59 lines
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59 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import flt
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
debit_or_credit = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", filters["account"], "debit_or_credit")
columns = get_columns()
data = get_entries(filters)
from accounts.utils import get_balance_on
balance_as_per_company = get_balance_on(filters["account"], filters["report_date"])
total_debit, total_credit = 0,0
for d in data:
total_debit += flt(d[4])
total_credit += flt(d[5])
if debit_or_credit == 'Debit':
bank_bal = flt(balance_as_per_company) - flt(total_debit) + flt(total_credit)
bank_bal = flt(balance_as_per_company) + flt(total_debit) - flt(total_credit)
data += [
get_balance_row("Balance as per company books", balance_as_per_company, debit_or_credit),
["", "", "", "Amounts not reflected in bank", total_debit, total_credit],
get_balance_row("Balance as per bank", bank_bal, debit_or_credit)
return columns, data
def get_columns():
return ["Journal Voucher:Link/Journal Voucher:140", "Posting Date:Date:100",
"Clearance Date:Date:110", "Against Account:Link/Account:200",
"Debit:Currency:120", "Credit:Currency:120"
def get_entries(filters):
entries = webnotes.conn.sql("""select
jv.name, jv.posting_date, jv.clearance_date, jvd.against_account, jvd.debit, jvd.credit
`tabJournal Voucher Detail` jvd, `tabJournal Voucher` jv
where jvd.parent = jv.name and jv.docstatus=1 and ifnull(jv.cheque_no, '')!= ''
and jvd.account = %(account)s and jv.posting_date <= %(report_date)s
and ifnull(jv.clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s
order by jv.name DESC""", filters, as_list=1)
return entries
def get_balance_row(label, amount, debit_or_credit):
if debit_or_credit == "Debit":
return ["", "", "", label, amount, 0]
return ["", "", "", label, 0, amount] |