108 lines
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108 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, nowdate
from erpnext.setup.doctype.item_group.item_group import get_item_for_list_in_html
from erpnext.e_commerce.shopping_cart.product_info import set_product_info_for_website
# For SEARCH -------
from redisearch import AutoCompleter, Client, Query
from erpnext.e_commerce.website_item_indexing import (
# -----------------
no_cache = 1
def get_context(context):
context.show_search = True
def get_product_list(search=None, start=0, limit=12):
# limit = 12 because we show 12 items in the grid view
# base query
query = """select I.name, I.item_name, I.item_code, I.route, I.image, I.website_image, I.thumbnail, I.item_group,
I.description, I.web_long_description as website_description, I.is_stock_item,
case when (S.actual_qty - S.reserved_qty) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as in_stock, I.website_warehouse,
from `tabItem` I
left join tabBin S on I.item_code = S.item_code and I.website_warehouse = S.warehouse
where (I.show_in_website = 1)
and I.disabled = 0
and (I.end_of_life is null or I.end_of_life='0000-00-00' or I.end_of_life > %(today)s)"""
# search term condition
if search:
query += """ and (I.web_long_description like %(search)s
or I.description like %(search)s
or I.item_name like %(search)s
or I.name like %(search)s)"""
search = "%" + cstr(search) + "%"
# order by
query += """ order by I.weightage desc, in_stock desc, I.modified desc limit %s, %s""" % (cint(start), cint(limit))
data = frappe.db.sql(query, {
"search": search,
"today": nowdate()
}, as_dict=1)
for item in data:
return [get_item_for_list_in_html(r) for r in data]
def search(query):
if not query:
# TODO: return top/recent searches
return []
red = frappe.cache()
query = clean_up_query(query)
ac = AutoCompleter(make_key(WEBSITE_ITEM_NAME_AUTOCOMPLETE), conn=red)
client = Client(make_key(WEBSITE_ITEM_INDEX), conn=red)
suggestions = ac.get_suggestions(query, num=10)
# Build a query
query_string = query
for s in suggestions:
query_string += f"|('{clean_up_query(s.string)}')"
q = Query(query_string)
print(f"Executing query: {q.query_string()}")
results = client.search(q)
results = list(map(convert_to_dict, results.docs))
print("SEARCH RESULTS ------------------\n ", results)
return results
def clean_up_query(query):
return ''.join(c for c in query if c.isalnum() or c.isspace())
def convert_to_dict(redis_search_doc):
return redis_search_doc.__dict__
def get_category_suggestions(query):
if not query:
# TODO: return top/recent searches
return []
ac = AutoCompleter(make_key(WEBSITE_ITEM_CATEGORY_AUTOCOMPLETE), conn=frappe.cache())
suggestions = ac.get_suggestions(query, num=10)
return [s.string for s in suggestions] |