2013-11-20 13:00:28 +05:30

39 lines
1.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
def get_children():
ctype = webnotes.form_dict.get('ctype')
webnotes.form_dict['parent_field'] = 'parent_' + ctype.lower().replace(' ', '_')
if not webnotes.form_dict.get('parent'):
webnotes.form_dict['parent'] = ''
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name as value,
if(is_group='Yes', 1, 0) as expandable
from `tab%(ctype)s`
where docstatus < 2
and ifnull(%(parent_field)s,'') = "%(parent)s"
order by name""" % webnotes.form_dict, as_dict=1)
def add_node():
# from webnotes.model.doc import Document
ctype = webnotes.form_dict.get('ctype')
parent_field = 'parent_' + ctype.lower().replace(' ', '_')
name_field = ctype.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '_name'
doclist = [{
"doctype": ctype,
"__islocal": 1,
name_field: webnotes.form_dict['name_field'],
parent_field: webnotes.form_dict['parent'],
"is_group": webnotes.form_dict['is_group']
if ctype == "Sales Person":
doclist[0]["employee"] = webnotes.form_dict.get('employee')