Every Financial Report's 2nd column is Currency, which is an implicit requirement to Print them properly. In this case, Income column was not printed. This fixes that.
195 lines
5.6 KiB
195 lines
5.6 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, getdate, formatdate, cstr
from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import filter_accounts, filter_out_zero_value_rows
from erpnext.accounts.report.trial_balance.trial_balance import validate_filters
value_fields = ("income", "expense", "gross_profit_loss")
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters.get('based_on'): filters["based_on"] = 'Cost Center'
based_on = filters.based_on.replace(' ', '_').lower()
accounts = get_accounts_data(based_on, filters.get("company"))
data = get_data(accounts, filters, based_on)
columns = get_columns(filters)
return columns, data
def get_accounts_data(based_on, company):
if based_on == 'cost_center':
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_cost_center as parent_account, cost_center_name as account_name, lft, rgt
from `tabCost Center` where company=%s order by name""", company, as_dict=True)
return frappe.get_all('Project', fields = ["name"], filters = {'company': company}, order_by = 'name')
def get_data(accounts, filters, based_on):
if not accounts:
return []
accounts, accounts_by_name, parent_children_map = filter_accounts(accounts)
gl_entries_by_account = {}
set_gl_entries_by_account(filters.get("company"), filters.get("from_date"),
filters.get("to_date"), based_on, gl_entries_by_account, ignore_closing_entries=not flt(filters.get("with_period_closing_entry")))
total_row = calculate_values(accounts, gl_entries_by_account, filters)
accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name)
data = prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, based_on)
data = filter_out_zero_value_rows(data, parent_children_map,
return data
def calculate_values(accounts, gl_entries_by_account, filters):
init = {
"income": 0.0,
"expense": 0.0,
"gross_profit_loss": 0.0
total_row = {
"cost_center": None,
"account_name": "'" + _("Total") + "'",
"warn_if_negative": True,
"income": 0.0,
"expense": 0.0,
"gross_profit_loss": 0.0,
"account": "'" + _("Total") + "'",
"parent_account": None,
"indent": 0,
"has_value": True
for d in accounts:
# add opening
for entry in gl_entries_by_account.get(d.name, []):
if cstr(entry.is_opening) != "Yes":
if entry.type == 'Income':
d["income"] += flt(entry.credit) - flt(entry.debit)
if entry.type == 'Expense':
d["expense"] += flt(entry.debit) - flt(entry.credit)
d["gross_profit_loss"] = d.get("income") - d.get("expense")
total_row["income"] += d["income"]
total_row["expense"] += d["expense"]
total_row["gross_profit_loss"] = total_row.get("income") - total_row.get("expense")
return total_row
def accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name):
for d in reversed(accounts):
if d.parent_account:
for key in value_fields:
accounts_by_name[d.parent_account][key] += d[key]
def prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, based_on):
data = []
company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', filters.get("company"), "default_currency")
for d in accounts:
has_value = False
row = {
"account_name": d.account_name or d.name,
"account": d.name,
"parent_account": d.parent_account,
"indent": d.indent,
"fiscal_year": filters.get("fiscal_year"),
"currency": company_currency,
"based_on": based_on
for key in value_fields:
row[key] = flt(d.get(key, 0.0), 3)
if abs(row[key]) >= 0.005:
# ignore zero values
has_value = True
row["has_value"] = has_value
return data
def get_columns(filters):
return [
"fieldname": "account",
"label": _(filters.get("based_on")),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": filters.get("based_on"),
"width": 300
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Currency",
"hidden": 1
"fieldname": "income",
"label": _("Income"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "expense",
"label": _("Expense"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "gross_profit_loss",
"label": _("Gross Profit / Loss"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
def set_gl_entries_by_account(company, from_date, to_date, based_on, gl_entries_by_account,
"""Returns a dict like { "account": [gl entries], ... }"""
additional_conditions = []
if ignore_closing_entries:
additional_conditions.append("and ifnull(voucher_type, '')!='Period Closing Voucher'")
if from_date:
additional_conditions.append("and posting_date >= %(from_date)s")
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select posting_date, {based_on} as based_on, debit, credit,
is_opening, (select root_type from `tabAccount` where name = account) as type
from `tabGL Entry` where company=%(company)s
and posting_date <= %(to_date)s
and {based_on} is not null
order by {based_on}, posting_date""".format(additional_conditions="\n".join(additional_conditions), based_on= based_on),
"company": company,
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date
for entry in gl_entries:
gl_entries_by_account.setdefault(entry.based_on, []).append(entry)
return gl_entries_by_account