2013-11-20 13:00:28 +05:30

22 lines
812 B

# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import webnotes
def execute():
from patches.april_2013.p05_update_file_data import update_file_list, get_single_doctypes
webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 1
singles = get_single_doctypes()
for doctype in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select table_name from `information_schema`.`columns`
where table_schema=%s and column_name='file_list'""", webnotes.conn.cur_db_name):
doctype = doctype[3:]
if not webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", doctype): continue
update_file_list(doctype, singles)
webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabCustom Field` where fieldname='file_list'
and parent=%s""", doctype)
webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0