* adding supplier type filter to payable accounts and payable accounts summary reports adding supplier type filter to payable accounts and payable accounts summary reports as customer group at receivable accounts and summary reports as its important and easier to put this filter * fix trial balance opening and closing values the removed mathematical operations was causing showing incorrect values at opening and closing columns where the total row was correct so the operation deleted to view the correct values to be equal to the total row and to stop confusing the user due to different values between the total row and the the values in front of each account * fix for supplier type filter field on payable accounts reports rename the supplier type filter field to supplier group in payable accounts and summary reports * fix for paid amount in returned sales invoice the current paid amount not change from source value if you deleted any item if the invoice contain for example 3 items and you only need to return on item the current steps is to open the original invoice and press on make return then you delete the unwanted items but in this case the paid amount will not change and you will get an alert from the system until you change it manually but with this modification it works very well. * fixing trial balance values and totals fixing trial balance opening and closing ( DR - CR ) values and totals
304 lines
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304 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, erpnext
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, getdate, formatdate, cstr
from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements \
import filter_accounts, set_gl_entries_by_account, filter_out_zero_value_rows
value_fields = ("opening_debit", "opening_credit", "debit", "credit", "closing_debit", "closing_credit")
def execute(filters=None):
data = get_data(filters)
columns = get_columns()
return columns, data
def validate_filters(filters):
if not filters.fiscal_year:
frappe.throw(_("Fiscal Year {0} is required").format(filters.fiscal_year))
fiscal_year = frappe.db.get_value("Fiscal Year", filters.fiscal_year, ["year_start_date", "year_end_date"], as_dict=True)
if not fiscal_year:
frappe.throw(_("Fiscal Year {0} does not exist").format(filters.fiscal_year))
filters.year_start_date = getdate(fiscal_year.year_start_date)
filters.year_end_date = getdate(fiscal_year.year_end_date)
if not filters.from_date:
filters.from_date = filters.year_start_date
if not filters.to_date:
filters.to_date = filters.year_end_date
filters.from_date = getdate(filters.from_date)
filters.to_date = getdate(filters.to_date)
if filters.from_date > filters.to_date:
frappe.throw(_("From Date cannot be greater than To Date"))
if (filters.from_date < filters.year_start_date) or (filters.from_date > filters.year_end_date):
frappe.msgprint(_("From Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming From Date = {0}")\
filters.from_date = filters.year_start_date
if (filters.to_date < filters.year_start_date) or (filters.to_date > filters.year_end_date):
frappe.msgprint(_("To Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming To Date = {0}")\
filters.to_date = filters.year_end_date
def get_data(filters):
accounts = frappe.db.sql("""select name, account_number, parent_account, account_name, root_type, report_type, lft, rgt
from `tabAccount` where company=%s order by lft""", filters.company, as_dict=True)
company_currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(filters.company)
if not accounts:
return None
accounts, accounts_by_name, parent_children_map = filter_accounts(accounts)
min_lft, max_rgt = frappe.db.sql("""select min(lft), max(rgt) from `tabAccount`
where company=%s""", (filters.company,))[0]
gl_entries_by_account = {}
set_gl_entries_by_account(filters.company, filters.from_date,
filters.to_date, min_lft, max_rgt, filters, gl_entries_by_account, ignore_closing_entries=not flt(filters.with_period_closing_entry))
opening_balances = get_opening_balances(filters)
total_row = calculate_values(accounts, gl_entries_by_account, opening_balances, filters, company_currency)
accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name)
data = prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, company_currency)
data = filter_out_zero_value_rows(data, parent_children_map,
return data
def get_opening_balances(filters):
balance_sheet_opening = get_rootwise_opening_balances(filters, "Balance Sheet")
pl_opening = get_rootwise_opening_balances(filters, "Profit and Loss")
return balance_sheet_opening
def get_rootwise_opening_balances(filters, report_type):
additional_conditions = ""
if not filters.show_unclosed_fy_pl_balances:
additional_conditions = " and posting_date >= %(year_start_date)s" \
if report_type == "Profit and Loss" else ""
if not flt(filters.with_period_closing_entry):
additional_conditions += " and ifnull(voucher_type, '')!='Period Closing Voucher'"
gle = frappe.db.sql("""
account, sum(debit) as opening_debit, sum(credit) as opening_credit
from `tabGL Entry`
and (posting_date < %(from_date)s or ifnull(is_opening, 'No') = 'Yes')
and account in (select name from `tabAccount` where report_type=%(report_type)s)
group by account""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions),
"company": filters.company,
"from_date": filters.from_date,
"report_type": report_type,
"year_start_date": filters.year_start_date
opening = frappe._dict()
for d in gle:
opening.setdefault(d.account, d)
return opening
def calculate_values(accounts, gl_entries_by_account, opening_balances, filters, company_currency):
init = {
"opening_debit": 0.0,
"opening_credit": 0.0,
"debit": 0.0,
"credit": 0.0,
"closing_debit": 0.0,
"closing_credit": 0.0
total_row = {
"account": "'" + _("Total") + "'",
"account_name": "'" + _("Total") + "'",
"warn_if_negative": True,
"opening_debit": 0.0,
"opening_credit": 0.0,
"debit": 0.0,
"credit": 0.0,
"closing_debit": 0.0,
"closing_credit": 0.0,
"parent_account": None,
"indent": 0,
"has_value": True,
"currency": company_currency
for d in accounts:
# add opening
d["opening_debit"] = opening_balances.get(d.name, {}).get("opening_debit", 0)
d["opening_credit"] = opening_balances.get(d.name, {}).get("opening_credit", 0)
for entry in gl_entries_by_account.get(d.name, []):
if cstr(entry.is_opening) != "Yes":
d["debit"] += flt(entry.debit)
d["credit"] += flt(entry.credit)
d["closing_debit"] = d["opening_debit"] + d["debit"]
d["closing_credit"] = d["opening_credit"] + d["credit"]
total_row["debit"] += d["debit"]
total_row["credit"] += d["credit"]
if d["root_type"] == "Asset" or d["root_type"] == "Equity" or d["root_type"] == "Expense":
d["opening_debit"] -= d["opening_credit"]
d["opening_credit"] = 0.0
total_row["opening_debit"] += d["opening_debit"]
if d["root_type"] == "Liability" or d["root_type"] == "Income":
d["opening_credit"] -= d["opening_debit"]
d["opening_debit"] = 0.0
total_row["opening_credit"] += d["opening_credit"]
if d["root_type"] == "Asset" or d["root_type"] == "Equity" or d["root_type"] == "Expense":
d["closing_debit"] -= d["closing_credit"]
d["closing_credit"] = 0.0
total_row["closing_debit"] += d["closing_debit"]
if d["root_type"] == "Liability" or d["root_type"] == "Income":
d["closing_credit"] -= d["closing_debit"]
d["closing_debit"] = 0.0
total_row["closing_credit"] += d["closing_credit"]
return total_row
def accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name):
for d in reversed(accounts):
if d.parent_account:
for key in value_fields:
accounts_by_name[d.parent_account][key] += d[key]
def prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, company_currency):
data = []
for d in accounts:
has_value = False
row = {
"account": d.name,
"parent_account": d.parent_account,
"indent": d.indent,
"from_date": filters.from_date,
"to_date": filters.to_date,
"currency": company_currency,
"account_name": ('{} - {}'.format(d.account_number, d.account_name)
if d.account_number else d.account_name)
for key in value_fields:
row[key] = flt(d.get(key, 0.0), 3)
if abs(row[key]) >= 0.005:
# ignore zero values
has_value = True
row["has_value"] = has_value
return data
def get_columns():
return [
"fieldname": "account",
"label": _("Account"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Account",
"width": 300
"fieldname": "opening_debit",
"label": _("Opening (Dr)"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "opening_credit",
"label": _("Opening (Cr)"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "debit",
"label": _("Debit"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "credit",
"label": _("Credit"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "closing_debit",
"label": _("Closing (Dr)"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "closing_credit",
"label": _("Closing (Cr)"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Currency",
"hidden": 1
def prepare_opening_and_closing(d):
d["closing_debit"] = d["opening_debit"] + d["debit"]
d["closing_credit"] = d["opening_credit"] + d["credit"]
if d["root_type"] == "Asset" or d["root_type"] == "Equity" or d["root_type"] == "Expense":
d["opening_debit"] -= d["opening_credit"]
d["opening_credit"] = 0.0
if d["root_type"] == "Liability" or d["root_type"] == "Income":
d["opening_credit"] -= d["opening_debit"]
d["opening_debit"] = 0.0
if d["root_type"] == "Asset" or d["root_type"] == "Equity" or d["root_type"] == "Expense":
d["closing_debit"] -= d["closing_credit"]
d["closing_credit"] = 0.0
if d["root_type"] == "Liability" or d["root_type"] == "Income":
d["closing_credit"] -= d["closing_debit"]
d["closing_debit"] = 0.0