mergify[bot] 8644a7f1fc
fix: Do not allow backdated stock transactions in previous fiscal year (#21967) (#21980)
(cherry picked from commit 873542bc7f57f6627d6a906f133ea179785a3795)

Co-authored-by: Deepesh Garg <>
2020-05-27 20:50:28 +05:30

212 lines
7.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
import frappe.share
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cstr, now_datetime, cint, flt, get_time, get_datetime, get_link_to_form
from erpnext.controllers.status_updater import StatusUpdater
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
from six import string_types
class UOMMustBeIntegerError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
class TransactionBase(StatusUpdater):
def validate_posting_time(self):
# set Edit Posting Date and Time to 1 while data import
if frappe.flags.in_import and self.posting_date:
self.set_posting_time = 1
if not getattr(self, 'set_posting_time', None):
now = now_datetime()
self.posting_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.posting_time = now.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')
elif self.posting_time:
except ValueError:
frappe.throw(_('Invalid Posting Time'))
def add_calendar_event(self, opts, force=False):
if cstr(self.contact_by) != cstr(self._prev.contact_by) or \
cstr(self.contact_date) != cstr(self._prev.contact_date) or force or \
(hasattr(self, "ends_on") and cstr(self.ends_on) != cstr(self._prev.ends_on)):
def delete_events(self):
participations = frappe.get_all("Event Participants", filters={"reference_doctype": self.doctype, "reference_docname":,
"parenttype": "Event"}, fields=["name", "parent"])
if participations:
for participation in participations:
total_participants = frappe.get_all("Event Participants", filters={"parenttype": "Event", "parent": participation.parent})
if len(total_participants) <= 1:
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabEvent` where name='%s'" % participation.parent)
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabEvent Participants` where name='%s'" %
def _add_calendar_event(self, opts):
opts = frappe._dict(opts)
if self.contact_date:
event = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Event",
"owner": opts.owner or self.owner,
"subject": opts.subject,
"description": opts.description,
"starts_on": self.contact_date,
"ends_on": opts.ends_on,
"event_type": "Private"
event.append('event_participants', {
"reference_doctype": self.doctype,
if frappe.db.exists("User", self.contact_by):
frappe.share.add("Event",, self.contact_by,
flags={"ignore_share_permission": True})
def validate_uom_is_integer(self, uom_field, qty_fields):
validate_uom_is_integer(self, uom_field, qty_fields)
def validate_with_previous_doc(self, ref):
self.exclude_fields = ["conversion_factor", "uom"] if self.get('is_return') else []
for key, val in ref.items():
is_child = val.get("is_child_table")
ref_doc = {}
item_ref_dn = []
for d in self.get_all_children(self.doctype + " Item"):
ref_dn = d.get(val["ref_dn_field"])
if ref_dn:
if is_child:
self.compare_values({key: [ref_dn]}, val["compare_fields"], d)
if ref_dn not in item_ref_dn:
elif not val.get("allow_duplicate_prev_row_id"):
frappe.throw(_("Duplicate row {0} with same {1}").format(d.idx, key))
elif ref_dn:
ref_doc.setdefault(key, [])
if ref_dn not in ref_doc[key]:
if ref_doc:
self.compare_values(ref_doc, val["compare_fields"])
def compare_values(self, ref_doc, fields, doc=None):
for reference_doctype, ref_dn_list in ref_doc.items():
for reference_name in ref_dn_list:
prevdoc_values = frappe.db.get_value(reference_doctype, reference_name,
[d[0] for d in fields], as_dict=1)
if not prevdoc_values:
frappe.throw(_("Invalid reference {0} {1}").format(reference_doctype, reference_name))
for field, condition in fields:
if prevdoc_values[field] is not None and field not in self.exclude_fields:
self.validate_value(field, condition, prevdoc_values[field], doc)
def validate_rate_with_reference_doc(self, ref_details):
for ref_dt, ref_dn_field, ref_link_field in ref_details:
for d in self.get("items"):
if d.get(ref_link_field):
ref_rate = frappe.db.get_value(ref_dt + " Item", d.get(ref_link_field), "rate")
if abs(flt(d.rate - ref_rate, d.precision("rate"))) >= .01:
frappe.msgprint(_("Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) ")
.format(d.idx, ref_dt, d.get(ref_dn_field), d.rate, ref_rate))
frappe.throw(_("To allow different rates, disable the {0} checkbox in {1}.")
.format(frappe.bold(_("Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle")),
get_link_to_form("Selling Settings", "Selling Settings", frappe.bold("Selling Settings"))))
def get_link_filters(self, for_doctype):
if hasattr(self, "prev_link_mapper") and self.prev_link_mapper.get(for_doctype):
fieldname = self.prev_link_mapper[for_doctype]["fieldname"]
values = filter(None, tuple([item.as_dict()[fieldname] for item in self.items]))
if values:
ret = {
for_doctype : {
"filters": [[for_doctype, "name", "in", values]]
ret = None
ret = None
return ret
def validate_with_last_transaction_posting_time(self):
if self.doctype not in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice", "Stock Entry", "Stock Reconciliation",
"Delivery Note", "Purchase Receipt", "Fees"]:
if self.doctype in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
if not (self.get("update_stock") or self.get("is_pos")):
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(self.get('posting_date'), as_dict=True).name
last_transaction_time = frappe.db.sql("""
select MAX(timestamp(posting_date, posting_time)) as posting_time
from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
where docstatus = 1""")[0][0]
cur_doc_posting_datetime = "%s %s" % (self.posting_date, self.get("posting_time") or "00:00:00")
if last_transaction_time and get_datetime(cur_doc_posting_datetime) < get_datetime(last_transaction_time):
frappe.throw(_("""Posting timestamp of current transaction
must be after last Stock transaction's timestamp which is {0}""").format(frappe.bold(last_transaction_time)),
title=_("Backdated Stock Entry"))
def delete_events(ref_type, ref_name):
events = frappe.db.sql_list(""" SELECT
distinct `tabEvent`.name
`tabEvent`, `tabEvent Participants`
`tabEvent`.name = `tabEvent Participants`.parent
and `tabEvent Participants`.reference_doctype = %s
and `tabEvent Participants`.reference_docname = %s
""", (ref_type, ref_name)) or []
if events:
frappe.delete_doc("Event", events, for_reload=True)
def validate_uom_is_integer(doc, uom_field, qty_fields, child_dt=None):
if isinstance(qty_fields, string_types):
qty_fields = [qty_fields]
distinct_uoms = list(set([d.get(uom_field) for d in doc.get_all_children()]))
integer_uoms = list(filter(lambda uom: frappe.db.get_value("UOM", uom,
"must_be_whole_number", cache=True) or None, distinct_uoms))
if not integer_uoms:
for d in doc.get_all_children(parenttype=child_dt):
if d.get(uom_field) in integer_uoms:
for f in qty_fields:
qty = d.get(f)
if qty:
if abs(cint(qty) - flt(qty)) > 0.0000001:
frappe.throw(_("Row {1}: Quantity ({0}) cannot be a fraction. To allow this, disable '{2}' in UOM {3}.") \
.format(qty, d.idx, frappe.bold(_("Must be Whole Number")), frappe.bold(d.get(uom_field))),