- Moved all files and web templates from Shopping Cart to E-commerce module - Made Shopping Cart module obsolete - Moved select E-commerce related files from Portal to E-commerce module - Minor cleanups - Fixed Shopping Cart and Product Configurator tests
218 lines
6.3 KiB
218 lines
6.3 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
frappe.ready(function() {
window.item_code = $('[itemscope] [itemprop="productID"]').text().trim();
var qty = 0;
type: "POST",
method: "erpnext.e_commerce.shopping_cart.product_info.get_product_info_for_website",
args: {
item_code: get_item_code()
callback: function(r) {
if(r.message) {
if(r.message.cart_settings.enabled) {
let hide_add_to_cart = !r.message.product_info.price
|| (!r.message.product_info.in_stock && !r.message.cart_settings.allow_items_not_in_stock);
$(".item-cart, .item-price, .item-stock").toggleClass('hide', hide_add_to_cart);
if(r.message.cart_settings.show_price) {
$(".item-price").toggleClass("hide", false);
if(r.message.cart_settings.show_stock_availability) {
$(".item-stock").toggleClass("hide", false);
if(r.message.product_info.price) {
.html(r.message.product_info.price.formatted_price_sales_uom + "<div style='font-size: small'>\
(" + r.message.product_info.price.formatted_price + " / " + r.message.product_info.uom + ")</div>");
if(r.message.product_info.in_stock===0) {
$(".item-stock").html("<div style='color: red'> <i class='fa fa-close'></i> {{ _("Not in stock") }}</div>");
else if(r.message.product_info.in_stock===1 && r.message.cart_settings.show_stock_availability) {
var qty_display = "{{ _("In stock") }}";
if (r.message.product_info.show_stock_qty) {
qty_display += " ("+r.message.product_info.stock_qty+")";
$(".item-stock").html("<div style='color: green'>\
<i class='fa fa-check'></i> "+qty_display+"</div>");
if(r.message.product_info.qty) {
qty = r.message.product_info.qty;
} else {
$("#item-add-to-cart button").on("click", function() {
item_code: get_item_code(),
qty: $("#item-spinner .cart-qty").val(),
callback: function(r) {
if(!r.exc) {
qty = 1;
btn: this,
$("#item-spinner").on('click', '.number-spinner button', function () {
var btn = $(this),
input = btn.closest('.number-spinner').find('input'),
oldValue = input.val().trim(),
newVal = 0;
if (btn.attr('data-dir') == 'up') {
newVal = Number.parseInt(oldValue) + 1;
} else if (btn.attr('data-dir') == 'dwn') {
if (Number.parseInt(oldValue) > 1) {
newVal = Number.parseInt(oldValue) - 1;
else {
newVal = Number.parseInt(oldValue);
$("[itemscope] .item-view-attribute .form-control").on("change", function() {
try {
var item_code = encodeURIComponent(get_item_code());
} catch(e) {
// unable to find variant
// then chose the closest available one
var attribute = $(this).attr("data-attribute");
var attribute_value = $(this).val();
var item_code = find_closest_match(attribute, attribute_value);
if (!item_code) {
frappe.msgprint(__("Cannot find a matching Item. Please select some other value for {0}.", [attribute]))
throw e;
if (window.location.search == ("?variant=" + item_code) || window.location.search.includes(item_code)) {
window.location.href = window.location.pathname + "?variant=" + item_code;
// change the item image src when alternate images are hovered
$(document.body).on('mouseover', '.item-alternative-image', (e) => {
const $alternative_image = $(e.currentTarget);
const src = $alternative_image.find('img').prop('src');
$('.item-image img').prop('src', src);
var toggle_update_cart = function(qty) {
$("#item-add-to-cart").toggle(qty ? false : true);
.toggle(qty ? true : false)
$("#item-spinner").toggle(qty ? false : true);
function get_item_code() {
var variant_info = window.variant_info;
if(variant_info) {
var attributes = get_selected_attributes();
var no_of_attributes = Object.keys(attributes).length;
for(var i in variant_info) {
var variant = variant_info[i];
if (variant.attributes.length < no_of_attributes) {
// the case when variant has less attributes than template
var match = true;
for(var j in variant.attributes) {
!= variant.attributes[j].attribute_value
) {
match = false;
if(match) {
return variant.name;
throw "Unable to match variant";
} else {
return window.item_code;
function find_closest_match(selected_attribute, selected_attribute_value) {
// find the closest match keeping the selected attribute in focus and get the item code
var attributes = get_selected_attributes();
var previous_match_score = 0;
var previous_no_of_attributes = 0;
var matched;
var variant_info = window.variant_info;
for(var i in variant_info) {
var variant = variant_info[i];
var match_score = 0;
var has_selected_attribute = false;
for(var j in variant.attributes) {
if(attributes[variant.attributes[j].attribute]===variant.attributes[j].attribute_value) {
match_score = match_score + 1;
if (variant.attributes[j].attribute==selected_attribute && variant.attributes[j].attribute_value==selected_attribute_value) {
has_selected_attribute = true;
if (has_selected_attribute
&& ((match_score > previous_match_score) || (match_score==previous_match_score && previous_no_of_attributes < variant.attributes.length))) {
previous_match_score = match_score;
matched = variant;
previous_no_of_attributes = variant.attributes.length;
if (matched) {
for (var j in matched.attributes) {
var attr = matched.attributes[j];
.find(repl('.item-view-attribute .form-control[data-attribute="%(attribute)s"]', attr))
return matched.name;
function get_selected_attributes() {
var attributes = {};
$('[itemscope]').find(".item-view-attribute .form-control").each(function() {
attributes[$(this).attr('data-attribute')] = $(this).val();
return attributes;