This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class GithubPrivateRepository extends Component
public $type;
public int $selected_repository_id;
public int $selected_github_app_id;
public string $selected_repository_owner;
public string $selected_repository_repo;
@ -37,6 +38,10 @@ class GithubPrivateRepository extends Component
public $branches;
public int $total_branches_count = 0;
public int $port = 3000;
public bool $is_static = false;
public string|null $publish_directory = null;
protected function loadRepositoryByPage()
$response = Http::withToken($this->token)->get("{$this->github_app->api_url}/installation/repositories?per_page=100&page={$this->page}");
@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ class GithubPrivateRepository extends Component
$this->repositories = collect();
$this->page = 1;
$this->selected_github_app_id = $github_app_id;
$this->github_app = GithubApp::where('id', $github_app_id)->first();
$this->token = generate_github_installation_token($this->github_app);
@ -110,28 +116,42 @@ class GithubPrivateRepository extends Component
$environment = $project->load(['environments'])->environments->where('name', $this->parameters['environment_name'])->first();
$application = Application::create([
'name' => generate_random_name(),
'name' => generate_application_name($this->selected_repository_owner . '/' . $this->selected_repository_repo, $this->selected_branch_name),
'repository_project_id' => $this->selected_repository_id,
'git_repository' => "{$this->selected_repository_owner}/{$this->selected_repository_repo}",
'git_branch' => $this->selected_branch_name,
'build_pack' => 'nixpacks',
'ports_exposes' => '3000',
'ports_exposes' => $this->port,
'publish_directory' => $this->publish_directory,
'environment_id' => $environment->id,
'destination_id' => $destination->id,
'destination_type' => $destination_class,
'source_id' => $this->github_app->id,
'source_type' => GithubApp::class,
'source_type' => $this->github_app->getMorphClass()
$application->settings->is_static = $this->is_static;
redirect()->route('project.application.configuration', [
'application_uuid' => $application->uuid,
'environment_name' => $environment->name,
'project_uuid' => $project->uuid,
'environment_name' => $environment->name
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return general_error_handler($e, $this);
public function instantSave()
if ($this->is_static) {
$this->port = 80;
$this->publish_directory = '/dist';
} else {
$this->port = 3000;
$this->publish_directory = null;
$this->emit('saved', 'Application settings updated!');
public function mount()
$this->parameters = get_parameters();
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@
"input.password.again": "Password again",
"input.code": "One-time code",
"input.recovery_code": "Recovery code",
"button.save": "Save"
"button.save": "Save",
"repository.url": "<span class='text-helper'>Examples</span><br>https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples <span class='text-helper'>main</span> branch will be selected<br><br>https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples/tree/nodejs-fastify <span class='text-helper'>nodejs-fastify</span> branch will be selected"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ input[type="checkbox"] {
@apply toggle toggle-warning toggle-xs rounded;
input {
@apply input input-sm h-7 outline-none placeholder:text-neutral-700 text-white rounded-none;
@apply input input-sm h-7 outline-none placeholder:text-neutral-700 text-white rounded-none;
input[type="text"],[type="number"],[type="email"],[type="password"] {
@apply read-only:opacity-40;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ textarea {
@apply textarea placeholder:text-neutral-700 text-white rounded-none;
select {
@apply select select-sm disabled:bg-coolgray-200 border-none disabled:opacity-50 font-normal placeholder:text-neutral-700 text-white rounded-none;
@apply select select-sm text-sm disabled:bg-coolgray-200 border-none disabled:opacity-50 font-normal placeholder:text-neutral-700 text-white rounded-none;
.breadcrumbs > ul > li::before {
@apply text-warning opacity-100;
@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ select {
@apply w-4 text-warning;
button[type="button"] {
@apply hover:bg-coolgray-400 btn h-7 btn-xs border-none bg-coolgray-200 no-animation normal-case text-white rounded;
button[type="submit"] {
@apply hover:bg-coolgray-400 btn h-7 btn-xs border-none bg-coolgray-200 no-animation normal-case text-white rounded;
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
{{ $slot }}
@elseif($type === 'button')
<button {{ $attributes }} @if ($disabled !== null) disabled @endif type="button"
{{ $attributes->class(['btn btn-xs border-none no-animation normal-case text-white rounded', 'hover:bg-coolgray-400 bg-coolgray-200 h-7' => !$attributes->has('class')]) }}
@if ($disabled !== null) disabled @endif type="button"
x-on:click="toggleConfirmModal('{{ $confirm }}', '{{ explode('(', $confirmAction)[0] }}')"
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
'id' => null,
'label' => null,
'helper' => $attributes->has('helper'),
'required' => false,
<span {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'flex flex-col']) }}>
<div {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'flex flex-col']) }}>
<label class="label" for={{ $id }}>
<span class="label-text">
@if ($label)
@ -15,6 +16,23 @@
@if ($required)
<span class="text-warning">*</span>
@if ($helper)
<div class="-mb-1 dropdown dropdown-right dropdown-hover">
<label tabindex="0" class="cursor-pointer text-warning">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class="w-4 h-4 stroke-current">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"
d="M13 16h-1v-4h-1m1-4h.01M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z"></path>
<div tabindex="0"
class="border rounded shadow border-coolgray-400 card compact dropdown-content bg-coolgray-200 w-96">
<div class="card-body">
{!! $helper !!}
<select {{ $attributes }} wire:model.defer={{ $id }}>
@ -24,4 +42,4 @@
<div class="text-red-500">{{ $message }}</div>
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
} else if (this.selectedAction === 1) {
window.location =
} else if (this.selectedAction === 2) {
window.location =
@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
<div class="relative text-center rounded modal-box bg-coolgray-100">
<div class="pb-8 text-base text-white">{{ $message }}</div>
<div class="flex justify-center gap-4 text-xs">
<x-forms.button class="w-32" isWarning wire:click='{{ $action }}'
x-on:click="{{ $show }} = false">
<x-forms.button class="w-32 hover:bg-coolgray-400 bg-coolgray-200 h-7" isWarning
wire:click='{{ $action }}' x-on:click="{{ $show }} = false">
<x-forms.button class="w-32" x-on:click="{{ $show }} = false">No</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button class="w-32 hover:bg-coolgray-400 bg-coolgray-200 h-7"
x-on:click="{{ $show }} = false">No</x-forms.button>
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<h1>Select a private key</h1>
@foreach ($private_keys as $key)
@if ($private_key_id == $key->id)
<x-forms.button class="bg-blue-500" wire:click.defer="setPrivateKey('{{ $key->id }}')">
{{ $key->name }}</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click.defer="setPrivateKey('{{ $key->id }}')">{{ $key->name }}
<h1>New Application</h1>
<div class="pb-4 text-sm">Deploy any public or private git repositories through a Deploy Key.</div>
<h3 class="py-2">Select a private key</h3>
@foreach ($private_keys as $key)
@if ($private_key_id == $key->id)
<x-forms.button class="bg-coollabs hover:bg-coollabs-100"
wire:click.defer="setPrivateKey('{{ $key->id }}')">
{{ $key->name }}</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click.defer="setPrivateKey('{{ $key->id }}')">{{ $key->name }}
<h1>Choose a repository</h1>
<form wire:submit.prevent='submit'>
<form class="pt-6" wire:submit.prevent='submit'>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2 pb-2">
<x-forms.input class="w-96" id="repository_url" label="Repository URL" />
@if ($is_static)
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
<x-forms.input type="number" id="port" label="Port" :readonly="$is_static" />
<x-forms.input instantSave type="checkbox" id="is_static" label="Static Site?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="is_static" label="Static Site?" />
<x-forms.button type="submit">
Add New Application
@ -1,45 +1,75 @@
<h1>New Application</h1>
<div class="pb-4 text-sm">Deploy any public or private git repositories through a GitHub App.</div>
@if ($github_apps->count() > 0)
<h1>Choose a GitHub App</h1>
@foreach ($github_apps as $ghapp)
<x-forms.button wire:key="{{ $ghapp->id }}" wire:click="loadRepositories({{ $ghapp->id }})">
{{ $ghapp->name }}
@if ($repositories->count() > 0)
<h3>Choose a Repository</h3>
<select wire:model.defer="selected_repository_id">
@foreach ($repositories as $repo)
@if ($loop->first)
<option selected value="{{ data_get($repo, 'id') }}">{{ data_get($repo, 'name') }}</option>
<form class="flex flex-col" wire:submit.prevent='submit'>
<h3 class="py-2">Select a GitHub App</h3>
@foreach ($github_apps as $ghapp)
@if ($selected_github_app_id == $ghapp->id)
<x-forms.button class="bg-coollabs hover:bg-coollabs-100 h-7" wire:key="{{ $ghapp->id }}"
wire:click.prevent="loadRepositories({{ $ghapp->id }})">
{{ $ghapp->name }}
<x-forms.button wire:key="{{ $ghapp->id }}"
wire:click.prevent="loadRepositories({{ $ghapp->id }})">
{{ $ghapp->name }}
<div class="flex flex-col">
@if ($repositories->count() > 0)
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.select class="w-full" label="Repository URL" helper="{!! __('repository.url') !!}"
@foreach ($repositories as $repo)
@if ($loop->first)
<option selected value="{{ data_get($repo, 'id') }}">{{ data_get($repo, 'name') }}
<option value="{{ data_get($repo, 'id') }}">{{ data_get($repo, 'name') }}</option>
<x-forms.button class="h-8 hover:bg-coolgray-400 bg-coolgray-200"
wire:click.prevent="loadBranches"> Check
@if ($branches->count() > 0)
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.select id="selected_branch_name" label="Branch">
<option value="default" disabled selected>Select a branch</option>
@foreach ($branches as $branch)
@if ($loop->first)
<option selected value="{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}">
{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}
<option value="{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}">{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}
@if ($is_static)
<x-forms.input class="h-8" id="publish_directory" label="Publish Directory"
helper="If there is a build process involved (like Svelte, React, Next, etc..), please specify the output directory for the build assets." />
<option value="{{ data_get($repo, 'id') }}">{{ data_get($repo, 'name') }}</option>
<x-forms.input class="h-8" type="number" id="port" label="Port" :readonly="$is_static"
helper="The port your application listens on." />
<x-forms.button wire:click="loadBranches">Select Repository</x-forms.button>
@if ($branches->count() > 0)
<h3>Choose a Branch</h3>
<select wire:model.defer="selected_branch_name">
<option disabled>Choose a branch</option>
@foreach ($branches as $branch)
@if ($loop->first)
<option selected value="{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}">{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}
<option value="{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}">{{ data_get($branch, 'name') }}</option>
<x-forms.button wire:click="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="is_static" label="Is it a static site?"
helper="If your application is a static site or the final build assets should be served as a static site, enable this." />
<x-forms.button class="w-full mt-8" type="submit">
Save New Application
Add new github app
@ -1,47 +1,39 @@
<h1>Enter a public repository URL</h1>
<h1>New Application</h1>
<div class="pb-4 text-sm">Deploy any public git repositories.</div>
<form class="flex flex-col gap-2" wire:submit.prevent='submit'>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input wire:keypress.enter='load_branches' id="repository_url" label="Repository URL"
helper="<span class='text-helper'>Example</span>https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples => main branch will be selected<br>https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify-examples/tree/nodejs-fastify => nodejs-fastify branch will be selected" />
helper="{!! __('repository.url') !!}" />
<x-forms.button wire:click.prevent="load_branches">
Check repository
@if (count($branches) > 0)
<x-forms.select id="selected_branch" label="Branch">
<option value="default" disabled selected>Select a branch</option>
@foreach ($branches as $branch)
<option value="{{ $branch }}">{{ $branch }}</option>
<x-forms.select id="branch" label="Branch" disabled>
<option value="default" selected>Set a repository first</option>
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.select id="selected_branch" label="Branch">
<option value="default" disabled selected>Select a branch</option>
@foreach ($branches as $branch)
<option value="{{ $branch }}">{{ $branch }}</option>
@if ($is_static)
<x-forms.input class="h-8" id="publish_directory" label="Publish Directory"
helper="If there is a build process involved (like Svelte, React, Next, etc..), please specify the output directory for the build assets." />
<x-forms.input class="h-8" type="number" id="port" label="Port" :readonly="$is_static"
helper="The port your application listens on." />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="is_static" label="Is it a static site?"
helper="If your application is a static site or the final build assets should be served as a static site, enable this." />
<x-forms.button class="mt-8" type="submit">
Save New Application
@if ($is_static)
<x-forms.input id="publish_directory" label="Publish Directory"
helper="If there is a build process involved (like Svelte, React, Next, etc..), please specify the output directory for the build assets." />
<x-forms.input type="number" id="port" label="Port" :readonly="$is_static"
helper="The port your application listens on." />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="is_static" label="Is it a static site?" />
@if (count($branches) > 0)
<x-forms.button type="submit">
<x-forms.button disabled type="submit">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user