2022-02-10 15:47:44 +01:00
< script context = "module" lang = "ts" >
import type { Load } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const load: Load = async ({ fetch } ) => {
const url = `/settings.json`;
const res = await fetch(url);
if (res.ok) {
return {
props: {
...(await res.json())
return {
status: res.status,
error: new Error(`Could not load ${ url } `)
< / script >
< script lang = "ts" >
import { session } from '$app/stores';
export let settings;
import Setting from '$lib/components/Setting.svelte';
import Explainer from '$lib/components/Explainer.svelte';
import { errorNotification } from '$lib/form';
import { del , post } from '$lib/api';
import CopyPasswordField from '$lib/components/CopyPasswordField.svelte';
import { browser } from '$app/env';
import { getDomain } from '$lib/components/common';
let isRegistrationEnabled = settings.isRegistrationEnabled;
let fqdn = settings.fqdn;
let isFqdnSet = settings.fqdn;
let loading = {
save: false,
remove: false
async function removeFqdn() {
if (fqdn) {
loading.remove = true;
try {
await del(`/settings.json`, { fqdn } );
return window.location.reload();
} catch ({ error } ) {
return errorNotification(error);
} finally {
loading.remove = false;
async function changeSettings(name) {
try {
if (name === 'isRegistrationEnabled') {
isRegistrationEnabled = !isRegistrationEnabled;
return await post(`/settings.json`, { isRegistrationEnabled } );
} catch ({ error } ) {
return errorNotification(error);
async function handleSubmit() {
try {
loading.save = true;
if (fqdn) {
await post(`/settings/check.json`, { fqdn } );
await post(`/settings.json`, { fqdn } );
return window.location.reload();
} catch ({ error } ) {
return errorNotification(error);
} finally {
loading.save = false;
< / script >
< div class = "flex space-x-1 p-6 font-bold" >
< div class = "mr-4 text-2xl tracking-tight" > Settings< / div >
< / div >
{ #if $session . teamId === '0' }
< div class = "mx-auto max-w-2xl" >
< form on:submit | preventDefault = { handleSubmit } >
< div class = "flex space-x-1 p-6 font-bold" >
< div class = "title" > Global Settings< / div >
< button
disabled={ loading . save }
class:bg-green-600={ ! loading . save }
class:hover:bg-green-500={ ! loading . save }
class="mx-2 ">{ loading . save ? 'Saving...' : 'Save' } < /button
{ #if isFqdnSet }
< button
on:click| preventDefault={ removeFqdn }
disabled={ loading . remove }
class:bg-red-600={ ! loading . remove }
class:hover:bg-red-500={ ! loading . remove }
>{ loading . remove ? 'Removing...' : 'Remove domain' } < /button
{ /if }
< / div >
< div class = "px-4 sm:px-6" >
< div class = "flex space-x-4 py-4 px-4" >
< p class = "pt-2 text-base font-bold text-stone-100" > Domain (FQDN)< / p >
2022-02-13 22:56:37 +01:00
< div class = "justify-center" >
2022-02-10 15:47:44 +01:00
< input
bind:value={ fqdn }
readonly={ ! $session . isAdmin || isFqdnSet }
disabled={ ! $session . isAdmin || isFqdnSet }
pattern="^https?://([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{ '{' } 2,{ '}' } $"
placeholder="eg: https://coolify.io"
< Explainer
2022-02-13 15:04:00 +01:00
text="If you specify < span class = 'text-green-600 font-bold' > https< / span > , Coolify will be accessible only over https. SSL certificate will be generated for you.< br > If you specify < span class = 'text-green-600 font-bold' > www< / span > , Coolify will be redirected (302) from non-www and vice versa."
2022-02-10 15:47:44 +01:00
< / div >
< / div >
< ul class = "mt-2 divide-y divide-stone-800" >
< Setting
bind:setting={ isRegistrationEnabled }
title="Registration allowed?"
description="Allow further registrations to the application. < br > It's turned off after the first registration. "
on:click={() => changeSettings ( 'isRegistrationEnabled' )}
< / ul >
< / div >
< / form >
< div class = "mx-auto max-w-4xl px-6" >
< div class = "flex space-x-1 pt-5 font-bold" >
< div class = "title" > HAProxy Settings< / div >
< / div >
< Explainer
text={ `Credentials for <a class="text-white font-bold" href=$ {
? 'http://' + getDomain(fqdn) + ':8404'
: browser & & 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':8404'
} target="_blank">stats< / a > page.`}
< div class = "grid grid-cols-3 items-center px-4 pt-5" >
< label for = "proxyUser" > User< / label >
< div class = "col-span-2 " >
< CopyPasswordField
value={ settings . proxyUser }
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "grid grid-cols-3 items-center px-4" >
< label for = "proxyPassword" > Password< / label >
< div class = "col-span-2 " >
< CopyPasswordField
value={ settings . proxyPassword }
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
{ /if }