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79 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt
from frappe.utils.user import is_website_user
def get_list_context(context=None):
return {
"global_number_format": frappe.db.get_default("number_format") or "#,###.##",
"currency": frappe.db.get_default("currency"),
"currency_symbols": json.dumps(dict(frappe.db.sql("""select name, symbol
from tabCurrency where ifnull(enabled,0)=1"""))),
"row_template": "templates/includes/transaction_row.html",
"get_list": get_transaction_list
def get_transaction_list(doctype, txt=None, filters=None, limit_start=0, limit_page_length=20):
from frappe.templates.pages.list import get_list
user = frappe.session.user
if user != "Guest" and is_website_user(user):
# find party for this contact
customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user)
if customers:
return post_process(get_list(doctype, txt, filters=[(doctype, "customer", "in", customers)],
limit_start=limit_start, limit_page_length=limit_page_length, ignore_permissions=True))
elif suppliers:
return post_process(get_list(doctype, txt, filters=[(doctype, "supplier", "in", suppliers)],
limit_start=limit_start, limit_page_length=limit_page_length, ignore_permissions=True))
return []
return post_process(get_list(doctype, txt, filters, limit_start, limit_page_length))
def post_process(result):
for r in result:
r.status_percent = 0
r.status_display = []
if r.get("per_billed"):
r.status_percent += flt(r.per_billed)
r.status_display.append(_("Billed") if r.per_billed==100 else _("{0}% Billed").format(r.per_billed))
if r.get("per_delivered"):
r.status_percent += flt(r.per_delivered)
r.status_display.append(_("Delivered") if r.per_delivered==100 else _("{0}% Delivered").format(r.per_delivered))
r.status_display = ", ".join(r.status_display)
return result
def get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user):
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
contacts = frappe.get_all("Contact", fields=["customer", "supplier", "email_id"],
filters={"email_id": user})
customers = [c.customer for c in contacts if c.customer] if meta.get_field("customer") else None
suppliers = [c.supplier for c in contacts if c.supplier] if meta.get_field("supplier") else None
return customers, suppliers
def has_website_permission(doc, ptype, user, verbose=False):
doctype = doc.doctype
customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(doctype, user)
if customers:
return frappe.get_all(doctype, filters=[(doctype, "customer", "in", customers),
(doctype, "name", "=", doc.name)]) and True or False
elif suppliers:
return frappe.get_all(doctype, filters=[(doctype, "suppliers", "in", suppliers),
(doctype, "name", "=", doc.name)]) and True or False
return False