Manufacturer Link field options in Items Table of transactions will also display manufacturer part no. Manufacturers table in Item master will check for duplicate entries.
457 lines
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457 lines
15 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.desk.reportview import get_match_cond, get_filters_cond
from frappe.utils import nowdate
from collections import defaultdict
# searches for active employees
def employee_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
conditions = []
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, employee_name from `tabEmployee`
where status = 'Active'
and docstatus < 2
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or employee_name like %(txt)s)
{fcond} {mcond}
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), locate(%(_txt)s, employee_name), 99999),
idx desc,
name, employee_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
'key': searchfield,
'fcond': get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions),
'mcond': get_match_cond(doctype)
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for leads which are not converted
def lead_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, lead_name, company_name from `tabLead`
where docstatus < 2
and ifnull(status, '') != 'Converted'
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or lead_name like %(txt)s
or company_name like %(txt)s)
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, lead_name), locate(%(_txt)s, lead_name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, company_name), locate(%(_txt)s, company_name), 99999),
idx desc,
name, lead_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
'key': searchfield,
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for customer
def customer_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
conditions = []
cust_master_name = frappe.defaults.get_user_default("cust_master_name")
if cust_master_name == "Customer Name":
fields = ["name", "customer_group", "territory"]
fields = ["name", "customer_name", "customer_group", "territory"]
meta = frappe.get_meta("Customer")
searchfields = meta.get_search_fields()
searchfields = searchfields + [f for f in [searchfield or "name", "customer_name"] \
if not f in searchfields]
fields = fields + [f for f in searchfields if not f in fields]
fields = ", ".join(fields)
searchfields = " or ".join([field + " like %(txt)s" for field in searchfields])
return frappe.db.sql("""select {fields} from `tabCustomer`
where docstatus < 2
and ({scond}) and disabled=0
{fcond} {mcond}
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, customer_name), locate(%(_txt)s, customer_name), 99999),
idx desc,
name, customer_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(**{
"fields": fields,
"scond": searchfields,
"mcond": get_match_cond(doctype),
"fcond": get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions).replace('%', '%%'),
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
# searches for supplier
def supplier_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
supp_master_name = frappe.defaults.get_user_default("supp_master_name")
if supp_master_name == "Supplier Name":
fields = ["name", "supplier_group"]
fields = ["name", "supplier_name", "supplier_group"]
fields = ", ".join(fields)
return frappe.db.sql("""select {field} from `tabSupplier`
where docstatus < 2
and ({key} like %(txt)s
or supplier_name like %(txt)s) and disabled=0
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, supplier_name), locate(%(_txt)s, supplier_name), 99999),
idx desc,
name, supplier_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """.format(**{
'field': fields,
'key': searchfield,
}), {
'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt,
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start,
'page_len': page_len
def tax_account_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
tax_accounts = frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_account from tabAccount
where tabAccount.docstatus!=2
and account_type in (%s)
and is_group = 0
and company = %s
and `%s` LIKE %s
order by idx desc, name
limit %s, %s""" %
(", ".join(['%s']*len(filters.get("account_type"))), "%s", searchfield, "%s", "%s", "%s"),
tuple(filters.get("account_type") + [filters.get("company"), "%%%s%%" % txt,
start, page_len]))
if not tax_accounts:
tax_accounts = frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_account from tabAccount
where tabAccount.docstatus!=2 and is_group = 0
and company = %s and `%s` LIKE %s limit %s, %s"""
% ("%s", searchfield, "%s", "%s", "%s"),
(filters.get("company"), "%%%s%%" % txt, start, page_len))
return tax_accounts
def item_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters, as_dict=False):
conditions = []
description_cond = ''
if frappe.db.count('Item', cache=True) < 50000:
# scan description only if items are less than 50000
description_cond = 'or tabItem.description LIKE %(txt)s'
return frappe.db.sql("""select,
if(length(tabItem.item_name) > 40,
concat(substr(tabItem.item_name, 1, 40), "..."), item_name) as item_name,
if(length(tabItem.description) > 40, \
concat(substr(tabItem.description, 1, 40), "..."), description) as decription
from tabItem
where tabItem.docstatus < 2
and tabItem.has_variants=0
and tabItem.disabled=0
and (tabItem.end_of_life > %(today)s or ifnull(tabItem.end_of_life, '0000-00-00')='0000-00-00')
and (tabItem.`{key}` LIKE %(txt)s
or tabItem.item_code LIKE %(txt)s
or tabItem.item_group LIKE %(txt)s
or tabItem.item_name LIKE %(txt)s
or tabItem.item_code IN (select parent from `tabItem Barcode` where barcode LIKE %(txt)s)
{fcond} {mcond}
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
if(locate(%(_txt)s, item_name), locate(%(_txt)s, item_name), 99999),
idx desc,
name, item_name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """.format(
fcond=get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions).replace('%', '%%'),
mcond=get_match_cond(doctype).replace('%', '%%'),
description_cond = description_cond),
"today": nowdate(),
"txt": "%%%s%%" % txt,
"_txt": txt.replace("%", ""),
"start": start,
"page_len": page_len
}, as_dict=as_dict)
def bom(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
conditions = []
return frappe.db.sql("""select, tabBOM.item
from tabBOM
where tabBOM.docstatus=1
and tabBOM.is_active=1
and tabBOM.`{key}` like %(txt)s
{fcond} {mcond}
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
idx desc, name
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s """.format(
fcond=get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, conditions).replace('%', '%%'),
mcond=get_match_cond(doctype).replace('%', '%%'),
'txt': '%' + txt + '%',
'_txt': txt.replace("%", ""),
'start': start or 0,
'page_len': page_len or 20
def get_project_name(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
cond = ''
if filters.get('customer'):
cond = """(`tabProject`.customer = %s or
ifnull(`tabProject`.customer,"")="") and""" %(frappe.db.escape(filters.get("customer")))
return frappe.db.sql("""select `tabProject`.name from `tabProject`
where `tabProject`.status not in ("Completed", "Cancelled")
and {cond} `tabProject`.name like %(txt)s {match_cond}
order by
if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999),
idx desc,
`tabProject`.name asc
limit {start}, {page_len}""".format(
page_len=page_len), {
"txt": "%{0}%".format(txt),
"_txt": txt.replace('%', '')
def get_delivery_notes_to_be_billed(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters, as_dict):
return frappe.db.sql("""
select `tabDelivery Note`.name, `tabDelivery Note`.customer, `tabDelivery Note`.posting_date
from `tabDelivery Note`
where `tabDelivery Note`.`%(key)s` like %(txt)s and
`tabDelivery Note`.docstatus = 1
and status not in ("Stopped", "Closed") %(fcond)s
and (
(`tabDelivery Note`.is_return = 0 and `tabDelivery Note`.per_billed < 100)
or `tabDelivery Note`.grand_total = 0
or (
`tabDelivery Note`.is_return = 1
and return_against in (select name from `tabDelivery Note` where per_billed < 100)
%(mcond)s order by `tabDelivery Note`.`%(key)s` asc limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s
""" % {
"key": searchfield,
"fcond": get_filters_cond(doctype, filters, []),
"mcond": get_match_cond(doctype),
"start": start,
"page_len": page_len,
"txt": "%(txt)s"
}, {"txt": ("%%%s%%" % txt)}, as_dict=as_dict)
def get_batch_no(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
cond = ""
if filters.get("posting_date"):
cond = "and (batch.expiry_date is null or batch.expiry_date >= %(posting_date)s)"
batch_nos = None
args = {
'item_code': filters.get("item_code"),
'warehouse': filters.get("warehouse"),
'posting_date': filters.get('posting_date'),
'txt': "%{0}%".format(txt),
"start": start,
"page_len": page_len
if args.get('warehouse'):
batch_nos = frappe.db.sql("""select sle.batch_no, round(sum(sle.actual_qty),2), sle.stock_uom, concat('MFG-',batch.manufacturing_date), concat('EXP-',batch.expiry_date)
from `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle
INNER JOIN `tabBatch` batch on sle.batch_no =
batch.disabled = 0
and sle.item_code = %(item_code)s
and sle.warehouse = %(warehouse)s
and (sle.batch_no like %(txt)s
or batch.manufacturing_date like %(txt)s)
and batch.docstatus < 2
group by batch_no having sum(sle.actual_qty) > 0
order by batch.expiry_date, sle.batch_no desc
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(cond, match_conditions=get_match_cond(doctype)), args)
return batch_nos
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, concat('MFG-', manufacturing_date), concat('EXP-',expiry_date) from `tabBatch` batch
where batch.disabled = 0
and item = %(item_code)s
and (name like %(txt)s
or manufacturing_date like %(txt)s)
and docstatus < 2
order by expiry_date, name desc
limit %(start)s, %(page_len)s""".format(cond, match_conditions=get_match_cond(doctype)), args)
def get_account_list(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
filter_list = []
if isinstance(filters, dict):
for key, val in filters.items():
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
filter_list.append([doctype, key, val[0], val[1]])
filter_list.append([doctype, key, "=", val])
elif isinstance(filters, list):
if "is_group" not in [d[1] for d in filter_list]:
filter_list.append(["Account", "is_group", "=", "0"])
if searchfield and txt:
filter_list.append([doctype, searchfield, "like", "%%%s%%" % txt])
return frappe.desk.reportview.execute("Account", filters = filter_list,
fields = ["name", "parent_account"],
limit_start=start, limit_page_length=page_len, as_list=True)
def get_income_account(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
from erpnext.controllers.queries import get_match_cond
# income account can be any Credit account,
# but can also be a Asset account with account_type='Income Account' in special circumstances.
# Hence the first condition is an "OR"
if not filters: filters = {}
condition = ""
if filters.get("company"):
condition += "and = %(company)s"
return frappe.db.sql("""select from `tabAccount`
where (tabAccount.report_type = "Profit and Loss"
or tabAccount.account_type in ("Income Account", "Temporary"))
and tabAccount.is_group=0
and tabAccount.`{key}` LIKE %(txt)s
{condition} {match_condition}
order by idx desc, name"""
.format(condition=condition, match_condition=get_match_cond(doctype), key=searchfield), {
'txt': '%' + txt + '%',
'company': filters.get("company", "")
def get_expense_account(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
from erpnext.controllers.queries import get_match_cond
if not filters: filters = {}
condition = ""
if filters.get("company"):
condition += "and = %(company)s"
return frappe.db.sql("""select from `tabAccount`
where (tabAccount.report_type = "Profit and Loss"
or tabAccount.account_type in ("Expense Account", "Fixed Asset", "Temporary", "Asset Received But Not Billed", "Capital Work in Progress"))
and tabAccount.is_group=0
and tabAccount.docstatus!=2
and tabAccount.{key} LIKE %(txt)s
{condition} {match_condition}"""
.format(condition=condition, key=searchfield,
match_condition=get_match_cond(doctype)), {
'company': filters.get("company", ""),
'txt': '%' + txt + '%'
def warehouse_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
# Should be used when item code is passed in filters.
conditions, bin_conditions = [], []
filter_dict = get_doctype_wise_filters(filters)
sub_query = """ select round(`tabBin`.actual_qty, 2) from `tabBin`
where `tabBin`.warehouse = `tabWarehouse`.name
{bin_conditions} """.format(
bin_conditions=get_filters_cond(doctype, filter_dict.get("Bin"),
bin_conditions, ignore_permissions=True))
query = """select `tabWarehouse`.name,
CONCAT_WS(" : ", "Actual Qty", ifnull( ({sub_query}), 0) ) as actual_qty
from `tabWarehouse`
`tabWarehouse`.`{key}` like {txt}
{fcond} {mcond}
order by
`tabWarehouse`.name desc
{start}, {page_len}
fcond=get_filters_cond(doctype, filter_dict.get("Warehouse"), conditions),
return frappe.db.sql(query)
def get_doctype_wise_filters(filters):
# Helper function to seperate filters doctype_wise
filter_dict = defaultdict(list)
for row in filters:
return filter_dict
def get_batch_numbers(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
query = """select batch_id from `tabBatch`
where disabled = 0
and (expiry_date >= CURDATE() or expiry_date IS NULL)
and name like {txt}""".format(txt = frappe.db.escape('%{0}%'.format(txt)))
if filters and filters.get('item'):
query += " and item = {item}".format(item = frappe.db.escape(filters.get('item')))
return frappe.db.sql(query, filters)
def item_manufacturer_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
item_filters = [
['manufacturer', 'like', '%' + txt + '%'],
['item_code', '=', filters.get("item_code")]
item_manufacturers = frappe.get_all(
"Item Manufacturer",
fields=["manufacturer", "manufacturer_part_no"],
return item_manufacturers