133 lines
8.1 KiB

report.customize_filters = function() {
this.add_filter({fieldname:'transaction', label:'Transaction', fieldtype:'Select', options:'Quotation'+NEWLINE+'Sales Order'+NEWLINE+'Delivery Note'+NEWLINE+'Sales Invoice'+NEWLINE+'Purchase Order'+NEWLINE+'Purchase Receipt'+NEWLINE+'Purchase Invoice',report_default:'Delivery Note',ignore : 1,parent:'Profile',in_first_page : 1,single_select : 1});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'period', label:'Period', fieldtype:'Select', options:'Monthly'+NEWLINE+'Quarterly'+NEWLINE+'Half Yearly'+NEWLINE+'Annual',report_default:'Quarterly',ignore : 1, parent:'Profile',in_first_page:1,single_select:1});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'based_on', label:'Based On', fieldtype:'Select', options:'Item'+NEWLINE+'Item Group'+NEWLINE+'Customer'+NEWLINE+'Customer Group'+NEWLINE+'Territory'+NEWLINE+'Supplier'+NEWLINE+'Supplier Type'+NEWLINE+'Project', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile', report_default:'Item', in_first_page : 1,single_select:1});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'group_by', label:'Group By', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Item'+NEWLINE+'Customer'+NEWLINE+'Supplier', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile',single_select:1});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'order_type', label:'Order Type', fieldtype:'Select', options:NEWLINE+'Sales'+NEWLINE+'Maintenance',ignore : 1, parent:'Profile',single_select:1});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'company', label:'Company', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Company', report_default:sys_defaults.company, ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'fiscal_year', label:'Fiscal Year', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Fiscal Year', report_default:sys_defaults.fiscal_year, ignore : 1, parent:'Profile', in_first_page:1});
// Add Filters
this.add_filter({fieldname:'item', label:'Item', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Item', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'item_group', label:'Item Group', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Item Group', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'customer', label:'Customer', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Customer', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'customer_group', label:'Customer Group', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Customer Group', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'territory', label:'Territory', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Territory', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'supplier', label:'Supplier', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Supplier', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'supplier_type', label:'Supplier Type', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Supplier Type', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.add_filter({fieldname:'project', label:'Project', fieldtype:'Link', options:'Project', ignore : 1, parent:'Profile'});
this.mytabs.tabs['Select Columns'].hide();
report.aftertableprint = function(t) {
var validate_values = function(trans,based_on,order_type) {
msgprint("Please select Fiscal Year");
return 0;
if((in_list(['Quotation','Sales Order','Delivery Note','Sales Invoice'],trans) && in_list(['Supplier','Supplier Type'],based_on)) || (in_list(['Purchase Order','Purchase Receipt','Purchase Invoice'],trans) && in_list(['Customer','Customer Group','Territory'],based_on))){
msgprint("Sorry! You cannot fetch "+trans+" trend based on "+based_on);
return 0;
if(in_list(['Purchase Order','Purchase Receipt','Purchase Invoice'],trans) && order_type){
msgprint("Please deselect Order Type for "+trans);
return 0;
return 1;
report.get_query = function() {
trans = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Transaction').get_value();
order_type = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Order Type').get_value();
based_on = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Based On').get_value();
company = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Company').get_value();
fiscal_year = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Fiscal Year').get_value();
col = '';
add_cond = '';
add_col = '';
add_tables = '';
sp_cond = '';
if(trans == 'Sales Invoice') trans = 'Receivable Voucher';
else if(trans == 'Purchase Invoice') trans = 'Payable Voucher';
trans_det = trans+' Detail'
if(trans == 'Receivable Voucher') trans_det = 'RV Detail';
else if(trans == 'Payable Voucher') trans_det = 'PV Detail';
else if(trans == 'Purchase Order') trans_det = 'PO Detail';
if(order_type != '') add_code += ' AND t1.order_type = '+order_type;
case 'Item' : item = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Item').get_value();
col = 'DISTINCT t2.item_code, t3.item_name';
add_tables = ',tabItem t3';
add_cond += ' AND t2.item_code = t3.name';
if(item) add_cond += ' AND t2.item_code = "'+item+'"';
case 'Customer' : cust = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Customer').get_value();
col = 'DISTINCT t1.customer, t3.territory';
add_tables = ',tabCustomer t3';
add_cond += ' AND t1.customer = t3.name';
if(cust) add_cond += ' AND t1.customer = "'+cust+'"';
case 'Supplier' : supp = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Supplier').get_value();
col = 'DISTINCT t1.supplier, t3.supplier_type';
add_tables = ',tabSupplier t3';
add_cond += ' AND t1.supplier = t3.name';
if(supp) add_cond += ' AND t1.supplier = "'+supp+'"';
case 'Supplier Type' : supp_type = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Supplier Type').get_value();
col = 'DISTINCT t3.supplier_type';
add_tables = ',tabSupplier t3';
add_cond += ' AND t1.supplier = t3.name';
if(supp_type) add_cond += ' AND t1.supplier_type = "'+supp_type+'"';
case 'Project' : pro = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Project').get_value();
if (inList(['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Payable Voucher'], trans)) {
col = 'DISTINCT t2.project_name';
if(pro) add_cond += ' AND t2.project_name = "'+pro+'"';
} else {
col = 'DISTINCT t1.project_name';
if(pro) add_cond += ' AND t1.project_name = "'+pro+'"';
case 'Item Group' : ig = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Item Group').get_value();
if(ig) sp_cond += ' AND parent.name = "'+ig+'"';
case 'Customer Group' : cg = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Customer Group').get_value();
if(cg) sp_cond += ' AND parent.name = "'+cg+'"';
case 'Territory' : ter = this.get_filter('Profile', 'Territory').get_value();
if(ter) sp_cond += ' AND parent.name = "'+ter+'"';
if(based_on == 'Item' || based_on == 'Customer' || based_on == 'Supplier' || based_on == 'Supplier Type' || based_on == 'Project')
var q ='SELECT '+col+' FROM `tab'+trans+'` t1, `tab'+trans_det+'` t2 '+add_tables+' WHERE t1.fiscal_year = "'+fiscal_year+'" and t1.company = "'+company+'" and t2.parent = t1.name '+add_cond;
var q = 'SELECT CONCAT(REPEAT(" ", COUNT(parent.name) - 1), node.name) AS "Name" FROM `tab'+based_on+'` node,`tab'+based_on+'` parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft and parent.rgt and node.docstatus !=2 '+sp_cond+' GROUP BY node.name ORDER BY node.lft';
return q;