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<h1>Make Fields Visible In Print Format</h1>
The standard print formats only display certain fields by default. In case the user prefers more information from fields to be displayed, this can be achieved by using the <i>Customize Form</i> feature.<b><br><br>Step 1:</b> Go to Customize Form in Setup Module.<br><br>
<div class="well">Setup &gt;&gt; Customize &gt;&gt; Customize Form</div>
<b>Step 2: </b>Select the desired form in <i>Enter Form Type</i> field.<br><br><img src="{{docs_base_path}}/assets/img/articles/kb_custom_name.png"><br><br><b>Step 3:</b> In the <i>Fields</i> section, click on the field that must be visible in the Print Format and remove the check on <i>Print Hide</i> field.<br><br><img src="{{docs_base_path}}/assets/img/articles/kb_custom_printhide.png" height="214" width="674"><br><br>The field will now be visible in all print formats for that Document type.<br>