@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ class UpdateCoolify
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
ray('InstanceAutoUpdateJob failed');
send_internal_notification('InstanceAutoUpdateJob failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
@ -57,7 +54,6 @@ class UpdateCoolify
"curl -fsSL -o /data/coolify/source/",
"bash /data/coolify/source/ $this->latestVersion"
], $this->server);
send_internal_notification("Instance updated from {$this->currentVersion} -> {$this->latestVersion}");
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class ServicesGenerate extends Command
public function handle()
// ray()->clearAll();
$files = array_diff(scandir(base_path('templates/compose')), ['.', '..']);
$files = array_filter($files, function ($file) {
return strpos($file, '.yaml') !== false;
@ -63,6 +62,7 @@ class ServicesGenerate extends Command
$documentation = collect(preg_grep('/^# documentation:/', explode("\n", $content)))->values();
if ($documentation->count() > 0) {
$documentation = str($documentation[0])->after('# documentation:')->trim()->value();
$documentation = str($documentation)->append('?');
} else {
$documentation = '';
@ -6,15 +6,12 @@ use App\Jobs\CheckLogDrainContainerJob;
use App\Jobs\CleanupInstanceStuffsJob;
use App\Jobs\DatabaseBackupJob;
use App\Jobs\ScheduledTaskJob;
use App\Jobs\InstanceAutoUpdateJob;
use App\Jobs\ContainerStatusJob;
use App\Jobs\PullCoolifyImageJob;
use App\Jobs\PullHelperImageJob;
use App\Jobs\PullSentinelImageJob;
use App\Jobs\PullTemplatesAndVersions;
use App\Jobs\PullTemplatesFromCDN;
use App\Jobs\PullVersionsFromCDN;
use App\Jobs\ServerStatusJob;
use App\Models\InstanceSettings;
use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup;
use App\Models\ScheduledTask;
use App\Models\Server;
@ -32,37 +29,33 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
// Instance Jobs
$schedule->job(new CleanupInstanceStuffsJob)->everyMinute()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullVersionsFromCDN)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullTemplatesFromCDN)->everyTwoHours()->onOneServer();
// $schedule->job(new CheckResaleLicenseJob)->hourly()->onOneServer();
// Server Jobs
// $this->pull_helper_image($schedule);
} else {
// Instance Jobs
$schedule->job(new PullVersionsFromCDN)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullTemplatesFromCDN)->everyTwoHours()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullCoolifyImageJob)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new PullTemplatesFromCDN)->everyThirtyMinutes()->onOneServer();
$schedule->job(new CleanupInstanceStuffsJob)->everyTwoMinutes()->onOneServer();
// $schedule->job(new CheckResaleLicenseJob)->hourly()->onOneServer();
// Server Jobs
$schedule->command('cleanup:database --yes')->daily();
private function pull_helper_image($schedule)
private function pull_images($schedule)
$servers = $this->all_servers->where('settings.is_usable', true)->where('settings.is_reachable', true)->where('ip', '!=', '');
foreach ($servers as $server) {
@ -93,16 +86,6 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
$schedule->job(new ServerStatusJob($server))->everyMinute()->onOneServer();
private function instance_auto_update($schedule)
if (isDev() || isCloud()) {
$settings = InstanceSettings::get();
if ($settings->is_auto_update_enabled) {
$schedule->job(new InstanceAutoUpdateJob)->everyTenMinutes()->onOneServer();
private function check_scheduled_backups($schedule)
$scheduled_backups = ScheduledDatabaseBackup::all();
@ -410,11 +410,12 @@ class Github extends Controller
if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close') {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if ($found) {
$container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
ApplicationPullRequestUpdateJob::dispatchSync(application: $application, preview: $found, status: ProcessStatus::CLOSED);
$container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
// ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
'application' => $application->name,
'status' => 'success',
@ -430,7 +431,6 @@ class Github extends Controller
return response($return_payloads);
} catch (Exception $e) {
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class Gitlab extends Controller
ray('Preview deployments disabled for ' . $application->name);
} else if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close') {
} else if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close' || $action === 'merge') {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if ($found) {
@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
public $tries = 1;
public function __construct(int $application_deployment_queue_id)
$this->application_deployment_queue = ApplicationDeploymentQueue::find($application_deployment_queue_id);
$this->application = Application::find($this->application_deployment_queue->application_id);
$this->build_pack = data_get($this->application, 'build_pack');
@ -290,7 +289,6 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
private function post_deployment()
if ($this->server->isProxyShouldRun()) {
// dispatch(new ContainerStatusJob($this->server));
@ -347,9 +345,15 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if (data_get($this->application, 'docker_compose_custom_start_command')) {
$this->docker_compose_custom_start_command = $this->application->docker_compose_custom_start_command;
if (!str($this->docker_compose_custom_start_command)->contains('--project-directory')) {
$this->docker_compose_custom_start_command = str($this->docker_compose_custom_start_command)->replaceFirst('compose', 'compose --project-directory ' . $this->workdir)->value();
if (data_get($this->application, 'docker_compose_custom_build_command')) {
$this->docker_compose_custom_build_command = $this->application->docker_compose_custom_build_command;
if (!str($this->docker_compose_custom_build_command)->contains('--project-directory')) {
$this->docker_compose_custom_build_command = str($this->docker_compose_custom_build_command)->replaceFirst('compose', 'compose --project-directory ' . $this->workdir)->value();
if ($this->pull_request_id === 0) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Starting deployment of {$this->application->name} to {$this->server->name}.");
@ -367,7 +371,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
$yaml = $composeFile = $this->application->docker_compose_raw;
} else {
$composeFile = $this->application->parseCompose(pull_request_id: $this->pull_request_id);
$composeFile = $this->application->parseCompose(pull_request_id: $this->pull_request_id, preview_id: data_get($this, ''));
if (!is_null($this->env_filename)) {
$services = collect($composeFile['services']);
@ -759,7 +763,7 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if ($env->version === '4.0.0-beta.239') {
$real_value = $env->real_value;
} else {
if ($env->is_literal) {
if ($env->is_literal || $env->is_multiline) {
$real_value = '\'' . $real_value . '\'';
} else {
$real_value = escapeEnvVariables($env->real_value);
@ -800,10 +804,11 @@ class ApplicationDeploymentJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
if ($env->version === '4.0.0-beta.239') {
$real_value = $env->real_value;
} else {
if ($env->is_literal) {
if ($env->is_literal || $env->is_multiline) {
$real_value = '\'' . $real_value . '\'';
} else {
$real_value = escapeEnvVariables($env->real_value);
$envs->push($env->key . '=' . $real_value);
@ -1944,11 +1949,17 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if ($this->pull_request_id === 0) {
foreach ($this->application->build_environment_variables as $env) {
$value = escapeshellarg($env->real_value);
if (str($value)->contains("\n") && data_get($env, 'is_multiline') === true) {
$value = str_replace("\n", "\\\n", $value);
$this->build_args->push("--build-arg {$env->key}={$value}");
} else {
foreach ($this->application->build_environment_variables_preview as $env) {
$value = escapeshellarg($env->real_value);
if (str($value)->contains("\n") && data_get($env, 'is_multiline') === true) {
$value = str_replace("\n", "\\\n", $value);
$this->build_args->push("--build-arg {$env->key}={$value}");
@ -1964,10 +1975,20 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
$dockerfile = collect(Str::of($this->saved_outputs->get('dockerfile'))->trim()->explode("\n"));
if ($this->pull_request_id === 0) {
foreach ($this->application->build_environment_variables as $env) {
$dockerfile->splice(1, 0, "ARG {$env->key}={$env->real_value}");
if (str($env->real_value)->contains("\n") && data_get($env, 'is_multiline') === true) {
$value = str_replace("\n", "\\\n", $env->real_value);
} else {
$value = $env->real_value;
$dockerfile->splice(1, 0, "ARG {$env->key}={$value}");
} else {
foreach ($this->application->build_environment_variables_preview as $env) {
if (str($env->real_value)->contains("\n") && data_get($env, 'is_multiline') === true) {
$value = str_replace("\n", "\\\n", $env->real_value);
} else {
$value = $env->real_value;
$dockerfile->splice(1, 0, "ARG {$env->key}={$env->real_value}");
@ -1987,7 +2008,7 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if ($containers->count() == 0) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing pre-deployment command (see debug log for output).");
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing pre-deployment command (see debug log for output/errors).");
foreach ($containers as $container) {
$containerName = data_get($container, 'Names');
@ -2010,6 +2031,7 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if (empty($this->application->post_deployment_command)) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Executing post-deployment command (see debug log for output).");
$containers = getCurrentApplicationContainerStatus($this->server, $this->application->id, $this->pull_request_id);
@ -2018,11 +2040,20 @@ COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf");
if ($containers->count() == 1 || str_starts_with($containerName, $this->application->post_deployment_command_container . '-' . $this->application->uuid)) {
$cmd = "sh -c '" . str_replace("'", "'\''", $this->application->post_deployment_command) . "'";
$exec = "docker exec {$containerName} {$cmd}";
'command' => $exec, 'hidden' => true
try {
'command' => $exec, 'hidden' => true, 'save' => 'post-deployment-command-output'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$post_deployment_command_output = $this->saved_outputs->get('post-deployment-command-output');
if ($post_deployment_command_output) {
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry("Post-deployment command failed.");
$this->application_deployment_queue->addLogEntry($post_deployment_command_output, 'stderr');
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class ApplicationPullRequestUpdateJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
try {
if ($this->application->is_public_repository()) {
ray('Public repository. Skipping comment update.');
if ($this->status === ProcessStatus::CLOSED) {
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class ApplicationPullRequestUpdateJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
return $e;
@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ class CheckLogDrainContainerJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
send_internal_notification("CheckLogDrainContainerJob failed on ({$this->server->id}) with: " . $e->getMessage());
if (!isCloud()) send_internal_notification("CheckLogDrainContainerJob failed on ({$this->server->id}) with: " . $e->getMessage());
return handleError($e);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Models\InstanceSettings;
use App\Models\Server;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeEncrypted;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
class PullCoolifyImageJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $timeout = 1000;
public function __construct()
public function handle(): void
try {
if (isDev() || isCloud()) {
$server = Server::findOrFail(0);
$response = Http::retry(3, 1000)->get('');
if ($response->successful()) {
$versions = $response->json();
File::put(base_path('versions.json'), json_encode($versions, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$latest_version = get_latest_version_of_coolify();
instant_remote_process(["docker pull -q{$latest_version}"], $server, false);
$settings = InstanceSettings::get();
$current_version = config('version');
if (!$settings->is_auto_update_enabled) {
if ($latest_version === $current_version) {
if (version_compare($latest_version, $current_version, '<')) {
"curl -fsSL -o /data/coolify/source/",
"bash /data/coolify/source/ $latest_version"
], $server);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ class PullVersionsFromCDN implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeEncrypted
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
send_internal_notification('PullTemplatesAndVersions failed with: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class Heading extends Component
return [
"echo-private:team.{$teamId},ApplicationStatusChanged" => 'check_status',
"compose_loaded" => '$refresh',
"update_links" => '$refresh',
public function mount()
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Previews extends Component
try {
$success = true;
$preview = $this->application->previews->find($preview_id);
if (isset($preview->fqdn)) {
if (data_get_str($preview, 'fqdn')->isNotEmpty()) {
$preview->fqdn = str($preview->fqdn)->replaceEnd(',', '')->trim();
$preview->fqdn = str($preview->fqdn)->replaceStart(',', '')->trim();
$preview->fqdn = str($preview->fqdn)->trim()->lower();
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Previews extends Component
$random = new Cuid2(7);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $preview_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $preview->pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$preview->fqdn = $preview_fqdn;
@ -88,17 +88,34 @@ class Previews extends Component
public function add(int $pull_request_id, string|null $pull_request_html_url = null)
try {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $this->application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if (!$found && !is_null($pull_request_html_url)) {
'application_id' => $this->application->id,
'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url
if ($this->application->build_pack === 'dockercompose') {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $this->application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if (!$found && !is_null($pull_request_html_url)) {
$found = ApplicationPreview::create([
'application_id' => $this->application->id,
'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
'docker_compose_domains' => $this->application->docker_compose_domains,
} else {
$found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $this->application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
if (!$found && !is_null($pull_request_html_url)) {
$found = ApplicationPreview::create([
'application_id' => $this->application->id,
'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
$this->dispatch('success', 'Preview added.');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
@ -152,7 +169,7 @@ class Previews extends Component
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
@ -172,15 +189,10 @@ class Previews extends Component
ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $this->application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first()->delete();
$this->dispatch('success', 'Preview deleted.');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError($e, $this);
public function previewRefresh()
$this->application->previews->each(function ($preview) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
namespace App\Livewire\Project\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use Livewire\Component;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
class PreviewsCompose extends Component
public $service;
public $serviceName;
public ApplicationPreview $preview;
public function render()
return view('livewire.project.application.previews-compose');
public function save()
$domain = data_get($this->service, 'domain');
$docker_compose_domains = data_get($this->preview, 'docker_compose_domains');
$docker_compose_domains = json_decode($docker_compose_domains, true);
$docker_compose_domains[$this->serviceName]['domain'] = $domain;
$this->preview->docker_compose_domains = json_encode($docker_compose_domains);
$this->dispatch('success', 'Domain saved.');
public function generate()
$domains = collect(json_decode($this->preview->application->docker_compose_domains)) ?? collect();
$domain = $domains->first(function ($_, $key) {
return $key === $this->serviceName;
if ($domain) {
$domain = data_get($domain, 'domain');
$url = Url::fromString($domain);
$template = $this->preview->application->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2(7);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $this->preview->pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$docker_compose_domains = data_get($this->preview, 'docker_compose_domains');
$docker_compose_domains = json_decode($docker_compose_domains, true);
$docker_compose_domains[$this->serviceName]['domain'] = $this->service->domain = $preview_fqdn;
$this->preview->docker_compose_domains = json_encode($docker_compose_domains);
$this->dispatch('success', 'Domain generated.');
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ use Livewire\Component;
class Index extends Component
public $database;
public $s3s;
public function mount()
$project = currentTeam()->load(['projects'])->projects->where('uuid', request()->route('project_uuid'))->first();
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ class Index extends Component
$this->database = $database;
$this->s3s = currentTeam()->s3s;
public function render()
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class BackupExecutions extends Component
public function refreshBackupExecutions(): void
if ($this->backup) {
$this->executions = $this->backup->executions()->get()->sortByDesc('created_at');
$this->executions = $this->backup->executions()->get()->sortBy('created_at');
@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Clickhouse;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneClickhouse;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
class General extends Component
public Server $server;
public StandaloneClickhouse $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -43,10 +45,11 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced() {
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class CreateScheduledBackup extends Component
public function mount()
$this->s3s = currentTeam()->s3s;
if ($this->s3s->count() > 0) {
$this->s3_storage_id = $this->s3s->first()->id;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Dragonfly;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneDragonfly;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public Server $server;
public StandaloneDragonfly $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -41,10 +43,11 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced() {
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Keydb;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneKeydb;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public Server $server;
public StandaloneKeydb $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced() {
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Mariadb;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneMariadb;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public Server $server;
public StandaloneMariadb $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -50,10 +52,12 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced() {
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Mongodb;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneMongodb;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public Server $server;
public StandaloneMongodb $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -48,11 +50,13 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced()
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Mysql;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneMysql;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public StandaloneMysql $database;
public Server $server;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -50,11 +52,12 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced()
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Postgresql;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandalonePostgresql;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ use function Aws\filter;
class General extends Component
public StandalonePostgresql $database;
public Server $server;
public string $new_filename;
public string $new_content;
public ?string $db_url = null;
@ -57,11 +59,12 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced()
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace App\Livewire\Project\Database\Redis;
use App\Actions\Database\StartDatabaseProxy;
use App\Actions\Database\StopDatabaseProxy;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\StandaloneRedis;
use Exception;
use Livewire\Component;
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class General extends Component
protected $listeners = ['refresh'];
public Server $server;
public StandaloneRedis $database;
public ?string $db_url = null;
public ?string $db_url_public = null;
@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ class General extends Component
if ($this->database->is_public) {
$this->db_url_public = $this->database->get_db_url();
$this->server = data_get($this->database,'destination.server');
public function instantSaveAdvanced() {
try {
if (!$this->database->destination->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
if (!$this->server->isLogDrainEnabled()) {
$this->database->is_log_drain_enabled = false;
$this->dispatch('error', 'Log drain is not enabled on the server. Please enable it first.');
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\GithubApp;
use App\Models\GitlabApp;
use App\Models\Project;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\StandaloneDocker;
use App\Models\SwarmDocker;
use Carbon\Carbon;
@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ class PublicGitRepository extends Component
public $build_pack = 'nixpacks';
public bool $show_is_static = true;
public bool $new_compose_services = false;
protected $rules = [
'repository_url' => 'required|url',
'port' => 'required|numeric',
@ -177,6 +180,31 @@ class PublicGitRepository extends Component
$project = Project::where('uuid', $project_uuid)->first();
$environment = $project->load(['environments'])->environments->where('name', $environment_name)->first();
if ($this->build_pack === 'dockercompose' && isDev() && $this->new_compose_services ) {
$server = $destination->server;
$new_service = [
'name' => 'service' . str()->random(10),
'docker_compose_raw' => 'coolify',
'environment_id' => $environment->id,
'server_id' => $server->id,
if ($this->git_source === 'other') {
$new_service['git_repository'] = $this->git_repository;
$new_service['git_branch'] = $this->git_branch;
} else {
$new_service['git_repository'] = $this->git_repository;
$new_service['git_branch'] = $this->git_branch;
$new_service['source_id'] = $this->git_source->id;
$new_service['source_type'] = $this->git_source->getMorphClass();
$service = Service::create($new_service);
return redirect()->route('project.service.configuration', [
'service_uuid' => $service->uuid,
'environment_name' => $environment->name,
'project_uuid' => $project->uuid,
if ($this->git_source === 'other') {
$application_init = [
'name' => generate_random_name(),
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use Livewire\Component;
class Create extends Component
public $type;
public $project;
public function mount()
$type = str(request()->query('type'));
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ class Create extends Component
if (!$project) {
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
$this->project = $project;
$environment = $project->load(['environments'])->environments->where('name', request()->route('environment_name'))->first();
if (!$environment) {
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ use Livewire\Component;
class Change extends Component
public string $webhook_endpoint;
public ?string $ipv4;
public ?string $ipv6;
public ?string $fqdn;
public ?string $ipv4 = null;
public ?string $ipv6 = null;
public ?string $fqdn = null;
public ?bool $default_permissions = true;
public ?bool $preview_deployment_permissions = true;
public ?bool $administration = false;
public $parameters;
public ?GithubApp $github_app;
public ?GithubApp $github_app = null;
public string $name;
public bool $is_system_wide;
@ -861,14 +861,10 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
instant_remote_process($commands, $this->destination->server, false);
function parseCompose(int $pull_request_id = 0)
function parseCompose(int $pull_request_id = 0, ?int $preview_id = null)
if ($this->docker_compose_raw) {
$mainCompose = parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id);
if ($this->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Application' && $this->docker_compose_pr_raw) {
parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id, is_pr: true);
return $mainCompose;
return parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id, preview_id: $preview_id);
} else {
return collect([]);
@ -1052,7 +1048,8 @@ class Application extends BaseModel
function generate_preview_fqdn(int $pull_request_id) {
function generate_preview_fqdn(int $pull_request_id)
$preview = ApplicationPreview::findPreviewByApplicationAndPullId($this->id, $pull_request_id);
if (is_null(data_get($preview, 'fqdn')) && $this->fqdn) {
if (str($this->fqdn)->contains(',')) {
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
namespace App\Models;
use Spatie\Url\Url;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;
class ApplicationPreview extends BaseModel
protected $guarded = [];
@ -34,4 +37,26 @@ class ApplicationPreview extends BaseModel
return $this->belongsTo(Application::class);
function generate_preview_fqdn_compose()
$domains = collect(json_decode($this->application->docker_compose_domains)) ?? collect();
foreach ($domains as $service_name => $domain) {
$domain = data_get($domain, 'domain');
$url = Url::fromString($domain);
$template = $this->application->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2(7);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $this->pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$docker_compose_domains = data_get($this, 'docker_compose_domains');
$docker_compose_domains = json_decode($docker_compose_domains, true);
$docker_compose_domains[$service_name]['domain'] = $preview_fqdn;
$docker_compose_domains = json_encode($docker_compose_domains);
$this->docker_compose_domains = $docker_compose_domains;
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ class TelegramChannel
$topicId = data_get($notifiable, 'telegram_notifications_test_message_thread_id');
case 'App\Notifications\Application\StatusChanged':
case 'App\Notifications\Container\ContainerRestarted':
case 'App\Notifications\Container\ContainerStopped':
$topicId = data_get($notifiable, 'telegram_notifications_status_changes_message_thread_id');
case 'App\Notifications\Application\DeploymentSuccess':
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const SPECIFIC_SERVICES = [
// Based on /etc/os-release
const SUPPORTED_OS = [
'ubuntu debian raspbian',
'centos fedora rhel ol rocky amzn',
'centos fedora rhel ol rocky amzn almalinux',
'sles opensuse-leap opensuse-tumbleweed'
@ -488,8 +488,10 @@ function generateLabelsApplication(Application $application, ?ApplicationPreview
} else {
if ($preview->fqdn) {
if (data_get($preview,'fqdn')) {
$domains = Str::of(data_get($preview, 'fqdn'))->explode(',');
} else {
$domains = collect([]);
$labels = $labels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $appUuid,
@ -657,9 +657,8 @@ function getTopLevelNetworks(Service|Application $resource)
function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = false, int $pull_request_id = 0, bool $is_pr = false)
function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = false, int $pull_request_id = 0, ?int $preview_id = null)
// ray()->clearAll();
if ($resource->getMorphClass() === 'App\Models\Service') {
if ($resource->docker_compose_raw) {
try {
@ -912,7 +911,7 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
} else if ($type->value() === 'volume') {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts')) {
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
return $volume;
@ -1283,20 +1282,11 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
$isSameDockerComposeFile = false;
if ($resource->dockerComposePrLocation() === $resource->dockerComposeLocation()) {
$isSameDockerComposeFile = true;
$is_pr = false;
if ($is_pr) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_pr_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
try {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($resource->docker_compose_raw);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$server = $resource->destination->server;
$topLevelVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', []));
@ -1330,7 +1320,7 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$definedNetwork = collect(["{$resource->uuid}-$pull_request_id"]);
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource, $server, $pull_request_id) {
$services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($topLevelVolumes, $topLevelNetworks, $definedNetwork, $isNew, $generatedServiceFQDNS, $resource, $server, $pull_request_id, $preview_id) {
$serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', []));
$servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', []));
$serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', []));
@ -1380,8 +1370,13 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
$volume = str("$name:$mount");
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts')) {
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $name);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name, [
@ -1391,8 +1386,12 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
} else {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($name->value())) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($name->value());
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts')) {
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $name->value(), $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($name->value(), [
@ -1444,8 +1443,13 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
if (!str($source)->startsWith('/')) {
if ($topLevelVolumes->has($source)) {
$v = $topLevelVolumes->get($source);
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts')) {
if (data_get($v, 'driver_opts.type') === 'cifs') {
// Do nothing
} else {
if (is_null(data_get($v, 'name'))) {
data_set($v, 'name', $source);
data_set($topLevelVolumes, $source, $v);
} else {
$topLevelVolumes->put($source, [
@ -1716,21 +1720,32 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
if ($fqdns) {
$fqdns = str($fqdns)->explode(',');
if ($pull_request_id !== 0) {
$fqdns = $fqdns->map(function ($fqdn) use ($pull_request_id, $resource) {
$preview = ApplicationPreview::findPreviewByApplicationAndPullId($resource->id, $pull_request_id);
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$template = $resource->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2(7);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$preview->fqdn = $preview_fqdn;
return $preview_fqdn;
$preview = $resource->previews()->find($preview_id);
$docker_compose_domains = collect(json_decode(data_get($preview, 'docker_compose_domains')));
if ($docker_compose_domains->count() > 0) {
$found_fqdn = data_get($docker_compose_domains, "$serviceName.domain");
if ($found_fqdn) {
$fqdns = collect($found_fqdn);
} else {
$fqdns = collect([]);
} else {
$fqdns = $fqdns->map(function ($fqdn) use ($pull_request_id, $resource) {
$preview = ApplicationPreview::findPreviewByApplicationAndPullId($resource->id, $pull_request_id);
$url = Url::fromString($fqdn);
$template = $resource->preview_url_template;
$host = $url->getHost();
$schema = $url->getScheme();
$random = new Cuid2(7);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{random}}', $random, $template);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{domain}}', $host, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = str_replace('{{pr_id}}', $pull_request_id, $preview_fqdn);
$preview_fqdn = "$schema://$preview_fqdn";
$preview->fqdn = $preview_fqdn;
return $preview_fqdn;
$serviceLabels = $serviceLabels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik(
uuid: $resource->uuid,
@ -1797,13 +1812,8 @@ function parseDockerComposeFile(Service|Application $resource, bool $isNew = fal
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
} else {
if ($is_pr) {
$resource->docker_compose_pr_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose_pr = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
} else {
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2);
$resource->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2);
return collect($finalServices);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ return [
// The release version of your application
// Example with dynamic git hash: trim(exec('git --git-dir ' . base_path('.git') . ' log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD'))
'release' => '4.0.0-beta.294',
'release' => '4.0.0-beta.295',
// When left empty or `null` the Laravel environment will be used
'environment' => config('app.env'),
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
return '4.0.0-beta.294';
return '4.0.0-beta.295';
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('application_previews', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('application_previews', function (Blueprint $table) {
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('application_previews', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('application_previews', function (Blueprint $table) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::table('services', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
public function down(): void
Schema::table('services', function (Blueprint $table) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<svg width="520" height="520" viewBox="0 0 520 520" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M422.968 205.942C413.422 191.118 400.042 177.995 383.222 166.926C350.724 145.574 308.024 133.811 262.987 133.811C247.939 133.811 233.115 135.12 218.724 137.71C209.796 129.114 199.357 121.382 188.301 115.272C147.282 94.8216 111.134 102.436 92.8693 109.004C86.8687 111.163 85.0173 118.752 89.4554 123.331C102.336 136.624 123.647 162.896 118.408 186.787C98.0427 207.577 87 232.646 87 258.748C87 285.347 98.0427 310.416 118.408 331.206C123.647 355.097 102.336 381.382 89.4554 394.675C85.0304 399.241 86.8687 406.83 92.8693 408.989C111.134 415.557 147.282 423.185 188.314 402.735C199.37 396.625 209.809 388.892 218.737 380.296C233.128 382.887 247.953 384.195 263 384.195C308.05 384.195 350.751 372.446 383.235 351.093C400.055 340.024 413.435 326.914 422.981 312.077C433.617 295.566 439 277.785 439 259.258C438.987 240.234 433.603 222.467 422.968 205.942ZM261.149 353.383C241.676 353.383 223.11 350.871 206.185 346.331L193.816 358.224C187.093 364.687 179.215 370.536 170.995 375.141C160.11 380.466 149.356 383.384 138.721 384.26C139.325 383.175 139.876 382.076 140.467 380.976C152.862 358.211 156.21 337.748 150.499 319.601C130.225 303.678 118.067 283.293 118.067 261.09C118.067 210.129 182.13 168.81 261.149 168.81C340.167 168.81 404.244 210.129 404.244 261.09C404.244 312.064 340.181 353.383 261.149 353.383Z" fill="#F5455C"/>
<path d="M192.7 239.868C181.053 239.868 171.612 249.236 171.612 260.789C171.612 272.342 181.053 281.71 192.7 281.71C204.346 281.71 213.787 272.342 213.787 260.789C213.787 249.236 204.346 239.868 192.7 239.868Z" fill="#F5455C"/>
<path d="M260.571 239.868C248.925 239.868 239.484 249.236 239.484 260.789C239.484 272.342 248.925 281.71 260.571 281.71C272.218 281.71 281.659 272.342 281.659 260.789C281.659 249.236 272.218 239.868 260.571 239.868Z" fill="#F5455C"/>
<path d="M328.455 239.868C316.808 239.868 307.367 249.236 307.367 260.789C307.367 272.342 316.808 281.71 328.455 281.71C340.101 281.71 349.542 272.342 349.542 260.789C349.542 249.236 340.101 239.868 328.455 239.868Z" fill="#F5455C"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
@ -45,24 +45,48 @@
@if (data_get($application, 'previews', collect([]))->count() > 0)
@foreach (data_get($application, 'previews') as $preview)
@if (data_get($preview, 'fqdn'))
<a class="dropdown-item" target="_blank"
href="{{ getFqdnWithoutPort(data_get($preview, 'fqdn')) }}">
<svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5"
stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" />
<path d="M9 15l6 -6" />
<path d="M11 6l.463 -.536a5 5 0 0 1 7.071 7.072l-.534 .464" />
d="M13 18l-.397 .534a5.068 5.068 0 0 1 -7.127 0a4.972 4.972 0 0 1 0 -7.071l.524 -.463" />
PR{{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }} |
{{ data_get($preview, 'fqdn') }}
@if (data_get($application, 'previews', collect())->count() > 0)
@if (data_get($application, 'build_pack') === 'dockercompose')
@foreach ($application->previews as $preview)
@foreach (collect(json_decode($preview->docker_compose_domains)) as $fqdn)
@if (data_get($fqdn, 'domain'))
@foreach (explode(',', data_get($fqdn, 'domain')) as $domain)
<a class="dropdown-item" target="_blank" href="{{ getFqdnWithoutPort($domain) }}">
<svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" />
<path d="M9 15l6 -6" />
<path d="M11 6l.463 -.536a5 5 0 0 1 7.071 7.072l-.534 .464" />
d="M13 18l-.397 .534a5.068 5.068 0 0 1 -7.127 0a4.972 4.972 0 0 1 0 -7.071l.524 -.463" />
</svg>PR{{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }} |
{{ getFqdnWithoutPort($domain) }}
@foreach (data_get($application, 'previews') as $preview)
@if (data_get($preview, 'fqdn'))
<a class="dropdown-item" target="_blank"
href="{{ getFqdnWithoutPort(data_get($preview, 'fqdn')) }}">
<svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" />
<path d="M9 15l6 -6" />
<path d="M11 6l.463 -.536a5 5 0 0 1 7.071 7.072l-.534 .464" />
d="M13 18l-.397 .534a5.068 5.068 0 0 1 -7.127 0a4.972 4.972 0 0 1 0 -7.071l.524 -.463" />
PR{{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }} |
{{ data_get($preview, 'fqdn') }}
@if (data_get($application, 'ports_mappings_array'))
@foreach ($application->ports_mappings_array as $port)
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Destinations | Coolify
<div class="flex items-start gap-2">
@if ($servers->count() > 0)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<link rel="preload" href="" as="style" />
<link href=";500;600;700;800&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<title>{{ $title ?? 'Coolify' }}</title>
<link rel="icon" href="{{ asset('favicon-dev.png') }}" type="image/x-icon" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
@php use App\Enums\ProxyTypes; @endphp
Onboarding | Coolify
<section class="flex flex-col h-full lg:items-center lg:justify-center">
class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-10 mx-2 mt-10 bg-white border rounded-lg shadow lg:p-20 dark:bg-transparent dark:border-none max-w-7xl ">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Command Center | Coolify
<h1>Command Center</h1>
<div class="subtitle">Execute commands on your servers without leaving the browser.</div>
@if ($servers->count() > 0)
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Dashboard | Coolify
@if (session('error'))
<span x-data x-init="$wire.emit('error', '{{ session('error') }}')" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Notifications | Coolify
<x-notification.navbar />
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col gap-4">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
@ -7,7 +10,7 @@
@if ($team->discord_enabled)
<x-forms.button class="dark:text-white normal-case btn btn-xs no-animation btn-primary"
<x-forms.button class="normal-case dark:text-white btn btn-xs no-animation btn-primary"
Send Test Notifications
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Notifications | Coolify
<x-notification.navbar />
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col gap-4">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Notifications | Coolify
<x-notification.navbar />
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col gap-4">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Profile | Coolify
<div class="subtitle ">Your user profile settings.</div>
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($application, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Configuration | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$application" />
<livewire:project.application.heading :application="$application" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($application, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Deployments | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$application" />
<livewire:project.application.heading :application="$application" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($application, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Deployment | Coolify
<h1 class="py-0">Deployment</h1>
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$application" />
<livewire:project.application.heading :application="$application" />
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
@if (
!is_null($parsedServices) &&
count($parsedServices) > 0 &&
@ -266,20 +265,24 @@
<h3 class="pt-8">Pre/Post Deployment Commands</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose" id="application.pre_deployment_command"
label="Pre-deployment Command"
helper="An optional script or command to execute in the existing container before the deployment begins." />
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose" id="application.pre_deployment_command_container"
label="Container Name"
helper="The name of the container to execute within. You can leave it blank if your application only has one container." />
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose" placeholder="php artisan migrate"
id="application.pre_deployment_command" label="Pre-deployment "
helper="An optional script or command to execute in the existing container before the deployment begins.<br>It is always executed with 'sh -c', so you do not need add it manually." />
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose"
id="application.pre_deployment_command_container" label="Container Name"
helper="The name of the container to execute within. You can leave it blank if your application only has one container." />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 xl:flex-row">
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose" placeholder="php artisan migrate"
id="application.post_deployment_command" label="Post-deployment Command"
helper="An optional script or command to execute in the newly built container after the deployment completes." />
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose" id="application.post_deployment_command_container"
label="Container Name"
helper="The name of the container to execute within. You can leave it blank if your application only has one container." />
id="application.post_deployment_command" label="Post-deployment "
helper="An optional script or command to execute in the newly built container after the deployment completes.<br>It is always executed with 'sh -c', so you do not need add it manually." />
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
<x-forms.input x-bind:disabled="initLoadingCompose"
id="application.post_deployment_command_container" label="Container Name"
helper="The name of the container to execute within. You can leave it blank if your application only has one container." />
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<form wire:submit="save" class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input helper="One domain per preview." label="Domains for {{ str($serviceName)->headline() }}"
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click="generate">Generate
@ -42,11 +42,16 @@
<td class="flex flex-col gap-1 md:flex-row">
wire:click="add('{{ data_get($pull_request, 'number') }}', '{{ data_get($pull_request, 'html_url') }}')">
wire:click="deploy('{{ data_get($pull_request, 'number') }}', '{{ data_get($pull_request, 'html_url') }}')">
<svg xmlns="" class="w-5 h-5 dark:text-warning"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"
fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" />
<path d="M7 4v16l13 -8z" />
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@
@if ($application->previews->count() > 0)
<div class="pb-4">Previews</div>
<h3 class="py-4">Deployments</h3>
<div class="flex flex-wrap w-full gap-4">
@foreach (data_get($application, 'previews') as $previewName => $preview)
<div class="flex flex-col w-full p-4 border dark:border-coolgray-200">
@ -81,21 +86,35 @@
<x-external-link />
<form wire:submit="save_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')" class="flex items-end gap-2 pt-4">
<x-forms.input label="Domain" helper="One domain per preview."
id="application.previews.{{ $previewName }}.fqdn"></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click="generate_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')">Generate
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 pt-6">
<x-forms.button wire:click="deploy({{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }})">
@if (data_get($preview, 'status') === 'exited')
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 pt-4">
@if (collect(json_decode($preview->docker_compose_domains))->count() === 0)
<form wire:submit="save_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')"
class="flex items-end gap-2 pt-4">
<x-forms.input label="Domain" helper="One domain per preview."
id="application.previews.{{ $previewName }}.fqdn"></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click="generate_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')">Generate
@foreach (collect(json_decode($preview->docker_compose_domains)) as $serviceName => $service)
<livewire:project.application.previews-compose wire:key="{{ $preview->id }}"
:service="$service" :serviceName="$serviceName" :preview="$preview" />
<form wire:submit="save_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')" class="flex items-end gap-2 pt-4">
<x-forms.input label="Domain" helper="One domain per preview."
id="application.previews.{{ $previewName }}.fqdn"></x-forms.input>
<x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.button wire:click="generate_preview('{{ $preview->id }}')">Generate
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 pt-6">
@if (count($parameters) > 0)
href="{{ route('project.application.deployment.index', [...$parameters, 'pull_request_id' => data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id')]) }}">
@ -111,6 +130,27 @@
<div class="flex-1"></div>
<x-forms.button wire:click="deploy({{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }})">
@if (data_get($preview, 'status') === 'exited')
<svg xmlns="" class="w-5 h-5 dark:text-warning"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" fill="none"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" />
<path d="M7 4v16l13 -8z" />
<svg xmlns="" class="w-5 h-5 dark:text-orange-400"
viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none"
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
d="M10.09 4.01l.496 -.495a2 2 0 0 1 2.828 0l7.071 7.07a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.83l-7.07 7.07a2 2 0 0 1 -2.83 0l-7.07 -7.07a2 2 0 0 1 0 -2.83l3.535 -3.535h-3.988">
<path d="M7.05 11.038v-3.988"></path>
</svg> Redeploy
@if (data_get($preview, 'status') !== 'exited')
<x-modal-confirmation isErrorButton
action="stop({{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }})">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Clone | Coolify
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="subtitle ">Quickly clone all resources to a new project or environment.</div>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<div wire:init='refreshBackupExecutions'>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<h3 class="py-4">Executions</h3>
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
{{ data_get_str($database, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Backup | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$database" />
<livewire:project.database.heading :database="$database" />
<div class="pt-6">
<livewire:project.database.backup-edit :backup="$backup" :s3s="$s3s" :status="data_get($database, 'status')" />
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions :backup="$backup" :executions="$executions" />
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions :backup="$backup" />
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
{{ data_get_str($database, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Backups | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$database" />
<livewire:project.database.heading :database="$database" />
<div class="pt-6">
<div class="flex gap-2 ">
<div class="flex gap-2">
<h2 class="pb-4">Scheduled Backups</h2>
<x-modal-input buttonTitle="+ Add" title="New Scheduled Backup">
<livewire:project.database.create-scheduled-backup :database="$database" :s3s="$s3s" />
<livewire:project.database.create-scheduled-backup :database="$database" />
<livewire:project.database.scheduled-backups :database="$database" />
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
@if ($database->started_at)
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Initial Username" id="database.clickhouse_admin_user" placeholder="If empty: clickhouse"
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Username" id="database.clickhouse_admin_user"
placeholder="If empty: clickhouse" readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Password" id="database.clickhouse_admin_password" type="password" required
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="Clickhouse URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -47,6 +44,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($database, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Configuration | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$database" />
<livewire:project.database.heading :database="$database" />
@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="Dragonfly URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -29,6 +26,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
{{-- <x-forms.textarea
helper="<a target='_blank' class='underline dark:text-white' href=''>KeyDB Default Configuration</a>"
label="Custom Dragonfly Configuration" rows="10" id="database.keydb_conf" /> --}}
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="KeyDB URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -30,6 +27,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
helper="<a target='_blank' class='underline dark:text-white' href=''>KeyDB Default Configuration</a>"
label="Custom KeyDB Configuration" rows="10" id="database.keydb_conf" />
@ -12,23 +12,23 @@
<x-forms.input label="Image" id="database.image" required
helper="For all available images, check here:<br><br><a target='_blank' href=''></a>" />
<div class="pt-2 dark:text-warning">If you change the values in the database, please sync it here, otherwise
automations (like backups) won't work.
@if ($database->started_at)
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mariadb_root_password" type="password" readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mariadb_user" required readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mariadb_root_password" type="password" required
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mariadb_user" required
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User Password" id="database.mariadb_password" type="password" required
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Database" id="database.mariadb_database"
placeholder="If empty, it will be the same as Username." readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="pt-8 dark:text-warning">Please verify these values. You can only modify them before the initial
start. After that, you need to modify it in the database.
<div class="flex gap-2 pb-8">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 pb-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mariadb_root_password" type="password"
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mariadb_user" required
@ -45,9 +45,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="MariaDB URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -58,6 +55,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.textarea label="Custom MariaDB Configuration" rows="10" id="database.mariadb_conf" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col">
@ -12,21 +12,23 @@
<x-forms.input label="Image" id="database.image" required
helper="For all available images, check here:<br><br><a target='_blank' href=''></a>" />
<div class="pt-2 dark:text-warning">If you change the values in the database, please sync it here, otherwise
automations (like backups) won't work.
@if ($database->started_at)
<div class="flex gap-2">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Initial Username" id="database.mongo_initdb_root_username"
placeholder="If empty: postgres" readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
placeholder="If empty: postgres"
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Password" id="database.mongo_initdb_root_password" type="password"
required readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Database" id="database.mongo_initdb_database"
placeholder="If empty, it will be the same as Username." readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="pt-8 dark:text-warning">Please verify these values. You can only modify them before the initial
start. After that, you need to modify it in the database.
<div class="flex gap-2 pb-8">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 pb-2">
<x-forms.input required label="Username" id="database.mongo_initdb_root_username"
placeholder="If empty: postgres" />
<x-forms.input label="Password" id="database.mongo_initdb_root_password" type="password" required />
@ -39,9 +41,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="Mongo URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -52,6 +51,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.textarea label="Custom MongoDB Configuration" rows="10" id="database.mongo_conf" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col">
@ -12,23 +12,23 @@
<x-forms.input label="Image" id="database.image" required
helper="For all available images, check here:<br><br><a target='_blank' href=''></a>" />
<div class="pt-2 dark:text-warning">If you change the values in the database, please sync it here, otherwise
automations (like backups) won't work.
@if ($database->started_at)
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mysql_root_password" type="password" readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mysql_user" required readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mysql_root_password" type="password" required
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mysql_user" required
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User Password" id="database.mysql_password" type="password" required
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Database" id="database.mysql_database"
placeholder="If empty, it will be the same as Username." readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="pt-8 dark:text-warning">Please verify these values. You can only modify them before the initial
start. After that, you need to modify it in the database.
<div class="flex gap-2 pb-8">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 pb-2">
<x-forms.input label="Root Password" id="database.mysql_root_password" type="password"
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Normal User" id="database.mysql_user" required
@ -45,9 +45,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="MySQL URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -58,6 +55,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.textarea label="Custom Mysql Configuration" rows="10" id="database.mysql_conf" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col">
@ -20,31 +20,30 @@
<div class="flex gap-2 flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 sm:flex-nowrap">
<x-forms.input label="Name" id="" />
<x-forms.input label="Description" id="database.description" />
<x-forms.input label="Image" id="database.image" required
helper="For all available images, check here:<br><br><a target='_blank' href=''></a>" />
<div class="pt-2 dark:text-warning">If you change the values in the database, please sync it here, otherwise
automations (like backups) won't work.
@if ($database->started_at)
<div class="flex gap-2 flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap">
<x-forms.input label="Initial Username" id="database.postgres_user" placeholder="If empty: postgres"
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Password" id="database.postgres_password" type="password" required
readonly helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<x-forms.input label="Username" id="database.postgres_user" placeholder="If empty: postgres"
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Password" id="database.postgres_password" type="password" required
helper="If you change this in the database, please sync it here, otherwise automations (like backups) won't work." />
<x-forms.input label="Initial Database" id="database.postgres_db"
placeholder="If empty, it will be the same as Username." readonly
helper="You can only change this in the database." />
<div class="pt-8 dark:text-warning">Please verify these values. You can only modify them before the initial
start. After that, you need to modify it in the database.
<div class="flex gap-2 pb-8">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 pb-2">
<x-forms.input label="Username" id="database.postgres_user" placeholder="If empty: postgres" />
<x-forms.input label="Password" id="database.postgres_password" type="password" required />
<x-forms.input label="Database" id="database.postgres_db"
<x-forms.input label="Initial Database" id="database.postgres_db"
placeholder="If empty, it will be the same as Username." />
@ -59,10 +58,8 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="Postgres URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url" />
@ -72,6 +69,23 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.textarea label="Custom PostgreSQL Configuration" rows="10" id="database.postgres_conf" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="3000:5432" id="database.ports_mappings" label="Ports Mappings"
helper="A comma separated list of ports you would like to map to the host system.<br><span class='inline-block font-bold dark:text-warning'>Example</span>3000:5432,3002:5433" />
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ $database->is_public }}" id="database.public_port"
label="Public Port" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
<x-forms.input label="Redis URL (internal)"
helper="If you change the user/password/port, this could be different. This is with the default values."
@ -30,8 +27,25 @@
type="password" readonly wire:model="db_url_public" />
<h3 class="py-2">Proxy</h3>
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input placeholder="5432" disabled="{{ data_get($database, 'is_public') }}"
id="database.public_port" label="Public Port" />
<x-slide-over fullScreen>
<x-slot:title>Proxy Logs</x-slot:title>
<livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$database"
container="{{ data_get($database, 'uuid') }}-proxy" lazy />
<x-forms.button disabled="{{ !data_get($database, 'is_public') }}" @click="slideOverOpen=true"
class="w-28">Proxy Logs</x-forms.button>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="database.is_public" label="Make it publicly available" />
helper="<a target='_blank' class='dark:text-white underline' href=''>Redis Default Configuration</a>"
helper="<a target='_blank' class='underline dark:text-white' href=''>Redis Default Configuration</a>"
label="Custom Redis Configuration" rows="10" id="database.redis_conf" />
<h3 class="pt-4">Advanced</h3>
<div class="flex flex-col">
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
@forelse($database->scheduledBackups as $backup)
@if ($type == 'database')
<a class="box"
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@
<livewire:project.database.backup-edit wire:key="{{ $selectedBackup->id }}" :backup="$selectedBackup"
:s3s="$s3s" :status="data_get($database, 'status')" />
<h3 class="py-4">Executions</h3>
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions wire:keykey="{{ $selectedBackup->id }}" :backup="$selectedBackup"
:executions="$selectedBackup->executions" />
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions wire:key="{{ $selectedBackup->id }}" :backup="$selectedBackup" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Edit | Coolify
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col pb-10">
<div class="flex gap-2">
<h1>Project: {{ data_get($project, 'name') }}</h1>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Edit | Coolify
<form wire:submit='submit' class="flex flex-col">
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<h1>Environment: {{ data_get($environment, 'name') }}</h1>
@ -6,7 +9,7 @@
<livewire:project.delete-environment :disabled="!$environment->isEmpty()" :environment_id="$environment->id" />
<nav class="flex pt-2 pb-10">
<ol class="flex items-center flex-wrap gap-y-1">
<ol class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-y-1">
<li class="inline-flex items-center">
<div class="flex items-center">
<a class="text-xs truncate lg:text-sm"
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Projects | Coolify
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-modal-input buttonTitle="+ Add" title="New Project">
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<div class="flex items-end gap-2">
<x-forms.input required id="repository_url" label="Repository URL (https://)" helper="{!! __('repository.url') !!}" />
<x-forms.input required id="repository_url" label="Repository URL (https://)"
helper="{!! __('repository.url') !!}" />
<x-forms.button type="submit">
Check repository
@ -58,6 +59,10 @@
helper="If your application is a static site or the final build assets should be served as a static site, enable this." />
@if ($build_pack === 'dockercompose' && isDev())
<div class="dark:text-warning">If you choose Docker Compose based deployments, you cannot change it afterwards.</div>
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave label="New Compose Services (only in dev mode)" id="new_compose_services"></x-forms.checkbox>
<x-forms.button wire:click.prevent='submit'>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > New | Coolify
@if ($type === 'public')
< :type="$type" />
@elseif ($type === 'private-gh-app')
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Resources | Coolify
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<div x-data="{ activeTab: window.location.hash ? window.location.hash.substring(1) : 'service-stack' }" x-init="$wire.check_status" wire:poll.5000ms="check_status">
{{ data_get_str($service, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Configuration | Coolify
<livewire:project.service.navbar :service="$service" :parameters="$parameters" :query="$query" />
<div class="flex flex-col h-full gap-8 pt-6 sm:flex-row">
<div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-2 min-w-fit">
@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
<div class="w-full">
{{ data_get_str($service, 'name')->limit(10) }} >
{{ data_get_str($serviceApplication, 'name')->limit(10) }} | Coolify
<div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 'general'" class="h-full">
<livewire:project.service.service-application-view :application="$serviceApplication" />
{{ data_get_str($service, 'name')->limit(10) }} > {{ data_get_str($serviceDatabase, 'name')->limit(10) }} | Coolify
<div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 'general'" class="h-full">
<livewire:project.service.database :database="$serviceDatabase" />
@ -63,9 +63,11 @@
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="env.is_build_time" label="Build Variable?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="env.is_multiline" label="Is Multiline?" />
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="env.is_literal"
helper="This means that when you use $VARIABLES in a value, it should be interpreted as the actual characters '$VARIABLES' and not as the value of a variable named VARIABLE.<br><br>Useful if you have $ sign in your value and there are some characters after it, but you would not like to interpolate it form another value. In this case, you should set this to true."
label="Is Literal?" />
@if (!data_get($env, 'is_multiline'))
<x-forms.checkbox instantSave id="env.is_literal"
helper="This means that when you use $VARIABLES in a value, it should be interpreted as the actual characters '$VARIABLES' and not as the value of a variable named VARIABLE.<br><br>Useful if you have $ sign in your value and there are some characters after it, but you would not like to interpolate it form another value. In this case, you should set this to true."
label="Is Literal?" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($resource, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Commands | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$resource" />
@if ($type === 'application')
<h1>Execute Command</h1>
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 ">
@if ($resource?->type() === 'application')
@if ($resource?->type() === 'application' || str($resource?->type())->startsWith('standalone'))
<h4>{{ $container }}</h4>
<h3>{{ str($container)->beforeLast('-')->headline() }}</h3>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($resource, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Logs | Coolify
<livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$resource" />
@if ($type === 'application')
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($resource, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Scheduled Tasks | Coolify
@if ($type === 'application')
<h1>Scheduled Task</h1>
<livewire:project.application.heading :application="$resource" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($project, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Environments | Coolify
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<x-modal-input buttonTitle="+ Add" title="New Environment">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
API Tokens | Coolify
<x-security.navbar />
<div class="flex gap-2">
<h2 class="pb-4">API Tokens</h2>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<div x-init="$wire.loadPublicKey()">
Private Key | Coolify
<x-security.navbar />
<div x-data="{ showPrivateKey: false }">
<form class="flex flex-col gap-2" wire:submit='changePrivateKey'>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($server, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Server Destinations | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
< :server="$server" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Servers | Coolify
<div class="flex items-start gap-2">
<x-modal-input buttonTitle="+ Add" title="New Server" :closeOutside="false">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($server, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Server LogDrains | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
@if ($server->isFunctional())
<h2>Log Drains</h2>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Server Connection | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
< :server="$server" :privateKeys="$privateKeys" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Proxy Dynamic Configuration | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-server.sidebar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Proxy Logs | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
<div class="flex gap-2">
<x-server.sidebar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Proxy Configuration | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
@if ($server->isFunctional())
<div class="flex gap-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($server, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Server Resources | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
<div x-data="{ activeTab: window.location.hash ? window.location.hash.substring(1) : 'managed' }" class="flex flex-col h-full gap-8 md:flex-row">
<div class="flex flex-row gap-4 md:flex-col">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{{ data_get_str($server, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Server Configurations | Coolify
<x-server.navbar :server="$server" :parameters="$parameters" />
<livewire:server.form :server="$server" />
<livewire:server.delete :server="$server" />
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<div class="py-4">
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions :backup="$backup" :executions="$executions" />
<livewire:project.database.backup-executions :backup="$backup" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Settings | Coolify
<x-settings.navbar />
<div x-data="{ activeTab: window.location.hash ? window.location.hash.substring(1) : 'general' }" class="flex flex-col h-full gap-8 pt-1 sm:flex-row">
<div class="flex gap-6 overflow-x-scroll sm:gap-2 sm:overflow-x-hidden scrollbar sm:flex-col whitespace-nowrap">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Environment Variables | Coolify
<div class="flex gap-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Environment Variable | Coolify
<div class="flex gap-2">
<h1>Shared Variables for {{ $project->name }}/{{ $environment->name }}</h1>
<x-modal-input buttonTitle="+ Add" title="New Shared Variable">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Shared Variables | Coolify
<div class="flex items-start gap-2">
<h1>Shared Variables</h1>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Project Variables | Coolify
<div class="flex gap-2">
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