using mutable python defaults, and especially function calls, inside function definitions causes bugs that can be really hard to debug sometimes. please refrain from using such defaults. instead, using None is almost always a sane default. the values can then be manipulated inside the function instead. Signed-off-by: Chinmay D. Pai <>
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284 lines
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import date_diff, add_months, today, getdate, add_days, flt, get_last_day, cint, get_link_to_form
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_account_currency
from import sendmail_to_system_managers
from frappe.utils.background_jobs import enqueue
def validate_service_stop_date(doc):
''' Validates service_stop_date for Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice '''
enable_check = "enable_deferred_revenue" \
if doc.doctype=="Sales Invoice" else "enable_deferred_expense"
old_stop_dates = {}
old_doc = frappe.db.get_all("{0} Item".format(doc.doctype),
{"parent":}, ["name", "service_stop_date"])
for d in old_doc:
old_stop_dates[] = d.service_stop_date or ""
for item in doc.items:
if not item.get(enable_check): continue
if item.service_stop_date:
if date_diff(item.service_stop_date, item.service_start_date) < 0:
frappe.throw(_("Service Stop Date cannot be before Service Start Date"))
if date_diff(item.service_stop_date, item.service_end_date) > 0:
frappe.throw(_("Service Stop Date cannot be after Service End Date"))
if old_stop_dates and old_stop_dates.get( and item.service_stop_date!=old_stop_dates.get(
frappe.throw(_("Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0}").format(item.idx))
def build_conditions(process_type, account, company):
deferred_account = "item.deferred_revenue_account" if process_type=="Income" else "item.deferred_expense_account"
if account:
conditions += "AND %s='%s'"%(deferred_account, account)
elif company:
conditions += "AND'%s'"%(company)
return conditions
def convert_deferred_expense_to_expense(deferred_process, start_date=None, end_date=None, conditions=''):
# book the expense/income on the last day, but it will be trigger on the 1st of month at 12:00 AM
if not start_date:
start_date = add_months(today(), -1)
if not end_date:
end_date = add_days(today(), -1)
# check for the purchase invoice for which GL entries has to be done
invoices = frappe.db.sql_list('''
select distinct item.parent
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item` item, `tabPurchase Invoice` p
where item.service_start_date<=%s and item.service_end_date>=%s
and item.enable_deferred_expense = 1 and
and item.docstatus = 1 and ifnull(item.amount, 0) > 0
'''.format(conditions), (end_date, start_date)) #nosec
# For each invoice, book deferred expense
for invoice in invoices:
doc = frappe.get_doc("Purchase Invoice", invoice)
book_deferred_income_or_expense(doc, deferred_process, end_date)
if frappe.flags.deferred_accounting_error:
def convert_deferred_revenue_to_income(deferred_process, start_date=None, end_date=None, conditions=''):
# book the expense/income on the last day, but it will be trigger on the 1st of month at 12:00 AM
if not start_date:
start_date = add_months(today(), -1)
if not end_date:
end_date = add_days(today(), -1)
# check for the sales invoice for which GL entries has to be done
invoices = frappe.db.sql_list('''
select distinct item.parent
from `tabSales Invoice Item` item, `tabSales Invoice` p
where item.service_start_date<=%s and item.service_end_date>=%s
and item.enable_deferred_revenue = 1 and
and item.docstatus = 1 and ifnull(item.amount, 0) > 0
'''.format(conditions), (end_date, start_date)) #nosec
for invoice in invoices:
doc = frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", invoice)
book_deferred_income_or_expense(doc, deferred_process, end_date)
if frappe.flags.deferred_accounting_error:
def get_booking_dates(doc, item, posting_date=None):
if not posting_date:
posting_date = add_days(today(), -1)
last_gl_entry = False
deferred_account = "deferred_revenue_account" if doc.doctype=="Sales Invoice" else "deferred_expense_account"
prev_gl_entry = frappe.db.sql('''
select name, posting_date from `tabGL Entry` where company=%s and account=%s and
voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s and voucher_detail_no=%s
order by posting_date desc limit 1
''', (, item.get(deferred_account), doc.doctype,,, as_dict=True)
if prev_gl_entry:
start_date = getdate(add_days(prev_gl_entry[0].posting_date, 1))
start_date = item.service_start_date
end_date = get_last_day(start_date)
if end_date >= item.service_end_date:
end_date = item.service_end_date
last_gl_entry = True
elif item.service_stop_date and end_date >= item.service_stop_date:
end_date = item.service_stop_date
last_gl_entry = True
if end_date > getdate(posting_date):
end_date = posting_date
if getdate(start_date) <= getdate(end_date):
return start_date, end_date, last_gl_entry
return None, None, None
def calculate_amount(doc, item, last_gl_entry, total_days, total_booking_days, account_currency):
if doc.doctype == "Sales Invoice":
total_credit_debit, total_credit_debit_currency = "debit", "debit_in_account_currency"
deferred_account = "deferred_revenue_account"
total_credit_debit, total_credit_debit_currency = "credit", "credit_in_account_currency"
deferred_account = "deferred_expense_account"
amount, base_amount = 0, 0
if not last_gl_entry:
base_amount = flt(item.base_net_amount*total_booking_days/flt(total_days), item.precision("base_net_amount"))
if account_currency==doc.company_currency:
amount = base_amount
amount = flt(item.net_amount*total_booking_days/flt(total_days), item.precision("net_amount"))
gl_entries_details = frappe.db.sql('''
select sum({0}) as total_credit, sum({1}) as total_credit_in_account_currency, voucher_detail_no
from `tabGL Entry` where company=%s and account=%s and voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s and voucher_detail_no=%s
group by voucher_detail_no
'''.format(total_credit_debit, total_credit_debit_currency),
(, item.get(deferred_account), doc.doctype,,, as_dict=True)
already_booked_amount = gl_entries_details[0].total_credit if gl_entries_details else 0
base_amount = flt(item.base_net_amount - already_booked_amount, item.precision("base_net_amount"))
if account_currency==doc.company_currency:
amount = base_amount
already_booked_amount_in_account_currency = gl_entries_details[0].total_credit_in_account_currency if gl_entries_details else 0
amount = flt(item.net_amount - already_booked_amount_in_account_currency, item.precision("net_amount"))
return amount, base_amount
def book_deferred_income_or_expense(doc, deferred_process, posting_date=None):
enable_check = "enable_deferred_revenue" \
if doc.doctype=="Sales Invoice" else "enable_deferred_expense"
def _book_deferred_revenue_or_expense(item):
start_date, end_date, last_gl_entry = get_booking_dates(doc, item, posting_date=posting_date)
if not (start_date and end_date): return
account_currency = get_account_currency(item.expense_account)
if doc.doctype == "Sales Invoice":
against, project = doc.customer, doc.project
credit_account, debit_account = item.income_account, item.deferred_revenue_account
against, project = doc.supplier, item.project
credit_account, debit_account = item.deferred_expense_account, item.expense_account
total_days = date_diff(item.service_end_date, item.service_start_date) + 1
total_booking_days = date_diff(end_date, start_date) + 1
amount, base_amount = calculate_amount(doc, item, last_gl_entry,
total_days, total_booking_days, account_currency)
make_gl_entries(doc, credit_account, debit_account, against,
amount, base_amount, end_date, project, account_currency, item.cost_center, item, deferred_process)
# Returned in case of any errors because it tries to submit the same record again and again in case of errors
if frappe.flags.deferred_accounting_error:
if getdate(end_date) < getdate(posting_date) and not last_gl_entry:
for item in doc.get('items'):
if item.get(enable_check):
def process_deferred_accounting(posting_date=None):
''' Converts deferred income/expense into income/expense
Executed via background jobs on every month end '''
if not posting_date:
posting_date = today()
if not cint(frappe.db.get_singles_value('Accounts Settings', 'automatically_process_deferred_accounting_entry')):
start_date = add_months(today(), -1)
end_date = add_days(today(), -1)
for record_type in ('Income', 'Expense'):
doc = frappe.get_doc(dict(
doctype='Process Deferred Accounting',
def make_gl_entries(doc, credit_account, debit_account, against,
amount, base_amount, posting_date, project, account_currency, cost_center, item, deferred_process=None):
# GL Entry for crediting the amount in the deferred expense
from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries
if amount == 0: return
gl_entries = []
"account": credit_account,
"against": against,
"credit": base_amount,
"credit_in_account_currency": amount,
"cost_center": cost_center,
'posting_date': posting_date,
'project': project,
'against_voucher_type': 'Process Deferred Accounting',
'against_voucher': deferred_process
}, account_currency, item=item)
# GL Entry to debit the amount from the expense
"account": debit_account,
"against": against,
"debit": base_amount,
"debit_in_account_currency": amount,
"cost_center": cost_center,
'posting_date': posting_date,
'project': project,
'against_voucher_type': 'Process Deferred Accounting',
'against_voucher': deferred_process
}, account_currency, item=item)
if gl_entries:
make_gl_entries(gl_entries, cancel=(doc.docstatus == 2), merge_entries=True)
traceback = frappe.get_traceback()
frappe.flags.deferred_accounting_error = True
def send_mail(deferred_process):
title = _("Error while processing deferred accounting for {0}".format(deferred_process))
content = _("""
Deferred accounting failed for some invoices:
Please check Process Deferred Accounting {0}
and submit manually after resolving errors
""").format(get_link_to_form('Process Deferred Accounting', deferred_process))
sendmail_to_system_managers(title, content)