2022-03-28 18:52:46 +05:30

804 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
from frappe import _, scrub
from frappe.utils import cint, flt
from erpnext.controllers.queries import get_match_cond
from erpnext.stock.utils import get_incoming_rate
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters:
filters = frappe._dict()
filters.currency = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", filters.company, "default_currency")
gross_profit_data = GrossProfitGenerator(filters)
data = []
group_wise_columns = frappe._dict(
"invoice": [
"item_code": [
"warehouse": [
"brand": [
"item_group": [
"customer": [
"customer_group": [
"sales_person": [
"project": ["project", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"],
"territory": [
columns = get_columns(group_wise_columns, filters)
if filters.group_by == "Invoice":
get_data_when_grouped_by_invoice(columns, gross_profit_data, filters, group_wise_columns, data)
get_data_when_not_grouped_by_invoice(gross_profit_data, filters, group_wise_columns, data)
return columns, data
def get_data_when_grouped_by_invoice(
columns, gross_profit_data, filters, group_wise_columns, data
column_names = get_column_names()
# to display item as Item Code: Item Name
columns[0] = "Sales Invoice:Link/Item:300"
# removing Item Code and Item Name columns
del columns[4:6]
for src in gross_profit_data.si_list:
row = frappe._dict()
row.indent = src.indent
row.parent_invoice = src.parent_invoice
row.currency = filters.currency
for col in group_wise_columns.get(scrub(filters.group_by)):
row[column_names[col]] = src.get(col)
def get_data_when_not_grouped_by_invoice(gross_profit_data, filters, group_wise_columns, data):
for src in gross_profit_data.grouped_data:
row = []
for col in group_wise_columns.get(scrub(filters.group_by)):
def get_columns(group_wise_columns, filters):
columns = []
column_map = frappe._dict(
"parent": {
"label": _("Sales Invoice"),
"fieldname": "parent_invoice",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Sales Invoice",
"width": 120,
"invoice_or_item": {
"label": _("Sales Invoice"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Sales Invoice",
"width": 120,
"posting_date": {
"label": _("Posting Date"),
"fieldname": "posting_date",
"fieldtype": "Date",
"width": 100,
"posting_time": {
"label": _("Posting Time"),
"fieldname": "posting_time",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 100,
"item_code": {
"label": _("Item Code"),
"fieldname": "item_code",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Item",
"width": 100,
"item_name": {
"label": _("Item Name"),
"fieldname": "item_name",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 100,
"item_group": {
"label": _("Item Group"),
"fieldname": "item_group",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Item Group",
"width": 100,
"brand": {"label": _("Brand"), "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Brand", "width": 100},
"description": {
"label": _("Description"),
"fieldname": "description",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 100,
"warehouse": {
"label": _("Warehouse"),
"fieldname": "warehouse",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "warehouse",
"width": 100,
"qty": {"label": _("Qty"), "fieldname": "qty", "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 80},
"base_rate": {
"label": _("Avg. Selling Rate"),
"fieldname": "avg._selling_rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"buying_rate": {
"label": _("Valuation Rate"),
"fieldname": "valuation_rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"base_amount": {
"label": _("Selling Amount"),
"fieldname": "selling_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"buying_amount": {
"label": _("Buying Amount"),
"fieldname": "buying_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"gross_profit": {
"label": _("Gross Profit"),
"fieldname": "gross_profit",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"gross_profit_percent": {
"label": _("Gross Profit Percent"),
"fieldname": "gross_profit_%",
"fieldtype": "Percent",
"width": 100,
"project": {
"label": _("Project"),
"fieldname": "project",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Project",
"width": 100,
"sales_person": {
"label": _("Sales Person"),
"fieldname": "sales_person",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 100,
"allocated_amount": {
"label": _("Allocated Amount"),
"fieldname": "allocated_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 100,
"customer": {
"label": _("Customer"),
"fieldname": "customer",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Customer",
"width": 100,
"customer_group": {
"label": _("Customer Group"),
"fieldname": "customer_group",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "customer",
"width": 100,
"territory": {
"label": _("Territory"),
"fieldname": "territory",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "territory",
"width": 100,
for col in group_wise_columns.get(scrub(filters.group_by)):
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
return columns
def get_column_names():
return frappe._dict(
"invoice_or_item": "sales_invoice",
"customer": "customer",
"customer_group": "customer_group",
"posting_date": "posting_date",
"item_code": "item_code",
"item_name": "item_name",
"item_group": "item_group",
"brand": "brand",
"description": "description",
"warehouse": "warehouse",
"qty": "qty",
"base_rate": "avg._selling_rate",
"buying_rate": "valuation_rate",
"base_amount": "selling_amount",
"buying_amount": "buying_amount",
"gross_profit": "gross_profit",
"gross_profit_percent": "gross_profit_%",
"project": "project",
class GrossProfitGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, filters=None):
self.data = []
self.average_buying_rate = {}
self.filters = frappe._dict(filters)
if filters.group_by == "Invoice":
def process(self):
self.grouped = {}
self.grouped_data = []
self.currency_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("currency_precision")) or 3
self.float_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 2
grouped_by_invoice = True if self.filters.get("group_by") == "Invoice" else False
if grouped_by_invoice:
buying_amount = 0
for row in reversed(self.si_list):
if self.skip_row(row):
row.base_amount = flt(row.base_net_amount, self.currency_precision)
product_bundles = []
if row.update_stock:
product_bundles = self.product_bundles.get(row.parenttype, {}).get(row.parent, frappe._dict())
elif row.dn_detail:
product_bundles = self.product_bundles.get("Delivery Note", {}).get(
row.delivery_note, frappe._dict()
row.item_row = row.dn_detail
# get buying amount
if row.item_code in product_bundles:
row.buying_amount = flt(
self.get_buying_amount_from_product_bundle(row, product_bundles[row.item_code]),
row.buying_amount = flt(self.get_buying_amount(row, row.item_code), self.currency_precision)
if grouped_by_invoice:
if row.indent == 1.0:
buying_amount += row.buying_amount
elif row.indent == 0.0:
row.buying_amount = buying_amount
buying_amount = 0
# get buying rate
if flt(row.qty):
row.buying_rate = flt(row.buying_amount / flt(row.qty), self.float_precision)
row.base_rate = flt(row.base_amount / flt(row.qty), self.float_precision)
if self.is_not_invoice_row(row):
row.buying_rate, row.base_rate = 0.0, 0.0
# calculate gross profit
row.gross_profit = flt(row.base_amount - row.buying_amount, self.currency_precision)
if row.base_amount:
row.gross_profit_percent = flt(
(row.gross_profit / row.base_amount) * 100.0, self.currency_precision
row.gross_profit_percent = 0.0
# add to grouped
self.grouped.setdefault(row.get(scrub(self.filters.group_by)), []).append(row)
if self.grouped:
def get_average_rate_based_on_group_by(self):
for key in list(self.grouped):
if self.filters.get("group_by") != "Invoice":
for i, row in enumerate(self.grouped[key]):
if i == 0:
new_row = row
new_row.qty += flt(row.qty)
new_row.buying_amount += flt(row.buying_amount, self.currency_precision)
new_row.base_amount += flt(row.base_amount, self.currency_precision)
new_row = self.set_average_rate(new_row)
for i, row in enumerate(self.grouped[key]):
if row.indent == 1.0:
if (
row.parent in self.returned_invoices and row.item_code in self.returned_invoices[row.parent]
returned_item_rows = self.returned_invoices[row.parent][row.item_code]
for returned_item_row in returned_item_rows:
row.qty += flt(returned_item_row.qty)
row.base_amount += flt(returned_item_row.base_amount, self.currency_precision)
row.buying_amount = flt(flt(row.qty) * flt(row.buying_rate), self.currency_precision)
if flt(row.qty) or row.base_amount:
row = self.set_average_rate(row)
def is_not_invoice_row(self, row):
return (self.filters.get("group_by") == "Invoice" and row.indent != 0.0) or self.filters.get(
) != "Invoice"
def set_average_rate(self, new_row):
new_row.buying_rate = (
flt(new_row.buying_amount / new_row.qty, self.float_precision) if new_row.qty else 0
new_row.base_rate = (
flt(new_row.base_amount / new_row.qty, self.float_precision) if new_row.qty else 0
return new_row
def set_average_gross_profit(self, new_row):
new_row.gross_profit = flt(new_row.base_amount - new_row.buying_amount, self.currency_precision)
new_row.gross_profit_percent = (
flt(((new_row.gross_profit / new_row.base_amount) * 100.0), self.currency_precision)
if new_row.base_amount
else 0
def get_returned_invoice_items(self):
returned_invoices = frappe.db.sql(
si.name, si_item.item_code, si_item.stock_qty as qty, si_item.base_net_amount as base_amount, si.return_against
`tabSales Invoice` si, `tabSales Invoice Item` si_item
si.name = si_item.parent
and si.docstatus = 1
and si.is_return = 1
self.returned_invoices = frappe._dict()
for inv in returned_invoices:
self.returned_invoices.setdefault(inv.return_against, frappe._dict()).setdefault(
inv.item_code, []
def skip_row(self, row):
if self.filters.get("group_by") != "Invoice":
if not row.get(scrub(self.filters.get("group_by", ""))):
return True
return False
def get_buying_amount_from_product_bundle(self, row, product_bundle):
buying_amount = 0.0
for packed_item in product_bundle:
if packed_item.get("parent_detail_docname") == row.item_row:
buying_amount += self.get_buying_amount(row, packed_item.item_code)
return flt(buying_amount, self.currency_precision)
def get_buying_amount(self, row, item_code):
# stock_ledger_entries should already be filtered by item_code and warehouse and
# sorted by posting_date desc, posting_time desc
if item_code in self.non_stock_items and (row.project or row.cost_center):
# Issue 6089-Get last purchasing rate for non-stock item
item_rate = self.get_last_purchase_rate(item_code, row)
return flt(row.qty) * item_rate
my_sle = self.sle.get((item_code, row.warehouse))
if (row.update_stock or row.dn_detail) and my_sle:
parenttype, parent = row.parenttype, row.parent
if row.dn_detail:
parenttype, parent = "Delivery Note", row.delivery_note
for i, sle in enumerate(my_sle):
# find the stock valution rate from stock ledger entry
if (
sle.voucher_type == parenttype
and parent == sle.voucher_no
and sle.voucher_detail_no == row.item_row
previous_stock_value = len(my_sle) > i + 1 and flt(my_sle[i + 1].stock_value) or 0.0
if previous_stock_value:
return (previous_stock_value - flt(sle.stock_value)) * flt(row.qty) / abs(flt(sle.qty))
return flt(row.qty) * self.get_average_buying_rate(row, item_code)
return flt(row.qty) * self.get_average_buying_rate(row, item_code)
return 0.0
def get_average_buying_rate(self, row, item_code):
args = row
if not item_code in self.average_buying_rate:
"voucher_type": row.parenttype,
"voucher_no": row.parent,
"allow_zero_valuation": True,
"company": self.filters.company,
average_buying_rate = get_incoming_rate(args)
self.average_buying_rate[item_code] = flt(average_buying_rate)
return self.average_buying_rate[item_code]
def get_last_purchase_rate(self, item_code, row):
purchase_invoice = frappe.qb.DocType("Purchase Invoice")
purchase_invoice_item = frappe.qb.DocType("Purchase Invoice Item")
query = (
.on(purchase_invoice.name == purchase_invoice_item.parent)
.select(purchase_invoice_item.base_rate / purchase_invoice_item.conversion_factor)
.where(purchase_invoice.docstatus == 1)
.where(purchase_invoice.posting_date <= self.filters.to_date)
.where(purchase_invoice_item.item_code == item_code)
if row.project:
query.where(purchase_invoice_item.project == row.project)
if row.cost_center:
query.where(purchase_invoice_item.cost_center == row.cost_center)
query.orderby(purchase_invoice.posting_date, order=frappe.qb.desc)
last_purchase_rate = query.run()
return flt(last_purchase_rate[0][0]) if last_purchase_rate else 0
def load_invoice_items(self):
conditions = ""
if self.filters.company:
conditions += " and company = %(company)s"
if self.filters.from_date:
conditions += " and posting_date >= %(from_date)s"
if self.filters.to_date:
conditions += " and posting_date <= %(to_date)s"
if self.filters.group_by == "Sales Person":
sales_person_cols = ", sales.sales_person, sales.allocated_amount, sales.incentives"
sales_team_table = "left join `tabSales Team` sales on sales.parent = `tabSales Invoice`.name"
sales_person_cols = ""
sales_team_table = ""
if self.filters.get("sales_invoice"):
conditions += " and `tabSales Invoice`.name = %(sales_invoice)s"
if self.filters.get("item_code"):
conditions += " and `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_code = %(item_code)s"
self.si_list = frappe.db.sql(
`tabSales Invoice Item`.parenttype, `tabSales Invoice Item`.parent,
`tabSales Invoice`.posting_date, `tabSales Invoice`.posting_time,
`tabSales Invoice`.project, `tabSales Invoice`.update_stock,
`tabSales Invoice`.customer, `tabSales Invoice`.customer_group,
`tabSales Invoice`.territory, `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_code,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.item_name, `tabSales Invoice Item`.description,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.warehouse, `tabSales Invoice Item`.item_group,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.brand, `tabSales Invoice Item`.dn_detail,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.delivery_note, `tabSales Invoice Item`.stock_qty as qty,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.base_net_rate, `tabSales Invoice Item`.base_net_amount,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.name as "item_row", `tabSales Invoice`.is_return,
`tabSales Invoice Item`.cost_center
`tabSales Invoice` inner join `tabSales Invoice Item`
on `tabSales Invoice Item`.parent = `tabSales Invoice`.name
`tabSales Invoice`.docstatus=1 and `tabSales Invoice`.is_opening!='Yes' {conditions} {match_cond}
order by
`tabSales Invoice`.posting_date desc, `tabSales Invoice`.posting_time desc""".format(
match_cond=get_match_cond("Sales Invoice"),
def group_items_by_invoice(self):
Turns list of Sales Invoice Items to a tree of Sales Invoices with their Items as children.
parents = []
for row in self.si_list:
if row.parent not in parents:
parents_index = 0
for index, row in enumerate(self.si_list):
if parents_index < len(parents) and row.parent == parents[parents_index]:
invoice = self.get_invoice_row(row)
self.si_list.insert(index, invoice)
parents_index += 1
# skipping the bundle items rows
if not row.indent:
row.indent = 1.0
row.parent_invoice = row.parent
row.invoice_or_item = row.item_code
if frappe.db.exists("Product Bundle", row.item_code):
self.add_bundle_items(row, index)
def get_invoice_row(self, row):
return frappe._dict(
"parent_invoice": "",
"indent": 0.0,
"invoice_or_item": row.parent,
"parent": None,
"posting_date": row.posting_date,
"posting_time": row.posting_time,
"project": row.project,
"update_stock": row.update_stock,
"customer": row.customer,
"customer_group": row.customer_group,
"item_code": None,
"item_name": None,
"description": None,
"warehouse": None,
"item_group": None,
"brand": None,
"dn_detail": None,
"delivery_note": None,
"qty": None,
"item_row": None,
"is_return": row.is_return,
"cost_center": row.cost_center,
"base_net_amount": frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice", row.parent, "base_net_total"),
def add_bundle_items(self, product_bundle, index):
bundle_items = self.get_bundle_items(product_bundle)
for i, item in enumerate(bundle_items):
bundle_item = self.get_bundle_item_row(product_bundle, item)
self.si_list.insert((index + i + 1), bundle_item)
def get_bundle_items(self, product_bundle):
return frappe.get_all(
"Product Bundle Item", filters={"parent": product_bundle.item_code}, fields=["item_code", "qty"]
def get_bundle_item_row(self, product_bundle, item):
item_name, description, item_group, brand = self.get_bundle_item_details(item.item_code)
return frappe._dict(
"parent_invoice": product_bundle.item_code,
"indent": product_bundle.indent + 1,
"parent": None,
"invoice_or_item": item.item_code,
"posting_date": product_bundle.posting_date,
"posting_time": product_bundle.posting_time,
"project": product_bundle.project,
"customer": product_bundle.customer,
"customer_group": product_bundle.customer_group,
"item_code": item.item_code,
"item_name": item_name,
"description": description,
"warehouse": product_bundle.warehouse,
"item_group": item_group,
"brand": brand,
"dn_detail": product_bundle.dn_detail,
"delivery_note": product_bundle.delivery_note,
"qty": (flt(product_bundle.qty) * flt(item.qty)),
"item_row": None,
"is_return": product_bundle.is_return,
"cost_center": product_bundle.cost_center,
def get_bundle_item_details(self, item_code):
return frappe.db.get_value(
"Item", item_code, ["item_name", "description", "item_group", "brand"]
def load_stock_ledger_entries(self):
res = frappe.db.sql(
"""select item_code, voucher_type, voucher_no,
voucher_detail_no, stock_value, warehouse, actual_qty as qty
from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
where company=%(company)s and is_cancelled = 0
order by
item_code desc, warehouse desc, posting_date desc,
posting_time desc, creation desc""",
self.sle = {}
for r in res:
if (r.item_code, r.warehouse) not in self.sle:
self.sle[(r.item_code, r.warehouse)] = []
self.sle[(r.item_code, r.warehouse)].append(r)
def load_product_bundle(self):
self.product_bundles = {}
for d in frappe.db.sql(
"""select parenttype, parent, parent_item,
item_code, warehouse, -1*qty as total_qty, parent_detail_docname
from `tabPacked Item` where docstatus=1""",
self.product_bundles.setdefault(d.parenttype, frappe._dict()).setdefault(
d.parent, frappe._dict()
).setdefault(d.parent_item, []).append(d)
def load_non_stock_items(self):
self.non_stock_items = frappe.db.sql_list(
"""select name from tabItem
where is_stock_item=0"""