* [enhance] Opening Invoice Tool create Opening Sales/Purchase Invoices * [minor] added progress bar while creating invoice * [minor] allow bulk upload for the invoices * [minor] calculate item rate from net total * [minor] added defaults for invoices fields, create gl entries only if grand_total is greater than 0 * [minor] check mandatory values before making opening invoices * [minor] enable primary button if there is any error while creating invoices * [minor] minor fixes, set company currency as invoice currency added tests * [dashboard] added Opening Invoice Summery section in Dashboard * [minor] added total invoices count on dashboard * [minor] don't show dashboard if there are no opening invoices available * [minor] added Opening Invoice Tools to Account's Tools section * [minor] codecy fixes * [fix] refactored general ledger and buttons on charts * [fix] tests
265 lines
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265 lines
8.3 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import getdate, cstr, flt
from frappe import _, _dict
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_account_currency
def execute(filters=None):
account_details = {}
for acc in frappe.db.sql("""select name, is_group from tabAccount""", as_dict=1):
account_details.setdefault(acc.name, acc)
validate_filters(filters, account_details)
filters = set_account_currency(filters)
columns = get_columns(filters)
res = get_result(filters, account_details)
return columns, res
def validate_filters(filters, account_details):
if not filters.get('company'):
frappe.throw(_('{0} is mandatory').format(_('Company')))
if filters.get("account") and not account_details.get(filters.account):
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists").format(filters.account))
if filters.get("account") and filters.get("group_by_account") \
and account_details[filters.account].is_group == 0:
frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account"))
if filters.get("voucher_no") and filters.get("group_by_voucher"):
frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher"))
if filters.from_date > filters.to_date:
frappe.throw(_("From Date must be before To Date"))
def validate_party(filters):
party_type, party = filters.get("party_type"), filters.get("party")
if party:
if not party_type:
frappe.throw(_("To filter based on Party, select Party Type first"))
elif not frappe.db.exists(party_type, party):
frappe.throw(_("Invalid {0}: {1}").format(party_type, party))
def set_account_currency(filters):
if not (filters.get("account") or filters.get("party")):
return filters
filters["company_currency"] = frappe.db.get_value("Company", filters.company, "default_currency")
account_currency = None
if filters.get("account"):
account_currency = get_account_currency(filters.account)
elif filters.get("party"):
gle_currency = frappe.db.get_value("GL Entry", {"party_type": filters.party_type,
"party": filters.party, "company": filters.company}, "account_currency")
if gle_currency:
account_currency = gle_currency
account_currency = None if filters.party_type == "Employee" else \
frappe.db.get_value(filters.party_type, filters.party, "default_currency")
filters["account_currency"] = account_currency or filters.company_currency
if filters.account_currency != filters.company_currency:
filters["show_in_account_currency"] = 1
return filters
def get_columns(filters):
columns = [
_("Posting Date") + ":Date:90", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:200",
_("Debit") + ":Float:100", _("Credit") + ":Float:100"
if filters.get("show_in_account_currency"):
columns += [
_("Debit") + " (" + filters.account_currency + ")" + ":Float:100",
_("Credit") + " (" + filters.account_currency + ")" + ":Float:100"
columns += [
_("Voucher Type") + "::120", _("Voucher No") + ":Dynamic Link/"+_("Voucher Type")+":160",
_("Against Account") + "::120", _("Party Type") + "::80", _("Party") + "::150",
_("Project") + ":Link/Project:100", _("Cost Center") + ":Link/Cost Center:100",
_("Against Voucher Type") + "::120", _("Against Voucher") + ":Dynamic Link/"+_("Against Voucher Type")+":160",
_("Remarks") + "::400"
return columns
def get_result(filters, account_details):
gl_entries = get_gl_entries(filters)
data = get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, gl_entries)
result = get_result_as_list(data, filters)
return result
def get_gl_entries(filters):
select_fields = """, sum(debit_in_account_currency) as debit_in_account_currency,
sum(credit_in_account_currency) as credit_in_account_currency""" \
if filters.get("show_in_account_currency") else ""
group_by_condition = "group by voucher_type, voucher_no, account, cost_center" \
if filters.get("group_by_voucher") else "group by name"
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
posting_date, account, party_type, party,
sum(debit) as debit, sum(credit) as credit,
voucher_type, voucher_no, cost_center, project,
against_voucher_type, against_voucher,
remarks, against, is_opening {select_fields}
from `tabGL Entry`
where company=%(company)s {conditions}
order by posting_date, account"""\
.format(select_fields=select_fields, conditions=get_conditions(filters),
group_by_condition=group_by_condition), filters, as_dict=1)
return gl_entries
def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = []
if filters.get("account"):
lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters["account"], ["lft", "rgt"])
conditions.append("""account in (select name from tabAccount
where lft>=%s and rgt<=%s and docstatus<2)""" % (lft, rgt))
if filters.get("voucher_no"):
if filters.get("party_type"):
if filters.get("party"):
if not (filters.get("account") or filters.get("party") or filters.get("group_by_account")):
conditions.append("posting_date >=%(from_date)s")
if filters.get("project"):
from frappe.desk.reportview import build_match_conditions
match_conditions = build_match_conditions("GL Entry")
if match_conditions: conditions.append(match_conditions)
return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else ""
def get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, gl_entries):
data = []
gle_map = initialize_gle_map(gl_entries)
totals, entries = get_accountwise_gle(filters, gl_entries, gle_map)
# Opening for filtered account
if filters.get("group_by_account"):
for acc, acc_dict in gle_map.items():
if acc_dict.entries:
# opening
data += acc_dict.entries
# totals
# closing
data += entries
# totals
# closing
return data
def get_totals_dict():
def _get_debit_credit_dict(label):
return _dict(
account = "'{0}'".format(label),
debit = 0.0,
credit = 0.0,
debit_in_account_currency = 0.0,
credit_in_account_currency = 0.0
return _dict(
opening = _get_debit_credit_dict(_('Opening')),
total = _get_debit_credit_dict(_('Total')),
closing = _get_debit_credit_dict(_('Closing (Opening + Total)'))
def initialize_gle_map(gl_entries):
gle_map = frappe._dict()
for gle in gl_entries:
gle_map.setdefault(gle.account, _dict(totals = get_totals_dict(), entries = []))
return gle_map
def get_accountwise_gle(filters, gl_entries, gle_map):
totals = get_totals_dict()
entries = []
def update_value_in_dict(data, key, gle):
data[key].debit += flt(gle.debit)
data[key].credit += flt(gle.credit)
data[key].debit_in_account_currency += flt(gle.debit_in_account_currency)
data[key].credit_in_account_currency += flt(gle.credit_in_account_currency)
from_date, to_date = getdate(filters.from_date), getdate(filters.to_date)
for gle in gl_entries:
if gle.posting_date < from_date or cstr(gle.is_opening) == "Yes":
update_value_in_dict(gle_map[gle.account].totals, 'opening', gle)
update_value_in_dict(totals, 'opening', gle)
elif gle.posting_date <= to_date:
update_value_in_dict(gle_map[gle.account].totals, 'total', gle)
update_value_in_dict(totals, 'total', gle)
if filters.get("group_by_account"):
update_value_in_dict(gle_map[gle.account].totals, 'closing', gle)
update_value_in_dict(totals, 'closing', gle)
return totals, entries
def get_result_as_list(data, filters):
result = []
for d in data:
row = [d.get("posting_date"), d.get("account"), d.get("debit"), d.get("credit")]
if filters.get("show_in_account_currency"):
row += [d.get("debit_in_account_currency"), d.get("credit_in_account_currency")]
row += [d.get("voucher_type"), d.get("voucher_no"), d.get("against"),
d.get("party_type"), d.get("party"), d.get("project"), d.get("cost_center"), d.get("against_voucher_type"), d.get("against_voucher"), d.get("remarks")
return result