Summary: When a Lead is created with mobile_no, mobile_no value gets lost (mobile_no value is overwritten by phone value) It is backport of Steps to reproduce [1]Create a Lead. [2]Enter Person Name(lead_name): before_fix Under Contact section, enter Phone(phone): 11 and Mobile No.(mobile_no):22 [3]Save it [4] F12, : 11 (correct) cur_frm.doc.mobile_no : 11 (incorrect, it should be 22) [5]Under Address & Contact section ,check contact_html it shows before_fix Phone: 11 (Primary label is missing) Phone: 22 (incorrect, it should be Mobile No:22, also Primary label is missing) Actual: mobile_no value is lost. it is overwritten by phone value following is image with error (before fix)  Expected: mobile_no value should be retained following is image after fix