152 lines
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152 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
// searches for enabled users
$.extend(erpnext.queries, {
user: function() {
return { query: "frappe.core.doctype.user.user.user_query" };
lead: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.lead_query" };
customer: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.customer_query" };
supplier: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.supplier_query" };
item: function(filters) {
var args = { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.item_query" };
if(filters) args["filters"] = filters;
return args;
bom: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.bom" };
task: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.projects.utils.query_task" };
customer_filter: function(doc) {
if(!doc.customer) {
frappe.throw(__("Please set {0}", [__(frappe.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, "customer", doc.name))]));
return { filters: { customer: doc.customer } };
contact_query: function(doc) {
if(frappe.dynamic_link) {
if(!doc[frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname]) {
frappe.throw(__("Please set {0}",
[__(frappe.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname, doc.name))]));
return {
query: 'frappe.contacts.doctype.contact.contact.contact_query',
filters: { link_doctype: frappe.dynamic_link.doctype, link_name: doc[frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname] } };
address_query: function(doc) {
if(frappe.dynamic_link) {
if(!doc[frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname]) {
frappe.throw(__("Please set {0}",
[__(frappe.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname, doc.name))]));
return {
query: 'frappe.contacts.doctype.address.address.address_query',
filters: { link_doctype: frappe.dynamic_link.doctype, link_name: doc[frappe.dynamic_link.fieldname] } };
company_address_query: function(doc) {
return {
query: 'frappe.contacts.doctype.address.address.address_query',
filters: { is_your_company_address: 1, link_doctype: 'Company', link_name: doc.company || '' }
supplier_filter: function(doc) {
if(!doc.supplier) {
frappe.throw(__("Please set {0}", [__(frappe.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, "supplier", doc.name))]));
return { filters: { supplier: doc.supplier } };
lead_filter: function(doc) {
if(!doc.lead) {
frappe.throw(__("Please specify a {0}",
[__(frappe.meta.get_label(doc.doctype, "lead", doc.name))]));
return { filters: { lead: doc.lead } };
not_a_group_filter: function() {
return { filters: { is_group: 0 } };
employee: function() {
return { query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.employee_query" }
warehouse: function(doc) {
return {
filters: [
["Warehouse", "company", "in", ["", cstr(doc.company)]],
["Warehouse", "is_group", "=",0]
erpnext.queries.setup_queries = function(frm, options, query_fn) {
var me = this;
var set_query = function(doctype, parentfield) {
var link_fields = frappe.meta.get_docfields(doctype, frm.doc.name,
{"fieldtype": "Link", "options": options});
$.each(link_fields, function(i, df) {
if(parentfield) {
frm.set_query(df.fieldname, parentfield, query_fn);
} else {
frm.set_query(df.fieldname, query_fn);
// warehouse field in tables
$.each(frappe.meta.get_docfields(frm.doc.doctype, frm.doc.name, {"fieldtype": "Table"}),
function(i, df) {
set_query(df.options, df.fieldname);
/* if item code is selected in child table
then list down warehouses with its quantity
else apply default filters.
erpnext.queries.setup_warehouse_query = function(frm){
frm.set_query('warehouse', 'items', function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
var row = locals[cdt][cdn];
var filters = erpnext.queries.warehouse(frm.doc);
$.extend(filters, {"query":"erpnext.controllers.queries.warehouse_query"});
filters["filters"].push(["Bin", "item_code", "=", row.item_code]);
return filters