2024-03-01 13:04:29 +00:00
< ? php
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Webhook ;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller ;
use App\Jobs\ServerLimitCheckJob ;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionInvoiceFailedJob ;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionTrialEndedJob ;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionTrialEndsSoonJob ;
use App\Models\Subscription ;
use App\Models\Team ;
use App\Models\Webhook ;
use Exception ;
use Illuminate\Http\Request ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage ;
use Illuminate\Support\Sleep ;
use Illuminate\Support\Str ;
class Stripe extends Controller
public function events ( Request $request )
try {
if ( app () -> isDownForMaintenance ()) {
ray ( 'Maintenance mode is on' );
$epoch = now () -> valueOf ();
$data = [
'attributes' => $request -> attributes -> all (),
'request' => $request -> request -> all (),
'query' => $request -> query -> all (),
'server' => $request -> server -> all (),
'files' => $request -> files -> all (),
'cookies' => $request -> cookies -> all (),
'headers' => $request -> headers -> all (),
'content' => $request -> getContent (),
$json = json_encode ( $data );
Storage :: disk ( 'webhooks-during-maintenance' ) -> put ( " { $epoch } _Stripe::events_stripe " , $json );
return ;
$webhookSecret = config ( 'subscription.stripe_webhook_secret' );
$signature = $request -> header ( 'Stripe-Signature' );
$excludedPlans = config ( 'subscription.stripe_excluded_plans' );
$event = \Stripe\Webhook :: constructEvent (
$request -> getContent (),
$signature ,
$webhook = Webhook :: create ([
'type' => 'stripe' ,
'payload' => $request -> getContent ()
$type = data_get ( $event , 'type' );
$data = data_get ( $event , 'data.object' );
switch ( $type ) {
case 'checkout.session.completed' :
$clientReferenceId = data_get ( $data , 'client_reference_id' );
if ( is_null ( $clientReferenceId )) {
send_internal_notification ( 'Checkout session completed without client reference id.' );
break ;
$userId = Str :: before ( $clientReferenceId , ':' );
$teamId = Str :: after ( $clientReferenceId , ':' );
$subscriptionId = data_get ( $data , 'subscription' );
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$team = Team :: find ( $teamId );
$found = $team -> members -> where ( 'id' , $userId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $found -> isAdmin ()) {
send_internal_notification ( " User { $userId } is not an admin or owner of team { $team -> id } , customerid: { $customerId } , subscriptionid: { $subscriptionId } . " );
throw new Exception ( " User { $userId } is not an admin or owner of team { $team -> id } , customerid: { $customerId } , subscriptionid: { $subscriptionId } . " );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'team_id' , $teamId ) -> first ();
if ( $subscription ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'Old subscription activated for team: ' . $teamId );
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_subscription_id' => $subscriptionId ,
'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId ,
'stripe_invoice_paid' => true ,
} else {
send_internal_notification ( 'New subscription for team: ' . $teamId );
Subscription :: create ([
'team_id' => $teamId ,
'stripe_subscription_id' => $subscriptionId ,
'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId ,
'stripe_invoice_paid' => true ,
break ;
case 'invoice.paid' :
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$planId = data_get ( $data , 'lines.data.0.plan.id' );
if ( Str :: contains ( $excludedPlans , $planId )) {
send_internal_notification ( 'Subscription excluded.' );
break ;
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $subscription ) {
Sleep :: for ( 5 ) -> seconds ();
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> firstOrFail ();
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_invoice_paid' => true ,
break ;
case 'invoice.payment_failed' :
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $subscription ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'invoice.payment_failed failed but no subscription found in Coolify for customer: ' . $customerId );
return response ( 'No subscription found in Coolify.' );
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
if ( ! $team ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'invoice.payment_failed failed but no team found in Coolify for customer: ' . $customerId );
return response ( 'No team found in Coolify.' );
if ( ! $subscription -> stripe_invoice_paid ) {
SubscriptionInvoiceFailedJob :: dispatch ( $team );
send_internal_notification ( 'Invoice payment failed: ' . $customerId );
} else {
send_internal_notification ( 'Invoice payment failed but already paid: ' . $customerId );
break ;
case 'payment_intent.payment_failed' :
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $subscription ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'payment_intent.payment_failed, no subscription found in Coolify for customer: ' . $customerId );
return response ( 'No subscription found in Coolify.' );
if ( $subscription -> stripe_invoice_paid ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'payment_intent.payment_failed but invoice is active for customer: ' . $customerId );
return ;
send_internal_notification ( 'Subscription payment failed for customer: ' . $customerId );
break ;
case 'customer.subscription.updated' :
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$status = data_get ( $data , 'status' );
$subscriptionId = data_get ( $data , 'items.data.0.subscription' );
$planId = data_get ( $data , 'items.data.0.plan.id' );
if ( Str :: contains ( $excludedPlans , $planId )) {
send_internal_notification ( 'Subscription excluded.' );
break ;
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $subscription ) {
Sleep :: for ( 5 ) -> seconds ();
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> first ();
if ( ! $subscription ) {
send_internal_notification ( 'No subscription found for: ' . $customerId );
return response ( " No subscription found " , 400 );
$trialEndedAlready = data_get ( $subscription , 'stripe_trial_already_ended' );
$cancelAtPeriodEnd = data_get ( $data , 'cancel_at_period_end' );
$alreadyCancelAtPeriodEnd = data_get ( $subscription , 'stripe_cancel_at_period_end' );
$feedback = data_get ( $data , 'cancellation_details.feedback' );
$comment = data_get ( $data , 'cancellation_details.comment' );
$lookup_key = data_get ( $data , 'items.data.0.price.lookup_key' );
2024-04-12 13:48:56 +00:00
if ( str ( $lookup_key ) -> contains ( 'ultimate' ) || str ( $lookup_key ) -> contains ( 'dynamic' )) {
if ( str ( $lookup_key ) -> contains ( 'dynamic' )) {
$quantity = data_get ( $data , 'items.data.0.quantity' , 2 );
} else {
$quantity = data_get ( $data , 'items.data.0.quantity' , 10 );
2024-03-01 13:04:29 +00:00
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
$team -> update ([
'custom_server_limit' => $quantity ,
ServerLimitCheckJob :: dispatch ( $team );
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_feedback' => $feedback ,
'stripe_comment' => $comment ,
'stripe_plan_id' => $planId ,
'stripe_cancel_at_period_end' => $cancelAtPeriodEnd ,
if ( $status === 'paused' || $status === 'incomplete_expired' ) {
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_invoice_paid' => false ,
send_internal_notification ( 'Subscription paused or incomplete for customer: ' . $customerId );
// Trial ended but subscribed, reactive servers
if ( $trialEndedAlready && $status === 'active' ) {
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
$team -> trialEndedButSubscribed ();
if ( $feedback ) {
$reason = " Cancellation feedback for { $customerId } : ' " . $feedback . " ' " ;
if ( $comment ) {
$reason .= ' with comment: \'' . $comment . " ' " ;
send_internal_notification ( $reason );
if ( $alreadyCancelAtPeriodEnd !== $cancelAtPeriodEnd ) {
if ( $cancelAtPeriodEnd ) {
// send_internal_notification('Subscription cancelled at period end for team: ' . $subscription->team->id);
} else {
send_internal_notification ( 'customer.subscription.updated for customer: ' . $customerId );
break ;
case 'customer.subscription.deleted' :
// End subscription
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> firstOrFail ();
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
$team -> trialEnded ();
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_subscription_id' => null ,
'stripe_plan_id' => null ,
'stripe_cancel_at_period_end' => false ,
'stripe_invoice_paid' => false ,
'stripe_trial_already_ended' => true ,
send_internal_notification ( 'customer.subscription.deleted for customer: ' . $customerId );
break ;
case 'customer.subscription.trial_will_end' :
// Not used for now
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> firstOrFail ();
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
if ( ! $team ) {
throw new Exception ( 'No team found for subscription: ' . $subscription -> id );
SubscriptionTrialEndsSoonJob :: dispatch ( $team );
break ;
case 'customer.subscription.paused' :
$customerId = data_get ( $data , 'customer' );
$subscription = Subscription :: where ( 'stripe_customer_id' , $customerId ) -> firstOrFail ();
$team = data_get ( $subscription , 'team' );
if ( ! $team ) {
throw new Exception ( 'No team found for subscription: ' . $subscription -> id );
$team -> trialEnded ();
$subscription -> update ([
'stripe_trial_already_ended' => true ,
'stripe_invoice_paid' => false ,
SubscriptionTrialEndedJob :: dispatch ( $team );
send_internal_notification ( 'Subscription paused for customer: ' . $customerId );
break ;
default :
// Unhandled event type
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
if ( $type !== 'payment_intent.payment_failed' ) {
send_internal_notification ( " Subscription webhook ( $type ) failed: " . $e -> getMessage ());
$webhook -> update ([
'status' => 'failed' ,
'failure_reason' => $e -> getMessage (),
return response ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );