* fix: make "Update Items" modal larger * fix: remove conversion factor from overview Conversion factor doesn't make much sense without two different UOMs next to it, hence moving it to row detail view
1015 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
1015 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
$.extend(erpnext, {
get_currency: function(company) {
if(!company && cur_frm)
company = cur_frm.doc.company;
return frappe.get_doc(":Company", company).default_currency || frappe.boot.sysdefaults.currency;
return frappe.boot.sysdefaults.currency;
get_presentation_currency_list: () => {
const docs = frappe.boot.docs;
let currency_list = docs.filter(d => d.doctype === ":Currency").map(d => d.name);
return currency_list;
toggle_naming_series: function() {
if(cur_frm.fields_dict.naming_series) {
cur_frm.toggle_display("naming_series", cur_frm.doc.__islocal?true:false);
hide_company: function() {
if(cur_frm.fields_dict.company) {
var companies = Object.keys(locals[":Company"] || {});
if(companies.length === 1) {
if(!cur_frm.doc.company) cur_frm.set_value("company", companies[0]);
cur_frm.toggle_display("company", false);
} else if(erpnext.last_selected_company) {
if(!cur_frm.doc.company) cur_frm.set_value("company", erpnext.last_selected_company);
is_perpetual_inventory_enabled: function(company) {
if(company) {
return frappe.get_doc(":Company", company).enable_perpetual_inventory
stale_rate_allowed: () => {
return cint(frappe.boot.sysdefaults.allow_stale);
setup_serial_or_batch_no: function() {
let grid_row = cur_frm.open_grid_row();
if (!grid_row || !grid_row.grid_form.fields_dict.serial_no ||
grid_row.grid_form.fields_dict.serial_no.get_status() !== "Write") return;
frappe.model.get_value('Item', {'name': grid_row.doc.item_code},
['has_serial_no', 'has_batch_no'], ({has_serial_no, has_batch_no}) => {
Object.assign(grid_row.doc, {has_serial_no, has_batch_no});
if (has_serial_no) {
attach_selector_button(__("Add Serial No"),
grid_row.grid_form.fields_dict.serial_no.$wrapper, this, grid_row);
} else if (has_batch_no) {
attach_selector_button(__("Pick Batch No"),
grid_row.grid_form.fields_dict.batch_no.$wrapper, this, grid_row);
route_to_adjustment_jv: (args) => {
frappe.model.with_doctype('Journal Entry', () => {
// route to adjustment Journal Entry to handle Account Balance and Stock Value mismatch
let journal_entry = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Journal Entry');
args.accounts.forEach((je_account) => {
let child_row = frappe.model.add_child(journal_entry, "accounts");
child_row.account = je_account.account;
child_row.debit_in_account_currency = je_account.debit_in_account_currency;
child_row.credit_in_account_currency = je_account.credit_in_account_currency;
child_row.party_type = "" ;
frappe.set_route('Form','Journal Entry', journal_entry.name);
route_to_pending_reposts: (args) => {
frappe.set_route('List', 'Repost Item Valuation', args);
$.extend(erpnext.utils, {
set_party_dashboard_indicators: function(frm) {
if(frm.doc.__onload && frm.doc.__onload.dashboard_info) {
var company_wise_info = frm.doc.__onload.dashboard_info;
if(company_wise_info.length > 1) {
company_wise_info.forEach(function(info) {
erpnext.utils.add_indicator_for_multicompany(frm, info);
} else if (company_wise_info.length === 1) {
frm.dashboard.add_indicator(__('Annual Billing: {0}',
[format_currency(company_wise_info[0].billing_this_year, company_wise_info[0].currency)]), 'blue');
frm.dashboard.add_indicator(__('Total Unpaid: {0}',
[format_currency(company_wise_info[0].total_unpaid, company_wise_info[0].currency)]),
company_wise_info[0].total_unpaid ? 'orange' : 'green');
if(company_wise_info[0].loyalty_points) {
frm.dashboard.add_indicator(__('Loyalty Points: {0}',
[company_wise_info[0].loyalty_points]), 'blue');
add_indicator_for_multicompany: function(frm, info) {
frm.dashboard.stats_area_row.css('flex-wrap', 'wrap');
var color = info.total_unpaid ? 'orange' : 'green';
var indicator = $('<div class="flex-column col-xs-6">'+
'<div style="margin-top:10px"><h6>'+info.company+'</h6></div>'+
'<div class="badge-link small" style="margin-bottom:10px"><span class="indicator blue">'+
'Annual Billing: '+format_currency(info.billing_this_year, info.currency)+'</span></div>'+
'<div class="badge-link small" style="margin-bottom:10px">'+
'<span class="indicator '+color+'">Total Unpaid: '
+format_currency(info.total_unpaid, info.currency)+'</span></div>'+
$('<div class="badge-link small" style="margin-bottom:10px"><span class="indicator blue">'+
'Loyalty Points: '+info.loyalty_points+'</span></div>').appendTo(indicator);
return indicator;
get_party_name: function(party_type) {
var dict = {'Customer': 'customer_name', 'Supplier': 'supplier_name', 'Employee': 'employee_name',
'Member': 'member_name'};
return dict[party_type];
copy_value_in_all_rows: function(doc, dt, dn, table_fieldname, fieldname) {
var d = locals[dt][dn];
var cl = doc[table_fieldname] || [];
for(var i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) {
if(!cl[i][fieldname]) cl[i][fieldname] = d[fieldname];
get_terms: function(tc_name, doc, callback) {
if(tc_name) {
return frappe.call({
method: 'erpnext.setup.doctype.terms_and_conditions.terms_and_conditions.get_terms_and_conditions',
args: {
template_name: tc_name,
doc: doc
callback: function(r) {
make_bank_account: function(doctype, docname) {
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.bank_account.bank_account.make_bank_account",
args: {
doctype: doctype,
docname: docname
freeze: true,
callback: function(r) {
var doclist = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
frappe.set_route("Form", doclist[0].doctype, doclist[0].name);
add_dimensions: function(report_name, index) {
let filters = frappe.query_reports[report_name].filters;
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension.get_dimensions",
callback: function(r) {
let accounting_dimensions = r.message[0];
accounting_dimensions.forEach((dimension) => {
let found = filters.some(el => el.fieldname === dimension['fieldname']);
if (!found) {
filters.splice(index, 0, {
"fieldname": dimension["fieldname"],
"label": __(dimension["label"]),
"fieldtype": "MultiSelectList",
get_data: function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options(dimension["document_type"], txt);
add_inventory_dimensions: function(report_name, index) {
let filters = frappe.query_reports[report_name].filters;
method: "erpnext.stock.doctype.inventory_dimension.inventory_dimension.get_inventory_dimensions",
callback: function(r) {
if (r.message && r.message.length) {
r.message.forEach((dimension) => {
let existing_filter = filters.filter(el => el.fieldname === dimension['fieldname']);
if (!existing_filter.length) {
filters.splice(index, 0, {
"fieldname": dimension["fieldname"],
"label": __(dimension["doctype"]),
"fieldtype": "MultiSelectList",
get_data: function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options(dimension["doctype"], txt);
} else {
existing_filter[0]['fieldtype'] = "MultiSelectList";
existing_filter[0]['get_data'] = function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options(dimension["doctype"], txt);
make_subscription: function(doctype, docname) {
method: "frappe.automation.doctype.auto_repeat.auto_repeat.make_auto_repeat",
args: {
doctype: doctype,
docname: docname
callback: function(r) {
var doclist = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
frappe.set_route("Form", doclist[0].doctype, doclist[0].name);
make_pricing_rule: function(doctype, docname) {
method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.pricing_rule.pricing_rule.make_pricing_rule",
args: {
doctype: doctype,
docname: docname
callback: function(r) {
var doclist = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
frappe.set_route("Form", doclist[0].doctype, doclist[0].name);
* Checks if the first row of a given child table is empty
* @param child_table - Child table Doctype
* @return {Boolean}
first_row_is_empty: function(child_table){
if($.isArray(child_table) && child_table.length > 0) {
return !child_table[0].item_code;
return false;
* Removes the first row of a child table if it is empty
* @param {_Frm} frm - The current form
* @param {String} child_table_name - The child table field name
* @return {Boolean}
remove_empty_first_row: function(frm, child_table_name){
const rows = frm['doc'][child_table_name];
if (this.first_row_is_empty(rows)){
frm['doc'][child_table_name] = rows.splice(1);
return rows;
get_tree_options: function(option) {
// get valid options for tree based on user permission & locals dict
let unscrub_option = frappe.model.unscrub(option);
let user_permission = frappe.defaults.get_user_permissions();
let options;
if(user_permission && user_permission[unscrub_option]) {
options = user_permission[unscrub_option].map(perm => perm.doc);
} else {
options = $.map(locals[`:${unscrub_option}`], function(c) { return c.name; }).sort();
// filter unique values, as there may be multiple user permissions for any value
return options.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index);
get_tree_default: function(option) {
// set default for a field based on user permission
let options = this.get_tree_options(option);
if(options.includes(frappe.defaults.get_default(option))) {
return frappe.defaults.get_default(option);
} else {
return options[0];
overrides_parent_value_in_all_rows: function(doc, dt, dn, table_fieldname, fieldname, parent_fieldname) {
if (doc[parent_fieldname]) {
let cl = doc[table_fieldname] || [];
for (let i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) {
cl[i][fieldname] = doc[parent_fieldname];
create_new_doc: function (doctype, update_fields) {
frappe.model.with_doctype(doctype, function() {
var new_doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc(doctype);
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(update_fields)) {
new_doc[key] = value;
frappe.ui.form.make_quick_entry(doctype, null, null, new_doc);
// check if payments app is installed on site, if not warn user.
check_payments_app: () => {
if (frappe.boot.versions && !frappe.boot.versions.payments) {
const marketplace_link = '<a href="https://frappecloud.com/marketplace/apps/payments">Marketplace</a>'
const github_link = '<a href="https://github.com/frappe/payments/">GitHub</a>'
const msg = __("payments app is not installed. Please install it from {0} or {1}", [marketplace_link, github_link])
pick_serial_and_batch_bundle(frm, cdt, cdn, type_of_transaction, warehouse_field) {
let item_row = frappe.get_doc(cdt, cdn);
item_row.type_of_transaction = type_of_transaction;
frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_row.item_code, ["has_batch_no", "has_serial_no"])
.then((r) => {
item_row.has_batch_no = r.message.has_batch_no;
item_row.has_serial_no = r.message.has_serial_no;
frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/utils/serial_no_batch_selector.js", function() {
new erpnext.SerialBatchPackageSelector(frm, item_row, (r) => {
if (r) {
let update_values = {
"serial_and_batch_bundle": r.name,
"qty": Math.abs(r.total_qty)
if (!warehouse_field) {
warehouse_field = "warehouse";
if (r.warehouse) {
update_values[warehouse_field] = r.warehouse;
frappe.model.set_value(item_row.doctype, item_row.name, update_values);
erpnext.utils.select_alternate_items = function(opts) {
const frm = opts.frm;
const warehouse_field = opts.warehouse_field || 'warehouse';
const item_field = opts.item_field || 'item_code';
this.data = [];
const dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __("Select Alternate Item"),
fields: [
{fieldtype:'Section Break', label: __('Items')},
fieldname: "alternative_items", fieldtype: "Table", cannot_add_rows: true,
in_place_edit: true, data: this.data,
get_data: () => {
return this.data;
fields: [{
hidden: 1
}, {
options: 'Item',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 1,
label: __('Item Code')
}, {
options: 'Item',
default: "",
in_list_view: 1,
label: __('Alternate Item'),
onchange: function() {
const item_code = this.get_value();
const warehouse = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.warehouse.get_value();
if (item_code && warehouse) {
method: "erpnext.stock.utils.get_latest_stock_qty",
args: {
item_code: item_code,
warehouse: warehouse
callback: (r) => {
.actual_qty.set_value(r.message || 0);
get_query: (e) => {
return {
query: "erpnext.stock.doctype.item_alternative.item_alternative.get_alternative_items",
filters: {
item_code: e.item_code
}, {
options: 'Warehouse',
default: "",
in_list_view: 1,
label: __('Warehouse'),
onchange: function() {
const warehouse = this.get_value();
const item_code = this.grid_row.on_grid_fields_dict.item_code.get_value();
if (item_code && warehouse) {
method: "erpnext.stock.utils.get_latest_stock_qty",
args: {
item_code: item_code,
warehouse: warehouse
callback: (r) => {
.actual_qty.set_value(r.message || 0);
}, {
default: 0,
read_only: 1,
in_list_view: 1,
label: __('Available Qty')
primary_action: function() {
const args = this.get_values()["alternative_items"];
const alternative_items = args.filter(d => {
if (d.alternate_item && d.item_code != d.alternate_item) {
return true;
alternative_items.forEach(d => {
let row = frappe.get_doc(opts.child_doctype, d.docname);
let qty = null;
if (row.doctype === 'Work Order Item') {
qty = row.required_qty;
} else {
qty = row.qty;
row[item_field] = d.alternate_item;
frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype, row.name, 'qty', qty);
frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype, row.name, opts.original_item_field, d.item_code);
frm.trigger(item_field, row.doctype, row.name);
primary_action_label: __('Update')
frm.doc[opts.child_docname].forEach(d => {
if (!opts.condition || opts.condition(d)) {
"docname": d.name,
"item_code": d[item_field],
"warehouse": d[warehouse_field],
"actual_qty": d.actual_qty
this.data = dialog.fields_dict.alternative_items.df.data;
erpnext.utils.update_child_items = function(opts) {
const frm = opts.frm;
const cannot_add_row = (typeof opts.cannot_add_row === 'undefined') ? true : opts.cannot_add_row;
const child_docname = (typeof opts.cannot_add_row === 'undefined') ? "items" : opts.child_docname;
const child_meta = frappe.get_meta(`${frm.doc.doctype} Item`);
const get_precision = (fieldname) => child_meta.fields.find(f => f.fieldname == fieldname).precision;
this.data = frm.doc[opts.child_docname].map((d) => {
return {
"docname": d.name,
"name": d.name,
"item_code": d.item_code,
"delivery_date": d.delivery_date,
"schedule_date": d.schedule_date,
"conversion_factor": d.conversion_factor,
"qty": d.qty,
"rate": d.rate,
"uom": d.uom
const fields = [{
read_only: 1,
hidden: 1,
}, {
options: 'Item',
in_list_view: 1,
read_only: 0,
disabled: 0,
label: __('Item Code'),
get_query: function() {
let filters;
if (frm.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order') {
filters = {"is_sales_item": 1};
} else if (frm.doc.doctype == 'Purchase Order') {
if (frm.doc.is_subcontracted) {
if (frm.doc.is_old_subcontracting_flow) {
filters = {"is_sub_contracted_item": 1};
} else {
filters = {"is_stock_item": 0};
} else {
filters = {"is_purchase_item": 1};
return {
query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.item_query",
filters: filters
}, {
options: 'UOM',
read_only: 0,
label: __('UOM'),
reqd: 1,
onchange: function () {
method: "erpnext.stock.get_item_details.get_conversion_factor",
args: { item_code: this.doc.item_code, uom: this.value },
callback: r => {
if(!r.exc) {
if (this.doc.conversion_factor == r.message.conversion_factor) return;
const docname = this.doc.docname;
dialog.fields_dict.trans_items.df.data.some(doc => {
if (doc.docname == docname) {
doc.conversion_factor = r.message.conversion_factor;
return true;
}, {
default: 0,
read_only: 0,
in_list_view: 1,
label: __('Qty'),
precision: get_precision("qty")
}, {
options: "currency",
default: 0,
read_only: 0,
in_list_view: 1,
label: __('Rate'),
precision: get_precision("rate")
if (frm.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order' || frm.doc.doctype == 'Purchase Order' ) {
fields.splice(2, 0, {
fieldtype: 'Date',
fieldname: frm.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order' ? "delivery_date" : "schedule_date",
in_list_view: 1,
label: frm.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order' ? __("Delivery Date") : __("Reqd by date"),
reqd: 1
fields.splice(3, 0, {
fieldtype: 'Float',
fieldname: "conversion_factor",
label: __("Conversion Factor"),
precision: get_precision('conversion_factor')
new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __("Update Items"),
size: "extra-large",
fields: [
fieldname: "trans_items",
fieldtype: "Table",
label: "Items",
cannot_add_rows: cannot_add_row,
in_place_edit: false,
reqd: 1,
data: this.data,
get_data: () => {
return this.data;
fields: fields
primary_action: function() {
const trans_items = this.get_values()["trans_items"].filter((item) => !!item.item_code);
method: 'erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller.update_child_qty_rate',
freeze: true,
args: {
'parent_doctype': frm.doc.doctype,
'trans_items': trans_items,
'parent_doctype_name': frm.doc.name,
'child_docname': child_docname
callback: function() {
primary_action_label: __('Update')
erpnext.utils.map_current_doc = function(opts) {
function _map() {
if($.isArray(cur_frm.doc.items) && cur_frm.doc.items.length > 0) {
// remove first item row if empty
if(!cur_frm.doc.items[0].item_code) {
cur_frm.doc.items = cur_frm.doc.items.splice(1);
// find the doctype of the items table
var items_doctype = frappe.meta.get_docfield(cur_frm.doctype, 'items').options;
// find the link fieldname from items table for the given
// source_doctype
var link_fieldname = null;
frappe.get_meta(items_doctype).fields.forEach(function(d) {
if(d.options===opts.source_doctype) link_fieldname = d.fieldname; });
// search in existing items if the source_name is already set and full qty fetched
var already_set = false;
var item_qty_map = {};
$.each(cur_frm.doc.items, function(i, d) {
opts.source_name.forEach(function(src) {
if(d[link_fieldname]==src) {
already_set = true;
if (item_qty_map[d.item_code])
item_qty_map[d.item_code] += flt(d.qty);
item_qty_map[d.item_code] = flt(d.qty);
if(already_set) {
opts.source_name.forEach(function(src) {
frappe.model.with_doc(opts.source_doctype, src, function(r) {
var source_doc = frappe.model.get_doc(opts.source_doctype, src);
$.each(source_doc.items || [], function(i, row) {
if(row.qty > flt(item_qty_map[row.item_code])) {
already_set = false;
return false;
if(already_set) {
frappe.msgprint(__("You have already selected items from {0} {1}",
[opts.source_doctype, src]));
return frappe.call({
// Sometimes we hit the limit for URL length of a GET request
// as we send the full target_doc. Hence this is a POST request.
type: "POST",
method: 'frappe.model.mapper.map_docs',
args: {
"method": opts.method,
"source_names": opts.source_name,
"target_doc": cur_frm.doc,
"args": opts.args
callback: function(r) {
if(!r.exc) {
var doc = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
let query_args = {};
if (opts.get_query_filters) {
query_args.filters = opts.get_query_filters;
if (opts.get_query_method) {
query_args.query = opts.get_query_method;
if (query_args.filters || query_args.query) {
opts.get_query = () => query_args;
if (opts.source_doctype) {
const d = new frappe.ui.form.MultiSelectDialog({
doctype: opts.source_doctype,
target: opts.target,
date_field: opts.date_field || undefined,
setters: opts.setters,
get_query: opts.get_query,
add_filters_group: 1,
allow_child_item_selection: opts.allow_child_item_selection,
child_fieldname: opts.child_fieldname,
child_columns: opts.child_columns,
size: opts.size,
action: function(selections, args) {
let values = selections;
if (values.length === 0) {
frappe.msgprint(__("Please select {0}", [opts.source_doctype]))
opts.source_name = values;
if (opts.allow_child_item_selection) {
// args contains filtered child docnames
opts.args = args;
return d;
if (opts.source_name) {
opts.source_name = [opts.source_name];
frappe.form.link_formatters['Item'] = function(value, doc) {
if (doc && value && doc.item_name && doc.item_name !== value && doc.item_code === value) {
return value + ': ' + doc.item_name;
} else if (!value && doc.doctype && doc.item_name) {
// format blank value in child table
return doc.item_name;
} else {
// if value is blank in report view or item code and name are the same, return as is
return value;
frappe.form.link_formatters['Employee'] = function(value, doc) {
if (doc && value && doc.employee_name && doc.employee_name !== value && doc.employee === value) {
return value + ': ' + doc.employee_name;
} else if (!value && doc.doctype && doc.employee_name) {
// format blank value in child table
return doc.employee;
} else {
// if value is blank in report view or project name and name are the same, return as is
return value;
frappe.form.link_formatters['Project'] = function(value, doc) {
if (doc && value && doc.project_name && doc.project_name !== value && doc.project === value) {
return value + ': ' + doc.project_name;
} else if (!value && doc.doctype && doc.project_name) {
// format blank value in child table
return doc.project;
} else {
// if value is blank in report view or project name and name are the same, return as is
return value;
// add description on posting time
$(document).on('app_ready', function() {
if(!frappe.datetime.is_timezone_same()) {
$.each(["Stock Reconciliation", "Stock Entry", "Stock Ledger Entry",
"Delivery Note", "Purchase Receipt", "Sales Invoice"], function(i, d) {
frappe.ui.form.on(d, "onload", function(frm) {
cur_frm.set_df_property("posting_time", "description",
// Show SLA dashboard
$(document).on('app_ready', function() {
method: 'erpnext.support.doctype.service_level_agreement.service_level_agreement.get_sla_doctypes',
callback: function(r) {
if (!r.message)
$.each(r.message, function(_i, d) {
frappe.ui.form.on(d, {
onload: function(frm) {
if (!frm.doc.service_level_agreement)
method: 'erpnext.support.doctype.service_level_agreement.service_level_agreement.get_service_level_agreement_filters',
args: {
doctype: frm.doc.doctype,
name: frm.doc.service_level_agreement,
customer: frm.doc.customer
callback: function (r) {
if (r && r.message) {
frm.set_query('priority', function() {
return {
filters: {
'name': ['in', r.message.priority],
frm.set_query('service_level_agreement', function() {
return {
filters: {
'name': ['in', r.message.service_level_agreements],
refresh: function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.status !== 'Closed' && frm.doc.service_level_agreement
&& ['First Response Due', 'Resolution Due'].includes(frm.doc.agreement_status)) {
'method': 'frappe.client.get',
args: {
doctype: 'Service Level Agreement',
name: frm.doc.service_level_agreement
callback: function(data) {
let statuses = data.message.pause_sla_on;
const hold_statuses = [];
$.each(statuses, (_i, entry) => {
if (hold_statuses.includes(frm.doc.status)) {
let message = {'indicator': 'orange', 'msg': __('SLA is on hold since {0}', [moment(frm.doc.on_hold_since).fromNow(true)])};
'<div class="row">' +
'<div class="col-xs-12">' +
'<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap '+ message.indicator +'"><span>'+ message.msg +'</span></span> ' +
'</div>' +
} else {
set_time_to_resolve_and_response(frm, data.message.apply_sla_for_resolution);
} else if (frm.doc.service_level_agreement) {
let agreement_status = (frm.doc.agreement_status == 'Fulfilled') ?
{'indicator': 'green', 'msg': 'Service Level Agreement has been fulfilled'} :
{'indicator': 'red', 'msg': 'Service Level Agreement Failed'};
'<div class="row">' +
'<div class="col-xs-12">' +
'<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap '+ agreement_status.indicator +'"><span class="hidden-xs">'+ agreement_status.msg +'</span></span> ' +
'</div>' +
function set_time_to_resolve_and_response(frm, apply_sla_for_resolution) {
let time_to_respond;
if (!frm.doc.first_responded_on) {
time_to_respond = get_time_left(frm.doc.response_by, frm.doc.agreement_status);
} else {
time_to_respond = get_status(frm.doc.response_by, frm.doc.first_responded_on);
let alert = `
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap ${time_to_respond.indicator}">
<span>Time to Respond: ${time_to_respond.diff_display}</span>
if (apply_sla_for_resolution) {
let time_to_resolve;
if (!frm.doc.resolution_date) {
time_to_resolve = get_time_left(frm.doc.resolution_by, frm.doc.agreement_status);
} else {
time_to_resolve = get_status(frm.doc.resolution_by, frm.doc.resolution_date);
alert += `
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
<span class="indicator whitespace-nowrap ${time_to_resolve.indicator}">
<span>Time to Resolve: ${time_to_resolve.diff_display}</span>
alert += '</div>';
function get_time_left(timestamp, agreement_status) {
const diff = moment(timestamp).diff(moment());
const diff_display = diff >= 44500 ? moment.duration(diff).humanize() : 'Failed';
let indicator = (diff_display == 'Failed' && agreement_status != 'Fulfilled') ? 'red' : 'green';
return {'diff_display': diff_display, 'indicator': indicator};
function get_status(expected, actual) {
const time_left = moment(expected).diff(moment(actual));
if (time_left >= 0) {
return {'diff_display': 'Fulfilled', 'indicator': 'green'};
} else {
return {'diff_display': 'Failed', 'indicator': 'red'};
function attach_selector_button(inner_text, append_loction, context, grid_row) {
let $btn_div = $("<div>").css({"margin-bottom": "10px", "margin-top": "10px"})
let $btn = $(`<button class="btn btn-sm btn-default">${inner_text}</button>`)
$btn.on("click", function() {
context.show_serial_batch_selector(grid_row.frm, grid_row.doc, "", "", true);