147 lines
5.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import getdate, nowdate, flt, cstr
from webnotes import msgprint, _
from erpnext.accounts.report.accounts_receivable.accounts_receivable import get_ageing_data
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
supplier_naming_by = webnotes.conn.get_value("Buying Settings", None, "supp_master_name")
columns = get_columns(supplier_naming_by)
entries = get_gl_entries(filters)
account_map = dict(((r.name, r) for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select acc.name,
supp.supplier_name, supp.name as supplier
from `tabAccount` acc, `tabSupplier` supp
where acc.master_type="Supplier" and supp.name=acc.master_name""", as_dict=1)))
entries_after_report_date = [[gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no]
for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=False)]
account_supplier_type_map = get_account_supplier_type_map()
voucher_detail_map = get_voucher_details()
# Age of the invoice on this date
age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")
data = []
for gle in entries:
if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:
voucher_details = voucher_detail_map.get(gle.voucher_type, {}).get(gle.voucher_no, {})
invoiced_amount = gle.credit > 0 and gle.credit or 0
outstanding_amount = get_outstanding_amount(gle,
filters.get("report_date") or nowdate())
if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
paid_amount = invoiced_amount - outstanding_amount
row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,
voucher_details.get("due_date", ""), voucher_details.get("bill_no", ""),
voucher_details.get("bill_date", ""), invoiced_amount,
paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
# Ageing
if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
ageing_based_on_date = voucher_details.get("due_date", "")
ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
row += get_ageing_data(age_on, ageing_based_on_date, outstanding_amount) + \
[account_map.get(gle.account).get("supplier") or ""]
if supplier_naming_by == "Naming Series":
row += [account_map.get(gle.account).get("supplier_name") or ""]
row += [account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), gle.remarks]
for i in range(0, len(data)):
data[i].insert(4, """<a href="%s"><i class="icon icon-share" style="cursor: pointer;"></i></a>""" \
% ("/".join(["#Form", data[i][2], data[i][3]]),))
return columns, data
def get_columns(supplier_naming_by):
columns = [
"Posting Date:Date:80", "Account:Link/Account:150", "Voucher Type::110",
"Voucher No::120", "::30", "Due Date:Date:80", "Bill No::80", "Bill Date:Date:80",
"Invoiced Amount:Currency:100", "Paid Amount:Currency:100",
"Outstanding Amount:Currency:100", "Age:Int:50", "0-30:Currency:100",
"30-60:Currency:100", "60-90:Currency:100", "90-Above:Currency:100",
if supplier_naming_by == "Naming Series":
columns += ["Supplier Name::110"]
columns += ["Supplier Type:Link/Supplier Type:120", "Remarks::150"]
return columns
def get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=True):
conditions, supplier_accounts = get_conditions(filters, before_report_date)
gl_entries = []
gl_entries = webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from `tabGL Entry`
where docstatus < 2 %s order by posting_date, account""" %
(conditions), tuple(supplier_accounts), as_dict=1)
return gl_entries
def get_conditions(filters, before_report_date=True):
conditions = ""
if filters.get("company"):
conditions += " and company='%s'" % filters["company"]
supplier_accounts = []
if filters.get("account"):
supplier_accounts = [filters["account"]]
supplier_accounts = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tabAccount`
where ifnull(master_type, '') = 'Supplier' and docstatus < 2 %s""" %
conditions, filters)
if supplier_accounts:
conditions += " and account in (%s)" % (", ".join(['%s']*len(supplier_accounts)))
msgprint(_("No Supplier Accounts found. Supplier Accounts are identified based on 'Master Type' value in account record."), raise_exception=1)
if filters.get("report_date"):
if before_report_date:
conditions += " and posting_date<='%s'" % filters["report_date"]
conditions += " and posting_date>'%s'" % filters["report_date"]
return conditions, supplier_accounts
def get_account_supplier_type_map():
account_supplier_type_map = {}
for each in webnotes.conn.sql("""select acc.name, supp.supplier_type from `tabSupplier` supp,
`tabAccount` acc where supp.name = acc.master_name group by acc.name"""):
account_supplier_type_map[each[0]] = each[1]
return account_supplier_type_map
def get_voucher_details():
voucher_details = {}
for dt in ["Purchase Invoice", "Journal Voucher"]:
voucher_details.setdefault(dt, webnotes._dict())
for t in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date
from `tab%s`""" % dt, as_dict=1):
voucher_details[dt].setdefault(t.name, t)
return voucher_details
def get_outstanding_amount(gle, report_date):
payment_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""
select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0))
from `tabGL Entry`
where account = %s and posting_date <= %s and against_voucher_type = %s
and against_voucher = %s and name != %s""",
(gle.account, report_date, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, gle.name))[0][0]
outstanding_amount = flt(gle.credit) - flt(gle.debit) - flt(payment_amount)
return outstanding_amount