()) {
if ($server->proxy) {
$server->proxy = null;
return false;
$proxyType = $server->proxyType();
if (is_null($proxyType) || $proxyType === 'NONE' || $server->proxy->force_stop) {
return false;
['uptime' => $uptime, 'error' => $error] = $server->validateConnection();
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class StartProxy
try {
$proxyType = $server->proxyType();
if (is_null($proxyType) || $proxyType === 'NONE') {
if (is_null($proxyType) || $proxyType === 'NONE' || $server->proxy->force_stop || $server->isBuildServer()) {
return 'OK';
$commands = collect([]);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ServicesGenerate extends Command
$serviceTemplatesJson[$name] = $parsed;
$serviceTemplatesJson = json_encode($serviceTemplatesJson, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$serviceTemplatesJson = json_encode($serviceTemplatesJson);
file_put_contents(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'), $serviceTemplatesJson);
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use App\Jobs\InstanceAutoUpdateJob;
use App\Jobs\ContainerStatusJob;
use App\Jobs\PullHelperImageJob;
use App\Jobs\PullSentinelImageJob;
use App\Jobs\PullTemplatesAndVersions;
use App\Jobs\ServerStatusJob;
use App\Models\InstanceSettings;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
// Instance Jobs
$schedule->job(new CleanupInstanceStuffsJob)->everyMinute()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullTemplatesAndVersions)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
// $schedule->job(new CheckResaleLicenseJob)->hourly()->onOneServer();
// Server Jobs
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
// Instance Jobs
$schedule->job(new PullTemplatesAndVersions)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new CleanupInstanceStuffsJob)->everyTwoMinutes()->onOneServer();
// $schedule->job(new CheckResaleLicenseJob)->hourly()->onOneServer();
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class Bitbucket extends Controller
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Invalid token.',
'message' => 'Invalid signature.',
ray('Invalid signature');
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Webhook;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
class Gitea extends Controller
public function manual(Request $request)
try {
$return_payloads = collect([]);
$x_gitea_delivery = request()->header('X-Gitea-Delivery');
if (app()->isDownForMaintenance()) {
ray('Maintenance mode is on');
$epoch = now()->valueOf();
$files = Storage::disk('webhooks-during-maintenance')->files();
$gitea_delivery_found = collect($files)->filter(function ($file) use ($x_gitea_delivery) {
return Str::contains($file, $x_gitea_delivery);
if ($gitea_delivery_found) {
ray('Webhook already found');
$data = [
'attributes' => $request->attributes->all(),
'request' => $request->request->all(),
'query' => $request->query->all(),
'server' => $request->server->all(),
'files' => $request->files->all(),
'cookies' => $request->cookies->all(),
'headers' => $request->headers->all(),
'content' => $request->getContent(),
$json = json_encode($data);
Storage::disk('webhooks-during-maintenance')->put("{$epoch}_Gitea::manual_{$x_gitea_delivery}", $json);
$x_gitea_event = Str::lower($request->header('X-Gitea-Event'));
$x_hub_signature_256 = Str::after($request->header('X-Hub-Signature-256'), 'sha256=');
$content_type = $request->header('Content-Type');
$payload = $request->collect();
if ($x_gitea_event === 'ping') {
// Just pong
return response('pong');
if ($content_type !== 'application/json') {
$payload = json_decode(data_get($payload, 'payload'), true);
if ($x_gitea_event === 'push') {
$branch = data_get($payload, 'ref');
$full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');
if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) {
$branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/');
$added_files = data_get($payload, 'commits.*.added');
$removed_files = data_get($payload, 'commits.*.removed');
$modified_files = data_get($payload, 'commits.*.modified');
$changed_files = collect($added_files)->concat($removed_files)->concat($modified_files)->unique()->flatten();
ray('Manual Webhook Gitea Push Event with branch: ' . $branch);
if ($x_gitea_event === 'pull_request') {
$action = data_get($payload, 'action');
$full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');
$pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'number');
$pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.html_url');
$branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.head.ref');
$base_branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.base.ref');
ray('Webhook Gitea Pull Request Event with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id);
if (!$branch) {
return response('Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.');
$applications = Application::where('git_repository', 'like', "%$full_name%");
if ($x_gitea_event === 'push') {
$applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with deploy key set, branch is '$branch' and Git Repository name has $full_name.");
if ($x_gitea_event === 'pull_request') {
$applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get();
if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$base_branch'.");
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$webhook_secret = data_get($application, 'manual_webhook_secret_gitea');
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $request->getContent(), $webhook_secret);
if (!hash_equals($x_hub_signature_256, $hmac) && !isDev()) {
ray('Invalid signature');
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Invalid signature.',
$isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
if (!$isFunctional) {
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Server is not functional.',
if ($x_gitea_event === 'push') {
if ($application->isDeployable()) {
$is_watch_path_triggered = $application->isWatchPathsTriggered($changed_files);
if ($is_watch_path_triggered || is_null($application->watch_paths)) {
ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
$deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
application: $application,
deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
force_rebuild: false,
commit: data_get($payload, 'after', 'HEAD'),
is_webhook: true,
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Deployment queued.',
'application_uuid' => $application->uuid,
'application_name' => $application->name,
} else {
$paths = str($application->watch_paths)->explode("\n");
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Changed files do not match watch paths. Ignoring deployment.',
'application_uuid' => $application->uuid,
'application_name' => $application->name,
'details' => [
'changed_files' => $changed_files,
'watch_paths' => $paths,
} else {
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Deployments disabled.',
'application_uuid' => $application->uuid,
'application_name' => $application->name,
if ($x_gitea_event === 'pull_request') {
if ($action === 'opened' || $action === 'synchronize' || $action === 'reopened') {
if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
$deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if (!$found) {
'git_type' => 'gitea',
'application_id' => $application->id,
'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
application: $application,
pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
force_rebuild: false,
commit: data_get($payload, 'head.sha', 'HEAD'),
is_webhook: true,
git_type: 'gitea'
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Preview deployment queued.',
} else {
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled.',
if ($action === 'closed') {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if ($found) {
$container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
// ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Preview deployment closed.',
} else {
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'No preview deployment found.',
return response($return_payloads);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return handleError($e);
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class Github extends Controller
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Invalid token.',
'message' => 'Invalid signature.',
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Gitlab extends Controller
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Invalid token.',
'message' => 'Invalid signature.',
ray('Invalid signature');
@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
public function handle(): void
'status' => ApplicationDeploymentStatus::IN_PROGRESS->value,
if (!$this->server->isFunctional()) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Server is not functional.");
$this->fail("Server is not functional.");
@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} else {
"docker network create --attachable '{$networkId}' >/dev/null || true", "hidden" => true, "ignore_errors" => true
"docker network inspect '{$networkId}' >/dev/null 2>&1 || docker network create --attachable '{$networkId}' >/dev/null || true", "hidden" => true, "ignore_errors" => true
], [
"docker network connect {$networkId} coolify-proxy || true", "hidden" => true, "ignore_errors" => true
@ -988,6 +991,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if (Str::of($this->saved_outputs->get('health_check'))->replace('"', '')->value() === 'unhealthy') {
$this->newVersionIsHealthy = false;
@ -997,9 +1001,25 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if (Str::of($this->saved_outputs->get('health_check'))->replace('"', '')->value() === 'starting') {
private function query_logs()
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Container logs:");
"command" => "docker logs -n 100 {$this->container_name}",
"type" => "stderr",
"ignore_errors" => true,
private function deploy_pull_request()
if ($this->application->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
@ -1257,8 +1277,21 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
// Do any modifications here
$merged_envs = $this->env_args->merge(collect(data_get($parsed, 'variables', [])));
$aptPkgs = data_get($parsed, 'phases.setup.aptPkgs', []);
if (count($aptPkgs) === 0) {
data_set($parsed, 'phases.setup.aptPkgs', ['curl', 'wget']);
} else {
if (!in_array('curl', $aptPkgs)) {
$aptPkgs[] = 'curl';
if (!in_array('wget', $aptPkgs)) {
$aptPkgs[] = 'wget';
data_set($parsed, 'phases.setup.aptPkgs', $aptPkgs);
data_set($parsed, 'variables', $merged_envs->toArray());
$this->nixpacks_plan = json_encode($parsed, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Final Nixpacks plan: {$this->nixpacks_plan}", hidden: true);
@ -1935,16 +1968,16 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if ($containers->count() == 0) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing pre-deployment command (see debug log for output): {$this->application->pre_deployment_command}");
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing pre-deployment command (see debug log for output).");
foreach ($containers as $container) {
$containerName = data_get($container, 'Names');
if ($containers->count() == 1 || str_starts_with($containerName, $this->application->pre_deployment_command_container . '-' . $this->application->uuid)) {
$cmd = 'sh -c "' . str_replace('"', '\"', $this->application->pre_deployment_command) . '"';
$cmd = "sh -c '" . str_replace("'", "'\''", $this->application->pre_deployment_command) . "'";
$exec = "docker exec {$containerName} {$cmd}";
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, $exec), 'hidden' => true
'command' => $exec, 'hidden' => true
@ -1958,17 +1991,17 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if (empty($this->application->post_deployment_command)) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing post-deployment command (see debug log for output): {$this->application->post_deployment_command}");
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing post-deployment command (see debug log for output).");
$containers = getCurrentApplicationContainerStatus($this->server, $this->application->id, $this->pull_request_id);
foreach ($containers as $container) {
$containerName = data_get($container, 'Names');
if ($containers->count() == 1 || str_starts_with($containerName, $this->application->post_deployment_command_container . '-' . $this->application->uuid)) {
$cmd = 'sh -c "' . str_replace('"', '\"', $this->application->post_deployment_command) . '"';
$cmd = "sh -c '" . str_replace("'", "'\''", $this->application->post_deployment_command) . "'";
$exec = "docker exec {$containerName} {$cmd}";
executeInDocker($this->deployment_uuid, $exec), 'hidden' => true
'command' => $exec, 'hidden' => true
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class CheckLogDrainContainerJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if (!$this->server->log_drain_notification_sent) {
ray('Log drain container still unhealthy. Sending notification...');
$this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped('Coolify Log Drainer', $this->server, null));
// $this->server->team?->notify(new ContainerStopped('Coolify Log Drainer', $this->server, null));
$this->server->update(['log_drain_notification_sent' => true]);
} else {
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Models\Server;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeEncrypted;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
class PullTemplatesAndVersions implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $timeout = 10;
public function __construct()
public function handle(): void
try {
if (!isDev() && !isCloud()) {
ray('PullTemplatesAndVersions versions.json');
$response = Http::retry(3, 1000)->get('');
if ($response->successful()) {
$versions = $response->json();
File::put(base_path('versions.json'), json_encode($versions, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
} else {
send_internal_notification('PullTemplatesAndVersions failed with: ' . $response->status() . ' ' . $response->body());
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
send_internal_notification('PullTemplatesAndVersions failed with: ' . $e->getMessage());
try {
if (!isDev()) {
ray('PullTemplatesAndVersions service-templates');
$response = Http::retry(3, 1000)->get(config(''));
if ($response->successful()) {
$services = $response->json();
File::put(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'), json_encode($services));
} else {
send_internal_notification('PullTemplatesAndVersions failed with: ' . $response->status() . ' ' . $response->body());
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
send_internal_notification('PullTemplatesAndVersions failed with: ' . $e->getMessage());
@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ class ServerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
try {
if ($this->server->isFunctional()) {
$this->cleanup(notify: false);
if (config('coolify.is_sentinel_enabled')) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
send_internal_notification('ServerStatusJob failed with: ' . $e->getMessage());
@ -54,7 +55,38 @@ class ServerStatusJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
return handleError($e);
private function removeCoolifyYaml()
private function check_docker_engine()
$version = instant_remote_process([
"docker info",
], $this->server, false);
if (is_null($version)) {
$os = instant_remote_process([
"cat /etc/os-release | grep ^ID=",
], $this->server, false);
$os = str($os)->after('ID=')->trim();
if ($os === 'ubuntu') {
try {
"systemctl start docker",
], $this->server);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e);
} else {
try {
"service docker start",
], $this->server);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e);
private function remove_unnecessary_coolify_yaml()
// This will remote the coolify.yaml file from the server as it is not needed on cloud servers
if (isCloud() && $this->server->id !== 0) {
@ -17,5 +17,7 @@ class ProxyStartedNotification
$this->server = data_get($event, 'data');
$this->server->proxy->force_stop = false;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Compose extends Component
public string $base64 = '';
public $services;
public function mount() {
$this->services = getServiceTemplates();
$this->services = get_service_templates();
public function setService(string $selected) {
$this->base64 = data_get($this->services, $selected . '.compose');
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ForcePasswordReset extends Component
public function render()
return view('livewire.force-password-reset');
return view('livewire.force-password-reset')->layout('layouts.simple');
public function submit()
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Backup;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use Livewire\Component;
class Execution extends Component
public $database;
public $backup;
public ?ScheduledDatabaseBackup $backup;
public $executions;
public $s3s;
public function mount()
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use Livewire\Component;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
class BackupEdit extends Component
public $backup;
public ?ScheduledDatabaseBackup $backup;
public $s3s;
public ?string $status = null;
public array $parameters;
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ class BackupEdit extends Component
$this->parameters = get_route_parameters();
if (is_null(data_get($this->backup, 's3_storage_id'))) {
$this->backup->s3_storage_id = 'default';
data_set($this->backup, 's3_storage_id', 'default');
@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use Livewire\Component;
class BackupExecutions extends Component
public $backup;
public ?ScheduledDatabaseBackup $backup = null;
public $executions = [];
public $setDeletableBackup;
public function getListeners()
@ -20,8 +21,11 @@ class BackupExecutions extends Component
public function cleanupFailed()
$this->backup?->executions()->where('status', 'failed')->delete();
if ($this->backup) {
$this->backup->executions()->where('status', 'failed')->delete();
$this->dispatch('success', 'Failed backups cleaned up.');
public function deleteBackup($exeuctionId)
@ -45,6 +49,8 @@ class BackupExecutions extends Component
public function refreshBackupExecutions(): void
$this->executions = $this->backup->executions()->get()->sortByDesc('created_at');
if ($this->backup) {
$this->executions = $this->backup->executions()->get()->sortByDesc('created_at');
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Livewire\Component;
class CreateScheduledBackup extends Component
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ class CreateScheduledBackup extends Component
public bool $enabled = true;
public bool $save_s3 = false;
public $s3_storage_id;
public $s3s;
public Collection $s3s;
protected $rules = [
'frequency' => 'required|string',
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use Livewire\Component;
class ScheduledBackups extends Component
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ class ScheduledBackups extends Component
public $database;
public $parameters;
public $type;
public $selectedBackup;
public ?ScheduledDatabaseBackup $selectedBackup;
public $selectedBackupId;
public $s3s;
protected $listeners = ['refreshScheduledBackups'];
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ class Select extends Component
public string $type;
public string $server_id;
public string $destination_uuid;
public Countable|array|Server $allServers = [];
public Countable|array|Server $servers = [];
public Collection|array $standaloneDockers = [];
public Collection|array $swarmDockers = [];
public Collection|null|Server $allServers;
public Collection|null|Server $servers;
public ?Collection $standaloneDockers;
public ?Collection $swarmDockers;
public array $parameters;
public Collection|array $services = [];
public Collection|array $allServices = [];
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Select extends Component
} else {
$this->search = null;
$this->allServices = getServiceTemplates();
$this->allServices = get_service_templates($force);
$this->services = $this->allServices->filter(function ($service, $key) {
return str_contains(strtolower($key), strtolower($this->search));
@ -107,7 +107,11 @@ class Select extends Component
if ($this->includeSwarm) {
$this->servers = $this->allServers;
} else {
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
if ($this->allServers instanceof Collection) {
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
} else {
$this->servers = $this->allServers;
public function setType(string $type)
@ -126,13 +130,21 @@ class Select extends Component
case 'mongodb':
$this->isDatabase = true;
$this->includeSwarm = false;
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
if ($this->allServers instanceof Collection) {
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
} else {
$this->servers = $this->allServers;
if (str($type)->startsWith('one-click-service') || str($type)->startsWith('docker-compose-empty')) {
$this->isDatabase = true;
$this->includeSwarm = false;
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
if ($this->allServers instanceof Collection) {
$this->servers = $this->allServers->where('settings.is_swarm_worker', false)->where('settings.is_swarm_manager', false)->where('settings.is_build_server', false);
} else {
$this->servers = $this->allServers;
if ($type === "existing-postgresql") {
$this->current_step = $type;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Create extends Component
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
if (isset($type) && isset($destination_uuid) && isset($server_id)) {
$services = getServiceTemplates();
$services = get_service_templates();
if (in_array($type, DATABASE_TYPES)) {
if ($type->value() === "postgresql") {
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ class Configuration extends Component
// dispatch_sync(new ContainerStatusJob($this->service->server));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class Navbar extends Component
$userId = auth()->user()->id;
return [
"echo-private:user.{$userId},ServiceStatusChanged" => 'serviceStarted',
"updateStatus"=> '$refresh',
public function serviceStarted()
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class Danger extends Component
public function delete()
try {
// $this->authorize('delete', $this->resource);
DeleteResourceJob::dispatch($this->resource, $this->delete_configurations);
return redirect()->route('project.resource.index', [
@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ class Webhooks extends Component
public ?string $githubManualWebhook = null;
public ?string $gitlabManualWebhook = null;
public ?string $bitbucketManualWebhook = null;
public ?string $giteaManualWebhook = null;
protected $rules = [
'resource.manual_webhook_secret_github' => 'nullable|string',
'resource.manual_webhook_secret_gitlab' => 'nullable|string',
'resource.manual_webhook_secret_bitbucket' => 'nullable|string',
'resource.manual_webhook_secret_gitea' => 'nullable|string',
public function saveSecret()
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ class Webhooks extends Component
$this->githubManualWebhook = generateGitManualWebhook($this->resource, 'github');
$this->gitlabManualWebhook = generateGitManualWebhook($this->resource, 'gitlab');
$this->bitbucketManualWebhook = generateGitManualWebhook($this->resource, 'bitbucket');
$this->giteaManualWebhook = generateGitManualWebhook($this->resource, 'gitea');
public function render()
@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ class Form extends Component
public function updatedServerSettingsIsBuildServer()
public function instantSave()
try {
@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ class ByIp extends Component
if ($this->is_swarm_worker) {
$payload['swarm_cluster'] = $this->selected_swarm_cluster;
if ($this->is_build_server) {
data_forget($payload, 'proxy');
$server = Server::create($payload);
if ($this->is_build_server) {
$this->is_swarm_manager = false;
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ class Deploy extends Component
public function startProxy()
try {
$this->server->proxy->force_stop = false;
$activity = StartProxy::run($this->server);
$this->dispatch('activityMonitor', $activity->id, ProxyStatusChanged::class);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
@ -86,17 +88,15 @@ class Deploy extends Component
"docker service rm coolify-proxy_traefik",
], $this->server);
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
} else {
"docker rm -f coolify-proxy",
], $this->server);
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
$this->server->proxy->status = 'exited';
$this->server->proxy->force_stop = true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ class ValidateAndInstall extends Component
if ($this->server->isBuildServer()) {
public function render()
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Backup extends Component
public function mount()
$this->backup = $this->database?->scheduledBackups->first() ?? [];
$this->backup = $this->database?->scheduledBackups->first() ?? null;
$this->executions = $this->backup?->executions ?? [];
public function add_coolify_database()
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ class AdminView extends Component
public $users;
public ?string $search = "";
public bool $lots_of_users = false;
private $number_of_users_to_show = 20;
public function mount()
if (!isInstanceAdmin()) {
@ -32,8 +34,14 @@ class AdminView extends Component
public function getUsers()
$this->users = User::where('id', '!=', auth()->id())->get();
// $this->users = User::all();
$users = User::where('id', '!=', auth()->id())->get();
if ($users->count() > $this->number_of_users_to_show) {
$this->lots_of_users = true;
$this->users = $users->take($this->number_of_users_to_show);
} else {
$this->lots_of_users = false;
$this->users = $users;
private function finalizeDeletion(User $user, Team $team)
@ -59,6 +67,9 @@ class AdminView extends Component
public function delete($id)
if (!auth()->user()->isInstanceAdmin()) {
return $this->dispatch('error', 'You are not authorized to delete users');
$user = User::find($id);
$teams = $user->teams;
foreach ($teams as $team) {
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Spatie\Activitylog\Models\Activity;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use RuntimeException;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
@ -213,6 +214,13 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
$git_repository = str_replace(['git@', ':', '.git'], ['', '/', ''], $this->git_repository);
return "https://{$git_repository}/commit/{$link}";
if (str($this->git_repository)->contains('bitbucket')) {
$git_repository = str_replace('.git', '', $this->git_repository);
$url = Url::fromString($git_repository);
$url = $url->withUserInfo('');
$url = $url->withPath($url->getPath() . '/commits/' . $link);
return $url->__toString();
return $this->git_repository;
public function dockerfileLocation(): Attribute
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ $schema://$host {
// Reached max number of retries
if ($this->unreachable_notification_sent === false) {
ray('Server unreachable, sending notification...');
$this->team?->notify(new Unreachable($this));
// $this->team?->notify(new Unreachable($this));
$this->update(['unreachable_notification_sent' => true]);
if ($this->settings->is_reachable === true) {
@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ $schema://$host {
'unreachable_count' => 0,
if (data_get($server, 'unreachable_notification_sent') === true) {
$server->team?->notify(new Revived($server));
// $server->team?->notify(new Revived($server));
$server->update(['unreachable_notification_sent' => false]);
return ['uptime' => true, 'error' => null];
@ -927,4 +927,7 @@ $schema://$host {
return $this->user !== 'root';
public function isBuildServer() {
return $this->settings->is_build_server;
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ class Service extends BaseModel
return route('project.service.scheduled-tasks', [
'project_uuid' => data_get($this, 'environment.project.uuid'),
'environment_name' => data_get($this, ''),
'application_uuid' => data_get($this, 'uuid'),
'service_uuid' => data_get($this, 'uuid'),
'task_uuid' => $task_uuid
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ class Service extends BaseModel
public function documentation()
$services = getServiceTemplates();
$services = get_service_templates();
$service = data_get($services, str($this->name)->beforeLast('-')->value, []);
return data_get($service, 'documentation', config(''));
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ class ServiceApplication extends BaseModel
return 'service';
public function workdir() {
return service_configuration_dir() . "/{$this->service->uuid}";
public function serviceType()
$found = str(collect(SPECIFIC_SERVICES)->filter(function ($service) {
@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ class ServiceDatabase extends BaseModel
return "{$realIp}:{$port}";
public function workdir() {
return service_configuration_dir() . "/{$this->service->uuid}";
public function service()
return $this->belongsTo(Service::class);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response;
class ApplicationPolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Application $application): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Application $application): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Application $application): bool
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine whether the user can restore the model.
public function restore(User $user, Application $application): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can permanently delete the model.
public function forceDelete(User $user, Application $application): bool
return true;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response;
class ServicePolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Service $service): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Service $service): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Service $service): bool
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine whether the user can restore the model.
public function restore(User $user, Service $service): bool
return true;
* Determine whether the user can permanently delete the model.
public function forceDelete(User $user, Service $service): bool
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
return true;
return false;
public function stop(User $user, Service $service): bool
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
return true;
return false;
@ -43,16 +43,10 @@ function queue_application_deployment(Application $application, string $deployme
if ($no_questions_asked) {
'status' => ApplicationDeploymentStatus::IN_PROGRESS->value,
dispatch(new ApplicationDeploymentJob(
application_deployment_queue_id: $deployment->id,
} else if (next_queuable($server_id, $application_id)) {
'status' => ApplicationDeploymentStatus::IN_PROGRESS->value,
dispatch(new ApplicationDeploymentJob(
application_deployment_queue_id: $deployment->id,
@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ function defaultLabels($id, $name, $pull_request_id = 0, string $type = 'applica
function generateServiceSpecificFqdns(ServiceApplication|Application $resource)
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\ServiceApplication') {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$server = $resource->service->server;
$environment_variables = $resource->service->environment_variables;
$uuid = data_get($resource, 'uuid');
$server = data_get($resource, 'service.server');
$environment_variables = data_get($resource, 'service.environment_variables');
$type = $resource->serviceType();
} else if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application') {
$uuid = $resource->uuid;
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$environment_variables = $resource->environment_variables;
$uuid = data_get($resource, 'uuid');
$server = data_get($resource, 'destination.server');
$environment_variables = data_get($resource, 'environment_variables');
$type = $resource->serviceType();
if (is_null($server) || is_null($type)) {
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ function generateServiceSpecificFqdns(ServiceApplication|Application $resource)
return $payload;
function fqdnLabelsForCaddy(string $network, string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_https_enabled = false, $onlyPort = null, ?Collection $serviceLabels = null, ?bool $is_gzip_enabled = true, ?bool $is_stripprefix_enabled = true, ?string $service_name = null)
function fqdnLabelsForCaddy(string $network, string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_https_enabled = false, $onlyPort = null, ?Collection $serviceLabels = null, ?bool $is_gzip_enabled = true, ?bool $is_stripprefix_enabled = true, ?string $service_name = null, ?string $image = null)
$labels = collect([]);
if ($serviceLabels) {
@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ function fqdnLabelsForCaddy(string $network, string $uuid, Collection $domains,
$url = Url::fromString($domain);
$host = $url->getHost();
$path = $url->getPath();
// $stripped_path = str($path)->replaceEnd('/', '');
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$port = $url->getPort();
@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ function fqdnLabelsForCaddy(string $network, string $uuid, Collection $domains,
return $labels->sort();
function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_https_enabled = false, $onlyPort = null, ?Collection $serviceLabels = null, ?bool $is_gzip_enabled = true, ?bool $is_stripprefix_enabled = true, ?string $service_name = null, bool $generate_unique_uuid = false)
function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_https_enabled = false, $onlyPort = null, ?Collection $serviceLabels = null, ?bool $is_gzip_enabled = true, ?bool $is_stripprefix_enabled = true, ?string $service_name = null, bool $generate_unique_uuid = false, ?string $image = null)
$labels = collect([]);
@ -331,7 +330,10 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
$http_label = "http-{$loop}-{$uuid}-{$service_name}";
$https_label = "https-{$loop}-{$uuid}-{$service_name}";
if (str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
if ($schema === 'https') {
// Set labels for https
$labels->push("traefik.http.routers.{$https_label}.rule=Host(`{$host}`) && PathPrefix(`{$path}`)");
@ -341,9 +343,10 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($path !== '/') {
if ($is_stripprefix_enabled) {
$middlewares = collect([]);
if ($is_stripprefix_enabled && !str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
$middlewares = collect(["{$https_label}-stripprefix"]);
if ($is_gzip_enabled) {
@ -354,6 +357,9 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($redirect && $redirect_middleware) {
if (str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
if ($middlewares->isNotEmpty()) {
$middlewares = $middlewares->join(',');
@ -369,6 +375,9 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($redirect && $redirect_middleware) {
if (str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
if ($middlewares->isNotEmpty()) {
$middlewares = $middlewares->join(',');
@ -396,9 +405,10 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($path !== '/') {
if ($is_stripprefix_enabled) {
$middlewares = collect([]);
if ($is_stripprefix_enabled && !str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
$middlewares = collect(["{$http_label}-stripprefix"]);
if ($is_gzip_enabled) {
@ -409,6 +419,9 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($redirect && $redirect_middleware) {
if (str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
if ($middlewares->isNotEmpty()) {
$middlewares = $middlewares->join(',');
@ -424,6 +437,9 @@ function fqdnLabelsForTraefik(string $uuid, Collection $domains, bool $is_force_
if ($redirect && $redirect_middleware) {
if (str($image)->contains('ghost')) {
if ($middlewares->isNotEmpty()) {
$middlewares = $middlewares->join(',');
@ -110,16 +110,18 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
$fqdn = Url::fromString($resourceFqdns);
$port = $fqdn->getPort();
$path = $fqdn->getPath();
$fqdn = $fqdn->getScheme() . '://' . $fqdn->getHost();
if ($generatedEnv) {
$generatedEnv->value = $fqdn;
$generatedEnv->value = $fqdn . $path;
if ($port) {
$variableName = $variableName . "_$port";
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
// ray($generatedEnv);
if ($generatedEnv) {
$generatedEnv->value = $fqdn . ':' . $port;
$generatedEnv->value = $fqdn . ':' . $port . $path;
@ -127,17 +129,18 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$port = $url->getPort();
$path = $url->getPath();
$url = $url->getHost();
if ($generatedEnv) {
$url = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://');
$generatedEnv->value = $url;
$generatedEnv->value = $url . $path;
if ($port) {
$variableName = $variableName . "_$port";
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
if ($generatedEnv) {
$generatedEnv->value = $url . ':' . $port;
$generatedEnv->value = $url . ':' . $port . $path;
@ -146,6 +149,7 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$host = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$port = $host->getPort();
$url = $host->getHost();
$path = $host->getPath();
$host = $host->getScheme() . '://' . $host->getHost();
if ($port) {
$port_envs = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', 'like', "SERVICE_FQDN_%_$port")->get();
@ -153,10 +157,10 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$service_fqdn = str($port_env->key)->beforeLast('_')->after('SERVICE_FQDN_');
$env = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', 'SERVICE_FQDN_' . $service_fqdn)->first();
if ($env) {
$env->value = $host;
$env->value = $host . $path;
$port_env->value = $host . ':' . $port;
$port_env->value = $host . ':' . $port . $path;
$port_envs_url = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', 'like', "SERVICE_URL_%_$port")->get();
@ -164,17 +168,17 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$service_url = str($port_env_url->key)->beforeLast('_')->after('SERVICE_URL_');
$env = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', 'SERVICE_URL_' . $service_url)->first();
if ($env) {
$env->value = $url;
$env->value = $url . $path;
$port_env_url->value = $url . ':' . $port;
$port_env_url->value = $url . ':' . $port . $path;
} else {
$variableName = "SERVICE_FQDN_" . Str::of($resource->name)->upper()->replace('-', '');
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
$fqdn = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$fqdn = $fqdn->getScheme() . '://' . $fqdn->getHost();
$fqdn = $fqdn->getScheme() . '://' . $fqdn->getHost() . $fqdn->getPath();
if ($generatedEnv) {
$generatedEnv->value = $fqdn;
@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ function updateCompose(ServiceApplication|ServiceDatabase $resource)
$variableName = "SERVICE_URL_" . Str::of($resource->name)->upper()->replace('-', '');
$generatedEnv = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $resource->service_id)->where('key', $variableName)->first();
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$url = $url->getHost();
$url = $url->getHost() . $url->getPath();
if ($generatedEnv) {
$url = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://');
$generatedEnv->value = $url;
@ -165,9 +165,12 @@ function get_latest_sentinel_version(): string
function get_latest_version_of_coolify(): string
try {
$response = Http::get('');
$versions = $response->json();
$versions = File::get(base_path('versions.json'));
$versions = json_decode($versions, true);
return data_get($versions, 'coolify.v4.version');
// $response = Http::get('');
// $versions = $response->json();
// return data_get($versions, 'coolify.v4.version');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
//throw $e;
@ -462,24 +465,24 @@ function sslip(Server $server)
return "http://{$server->ip}";
function getServiceTemplates()
function get_service_templates(bool $force = false): Collection
if (isDev()) {
$services = File::get(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'));
$services = collect(json_decode($services))->sortKeys();
} else {
if ($force) {
try {
$response = Http::retry(3, 50)->get(config(''));
if ($response->failed()) {
return collect([]);
$services = $response->json();
$services = collect($services)->sortKeys();
return collect($services);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$services = collect([]);
$services = File::get(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'));
return collect(json_decode($services))->sortKeys();
} else {
$services = File::get(base_path('templates/service-templates.json'));
return collect(json_decode($services))->sortKeys();
return $services;
function getResourceByUuid(string $uuid, ?int $teamId = null)
@ -649,7 +652,7 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
$allServices = getServiceTemplates();
$allServices = get_service_templates();
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
$topLevelNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', []));
$services = data_get($yaml, 'services');
@ -1007,7 +1010,6 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
'service_id' => $resource->id,
if ($env) {
$env_url = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn);
$env_port = $env_url->getPort();
if ($env_port !== $predefinedPort) {
@ -1049,6 +1051,17 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
if ($foundEnv) {
$fqdn = data_get($foundEnv, 'value');
// if ($savedService->fqdn) {
// $savedServiceFqdn = Url::fromString($savedService->fqdn);
// $parsedFqdn = Url::fromString($fqdn);
// $savedServicePath = $savedServiceFqdn->getPath();
// $parsedFqdnPath = $parsedFqdn->getPath();
// if ($savedServicePath != $parsedFqdnPath) {
// $fqdn = $parsedFqdn->withPath($savedServicePath)->__toString();
// $foundEnv->value = $fqdn;
// $foundEnv->save();
// }
// }
} else {
if ($command->value() === 'URL') {
$fqdn = Str::of($fqdn)->after('://')->value();
@ -1153,7 +1166,8 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $resource->destination->network,
@ -1163,7 +1177,8 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
is_gzip_enabled: $savedService->isGzipEnabled(),
is_stripprefix_enabled: $savedService->isStripprefixEnabled(),
service_name: $serviceName
service_name: $serviceName,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
@ -1189,13 +1204,14 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
if (!data_get($service, 'restart')) {
data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE);
if (data_get($service, 'restart') === 'no') {
if (data_get($service, 'restart') === 'no' || data_get($service, 'exclude_from_hc')) {
$savedService->update(['exclude_from_status' => true]);
data_set($service, 'container_name', $containerName);
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.isDirectory');
data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.is_directory');
data_forget($service, 'exclude_from_hc');
// Remove unnecessary variables from service.environment
// $withoutServiceEnvs = collect([]);
@ -1217,6 +1233,7 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
'volumes' => $topLevelVolumes->toArray(),
'networks' => $topLevelNetworks->toArray(),
$yaml = data_forget($yaml, 'services.*.volumes.*.content');
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
@ -1642,13 +1659,15 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
generate_unique_uuid: $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose'
generate_unique_uuid: $resource->build_pack === 'dockercompose',
image: data_get($service, 'image')
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForCaddy(
network: $resource->destination->network,
uuid: $resource->uuid,
domains: $fqdns,
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels
serviceLabels: $serviceLabels,
image: data_get($service, 'image')
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ return [
'services' => [
// Temporary disabled until cache is implemented
// 'official' => '',
'official' => '',
'official' => '',
// 'official' => '',
'limits' => [
'trial_period' => 0,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ return [
// The release version of your application
// Example with dynamic git hash: trim(exec('git --git-dir ' . base_path('.git') . ' log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD'))
'release' => '4.0.0-beta.285',
'release' => '4.0.0-beta.287',
// When left empty or `null` the Laravel environment will be used
'environment' => config('app.env'),
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
return '4.0.0-beta.285';
return '4.0.0-beta.287';
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('applications', function (Blueprint $table) {
@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-travel-taxi-cab">
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-user-solid-square">
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-vector">
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-view-hide">
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<path d="M0 3h20v2H0V3zm0 4h20v2H0V7zm0 4h20v2H0v-2zm0 4h20v2H0v-2z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-view-show">
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-volume-down">
<path d="M7 7H3v6h4l5 5V2L7 7zm8.54 6.54l-1.42-1.42a3 3 0 0 0 0-4.24l1.42-1.42a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 0 7.08z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-volume-mute">
<path d="M9 7H5v6h4l5 5V2L9 7z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-volume-off">
<path d="M15 8.59l-2.12-2.13-1.42 1.42L13.6 10l-2.13 2.12 1.42 1.42L15 11.4l2.12 2.13 1.42-1.42L16.4 10l2.13-2.12-1.42-1.42L15 8.6zM4 7H0v6h4l5 5V2L4 7z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-volume-up">
<path d="M5 7H1v6h4l5 5V2L5 7zm11.36 9.36l-1.41-1.41a6.98 6.98 0 0 0 0-9.9l1.41-1.41a8.97 8.97 0 0 1 0 12.72zm-2.82-2.82l-1.42-1.42a3 3 0 0 0 0-4.24l1.42-1.42a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 0 7.08z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-wallet">
<path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1H2v1h17a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4zm16.5 9a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0-3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 3z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-watch">
<path d="M11 9h2v2H9V7h2v2zm-5.82 6.08a6.98 6.98 0 0 1 0-10.16L6 0h8l.82 4.92a6.98 6.98 0 0 1 0 10.16L14 20H6l-.82-4.92zM10 15a5 5 0 1 0 0-10 5 5 0 0 0 0 10z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-wrench">
<path d="M6.47 9.8A5 5 0 0 1 .2 3.22l3.95 3.95 2.82-2.83L3.03.41a5 5 0 0 1 6.4 6.68l10 10-2.83 2.83L6.47 9.8z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-zoom-in">
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d="M12.9 14.32a8 8 0 1 1 1.41-1.41l5.35 5.33-1.42 1.42-5.33-5.34zM8 14A6 6 0 1 0 8 2a6 6 0 0 0 0 12zM7 7V5h2v2h2v2H9v2H7V9H5V7h2z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="zondicon-zoom-out">
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d="M12.9 14.32a8 8 0 1 1 1.41-1.41l5.35 5.33-1.42 1.42-5.33-5.34zM8 14A6 6 0 1 0 8 2a6 6 0 0 0 0 12zM5 7h6v2H5V7z"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 60 KiB |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"/app.js": "/app.js?id=b4f3f08e60211bd6948ec35e5e9de9a1",
"/app-dark.css": "/app-dark.css?id=15c72df05e2b1147fa3e4b0670cfb435",
"/app.css": "/app.css?id=4d6a1a7fe095eedc2cb2a4ce822ea8a5",
"/img/favicon.png": "/img/favicon.png?id=1542bfe8a0010dcbee710da13cce367f",
"/img/horizon.svg": "/img/horizon.svg?id=904d5b5185fefb09035384e15bfca765",
"/img/sprite.svg": "/img/sprite.svg?id=afc4952b74895bdef3ab4ebe9adb746f"
@ -307,7 +307,6 @@
@if (isCloud() && isInstanceAdmin())
<a title="Admin" class="menu-item" href="/admin">
<svg class="text-pink-600 icon" viewBox="0 0 256 256"
@ -320,9 +319,11 @@
<div class="flex-1"></div>
@if (isInstanceAdmin() && !isCloud())
<livewire:upgrade />
<livewire:upgrade />
<a title="Onboarding"
@ -1,54 +1,57 @@
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<h3 class="py-4">Executions</h3>
<x-forms.button wire:click='cleanupFailed'>Cleanup Failed Backups</x-forms.button>
<div class="flex flex-col-reverse gap-2">
@forelse($executions as $execution)
<form wire:key="{{ data_get($execution, 'id') }}"
class="relative flex flex-col p-4 bg-white box-without-bg dark:bg-coolgray-100"
'border-green-500' => data_get($execution, 'status') === 'success',
'border-red-500' => data_get($execution, 'status') === 'failed',
@if (data_get($execution, 'status') === 'running')
<div class="absolute top-2 right-2">
<x-loading />
<div>Database: {{ data_get($execution, 'database_name', 'N/A') }}</div>
<div>Status: {{ data_get($execution, 'status') }}</div>
<div>Started At: {{ data_get($execution, 'created_at') }}</div>
@if (data_get($execution, 'message'))
<div>Message: {{ data_get($execution, 'message') }}</div>
<div>Size: {{ data_get($execution, 'size') }} B /
{{ round((int) data_get($execution, 'size') / 1024, 2) }}
kB / {{ round((int) data_get($execution, 'size') / 1024 / 1024, 3) }} MB
<div>Location: {{ data_get($execution, 'filename', 'N/A') }}</div>
<div class="flex gap-2">
<div class="flex-1"></div>
@if (data_get($execution, 'status') === 'success')
<x-forms.button class=" dark:hover:bg-coolgray-400"
x-on:click="download_file('{{ data_get($execution, 'id') }}')">Download</x-forms.button>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<h3 class="py-4">Executions</h3>
<x-forms.button wire:click='cleanupFailed'>Cleanup Failed Backups</x-forms.button>
<div class="flex flex-col-reverse gap-2">
@forelse($executions as $execution)
<form wire:key="{{ data_get($execution, 'id') }}"
class="relative flex flex-col p-4 bg-white box-without-bg dark:bg-coolgray-100"
'border-green-500' => data_get($execution, 'status') === 'success',
'border-red-500' => data_get($execution, 'status') === 'failed',
@if (data_get($execution, 'status') === 'running')
<div class="absolute top-2 right-2">
<x-loading />
<x-modal-confirmation isErrorButton action="deleteBackup({{ data_get($execution, 'id') }})">
This will delete this backup. It is not reversible.<br>Please think again.
<div>Database: {{ data_get($execution, 'database_name', 'N/A') }}</div>
<div>Status: {{ data_get($execution, 'status') }}</div>
<div>Started At: {{ data_get($execution, 'created_at') }}</div>
@if (data_get($execution, 'message'))
<div>Message: {{ data_get($execution, 'message') }}</div>
<div>Size: {{ data_get($execution, 'size') }} B /
{{ round((int) data_get($execution, 'size') / 1024, 2) }}
kB / {{ round((int) data_get($execution, 'size') / 1024 / 1024, 3) }} MB
<div>Location: {{ data_get($execution, 'filename', 'N/A') }}</div>
<div class="flex gap-2">
<div class="flex-1"></div>
@if (data_get($execution, 'status') === 'success')
<x-forms.button class=" dark:hover:bg-coolgray-400"
x-on:click="download_file('{{ data_get($execution, 'id') }}')">Download</x-forms.button>
<x-modal-confirmation isErrorButton action="deleteBackup({{ data_get($execution, 'id') }})">
This will delete this backup. It is not reversible.<br>Please think again.
<div>No executions found.</div>
function download_file(executionId) {
||||'/download/backup/' + executionId, '_blank');
<div>No executions found.</div>
function download_file(executionId) {
||||'/download/backup/' + executionId, '_blank');
@ -151,11 +151,13 @@
href="{{ route('project.service.index', [...$parameters, 'stack_service_uuid' => $database->uuid]) }}">
<x-modal-confirmation action="restartDatabase({{ $database->id }})" isErrorButton
This database will be unavailable during the restart. <br>Please think again.
@if (str($database->status)->contains('running'))
<x-modal-confirmation action="restartDatabase({{ $database->id }})"
isErrorButton buttonTitle="Restart">
This database will be unavailable during the restart. <br>Please think
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<form wire:submit.prevent='submit' class="flex flex-col w-full gap-2">
<div class="pb-2">Note: If a service has a defined port, do not delete it. <br>If you want to use your custom domain, you can add it with a port.</div>
<x-forms.input required placeholder="" label="Domains" id="application.fqdn"
<x-forms.input placeholder="" label="Domains" id="application.fqdn"
helper="You can specify one domain with path or more with comma. You can specify a port to bind the domain to.<br><br><span class='text-helper'>Example</span><br>-,<br>-<br>- -> will point to port 3000 inside the container. "></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
label="Bitbucket Webhook Secret"
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.input readonly label="Gitea" id="giteaManualWebhook"></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.input type="password"
helper="Need to set a secret to be able to use this webhook. It should match with the secret in Gitea."
label="Gitea Webhook Secret"
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
<div class="w-64">
@if ($server->isFunctional())
@if (!$server->isLocalhost())
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave disabled id="server.settings.is_build_server"
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="server.settings.is_build_server"
label="Use it as a build server?" />
<div class="flex items-center gap-1 pt-6">
<h3 class="">Cloudflare Tunnels
@ -87,28 +87,32 @@
<livewire:server.configure-cloudflare-tunnels :server_id="$server->id" />
<h3 class="pt-6">Swarm <span class="text-xs text-neutral-500">(experimental)</span></h3>
<div class="pb-4">Read the docs <a class='underline dark:text-white'
href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.
@if ($server->settings->is_swarm_worker)
<x-forms.checkbox disabled instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_manager"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_manager"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
@if (!$server->isBuildServer())
<h3 class="pt-6">Swarm <span class="text-xs text-neutral-500">(experimental)</span></h3>
<div class="pb-4">Read the docs <a class='underline dark:text-white'
href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.
@if ($server->settings->is_swarm_worker)
<x-forms.checkbox disabled instantSave type="checkbox"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_manager"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Manager?" />
@if ($server->settings->is_swarm_manager)
<x-forms.checkbox disabled instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_worker"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Worker?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_worker"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Worker?" />
@if ($server->settings->is_swarm_manager)
<x-forms.checkbox disabled instantSave type="checkbox"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Worker?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave type="checkbox" id="server.settings.is_swarm_worker"
helper="For more information, please read the documentation <a class='dark:text-white' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>."
label="Is it a Swarm Worker?" />
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@
@if ($server->isFunctional())
<h3 class="py-4">Settings</h3>
<div class="flex gap-2 flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 sm:flex-nowrap">
<x-forms.input id="cleanup_after_percentage" label="Disk cleanup threshold (%)" required
helper="The disk cleanup task will run when the disk usage exceeds this threshold." />
<x-forms.input id="server.settings.concurrent_builds" label="Number of concurrent builds" required
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
</svg>Before switching proxies, please read <a class="underline dark:text-white"
@if ($server->proxyType() === 'TRAEFIK_V2')
<div class="pb-4">Traefik v2</div>
<h4 class="pb-4">Traefik</h4>
@elseif ($server->proxyType() === 'CADDY')
<div class="pb-4 ">Caddy</div>
<h4 class="pb-4 ">Caddy</h4>
@if (
$server->proxy->last_applied_settings &&
@ -99,26 +99,28 @@
<div class="w-64"><x-loading text="Minimum Docker version:" /></div>
@if ($proxy_started)
<div class="flex w-64 gap-2">Proxy started: <svg class="w-5 h-5 text-success" viewBox="0 0 256 256"
<g fill="currentColor">
d="m237.66 85.26l-128.4 128.4a8 8 0 0 1-11.32 0l-71.6-72a8 8 0 0 1 0-11.31l24-24a8 8 0 0 1 11.32 0l36.68 35.32a8 8 0 0 0 11.32 0l92.68-91.32a8 8 0 0 1 11.32 0l24 23.6a8 8 0 0 1 0 11.31"
opacity=".2" />
d="m243.28 68.24l-24-23.56a16 16 0 0 0-22.58 0L104 136l-.11-.11l-36.64-35.27a16 16 0 0 0-22.57.06l-24 24a16 16 0 0 0 0 22.61l71.62 72a16 16 0 0 0 22.63 0l128.4-128.38a16 16 0 0 0-.05-22.67M103.62 208L32 136l24-24l.11.11l36.64 35.27a16 16 0 0 0 22.52 0L208.06 56L232 79.6Z" />
@if ($error)
<div class="flex w-64 gap-2">Proxy started: <svg class="w-5 h-5 text-error"
@if (!$server->isBuildServer())
@if ($proxy_started)
<div class="flex w-64 gap-2">Proxy started: <svg class="w-5 h-5 text-success"
viewBox="0 0 256 256" xmlns="">
<path fill="currentColor"
d="M208.49 191.51a12 12 0 0 1-17 17L128 145l-63.51 63.49a12 12 0 0 1-17-17L111 128L47.51 64.49a12 12 0 0 1 17-17L128 111l63.51-63.52a12 12 0 0 1 17 17L145 128Z" />
<g fill="currentColor">
d="m237.66 85.26l-128.4 128.4a8 8 0 0 1-11.32 0l-71.6-72a8 8 0 0 1 0-11.31l24-24a8 8 0 0 1 11.32 0l36.68 35.32a8 8 0 0 0 11.32 0l92.68-91.32a8 8 0 0 1 11.32 0l24 23.6a8 8 0 0 1 0 11.31"
opacity=".2" />
d="m243.28 68.24l-24-23.56a16 16 0 0 0-22.58 0L104 136l-.11-.11l-36.64-35.27a16 16 0 0 0-22.57.06l-24 24a16 16 0 0 0 0 22.61l71.62 72a16 16 0 0 0 22.63 0l128.4-128.38a16 16 0 0 0-.05-22.67M103.62 208L32 136l24-24l.11.11l36.64 35.27a16 16 0 0 0 22.52 0L208.06 56L232 79.6Z" />
<div class="w-64"><x-loading text="Proxy started:" /></div>
@if ($error)
<div class="flex w-64 gap-2">Proxy started: <svg class="w-5 h-5 text-error"
viewBox="0 0 256 256" xmlns="">
<path fill="currentColor"
d="M208.49 191.51a12 12 0 0 1-17 17L128 145l-63.51 63.49a12 12 0 0 1-17-17L111 128L47.51 64.49a12 12 0 0 1 17-17L128 111l63.51-63.52a12 12 0 0 1 17 17L145 128Z" />
<div class="w-64"><x-loading text="Proxy started:" /></div>
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
<div class="py-4">
<h2 class="pb-4">Executions</h2>
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions :backup="$backup" :executions="$executions" />
@ -25,5 +25,8 @@
<div>No users found other than the root.</div>
@if ($lots_of_users)
<div>There are more users than shown. Please use the search bar to find the user you are looking for.</div>
@ -254,14 +254,16 @@ Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
$exeuctionId = request()->route('executionId');
$execution = ScheduledDatabaseBackupExecution::where('id', $exeuctionId)->firstOrFail();
$execution_team_id = $execution->scheduledDatabaseBackup->database->team()?->id;
if (is_null($execution_team_id)) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Team not found.'], 404);
if ($team->id !== $execution_team_id) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Permission denied.'], 403);
if (is_null($execution)) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Backup not found.'], 404);
if ($team->id !== 0) {
if (is_null($execution_team_id)) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Team not found.'], 404);
if ($team->id !== $execution_team_id) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Permission denied.'], 403);
if (is_null($execution)) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Backup not found.'], 404);
$filename = data_get($execution, 'filename');
if ($execution->scheduledDatabaseBackup->database->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\ServiceDatabase') {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use App\Http\Controllers\Webhook\Bitbucket;
use App\Http\Controllers\Webhook\Gitea;
use App\Http\Controllers\Webhook\Github;
use App\Http\Controllers\Webhook\Gitlab;
use App\Http\Controllers\Webhook\Stripe;
@ -16,6 +17,8 @@ Route::post('/source/gitlab/events/manual', [Gitlab::class, 'manual']);
Route::post('/source/bitbucket/events/manual', [Bitbucket::class, 'manual']);
Route::post('/source/gitea/events/manual', [Gitea::class, 'manual']);
Route::post('/payments/stripe/events', [Stripe::class, 'events']);
Route::get('/waitlist/confirm', [Waitlist::class, 'confirm'])->name('webhooks.waitlist.confirm');
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# documentation:
# slogan: Delightful customer relationships at scale.
# tags: chatwoot,chat,api,open,source,rails,redis,postgresql,sidekiq
# logo: svgs/chatwoot.svg
# port: 3000
image: chatwoot/chatwoot:latest
- postgres
- redis
- FORCE_SSL=false
- REDIS_URL=redis://default@redis:6379
- POSTGRES_HOST=postgres
- NODE_ENV=production
- RAILS_ENV=production
entrypoint: docker/entrypoints/
command: sh -c "bundle exec rails db:chatwoot_prepare && bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b"
- rails-data:/app/storage
test: ["CMD", "wget", "--spider", "-q", ""]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
image: chatwoot/chatwoot:latest
- postgres
- redis
- FORCE_SSL=false
- REDIS_URL=redis://default@redis:6379
- POSTGRES_HOST=postgres
- NODE_ENV=production
- RAILS_ENV=production
command: ['bundle', 'exec', 'sidekiq', '-C', 'config/sidekiq.yml']
- sidekiq-data:/app/storage
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "bundle exec rails runner 'puts Sidekiq.redis(&:info)' > /dev/null 2>&1"]
interval: 30s
timeout: 10s
retries: 3
image: postgres:12
restart: always
- postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- POSTGRES_DB=chatwoot
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $SERVICE_USER_POSTGRES_USER -d chatwoot -h"]
interval: 30s
timeout: 10s
retries: 5
image: redis:alpine
restart: always
command: ["sh", "-c", "redis-server --requirepass \"$SERVICE_PASSWORD_REDIS\""]
- redis-data:/data
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "-a", "$SERVICE_PASSWORD_REDIS", "PING"]
interval: 30s
timeout: 10s
retries: 5
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# documentation:
# slogan: Document Signing for Everyone free forever for individuals, extensible for businesses and developers. Open Source Alternative to DocuSign, PandaDoc and more.
# tags: documentation
# logo: svgs/docuseal.png
# port: 3000
image: docuseal/docuseal:latest
- docuseal-data:/data
condition: service_healthy
test: ["CMD", "wget", "-q", "--spider", ""]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
image: postgres:16-alpine
- postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $${POSTGRES_USER} -d $${POSTGRES_DB}"]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# documentation:
# slogan: Document Signing for Everyone free forever for individuals, extensible for businesses and developers. Open Source Alternative to DocuSign, PandaDoc and more.
# tags: documentation
# logo: svgs/docuseal.png
# port: 3000
image: docuseal/docuseal:latest
- docuseal-data:/data
test: ["CMD", "wget", "-q", "--spider", ""]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# documentation:
# slogan: A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place.
# tags: dashboard, server, applications, interface, rrss
# logo: svgs/glance.png
# port: 8080
image: glanceapp/glance:latest
- type: bind
source: ./glance-settings
target: /app/glance.yml
content: |
- name: Home
port: 8080
assets-path: /user/assets
- size: small
- type: calendar
- type: rss
limit: 10
collapse-after: 3
cache: 3h
- url:
- url:
title: Josh Comeau
- url:
- url:
- url:
title: Ahmad Shadeed
- type: twitch-channels
- theprimeagen
- heyandras
- cohhcarnage
- christitustech
- blurbs
- asmongold
- jembawls
- size: full
- type: hacker-news
- type: videos
- UCR-DXc1voovS8nhAvccRZhg # Jeff Geerling
- UCv6J_jJa8GJqFwQNgNrMuww # ServeTheHome
- UCOk-gHyjcWZNj3Br4oxwh0A # Techno Tim
- type: reddit
subreddit: selfhosted
- size: small
- type: weather
location: London, United Kingdom
- type: stocks
- symbol: SPY
name: S&P 500
- symbol: BTC-USD
name: Bitcoin
- symbol: NVDA
name: NVIDIA
- symbol: AAPL
name: Apple
- symbol: MSFT
name: Microsoft
- symbol: GOOGL
name: Google
- symbol: AMD
name: AMD
- symbol: RDDT
name: Reddit
- glance-assets:/user/assets
test: ["CMD", "echo", "[+] Should be working fine."]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# ignore: true
# documentation:
# slogan: Open Source All-in-One Project Management Platform
# tags: linear,jira,slack,project,management,notion,motion
# port: 8080
image: "mongo:7-jammy"
container_name: mongodb
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- huly-db:/data/db
image: "minio/minio"
command: server /data --address ":9000" --console-address ":9001"
- huly-files:/data
image: "elasticsearch:7.14.2"
command: |
/bin/sh -c "./bin/elasticsearch-plugin list | grep -q ingest-attachment || yes | ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install --silent ingest-attachment;
/usr/local/bin/ eswrapper"
- huly-elastic:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- discovery.type=single-node
- ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
- http.cors.enabled=true
- http.cors.allow-origin=http://localhost:8082
test: curl -s | grep -vq '"status":"red"'
interval: 5s
retries: 10
image: hardcoreeng/account:v0.6.246
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017
- TRANSACTOR_URL=ws://transactor:3333
- ENDPOINT_URL=ws://transactor:3333
- MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin
- FRONT_URL=http://front:8080
- INIT_WORKSPACE=demo-tracker
- ACCOUNTS_URL=http://localhost:3000
image: hardcoreeng/front:v0.6.246
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017
- ACCOUNTS_URL=http://account:3000
- REKONI_URL=http://rekoni:4004
- CALENDAR_URL=http://localhost:8095
- GMAIL_URL=http://localhost:8088
- TELEGRAM_URL=http://localhost:8086
- UPLOAD_URL=/files
- TRANSACTOR_URL=ws://transactor:3333
- ELASTIC_URL=http://elastic:9200
- COLLABORATOR_URL=ws://collaborator:3078
- COLLABORATOR_API_URL=http://collaborator:3078
- MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin
- TITLE=Huly Self Hosted
restart: unless-stopped
image: hardcoreeng/collaborator:v0.6.246
- SECRET=secret
- ACCOUNTS_URL=http://account:3000
- TRANSACTOR_URL=ws://transactor:3333
- UPLOAD_URL=/files
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017
- MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin
image: hardcoreeng/transactor:v0.6.246
- ELASTIC_URL=http://elastic:9200
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017
- METRICS_FILE=metrics.txt
- MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin
- REKONI_URL=http://rekoni:4004
- FRONT_URL=http://localhost:8087
- ACCOUNTS_URL=http://account:3000
- UPLOAD_URL=/files
restart: unless-stopped
image: hardcoreeng/rekoni-service:latest
memory: 500M
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# documentation:
# slogan: MediaWiki is a collaboration and documentation platform brought to you by a vibrant community.
# tags: wiki, collaboration, documentation
# logo: svgs/mediawiki.ico
# port: 80
image: mediawiki:latest
- mediawiki-images:/var/www/html/images
- mediawiki-sqlite:/var/www/html/data
- ./LocalSettings.php:/var/www/html/LocalSettings.php
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:80"]
interval: 5s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ services:
"require('http').get('', (r) => {if (r.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error(r.statusCode)})",
"require('http').get('', (r) => {if (r.statusCode !== 200) process.exit(1); else process.exit(0); }).on('error', () => process.exit(1))",
timeout: 5s
interval: 5s
@ -911,6 +911,7 @@ services:
command: "postgrest"
exclude_from_hc: true
image: supabase/gotrue:v2.149.0
@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ services:
content: |
/usr/bin/mc alias set supabase-minio http://supabase-minio:9000 ${MINIO_ROOT_USER} ${MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD};
/usr/bin/mc mb supabase-minio/stub;
/usr/bin/mc mb --ignore-existing supabase-minio/stub;
exit 0
@ -1162,6 +1163,11 @@ services:
condition: service_healthy
test: ["CMD", "echo", "Edge Functions is healthy"]
timeout: 5s
interval: 5s
retries: 3
- SUPABASE_URL=http://supabase-kong:8000
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
"coolify": {
"v4": {
"version": "4.0.0-beta.285"
"version": "4.0.0-beta.287"
"sentinel": {
"version": "0.0.4"