* fix: Item valuation for internal stocktransfers * fix: Consider conversion factor for invoices * fix: Add missing set warehouse fields * fix: Add validations and other fixes * fix: Fixes in flow * fix: Internal sales item link in Purchase Invoice * fix: Debugging * fix: Debug travis * fix: Remove commented code * fix: Rate forcing in sales order * fix: Unreallized profit in Sales Register * fix: Item wise gst sales register fix * fix: From warehouse in Purchase Order * fix: Target field in Sales Invoice * fix: remove self * fix: GST Purchasse register and other fixes * fix: Add shipping_address to no field map * fix: Ref doc map * fix: Test Cases * fix: address mapping between sales and purchase document * fix: Import Error * fix: Tax updation for internal invoices * fix: Purchase Order and Invoice linking * fix: Internal Party validation fix * fix: validation * fix(india): GST Taxes for intra state transfer * fix(india): GST Taxes for intra state transfer Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <nabinhait@gmail.com>
301 lines
12 KiB
301 lines
12 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt
from frappe import msgprint, _
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import get_accounting_dimensions, get_dimension_with_children
def execute(filters=None):
return _execute(filters)
def _execute(filters=None, additional_table_columns=None, additional_query_columns=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
invoice_list = get_invoices(filters, additional_query_columns)
columns, expense_accounts, tax_accounts, unrealized_profit_loss_accounts \
= get_columns(invoice_list, additional_table_columns)
if not invoice_list:
msgprint(_("No record found"))
return columns, invoice_list
invoice_expense_map = get_invoice_expense_map(invoice_list)
internal_invoice_map = get_internal_invoice_map(invoice_list)
invoice_expense_map, invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list,
invoice_expense_map, expense_accounts)
invoice_po_pr_map = get_invoice_po_pr_map(invoice_list)
suppliers = list(set([d.supplier for d in invoice_list]))
supplier_details = get_supplier_details(suppliers)
company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', filters.company, "default_currency")
data = []
for inv in invoice_list:
# invoice details
purchase_order = list(set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(inv.name, {}).get("purchase_order", [])))
purchase_receipt = list(set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(inv.name, {}).get("purchase_receipt", [])))
project = list(set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(inv.name, {}).get("project", [])))
row = [inv.name, inv.posting_date, inv.supplier, inv.supplier_name]
if additional_query_columns:
for col in additional_query_columns:
row += [
supplier_details.get(inv.supplier), # supplier_group
inv.tax_id, inv.credit_to, inv.mode_of_payment, ", ".join(project),
inv.bill_no, inv.bill_date, inv.remarks,
", ".join(purchase_order), ", ".join(purchase_receipt), company_currency
# map expense values
base_net_total = 0
for expense_acc in expense_accounts:
if inv.is_internal_supplier and inv.company == inv.represents_company:
expense_amount = 0
expense_amount = flt(invoice_expense_map.get(inv.name, {}).get(expense_acc))
base_net_total += expense_amount
# Add amount in unrealized account
for account in unrealized_profit_loss_accounts:
row.append(flt(internal_invoice_map.get((inv.name, account))))
# net total
row.append(base_net_total or inv.base_net_total)
# tax account
total_tax = 0
for tax_acc in tax_accounts:
if tax_acc not in expense_accounts:
tax_amount = flt(invoice_tax_map.get(inv.name, {}).get(tax_acc))
total_tax += tax_amount
# total tax, grand total, rounded total & outstanding amount
row += [total_tax, inv.base_grand_total, flt(inv.base_grand_total, 0), inv.outstanding_amount]
return columns, data
def get_columns(invoice_list, additional_table_columns):
"""return columns based on filters"""
columns = [
_("Invoice") + ":Link/Purchase Invoice:120", _("Posting Date") + ":Date:80",
_("Supplier Id") + "::120", _("Supplier Name") + "::120"]
if additional_table_columns:
columns += additional_table_columns
columns += [
_("Supplier Group") + ":Link/Supplier Group:120", _("Tax Id") + "::80", _("Payable Account") + ":Link/Account:120",
_("Mode of Payment") + ":Link/Mode of Payment:80", _("Project") + ":Link/Project:80",
_("Bill No") + "::120", _("Bill Date") + ":Date:80", _("Remarks") + "::150",
_("Purchase Order") + ":Link/Purchase Order:100",
_("Purchase Receipt") + ":Link/Purchase Receipt:100",
"fieldname": "currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 80
expense_accounts = tax_accounts = expense_columns = tax_columns = unrealized_profit_loss_accounts = \
unrealized_profit_loss_account_columns = []
if invoice_list:
expense_accounts = frappe.db.sql_list("""select distinct expense_account
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item` where docstatus = 1
and (expense_account is not null and expense_account != '')
and parent in (%s) order by expense_account""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]))
tax_accounts = frappe.db.sql_list("""select distinct account_head
from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where parenttype = 'Purchase Invoice'
and docstatus = 1 and (account_head is not null and account_head != '')
and category in ('Total', 'Valuation and Total')
and parent in (%s) order by account_head""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]))
unrealized_profit_loss_accounts = frappe.db.sql_list("""SELECT distinct unrealized_profit_loss_account
from `tabPurchase Invoice` where docstatus = 1 and name in (%s)
and ifnull(unrealized_profit_loss_account, '') != ''
order by unrealized_profit_loss_account""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]))
expense_columns = [(account + ":Currency/currency:120") for account in expense_accounts]
unrealized_profit_loss_account_columns = [(account + ":Currency/currency:120") for account in unrealized_profit_loss_accounts]
for account in tax_accounts:
if account not in expense_accounts:
tax_columns.append(account + ":Currency/currency:120")
columns = columns + expense_columns + unrealized_profit_loss_account_columns + \
[_("Net Total") + ":Currency/currency:120"] + tax_columns + \
[_("Total Tax") + ":Currency/currency:120", _("Grand Total") + ":Currency/currency:120",
_("Rounded Total") + ":Currency/currency:120", _("Outstanding Amount") + ":Currency/currency:120"]
return columns, expense_accounts, tax_accounts, unrealized_profit_loss_accounts
def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = ""
if filters.get("company"): conditions += " and company=%(company)s"
if filters.get("supplier"): conditions += " and supplier = %(supplier)s"
if filters.get("from_date"): conditions += " and posting_date>=%(from_date)s"
if filters.get("to_date"): conditions += " and posting_date<=%(to_date)s"
if filters.get("mode_of_payment"): conditions += " and ifnull(mode_of_payment, '') = %(mode_of_payment)s"
if filters.get("cost_center"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabPurchase Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabPurchase Invoice Item`.cost_center, '') = %(cost_center)s)"""
if filters.get("warehouse"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabPurchase Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabPurchase Invoice Item`.warehouse, '') = %(warehouse)s)"""
if filters.get("item_group"):
conditions += """ and exists(select name from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabPurchase Invoice`.name
and ifnull(`tabPurchase Invoice Item`.item_group, '') = %(item_group)s)"""
accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions(as_list=False)
if accounting_dimensions:
common_condition = """
and exists(select name from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent=`tabPurchase Invoice`.name
for dimension in accounting_dimensions:
if filters.get(dimension.fieldname):
if frappe.get_cached_value('DocType', dimension.document_type, 'is_tree'):
filters[dimension.fieldname] = get_dimension_with_children(dimension.document_type,
conditions += common_condition + "and ifnull(`tabPurchase Invoice Item`.{0}, '') in %({0})s)".format(dimension.fieldname)
conditions += common_condition + "and ifnull(`tabPurchase Invoice Item`.{0}, '') in (%({0})s))".format(dimension.fieldname)
return conditions
def get_invoices(filters, additional_query_columns):
if additional_query_columns:
additional_query_columns = ', ' + ', '.join(additional_query_columns)
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
return frappe.db.sql("""
name, posting_date, credit_to, supplier, supplier_name, tax_id, bill_no, bill_date,
remarks, base_net_total, base_grand_total, outstanding_amount,
mode_of_payment {0}
from `tabPurchase Invoice`
where docstatus = 1 %s
order by posting_date desc, name desc""".format(additional_query_columns or '') % conditions, filters, as_dict=1)
def get_invoice_expense_map(invoice_list):
expense_details = frappe.db.sql("""
select parent, expense_account, sum(base_net_amount) as amount
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent in (%s)
group by parent, expense_account
""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
invoice_expense_map = {}
for d in expense_details:
invoice_expense_map.setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.expense_account, [])
invoice_expense_map[d.parent][d.expense_account] = flt(d.amount)
return invoice_expense_map
def get_internal_invoice_map(invoice_list):
unrealized_amount_details = frappe.db.sql("""SELECT name, unrealized_profit_loss_account,
base_net_total as amount from `tabPurchase Invoice` where name in (%s)
and is_internal_supplier = 1 and company = represents_company""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
internal_invoice_map = {}
for d in unrealized_amount_details:
if d.unrealized_profit_loss_account:
internal_invoice_map.setdefault((d.name, d.unrealized_profit_loss_account), d.amount)
return internal_invoice_map
def get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list, invoice_expense_map, expense_accounts):
tax_details = frappe.db.sql("""
select parent, account_head, case add_deduct_tax when "Add" then sum(base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)
else sum(base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount) * -1 end as tax_amount
from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges`
where parent in (%s) and category in ('Total', 'Valuation and Total')
and base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount != 0
group by parent, account_head, add_deduct_tax
""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
invoice_tax_map = {}
for d in tax_details:
if d.account_head in expense_accounts:
if d.account_head in invoice_expense_map[d.parent]:
invoice_expense_map[d.parent][d.account_head] += flt(d.tax_amount)
invoice_expense_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
invoice_tax_map.setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.account_head, [])
invoice_tax_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
return invoice_expense_map, invoice_tax_map
def get_invoice_po_pr_map(invoice_list):
pi_items = frappe.db.sql("""
select parent, purchase_order, purchase_receipt, po_detail, project
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where parent in (%s)
""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([inv.name for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
invoice_po_pr_map = {}
for d in pi_items:
if d.purchase_order:
invoice_po_pr_map.setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault(
"purchase_order", []).append(d.purchase_order)
pr_list = None
if d.purchase_receipt:
pr_list = [d.purchase_receipt]
elif d.po_detail:
pr_list = frappe.db.sql_list("""select distinct parent from `tabPurchase Receipt Item`
where docstatus=1 and purchase_order_item=%s""", d.po_detail)
if pr_list:
invoice_po_pr_map.setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault("purchase_receipt", pr_list)
if d.project:
invoice_po_pr_map.setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault(
"project", []).append(d.project)
return invoice_po_pr_map
def get_account_details(invoice_list):
account_map = {}
accounts = list(set([inv.credit_to for inv in invoice_list]))
for acc in frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_account from tabAccount
where name in (%s)""" % ", ".join(["%s"]*len(accounts)), tuple(accounts), as_dict=1):
account_map[acc.name] = acc.parent_account
return account_map
def get_supplier_details(suppliers):
supplier_details = {}
for supp in frappe.db.sql("""select name, supplier_group from `tabSupplier`
where name in (%s)""" % ", ".join(["%s"]*len(suppliers)), tuple(suppliers), as_dict=1):
supplier_details.setdefault(supp.name, supp.supplier_group)
return supplier_details