2014-05-27 15:22:04 +05:30

336 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
frappe.pages['financial-analytics'].onload = function(wrapper) {
parent: wrapper,
title: __('Financial Analytics'),
single_column: true
erpnext.trial_balance = new erpnext.FinancialAnalytics(wrapper, 'Financial Analytics');
erpnext.FinancialAnalytics = erpnext.AccountTreeGrid.extend({
filters: [
fieldtype:"Select", label: __("PL or BS"),
options:["Profit and Loss", "Balance Sheet"],
filter: function(val, item, opts, me) {
if(item._show) return true;
// pl or bs
var out = (val=='Balance Sheet') ?
item.report_type=='Balance Sheet' : item.report_type=='Profit and Loss';
if(!out) return false;
return me.apply_zero_filter(val, item, opts, me);
fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Company"),
link:"Company", default_value: "Select Company...",
filter: function(val, item, opts) {
return item.company == val || val == opts.default_value || item._show;
{fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Fiscal Year"), link:"Fiscal Year",
default_value: "Select Fiscal Year..."},
{fieldtype:"Date", label: __("From Date")},
{fieldtype:"Label", label: __("To")},
{fieldtype:"Date", label: __("To Date")},
{fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Range"),
options:["Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Quarterly", "Yearly"]},
{fieldtype:"Button", label: __("Refresh"), icon:"icon-refresh icon-white"},
{fieldtype:"Button", label: __("Reset Filters"), icon: "icon-filter"}
setup_columns: function() {
var std_columns = [
{id: "check", name: __("Plot"), field: "check", width: 30,
formatter: this.check_formatter},
{id: "name", name: __("Account"), field: "name", width: 300,
formatter: this.tree_formatter},
{id: "opening_dr", name: __("Opening (Dr)"), field: "opening_dr",
hidden: true, formatter: this.currency_formatter, balance_type: "Dr"},
{id: "opening_cr", name: __("Opening (Cr)"), field: "opening_cr",
hidden: true, formatter: this.currency_formatter, balance_type: "Cr"},
this.columns = std_columns.concat(this.columns);
make_date_range_columns: function() {
this.columns = [];
var me = this;
var range = this.filter_inputs.range.val();
this.from_date = dateutil.user_to_str(this.filter_inputs.from_date.val());
this.to_date = dateutil.user_to_str(this.filter_inputs.to_date.val());
var date_diff = dateutil.get_diff(this.to_date, this.from_date);
me.column_map = {};
me.last_date = null;
var add_column = function(date, balance_type) {
id: date + "_" + balance_type.toLowerCase(),
name: dateutil.str_to_user(date),
field: date + "_" + balance_type.toLowerCase(),
date: date,
balance_type: balance_type,
formatter: me.currency_formatter,
width: 110
var build_columns = function(condition) {
// add column for each date range
for(var i=0; i <= date_diff; i++) {
var date = dateutil.add_days(me.from_date, i);
if(!condition) condition = function() { return true; }
if(condition(date)) {
$.each(["Dr", "Cr"], function(i, v) {
add_column(date, v)
me.last_date = date;
if(me.columns.length) {
me.column_map[date] = me.columns[me.columns.length-1];
// make columns for all date ranges
if(range=='Daily') {
} else if(range=='Weekly') {
build_columns(function(date) {
if(!me.last_date) return true;
return !(dateutil.get_diff(date, me.from_date) % 7)
} else if(range=='Monthly') {
build_columns(function(date) {
if(!me.last_date) return true;
return dateutil.str_to_obj(me.last_date).getMonth() != dateutil.str_to_obj(date).getMonth()
} else if(range=='Quarterly') {
build_columns(function(date) {
if(!me.last_date) return true;
return dateutil.str_to_obj(date).getDate()==1 && in_list([0,3,6,9], dateutil.str_to_obj(date).getMonth())
} else if(range=='Yearly') {
build_columns(function(date) {
if(!me.last_date) return true;
return $.map(frappe.report_dump.data['Fiscal Year'], function(v) {
return date==v.year_start_date ? true : null;
// set label as last date of period
$.each(this.columns, function(i, col) {
col.name = me.columns[i+2]
? dateutil.str_to_user(dateutil.add_days(me.columns[i+2].date, -1)) + " (" + me.columns[i].balance_type + ")"
: dateutil.str_to_user(me.to_date) + " (" + me.columns[i].balance_type + ")";
setup_filters: function() {
var me = this;
.add_options($.map(frappe.report_dump.data["Cost Center"], function(v) {return v.name;}));
init_filter_values: function() {
prepare_balances: function() {
var me = this;
// setup cost center map
if(!this.cost_center_by_name) {
this.cost_center_by_name = this.make_name_map(frappe.report_dump.data["Cost Center"]);
var cost_center = inList(["Balance Sheet", "Profit and Loss"], this.pl_or_bs)
? null : this.cost_center_by_name[this.pl_or_bs];
$.each(frappe.report_dump.data['GL Entry'], function(i, gl) {
var filter_by_cost_center = (function() {
if(cost_center) {
if(gl.cost_center) {
var gl_cost_center = me.cost_center_by_name[gl.cost_center];
return gl_cost_center.lft >= cost_center.lft && gl_cost_center.rgt <= cost_center.rgt;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if(filter_by_cost_center) {
var posting_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(gl.posting_date);
var account = me.item_by_name[gl.account];
var col = me.column_map[gl.posting_date];
if(col) {
if(gl.voucher_type=='Period Closing Voucher') {
// period closing voucher not to be added
// to profit and loss accounts (else will become zero!!)
if(account.report_type=='Balance Sheet')
me.add_balance(col.date, account, gl);
} else {
me.add_balance(col.date, account, gl);
} else if(account.report_type=='Balance Sheet'
&& (posting_date < dateutil.str_to_obj(me.from_date))) {
me.add_balance('opening', account, gl);
// make balances as cumulative
if(me.pl_or_bs=='Balance Sheet') {
$.each(me.data, function(i, ac) {
if((ac.rgt - ac.lft)==1 && ac.report_type=='Balance Sheet') {
var opening = 0;
//if(opening) throw opening;
$.each(me.columns, function(i, col) {
if(col.formatter==me.currency_formatter) {
if(col.balance_type=="Dr") {
opening = opening + flt(ac[col.date + "_dr"]) -
flt(ac[col.date + "_cr"]);
me.set_debit_or_credit(ac, col.date, opening);
this.accounts_initialized = true;
if(!me.is_default("company")) {
// show Net Profit / Loss
var net_profit = {
company: me.company,
id: "Net Profit / Loss",
name: "Net Profit / Loss",
indent: 0,
opening: 0,
checked: false,
report_type: me.pl_or_bs,
me.item_by_name[net_profit.name] = net_profit;
$.each(me.columns, function(i, col) {
if(col.formatter==me.currency_formatter) {
if(!net_profit[col.id]) net_profit[col.id] = 0;
$.each(me.data, function(i, ac) {
if(!ac.parent_account && me.apply_filter(ac, "company") &&
ac.report_type==me.pl_or_bs) {
$.each(me.columns, function(i, col) {
if(col.formatter==me.currency_formatter && col.balance_type=="Dr") {
var bal = net_profit[col.date+"_dr"] -
net_profit[col.date+"_cr"] +
ac[col.date+"_dr"] - ac[col.date+"_cr"];
me.set_debit_or_credit(net_profit, col.date, bal);
// $.each(me.data, function(i, v) {
// if(v.report_type=="Profit and Loss") console.log(v)
// })
add_balance: function(field, account, gl) {
var bal = flt(account[field+"_dr"]) - flt(account[field+"_cr"]) +
flt(gl.debit) - flt(gl.credit);
this.set_debit_or_credit(account, field, bal);
update_groups: function() {
// update groups
var me= this;
$.each(this.data, function(i, account) {
// update groups
if((account.group_or_ledger == "Ledger") || (account.rgt - account.lft == 1)) {
var parent = me.parent_map[account.name];
while(parent) {
var parent_account = me.item_by_name[parent];
$.each(me.columns, function(c, col) {
if (col.formatter == me.currency_formatter && col.balance_type=="Dr") {
var bal = flt(parent_account[col.date+"_dr"]) -
flt(parent_account[col.date+"_cr"]) +
flt(account[col.date+"_dr"]) -
me.set_debit_or_credit(parent_account, col.date, bal);
parent = me.parent_map[parent];
init_account: function(d) {
// set 0 values for all columns
// check for default graphs
if(!this.accounts_initialized && !d.parent_account) {
d.checked = true;
get_plot_data: function() {
var data = [];
var me = this;
var pl_or_bs = this.pl_or_bs;
$.each(this.data, function(i, account) {
var show = pl_or_bs == "Balance Sheet" ?
account.report_type=="Balance Sheet" : account.report_type=="Profit and Loss";
if (show && account.checked && me.apply_filter(account, "company")) {
label: account.name,
data: $.map(me.columns, function(col, idx) {
if(col.formatter==me.currency_formatter && !col.hidden &&
col.balance_type=="Dr") {
var bal = account[col.date+"_dr"]||account[col.date+"_cr"];
if (pl_or_bs != "Balance Sheet") {
return [[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.date).getTime(), bal],
[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.date).getTime(), bal]];
} else {
return [[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.date).getTime(), bal]];
points: {show: true},
lines: {show: true, fill: true},
if(pl_or_bs == "Balance Sheet") {
// prepend opening for balance sheet accounts
data[data.length-1].data = [[dateutil.str_to_obj(me.from_date).getTime(),
return data;