Merge pull request #206 from coollabsio/feat/languagetool

This commit is contained in:
Andras Bacsai 2022-03-02 12:22:44 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7c92c4c964
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 184 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "coolify",
"description": "An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify alternative.",
"version": "2.0.24",
"version": "2.0.26",
"license": "AGPL-3.0",
"scripts": {
"dev": "docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d && NODE_ENV=development svelte-kit dev --host",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<script lang="ts">
export let isAbsolute = false;
class={isAbsolute ? 'w-10 h-10 absolute top-0 left-0 -m-5' : 'w-8 mx-auto'}
viewBox="0 0 140 140"
><g clip-path="url(#clip0)"
d="M140 43.602c0-1.662.001-3.324-.01-4.987-.008-1.4-.024-2.8-.062-4.2-.082-3.05-.262-6.126-.805-9.142-.55-3.06-1.448-5.907-2.864-8.688A29.227 29.227 0 0 0 123.476 3.81c-2.783-1.416-5.634-2.314-8.697-2.864-3.016-.542-6.094-.722-9.144-.804-1.4-.038-2.801-.054-4.202-.063C99.77.068 98.107.07 96.444.07L77.135 0H62.694L43.726.07c-1.666 0-3.332-.002-4.998.008-1.404.01-2.807.025-4.21.063-3.058.082-6.142.262-9.166.805-3.067.55-5.922 1.447-8.709 2.862a29.293 29.293 0 0 0-7.419 5.377 29.223 29.223 0 0 0-5.389 7.4c-1.42 2.78-2.32 5.63-2.871 8.691-.543 3.016-.723 6.091-.806 9.14-.038 1.4-.054 2.8-.062 4.2C.086 40.277 0 42.342 0 44.004v33.3l.086 19.102c0 1.665 0 3.33.01 4.994a200.6 200.6 0 0 0 .062 4.205c.083 3.054.263 6.135.807 9.155.551 3.064 1.451 5.916 2.87 8.7a29.294 29.294 0 0 0 12.807 12.794c2.788 1.418 5.645 2.317 8.714 2.868 3.022.542 6.105.722 9.162.804 1.403.038 2.806.054 4.21.063 1.666.01 3.332.009 4.998.009l19.14.001h14.477l19.101-.001c1.663 0 3.326.001 4.989-.009a202.92 202.92 0 0 0 4.202-.063c3.052-.082 6.13-.262 9.148-.805 3.061-.551 5.911-1.45 8.692-2.867a29.215 29.215 0 0 0 7.405-5.384 29.22 29.22 0 0 0 5.378-7.409c1.417-2.785 2.315-5.639 2.866-8.704.542-3.02.722-6.099.804-9.152.038-1.402.054-2.804.062-4.205.011-1.665.01-3.33.01-4.993l-.001-19.103V62.694L140 43.602"
d="M39.375 40.188h8.313a6.25 6.25 0 0 1 6.25 6.25v24.25h16.25v8.75h-18.75a6.25 6.25 0 0 1-6.25-6.25v-24.25h-5.813v-8.75zm63.563 6.25v6.5h-8.75v-4h-6.876v30.5h-8.75v-30.5h-6.874v4h-8.75v-6.5a6.25 6.25 0 0 1 6.25-6.25h27.5a6.25 6.25 0 0 1 6.25 6.25z"
d="M35.319 102.906l-8.138-5.812c2.39-3.347 4.857-5.936 7.452-7.753 2.884-2.018 5.948-3.091 9.117-3.091 2.942 0 5.491.714 7.768 2.08a17.622 17.622 0 0 1 2.615 1.94c.589.518 1.009.926 1.903 1.82 1.355 1.354 1.917 1.851 2.591 2.255.731.439 1.503.655 2.623.655 1.121 0 1.896-.217 2.631-.657.677-.405 1.245-.905 2.6-2.257l.012-.012c.89-.888 1.314-1.299 1.902-1.817a17.643 17.643 0 0 1 2.61-1.933c2.273-1.362 4.814-2.074 7.745-2.074s5.472.712 7.745 2.074c.916.55 1.758 1.183 2.61 1.933.589.518 1.013.929 1.902 1.817l.013.012c1.354 1.352 1.922 1.852 2.599 2.257.735.44 1.51.657 2.631.657.998 0 2.1-.386 3.383-1.284 1.572-1.1 3.272-2.886 5.048-5.372l8.138 5.812c-2.391 3.347-4.857 5.936-7.452 7.753-2.884 2.018-5.948 3.091-9.117 3.091-2.941 0-5.49-.713-7.769-2.078a17.627 17.627 0 0 1-2.619-1.938c-.59-.519-1.015-.93-1.906-1.82l-.013-.013c-1.351-1.348-1.917-1.846-2.59-2.25-.728-.436-1.494-.651-2.603-.651-1.109 0-1.875.215-2.603.651-.673.404-1.239.902-2.59 2.25l-.012.013c-.892.89-1.317 1.301-1.907 1.82-.855.752-1.7 1.388-2.62 1.938C66.74 104.287 64.192 105 61.25 105c-2.942 0-5.49-.714-7.768-2.08a17.654 17.654 0 0 1-2.615-1.939c-.588-.519-1.009-.927-1.902-1.82-1.355-1.355-1.918-1.852-2.592-2.256-.731-.439-1.503-.655-2.623-.655-.998 0-2.1.386-3.383 1.284-1.572 1.1-3.272 2.886-5.048 5.372z"
><defs><clipPath id="clip0"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h140v140H0z" /></clipPath></defs></svg

View File

@ -156,6 +156,15 @@ export const supportedServiceTypesAndVersions = [
ports: {
main: 80
name: 'languagetool',
fancyName: 'LanguageTool',
baseImage: 'silviof/docker-languagetool',
versions: ['latest'],
ports: {
main: 8010

View File

@ -105,6 +105,13 @@ export async function configureServiceType({ id, type }) {
} else if (type === 'languagetool') {
await prisma.service.update({
where: { id },
data: {
export async function setServiceVersion({ id, version }) {
@ -128,6 +135,9 @@ export async function updatePlausibleAnalyticsService({ id, fqdn, email, usernam
export async function updateNocoDbOrMinioService({ id, fqdn, name }) {
return await prisma.service.update({ where: { id }, data: { fqdn, name } });
export async function updateLanguageToolService({ id, fqdn, name }) {
return await prisma.service.update({ where: { id }, data: { fqdn, name } });
export async function updateVaultWardenService({ id, fqdn, name }) {
return await prisma.service.update({ where: { id }, data: { fqdn, name } });

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { asyncExecShell, getDomain, getEngine } from '$lib/common';
import { checkContainer } from '$lib/haproxy';
import { checkContainer, reloadHaproxy } from '$lib/haproxy';
import * as db from '$lib/database';
import { dev } from '$app/env';
import cuid from 'cuid';
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ export async function letsEncrypt(domain, id = null, isCoolify = false) {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker run --rm -v "coolify-letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "coolify-ssl-certs:/app/ssl" alpine:latest sh -c "test -d /etc/letsencrypt/live/${nakedDomain}/ && cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/${nakedDomain}/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/${nakedDomain}/privkey.pem > /app/ssl/${nakedDomain}.pem || cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/${wwwDomain}/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/${wwwDomain}/privkey.pem > /app/ssl/${wwwDomain}.pem"`
await reloadHaproxy(host);
} else {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker run --rm --name certbot-${randomCuid} -p 9080:${randomPort} -v "coolify-letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" certbot/certbot --logs-dir /etc/letsencrypt/logs certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http --http-01-address --http-01-port ${randomPort} -d ${domain} --expand --agree-tos --non-interactive --register-unsafely-without-email ${
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ export async function letsEncrypt(domain, id = null, isCoolify = false) {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker run --rm -v "coolify-letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "coolify-ssl-certs:/app/ssl" alpine:latest sh -c "cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/privkey.pem > /app/ssl/${domain}.pem"`
await reloadHaproxy(host);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 0) {
@ -145,9 +147,10 @@ export async function generateSSLCerts() {
if (ssls.length > 0) {
for (const ssl of ssls) {
if (!dev) {
console.log('Checking SSL for', ssl.domain);
await letsEncrypt(ssl.domain,, ssl.isCoolify);
} else {
console.log('Generate ssl for', ssl.domain);
console.log('Checking SSL for', ssl.domain);

View File

@ -110,23 +110,6 @@
loading = false;
// onMount(async () => {
// if (
// service.type &&
// service.destinationDockerId &&
// service.version &&
// service.fqdn &&
// !isRunning
// ) {
// try {
// await post(`/services/${}/${service.type}/stop.json`, {});
// } catch ({ error }) {
// return errorNotification(error);
// } finally {
// loading = false;
// }
// }
// });
<nav class="nav-side">

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { post } from '$lib/api';
import VaultWarden from '$lib/components/svg/services/VaultWarden.svelte';
import LanguageTool from '$lib/components/svg/services/LanguageTool.svelte';
const { id } = $page.params;
const from = $page.url.searchParams.get('from');
@ -74,6 +75,8 @@
<Wordpress isAbsolute />
{:else if === 'vaultwarden'}
<VaultWarden isAbsolute />
{:else if === 'languagetool'}
<LanguageTool isAbsolute />

View File

@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
import VsCodeServer from '$lib/components/svg/services/VSCodeServer.svelte';
import Wordpress from '$lib/components/svg/services/Wordpress.svelte';
import Services from './_Services/_Services.svelte';
import { getDomain } from '$lib/components/common';
import VaultWarden from '$lib/components/svg/services/VaultWarden.svelte';
import cuid from 'cuid';
import { browser } from '$app/env';
import LanguageTool from '$lib/components/svg/services/LanguageTool.svelte';
export let service;
export let isRunning;
@ -105,6 +105,10 @@
<a href="" target="_blank">
<VaultWarden />
{:else if service.type === 'languagetool'}
<a href="" target="_blank">
<LanguageTool />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { getUserDetails } from '$lib/common';
import * as db from '$lib/database';
import { ErrorHandler } from '$lib/database';
import type { RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const post: RequestHandler = async (event) => {
const { status, body } = await getUserDetails(event);
if (status === 401) return { status, body };
const { id } = event.params;
let { name, fqdn } = await event.request.json();
if (fqdn) fqdn = fqdn.toLowerCase();
try {
await db.updateLanguageToolService({ id, fqdn, name });
return { status: 201 };
} catch (error) {
return ErrorHandler(error);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import { asyncExecShell, createDirectories, getEngine, getUserDetails } from '$lib/common';
import * as db from '$lib/database';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import type { RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { ErrorHandler, getServiceImage } from '$lib/database';
import { makeLabelForServices } from '$lib/buildPacks/common';
export const post: RequestHandler = async (event) => {
const { teamId, status, body } = await getUserDetails(event);
if (status === 401) return { status, body };
const { id } = event.params;
try {
const service = await db.getService({ id, teamId });
const { type, version, destinationDockerId, destinationDocker } = service;
const network = destinationDockerId &&;
const host = getEngine(destinationDocker.engine);
const { workdir } = await createDirectories({ repository: type, buildId: id });
const image = getServiceImage(type);
const composeFile = {
version: '3.8',
services: {
[id]: {
container_name: id,
image: `${image}:${version}`,
networks: [network],
restart: 'always',
volumes: [`${id}-ngrams:/ngrams`],
labels: makeLabelForServices('languagetool')
networks: {
[network]: {
external: true
volumes: {
[`${id}-ngrams`]: {
external: true
const composeFileDestination = `${workdir}/docker-compose.yaml`;
await fs.writeFile(composeFileDestination, yaml.dump(composeFile));
try {
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker volume create ${id}-ngrams`);
} catch (error) {
try {
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker compose -f ${composeFileDestination} up -d`);
return {
status: 200
} catch (error) {
return ErrorHandler(error);
} catch (error) {
return ErrorHandler(error);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import { getUserDetails, removeDestinationDocker } from '$lib/common';
import * as db from '$lib/database';
import { ErrorHandler } from '$lib/database';
import { checkContainer } from '$lib/haproxy';
import type { RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const post: RequestHandler = async (event) => {
const { teamId, status, body } = await getUserDetails(event);
if (status === 401) return { status, body };
const { id } = event.params;
try {
const service = await db.getService({ id, teamId });
const { destinationDockerId, destinationDocker, fqdn } = service;
if (destinationDockerId) {
const engine = destinationDocker.engine;
try {
const found = await checkContainer(engine, id);
if (found) {
await removeDestinationDocker({ id, engine });
} catch (error) {
return {
status: 200
} catch (error) {
return ErrorHandler(error);

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
import VsCodeServer from '$lib/components/svg/services/VSCodeServer.svelte';
import Wordpress from '$lib/components/svg/services/Wordpress.svelte';
import VaultWarden from '$lib/components/svg/services/VaultWarden.svelte';
import LanguageTool from '$lib/components/svg/services/LanguageTool.svelte';
export let services;
@ -70,6 +71,8 @@
<Wordpress isAbsolute />
{:else if service.type === 'vaultwarden'}
<VaultWarden isAbsolute />
{:else if service.type === 'languagetool'}
<LanguageTool isAbsolute />
<div class="font-bold text-xl text-center truncate">