2012-09-24 19:13:42 +05:30

521 lines
21 KiB

# ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com)
# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Add columns
# -----------
from __future__ import unicode_literals
row_list = [['ID','Data','150px','']]
for r in row_list:
col_idx[r[0]] = len(colnames)-1
if not filter_values.get('fiscal_year'):
msgprint("Please Select Fiscal Year")
raise Exception
elif not filter_values.get('period'):
msgprint("Please Select Period")
raise Exception
elif not filter_values.get('based_on'):
msgprint("Please Select the Criteria on which you want your report to be based")
raise Exception
elif not filter_values.get('group_by') and filter_values.get('item_group'):
msgprint("Item Group cannot be selected if Group By is not Item Group")
raise Exception
fiscal_year = filter_values.get('fiscal_year')
period = filter_values.get('period')
based_on = filter_values.get('based_on')
group_by = filter_values.get('group_by')
item_group = filter_values.get('item_group')
company = filter_values.get('company')
under = filter_values.get('under')
#if filter_values.get('item_group'):
# itm_grp = filter_values.get('item_group')
if based_on == 'Territory':
based = 'territory'
elif based_on == 'Sales Person':
based = 'sales_person'
elif based_on == 'Sales Partner':
based = 'sales_partner'
if under == 'Sales Invoice':
under_detail = 'RV'
dt = 'posting_date'
under_detail = under
dt = "transaction_date"
# get fiscal year start date and start month
year_start_date = sql("select year_start_date,MONTH(year_start_date) from `tabFiscal Year` where name = %s",fiscal_year)
start_date = year_start_date and year_start_date[0][0] or ''
start_month = year_start_date and year_start_date[0][1] or ''
month_name = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
# Add columns based on period
# --------------------------------
columns = []
if group_by == 'Item Group':
columns.append(['Item Group','Data','120px',''])
# ================ Annual ======================
if period == 'Annual':
# =========== Half Yearly ======================
elif period == 'Half Yearly':
columns.append(['Target (H1)','Currency','120px','']) # first half
columns.append(['Actual (H1)','Currency','120px','']) # first half
columns.append(['Target (H2)','Currency','120px',''])
columns.append(['Actual (H2)','Currency','120px',''])
# ================ Quarterly ===================
elif period == 'Quarterly':
length_1 = (len(month_name) - start_month + 1) / 3 #this gives the total no. of times we need to iterate for quarter
val = length_1 % 4
q_no = 1
for i in range(length_1):
value = 3*i + val
columns.append(['Target (Q'+cstr(q_no)+')','Currency','120px',''])
columns.append(['Actual (Q'+cstr(q_no)+')','Currency','120px',''])
q_no += 1
length_2 = (start_month - 1) / 3 #this gives the total no. of times we need to iterate for quarter (this is required only if fiscal year starts from april)
for i in range(length_2):
columns.append(['Target (Q'+cstr(q_no)+')','Currency','120px',''])
columns.append(['Actual (Q'+cstr(q_no)+')','Currency','120px',''])
q_no += 1;
# =============== Monthly ======================
elif period == 'Monthly':
for i in range(start_month-1,len(month_name)):
columns.append(['Target ('+month_name[i]+')','Currency','120px',''])
columns.append(['Actual ('+month_name[i]+')','Currency','120px',''])
for i in range(start_month-1):
columns.append(['Actual ('+month_name[i]+')','Currency','120px',''])
for c in columns:
col_idx[c[0]] = len(colnames)-1
out = []
if company:
condition = ' fiscal_year = "'+fiscal_year+'" and company = "'+company+'"'
condition = ' fiscal_year = "'+fiscal_year+'"'
#=================== function for fetching allocated percentage in Distribution id according to period=============
def get_budget_distribution(period,dist_id,fiscal_year):
query = ''
id1 = 1
if period == 'Half Yearly':
id2 = 6
for i in range(2):
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN t2.idx BETWEEN '+str(id1)+' AND '+str(id2)+' THEN t2.percentage_allocation ELSE NULL END)'
id1 += 6
id2 += 6
if i < 1 :
query += ','
elif period == 'Quarterly':
id2 = 3
for i in range(4):
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN t2.idx BETWEEN '+str(id1)+' AND '+str(id2)+' THEN t2.percentage_allocation ELSE NULL END)'
id1 += 3
id2 += 3
if i < 3 :
query += ','
elif period == 'Monthly':
for i in range(12):
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN t2.idx ='+str(id1)+' THEN t2.percentage_allocation ELSE NULL END)'
id1 += 1
if i < 11 :
query += ','
# msgprint(query)
# Main Query
dist = sql("select %s from `tabBudget Distribution` t1, `tabBudget Distribution Detail` t2 where t1.name = '%s' and t2.parent = t1.name and t1.fiscal_year = '%s'"%(query,dist_id,fiscal_year))
dist = dist and dist[0] or 0
# msgprint(dist)
bug = []
for i in dist:
i = i and float(i) or 0
# msgprint(bug)
return bug
#============ function for appending target amt and actual amt in a proper order =======================
def appending_func(ran,tl,lst,actual,flt):
c = 2
for i in range(ran):
#==== for each itemgroup their actual amt is appended/inserted between target amt
if tl == 0:
lst.insert(c,actual and flt(actual[0][i]) or 0)
#======== here actual amt is appended/inserted b/w target amt for a particular territory/sales person/sales partner only if target is not zero
elif tl == 1:
# msgprint(lst)
lst.insert(c,actual and flt(actual[0][i]) or 0)
c += 2
return lst
def get_target(tar_det,group_by,period,fiscal_year,rng,r,get_budget_distribution,flt):
grp,lst = [],[]
list_range,tl = 0,0
if group_by == 'Item Group':
for i in tar_det:
if i[0] != '':
igrp = [i[0]]
if i[2]:
dist_id = i[2]
dist = get_budget_distribution(period,dist_id,fiscal_year)
for d in dist:
t = flt(flt(flt(i[1]) * flt(d))/ 100)
t = i and flt(i[1]/rng) or 0
for i in range(rng):
list_range +=1
lst = [1,grp,list_range]
#============== Total target(on basis of whole target ) ============
for i in tar_det:
if i[0] == '':
if i[2]:
dist_id = i[2]
dist = get_budget_distribution(period,dist_id,fiscal_year)
for d in dist:
t = flt((flt(i[1]) * flt(d))/ 100)
tot_target = i and flt(i[1]/rng) or 0
for i in range(rng):
tl = 1
lst = [0,r,tl]
return lst
#============ report display function =====================
for r in res:
query = ''
list_range, count, ap, tot_target, tl = 0,0,0,0,0
#============= ANNUAL REPORT ===================
if period == 'Annual':
tar_det = sql("select item_group, target_amount, distribution_id from `tabTarget Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype = %s and fiscal_year = %s",(r[col_idx['ID']],based_on,fiscal_year))
# msgprint(tar_det)
#================ Target based on individual item group ==============
if group_by == 'Item Group':
for i in tar_det:
if i[0] != '':
grp_target = i and flt(i[1]) or 0
igrp = [i[0],grp_target]
# msgprint(grp)
list_range +=1
count = 3
#============== Total target(will be displayed only if target is specified by the user) ============
for i in tar_det:
# ======= here target is considered and not sum of target of item groups
if i[0] == '':
tot_target = tar_det and flt(i[1]) or 0
# msgprint(tot_target)
#================== Actual Amount =============================================
if based_on == 'Territory' or based_on == 'Sales Partner':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select sum(t2.amount) from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabItem` t3 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.%s = '%s' and t3.name = t2.item_code and t3.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.docstatus != 2 and %s"%(under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
actual = actual and flt(actual[0][0]) or 0
actual = sql("select sum(net_total) from `tab%s` where %s = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and %s" % (under, based, r[col_idx['ID']],condition))
actual = actual and flt(actual[0][0]) or 0
elif based_on == 'Sales Person':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select sum(t2.amount) from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabSales Team` t3, `tabItem` t4 where t2.parent = t1.name and t3.parent = t1.name and t3.%s = '%s' and t4.name = t2.item_code and t4.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s"%(under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
actual = actual and flt(actual[0][0]) or 0
# msgprint(actual)
actual = sql("select sum(t1.net_total) from `tab%s` t1, `tabSales Team` t2 where t2.%s = '%s' and t2.parenttype='%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t2.parent = t1.name and %s"%(under,based,r[col_idx['ID']],under,condition))
actual = actual and flt(actual[0][0]) or 0
# msgprint(actual)
# ================= Half Yearly Report ===============
elif period == 'Half Yearly':
tl = 0
grp_target = []
tar_det = sql("select item_group, target_amount, distribution_id from `tabTarget Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype = %s and fiscal_year = %s",(r[col_idx['ID']],based_on,fiscal_year))
# msgprint(tar_det)
tar = get_target(tar_det,group_by,period,fiscal_year,2,r,get_budget_distribution,flt)
if tar[0] == 1:
grp = tar[1]
list_range = tar[2]
count = 5
r = tar[1]
tl = tar[2]
#============= Actual Amount======================
if group_by == 'Item Group':
# first half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END),'
# second half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') NOT BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END)';
elif based_on != 'Sales Person':
# first half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END),'
# second half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') NOT BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END)';
# first half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END),'
# second half
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') NOT BETWEEN '+cstr(start_month)+' AND '+cstr(start_month+5)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END)';
#=========== Main Query ===============
if based_on == 'Territory' or based_on == 'Sales Partner':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabItem` t3 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.%s = '%s' and t3.name = t2.item_code and t3.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.docstatus != 2 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
i = appending_func(2,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` where %s = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and %s" % (query,under, based, r[col_idx['ID']],condition))
# msgprint(actual)
elif based_on == 'Sales Person':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabSales Team` t3, `tabItem` t4 where t2.parent = t1.name and t3.parent = t1.name and t3.%s = '%s' and t4.name = t2.item_code and t4.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
i = appending_func(2,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tabSales Team` t2 where t2.%s = '%s' and t2.parenttype='%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t2.parent = t1.name and %s"%(query,under,based,r[col_idx['ID']],under,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
if tl == 1:
r = appending_func(2,tl,r,actual,flt)
# msgprint(r)
#============== Quarterly Report =========================
elif period == 'Quarterly':
tl = 0
grp_target = []
tar_det = sql("select item_group, target_amount, distribution_id from `tabTarget Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype = %s and fiscal_year = %s",(r[col_idx['ID']],based_on,fiscal_year))
tar = get_target(tar_det,group_by,period,fiscal_year,4,r,get_budget_distribution,flt)
if tar[0] == 1:
grp = tar[1]
list_range = tar[2]
count = 9
r = tar[1]
tl = tar[2]
#======= Actual Amt ==================
length_1 = (len(month_name) - start_month + 1) / 3; #this gives the total no. of times we need to iterate for quarter
val = length_1 % 4;
for i in range(length_1):
value = 3*i + val;
if group_by == 'Item Group':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(value+1)+' AND '+cstr(value+3)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END),'
elif based_on != 'Sales Person':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(value+1)+' AND '+cstr(value+3)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END),'
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(value+1)+' AND '+cstr(value+3)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END),'
length_2 = (start_month - 1) / 3; #this gives the total no. of times we need to iterate for quarter (this is required only if fiscal year starts from april)
for i in range(length_2):
if group_by == 'Item Group':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(3*i+1)+' AND '+cstr(3*i+3)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END)';
elif based_on != 'Sales Person':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(3*i+1)+' AND '+cstr(3*i+3)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END)';
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') BETWEEN '+cstr(3*i+1)+' AND '+cstr(3*i+3)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END)';
#=========== Main Query ===============
if based_on == 'Territory' or based_on == 'Sales Partner':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabItem` t3 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.%s = '%s' and t3.name = t2.item_code and t3.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.docstatus != 2 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
#================common function
i = appending_func(4,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` where %s = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and %s" % (query,under, based, r[col_idx['ID']],condition))
# msgprint(actual)
elif based_on == 'Sales Person':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabSales Team` t3, `tabItem` t4 where t2.parent = t1.name and t3.parent = t1.name and t3.%s = '%s' and t4.name = t2.item_code and t4.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
i = appending_func(4,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tabSales Team` t2 where t2.%s = '%s' and t2.parenttype='%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t2.parent = t1.name and %s"%(query,under,based,r[col_idx['ID']],under,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
if tl == 1:
r = appending_func(4,tl,r,actual,flt)
# msgprint(r)
#================ Monthly Report ===========================
elif period == 'Monthly':
tl = 0
grp_target = []
tar_det = sql("select item_group, target_amount, distribution_id from `tabTarget Detail` where parent = %s and parenttype = %s and fiscal_year = %s",(r[col_idx['ID']],based_on,fiscal_year))
tar = get_target(tar_det,group_by,period,fiscal_year,12,r,get_budget_distribution,flt)
if tar[0] == 1:
grp = tar[1]
list_range = tar[2]
count = 25
r = tar[1]
tl = tar[2]
#======= Actual Amt ==================
# for loop is required twice coz fiscal year starts from April (this will also work if fiscal year starts in January)
for i in range(start_month-1,len(month_name)):
if group_by == 'Item Group':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END),'
elif based_on != 'Sales Person':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END),'
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END),'
for i in range(start_month-1):
if i != (start_month-1):
if group_by == 'Item Group':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN t2.amount ELSE NULL END)'
elif based_on != 'Sales Person':
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH('+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN net_total ELSE NULL END)'
query += 'SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(t1.'+dt+') = '+cstr(i+1)+' THEN t1.net_total ELSE NULL END)'
if i < (start_month -2):
query += ','
#=========== Main Query ===============
if based_on == 'Territory' or based_on == 'Sales Partner':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabItem` t3 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.%s = '%s' and t3.name = t2.item_code and t3.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.docstatus != 2 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
#===============common function=====================
i = appending_func(12,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` where %s = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and %s" % (query,under, based, r[col_idx['ID']],condition))
# msgprint(actual)
elif based_on == 'Sales Person':
if group_by =='Item Group':
for i in grp:
item_group = i[0]
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Detail` t2, `tabSales Team` t3, `tabItem` t4 where t2.parent = t1.name and t3.parent = t1.name and t3.%s = '%s' and t4.name = t2.item_code and t4.item_group = '%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s"%(query,under,under_detail,based,r[col_idx['ID']],item_group,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
i = appending_func(12,tl,i,actual,flt)
actual = sql("select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tabSales Team` t2 where t2.%s = '%s' and t2.parenttype='%s' and t1.docstatus != 2 and t2.parent = t1.name and %s"%(query,under,based,r[col_idx['ID']],under,condition))
# msgprint(actual)
if tl == 1:
r = appending_func(12,tl,r,actual,flt)
# msgprint(r)
if group_by == 'Item Group':
for col in range(len(colnames)-1): # this would make all first row blank. just for look
for des in range(list_range):
if ap == 0:
ap = 1
t_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))]
for v in range(count):
t_row[col_idx[colnames[v+1]]] = grp[des][v]
# msgprint(t_row)
elif tot_target != 0 and period =='Annual':
tot_target = 0
elif tl == 1: