133 lines
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133 lines
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import { asyncExecShell, getEngine } from '$lib/common';
import { dockerInstance } from '$lib/docker';
import { defaultProxyImageHttp, defaultProxyImageTcp, startCoolifyProxy } from '$lib/haproxy';
import { getDatabaseImage } from '.';
import { prisma, PrismaErrorHandler } from './common';
export async function listDestinations(teamId) {
return await prisma.destinationDocker.findMany({ where: { teams: { some: { id: teamId } } } });
export async function configureDestinationForService({ id, destinationId }) {
return await prisma.service.update({
where: { id },
data: { destinationDocker: { connect: { id: destinationId } } }
export async function configureDestinationForApplication({ id, destinationId }) {
return await prisma.application.update({
where: { id },
data: { destinationDocker: { connect: { id: destinationId } } }
export async function configureDestinationForDatabase({ id, destinationId }) {
await prisma.database.update({
where: { id },
data: { destinationDocker: { connect: { id: destinationId } } }
const {
destinationDocker: { engine },
} = await prisma.database.findUnique({ where: { id }, include: { destinationDocker: true } });
if (destinationDockerId) {
const host = getEngine(engine);
if (type && version) {
const baseImage = getDatabaseImage(type);
asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker pull ${baseImage}:${version}`);
asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker pull coollabsio/${defaultProxyImageTcp}`);
asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker pull coollabsio/${defaultProxyImageHttp}`);
asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker pull certbot/certbot:latest`);
asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker pull alpine:latest`);
export async function updateDestination({ id, name, engine, network }) {
return await prisma.destinationDocker.update({ where: { id }, data: { name, engine, network } });
export async function newDestination({ name, teamId, engine, network, isCoolifyProxyUsed }) {
const host = getEngine(engine);
const docker = dockerInstance({ destinationDocker: { engine, network } });
const found = await docker.engine.listNetworks({ filters: { name: [`^${network}$`] } });
if (found.length === 0) {
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker network create --attachable ${network}`);
await prisma.destinationDocker.create({
data: { name, teams: { connect: { id: teamId } }, engine, network, isCoolifyProxyUsed }
const destinations = await prisma.destinationDocker.findMany({ where: { engine } });
const destination = destinations.find((destination) => destination.network === network);
if (destinations.length > 0) {
const proxyConfigured = destinations.find(
(destination) => destination.network !== network && destination.isCoolifyProxyUsed === true
if (proxyConfigured) {
if (proxyConfigured.isCoolifyProxyUsed) {
isCoolifyProxyUsed = true;
} else {
isCoolifyProxyUsed = false;
await prisma.destinationDocker.updateMany({ where: { engine }, data: { isCoolifyProxyUsed } });
if (isCoolifyProxyUsed) await startCoolifyProxy(engine);
return destination.id;
export async function removeDestination({ id }) {
const destination = await prisma.destinationDocker.delete({ where: { id } });
if (destination.isCoolifyProxyUsed) {
const host = getEngine(destination.engine);
const { network } = destination;
const { stdout: found } = await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker ps -a --filter network=${network} --filter name=coolify-haproxy --format '{{.}}'`
if (found) {
await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST="${host}" docker network disconnect ${network} coolify-haproxy`
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST="${host}" docker network rm ${network}`);
export async function getDestination({ id, teamId }) {
return await prisma.destinationDocker.findFirst({
where: { id, teams: { some: { id: teamId } } }
export async function getDestinationByApplicationId({ id, teamId }) {
return await prisma.destinationDocker.findFirst({
where: { application: { some: { id } }, teams: { some: { id: teamId } } }
export async function setDestinationSettings({ engine, isCoolifyProxyUsed }) {
return await prisma.destinationDocker.updateMany({
where: { engine },
data: { isCoolifyProxyUsed }
// if (isCoolifyProxyUsed) {
// await installCoolifyProxy(engine)
// await configureNetworkCoolifyProxy(engine)
// } else {
// // TODO: must check if other destination is using the proxy??? or not?
// const domain = await prisma.setting.findUnique({ where: { name: 'domain' }, rejectOnNotFound: false })
// if (!domain) {
// await uninstallCoolifyProxy(engine)
// } else {
// return {
// stastus: 500,
// body: {
// message: 'You can not disable the Coolify proxy while the domain is set for Coolify itself.'
// }
// }
// }
// }