// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package private

import (


// Git environment variables
const (
	GitAlternativeObjectDirectories = "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES"
	GitObjectDirectory              = "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY"
	GitQuarantinePath               = "GIT_QUARANTINE_PATH"
	GitPushOptionCount              = "GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT"

// GitPushOptions is a wrapper around a map[string]string
type GitPushOptions map[string]string

// GitPushOptions keys
const (
	GitPushOptionRepoPrivate  = "repo.private"
	GitPushOptionRepoTemplate = "repo.template"

// Bool checks for a key in the map and parses as a boolean
func (g GitPushOptions) Bool(key string) optional.Option[bool] {
	if val, ok := g[key]; ok {
		if b, err := strconv.ParseBool(val); err == nil {
			return optional.Some(b)
	return optional.None[bool]()

// HookOptions represents the options for the Hook calls
type HookOptions struct {
	OldCommitIDs                    []string
	NewCommitIDs                    []string
	RefFullNames                    []git.RefName
	UserID                          int64
	UserName                        string
	GitObjectDirectory              string
	GitAlternativeObjectDirectories string
	GitQuarantinePath               string
	GitPushOptions                  GitPushOptions
	PullRequestID                   int64
	PushTrigger                     repository.PushTrigger
	DeployKeyID                     int64 // if the pusher is a DeployKey, then UserID is the repo's org user.
	IsWiki                          bool
	ActionPerm                      int

// SSHLogOption ssh log options
type SSHLogOption struct {
	IsError bool
	Message string

// HookPostReceiveResult represents an individual result from PostReceive
type HookPostReceiveResult struct {
	Results      []HookPostReceiveBranchResult
	RepoWasEmpty bool
	Err          string

// HookPostReceiveBranchResult represents an individual branch result from PostReceive
type HookPostReceiveBranchResult struct {
	Message bool
	Create  bool
	Branch  string
	URL     string

// HookProcReceiveResult represents an individual result from ProcReceive
type HookProcReceiveResult struct {
	Results []HookProcReceiveRefResult
	Err     string

// HookProcReceiveRefResult represents an individual result from ProcReceive
type HookProcReceiveRefResult struct {
	OldOID            string
	NewOID            string
	Ref               string
	OriginalRef       git.RefName
	IsForcePush       bool
	IsNotMatched      bool
	Err               string
	IsCreatePR        bool
	URL               string
	ShouldShowMessage bool
	HeadBranch        string

// HookPreReceive check whether the provided commits are allowed
func HookPreReceive(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) ResponseExtra {
	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/pre-receive/%s/%s", url.PathEscape(ownerName), url.PathEscape(repoName))
	req := newInternalRequest(ctx, reqURL, "POST", opts)
	req.SetReadWriteTimeout(time.Duration(60+len(opts.OldCommitIDs)) * time.Second)
	_, extra := requestJSONResp(req, &ResponseText{})
	return extra

// HookPostReceive updates services and users
func HookPostReceive(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (*HookPostReceiveResult, ResponseExtra) {
	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/post-receive/%s/%s", url.PathEscape(ownerName), url.PathEscape(repoName))
	req := newInternalRequest(ctx, reqURL, "POST", opts)
	req.SetReadWriteTimeout(time.Duration(60+len(opts.OldCommitIDs)) * time.Second)
	return requestJSONResp(req, &HookPostReceiveResult{})

// HookProcReceive proc-receive hook
func HookProcReceive(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (*HookProcReceiveResult, ResponseExtra) {
	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/proc-receive/%s/%s", url.PathEscape(ownerName), url.PathEscape(repoName))

	req := newInternalRequest(ctx, reqURL, "POST", opts)
	req.SetReadWriteTimeout(time.Duration(60+len(opts.OldCommitIDs)) * time.Second)
	return requestJSONResp(req, &HookProcReceiveResult{})

// SetDefaultBranch will set the default branch to the provided branch for the provided repository
func SetDefaultBranch(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName, branch string) ResponseExtra {
	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/set-default-branch/%s/%s/%s",
	req := newInternalRequest(ctx, reqURL, "POST")
	_, extra := requestJSONResp(req, &ResponseText{})
	return extra

// SSHLog sends ssh error log response
func SSHLog(ctx context.Context, isErr bool, msg string) error {
	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + "api/internal/ssh/log"
	req := newInternalRequest(ctx, reqURL, "POST", &SSHLogOption{IsError: isErr, Message: msg})
	_, extra := requestJSONResp(req, &ResponseText{})
	return extra.Error