184 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
frappe.pages['stock-balance'].onload = function(wrapper) {
parent: wrapper,
title: __('Stock Balance'),
single_column: true
new erpnext.StockBalance(wrapper);
erpnext.StockBalance = erpnext.StockAnalytics.extend({
init: function(wrapper) {
this._super(wrapper, {
title: __("Stock Balance"),
doctypes: ["Item", "Item Group", "Warehouse", "Stock Ledger Entry", "Brand",
"Stock Entry", "Project", "Serial No"],
setup_columns: function() {
this.columns = [
{id: "name", name: __("Item"), field: "name", width: 300,
formatter: this.tree_formatter},
{id: "item_name", name: __("Item Name"), field: "item_name", width: 100},
{id: "description", name: __("Description"), field: "description", width: 200,
formatter: this.text_formatter},
{id: "brand", name: __("Brand"), field: "brand", width: 100},
{id: "stock_uom", name: __("UOM"), field: "stock_uom", width: 100},
{id: "opening_qty", name: __("Opening Qty"), field: "opening_qty", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "inflow_qty", name: __("In Qty"), field: "inflow_qty", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "outflow_qty", name: __("Out Qty"), field: "outflow_qty", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "closing_qty", name: __("Closing Qty"), field: "closing_qty", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "opening_value", name: __("Opening Value"), field: "opening_value", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "inflow_value", name: __("In Value"), field: "inflow_value", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "outflow_value", name: __("Out Value"), field: "outflow_value", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "closing_value", name: __("Closing Value"), field: "closing_value", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
{id: "valuation_rate", name: __("Valuation Rate"), field: "valuation_rate", width: 100,
formatter: this.currency_formatter},
filters: [
{fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Brand"), link:"Brand",
default_value: "Select Brand...", filter: function(val, item, opts) {
return val == opts.default_value || item.brand == val || item._show;
}, link_formatter: {filter_input: "brand"}},
{fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Warehouse"), link:"Warehouse",
default_value: "Select Warehouse...", filter: function(val, item, opts, me) {
return me.apply_zero_filter(val, item, opts, me);
{fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Project"), link:"Project",
default_value: "Select Project...", filter: function(val, item, opts, me) {
return me.apply_zero_filter(val, item, opts, me);
}, link_formatter: {filter_input: "project"}},
{fieldtype:"Date", label: __("From Date")},
{fieldtype:"Label", label: __("To")},
{fieldtype:"Date", label: __("To Date")},
{fieldtype:"Button", label: __("Refresh"), icon:"icon-refresh icon-white"},
{fieldtype:"Button", label: __("Reset Filters"), icon: "icon-filter"}
setup_plot_check: function() {
prepare_data: function() {
this.stock_entry_map = this.make_name_map(frappe.report_dump.data["Stock Entry"], "name");
prepare_balances: function() {
var me = this;
var from_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date);
var to_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date);
var data = frappe.report_dump.data["Stock Ledger Entry"];
this.item_warehouse = {};
this.serialized_buying_rates = this.get_serialized_buying_rates();
for(var i=0, j=data.length; i<j; i++) {
var sl = data[i];
var sl_posting_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(sl.posting_date);
if((me.is_default("warehouse") ? true : me.warehouse == sl.warehouse) &&
(me.is_default("project") ? true : me.project == sl.project)) {
var item = me.item_by_name[sl.item_code];
var wh = me.get_item_warehouse(sl.warehouse, sl.item_code);
var valuation_method = item.valuation_method ?
item.valuation_method : sys_defaults.valuation_method;
var is_fifo = valuation_method == "FIFO";
var qty_diff = sl.qty;
var value_diff = me.get_value_diff(wh, sl, is_fifo);
if(sl_posting_date < from_date) {
item.opening_qty += qty_diff;
item.opening_value += value_diff;
} else if(sl_posting_date <= to_date) {
var ignore_inflow_outflow = this.is_default("warehouse")
&& sl.voucher_type=="Stock Entry"
&& this.stock_entry_map[sl.voucher_no].purpose=="Material Transfer";
if(!ignore_inflow_outflow) {
if(qty_diff < 0) {
item.outflow_qty += Math.abs(qty_diff);
} else {
item.inflow_qty += qty_diff;
if(value_diff < 0) {
item.outflow_value += Math.abs(value_diff);
} else {
item.inflow_value += value_diff;
item.closing_qty += qty_diff;
item.closing_value += value_diff;
} else {
// opening + diff = closing
// adding opening, since diff already added to closing
$.each(me.item_by_name, function(key, item) {
item.closing_qty += item.opening_qty;
item.closing_value += item.opening_value;
// valuation rate
if(!item.is_group && flt(item.closing_qty) > 0)
item.valuation_rate = flt(item.closing_value) / flt(item.closing_qty);
else item.valuation_rate = 0.0
update_groups: function() {
var me = this;
$.each(this.data, function(i, item) {
// update groups
if(!item.is_group && me.apply_filter(item, "brand")) {
var parent = me.parent_map[item.name];
while(parent) {
parent_group = me.item_by_name[parent];
$.each(me.columns, function(c, col) {
if (col.formatter == me.currency_formatter && col.field != "valuation_rate") {
parent_group[col.field] = flt(parent_group[col.field]) + flt(item[col.field]);
// show parent if filtered by brand
if(item.brand == me.brand)
parent_group._show = true;
parent = me.parent_map[parent];
get_plot_data: function() {