
637 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _, throw
from frappe.utils import flt, cint, add_days, cstr
import json
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pricing_rule.pricing_rule import get_pricing_rule_for_item, set_transaction_type
from erpnext.setup.utils import get_exchange_rate
from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch import get_batch_no
def get_item_details(args):
args = {
"item_code": "",
"warehouse": None,
"customer": "",
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"selling_price_list": None,
"price_list_currency": None,
"plc_conversion_rate": 1.0,
"doctype": "",
"name": "",
"supplier": None,
"transaction_date": None,
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"buying_price_list": None,
"is_subcontracted": "Yes" / "No",
"ignore_pricing_rule": 0/1
"project": ""
args = process_args(args)
item_doc = frappe.get_doc("Item", args.item_code)
item = item_doc
validate_item_details(args, item)
out = get_basic_details(args, item)
get_party_item_code(args, item_doc, out)
if frappe.db.exists("Product Bundle", args.item_code):
valuation_rate = 0.0
bundled_items = frappe.get_doc("Product Bundle", args.item_code)
for bundle_item in bundled_items.items:
valuation_rate += \
flt(get_valuation_rate(bundle_item.item_code, out.get("warehouse")).get("valuation_rate") \
* bundle_item.qty)
"valuation_rate": valuation_rate
out.update(get_valuation_rate(args.item_code, out.get("warehouse")))
get_price_list_rate(args, item_doc, out)
if args.customer and cint(args.is_pos):
out.update(get_pos_profile_item_details(, args))
if out.get("warehouse"):
out.update(get_bin_details(args.item_code, out.warehouse))
# update args with out, if key or value not exists
for key, value in out.iteritems():
if args.get(key) is None:
args[key] = value
if (args.get("doctype") == "Delivery Note" or
(args.get("doctype") == "Sales Invoice" and args.get('update_stock'))) \
and out.warehouse and out.stock_qty > 0:
if out.has_serial_no:
out.serial_no = get_serial_no(out, args.serial_no)
if out.has_batch_no and not args.get("batch_no"):
out.batch_no = get_batch_no(out.item_code, out.warehouse, out.qty)
if args.transaction_date and item.lead_time_days:
out.schedule_date = out.lead_time_date = add_days(args.transaction_date,
if args.get("is_subcontracted") == "Yes": = args.get('bom') or get_default_bom(args.item_code)
return out
def process_args(args):
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = json.loads(args)
args = frappe._dict(args)
if not args.get("price_list"):
args.price_list = args.get("selling_price_list") or args.get("buying_price_list")
if args.barcode:
args.item_code = get_item_code(barcode=args.barcode)
elif not args.item_code and args.serial_no:
args.item_code = get_item_code(serial_no=args.serial_no)
return args
def get_item_code(barcode=None, serial_no=None):
if barcode:
item_code = frappe.db.get_value("Item", {"barcode": barcode})
if not item_code:
frappe.throw(_("No Item with Barcode {0}").format(barcode))
elif serial_no:
item_code = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, "item_code")
if not item_code:
frappe.throw(_("No Item with Serial No {0}").format(serial_no))
return item_code
def validate_item_details(args, item):
if not
throw(_("Please specify Company"))
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
validate_end_of_life(, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)
if args.transaction_type == "selling" and cint(item.has_variants):
throw(_("Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants").format(
elif args.transaction_type == "buying" and args.doctype != "Material Request":
if args.get("is_subcontracted") == "Yes" and item.is_sub_contracted_item != 1:
throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item").format(
def get_basic_details(args, item):
:param args: {
"item_code": "",
"warehouse": None,
"customer": "",
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"selling_price_list": None,
"price_list_currency": None,
"plc_conversion_rate": 1.0,
"doctype": "",
"name": "",
"supplier": None,
"transaction_date": None,
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"buying_price_list": None,
"is_subcontracted": "Yes" / "No",
"ignore_pricing_rule": 0/1
"project": "",
barcode: "",
serial_no: "",
warehouse: "",
currency: "",
update_stock: "",
price_list: "",
company: "",
order_type: "",
is_pos: "",
ignore_pricing_rule: "",
project: "",
qty: "",
stock_qty: "",
conversion_factor: ""
:param item: `item_code` of Item object
:return: frappe._dict
if not item:
item = frappe.get_doc("Item", args.get("item_code"))
if item.variant_of:
from frappe.defaults import get_user_default_as_list
user_default_warehouse_list = get_user_default_as_list('Warehouse')
user_default_warehouse = user_default_warehouse_list[0] \
if len(user_default_warehouse_list) == 1 else ""
warehouse = user_default_warehouse or item.default_warehouse or args.warehouse
material_request_type = ''
if args.get('doctype') == "Material Request":
material_request_type = frappe.db.get_value('Material Request',
args.get('name'), 'material_request_type')
#Set the UOM to the Default Sales UOM or Default Purchase UOM if configured in the Item Master
if not args.uom:
if args.get('doctype') in ['Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Delivery Note', 'Sales Invoice']:
args.uom = item.sales_uom if item.sales_uom else item.stock_uom
elif (args.get('doctype') in ['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Purchase Invoice']) or \
(args.get('doctype') == 'Material Request' and material_request_type == 'Purchase'):
args.uom = item.purchase_uom if item.purchase_uom else item.stock_uom
args.uom = item.stock_uom
out = frappe._dict({
"item_name": item.item_name,
"description": cstr(item.description).strip(),
"image": cstr(item.image).strip(),
"warehouse": warehouse,
"income_account": get_default_income_account(args, item),
"expense_account": get_default_expense_account(args, item),
"cost_center": get_default_cost_center(args, item),
'has_serial_no': item.has_serial_no,
'has_batch_no': item.has_batch_no,
"batch_no": None,
"item_tax_rate": json.dumps(dict(([d.tax_type, d.tax_rate] for d in
"uom": args.uom,
"min_order_qty": flt(item.min_order_qty) if args.doctype == "Material Request" else "",
"qty": args.qty or 1.0,
"stock_qty": args.qty or 1.0,
"price_list_rate": 0.0,
"base_price_list_rate": 0.0,
"rate": 0.0,
"base_rate": 0.0,
"amount": 0.0,
"base_amount": 0.0,
"net_rate": 0.0,
"net_amount": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"supplier": item.default_supplier,
"update_stock": args.get("update_stock") if args.get('doctype') in ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'] else 0,
"delivered_by_supplier": item.delivered_by_supplier if args.get("doctype") in ["Sales Order", "Sales Invoice"] else 0,
"is_fixed_asset": item.is_fixed_asset
# calculate conversion factor
if item.stock_uom == args.uom:
out.conversion_factor = 1.0
out.conversion_factor = args.conversion_factor or \
get_conversion_factor(item.item_code, args.uom).get("conversion_factor") or 1.0
args.conversion_factor = out.conversion_factor
out.stock_qty = out.qty * out.conversion_factor
# if default specified in item is for another company, fetch from company
for d in [
["Account", "income_account", "default_income_account"],
["Account", "expense_account", "default_expense_account"],
["Cost Center", "cost_center", "cost_center"],
["Warehouse", "warehouse", ""]]:
company = frappe.db.get_value(d[0], out.get(d[1]), "company")
if not out[d[1]] or (company and != company):
out[d[1]] = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, d[2]) if d[2] else None
for fieldname in ("item_name", "item_group", "barcode", "brand", "stock_uom"):
out[fieldname] = item.get(fieldname)
return out
def get_default_income_account(args, item):
return (item.income_account
or args.income_account
or frappe.db.get_value("Item Group", item.item_group, "default_income_account"))
def get_default_expense_account(args, item):
return (item.expense_account
or args.expense_account
or frappe.db.get_value("Item Group", item.item_group, "default_expense_account"))
def get_default_cost_center(args, item):
return (frappe.db.get_value("Project", args.get("project"), "cost_center")
or (item.selling_cost_center if args.get("customer") else item.buying_cost_center)
or frappe.db.get_value("Item Group", item.item_group, "default_cost_center")
or args.get("cost_center"))
def get_price_list_rate(args, item_doc, out):
meta = frappe.get_meta(args.parenttype or args.doctype)
if meta.get_field("currency"):
if args.price_list:
validate_conversion_rate(args, meta)
price_list_rate = get_price_list_rate_for(args.price_list,
# variant
if not price_list_rate and item_doc.variant_of:
price_list_rate = get_price_list_rate_for(args.price_list, item_doc.variant_of)
# insert in database
if not price_list_rate:
if args.price_list and args.rate:
return {}
out.price_list_rate = flt(price_list_rate) * flt(args.plc_conversion_rate) \
/ flt(args.conversion_rate)
out.price_list_rate = flt(out.price_list_rate * (args.conversion_factor or 1.0))
if not out.price_list_rate and args.transaction_type=="buying":
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import get_last_purchase_details
out.update(get_last_purchase_details(,, args.conversion_rate))
def insert_item_price(args):
"""Insert Item Price if Price List and Price List Rate are specified and currency is the same"""
if frappe.db.get_value("Price List", args.price_list, "currency") == args.currency \
and cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings", "auto_insert_price_list_rate_if_missing")):
if frappe.has_permission("Item Price", "write"):
price_list_rate = args.rate / args.conversion_factor \
if args.get("conversion_factor") else args.rate
item_price = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Item Price",
"price_list": args.price_list,
"item_code": args.item_code,
"currency": args.currency,
"price_list_rate": price_list_rate
name = frappe.db.get_value('Item Price', {'item_code': args.item_code, 'price_list': args.price_list, 'currency': args.currency}, 'name')
if name:
item_price = frappe.get_doc('Item Price', name)
item_price.price_list_rate = price_list_rate
frappe.msgprint(_("Item Price updated for {0} in Price List {1}").format(args.item_code,
frappe.msgprint(_("Item Price added for {0} in Price List {1}").format(args.item_code,
def get_price_list_rate_for(price_list, item_code):
return frappe.db.get_value("Item Price",
{"price_list": price_list, "item_code": item_code}, "price_list_rate")
def validate_price_list(args):
if args.get("price_list"):
if not frappe.db.get_value("Price List",
{"name": args.price_list, args.transaction_type: 1, "enabled": 1}):
throw(_("Price List {0} is disabled or does not exist").format(args.price_list))
elif not args.get("supplier"):
throw(_("Price List not selected"))
def validate_conversion_rate(args, meta):
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import validate_conversion_rate
if (not args.conversion_rate
and args.currency==frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "default_currency")):
args.conversion_rate = 1.0
# validate currency conversion rate
validate_conversion_rate(args.currency, args.conversion_rate,
args.conversion_rate = flt(args.conversion_rate,
frappe._dict({"fields": args})))
# validate price list currency conversion rate
if not args.get("price_list_currency"):
throw(_("Price List Currency not selected"))
validate_conversion_rate(args.price_list_currency, args.plc_conversion_rate,
args.plc_conversion_rate = flt(args.plc_conversion_rate,
frappe._dict({"fields": args})))
def get_party_item_code(args, item_doc, out):
if args.transaction_type=="selling" and args.customer:
customer_item_code = item_doc.get("customer_items", {"customer_name": args.customer})
out.customer_item_code = customer_item_code[0].ref_code if customer_item_code else None
if args.transaction_type=="buying" and args.supplier:
item_supplier = item_doc.get("supplier_items", {"supplier": args.supplier})
out.supplier_part_no = item_supplier[0].supplier_part_no if item_supplier else None
def get_pos_profile_item_details(company, args, pos_profile=None):
res = frappe._dict()
if not pos_profile:
pos_profile = get_pos_profile(company, args.get('pos_profile'))
if pos_profile:
for fieldname in ("income_account", "cost_center", "warehouse", "expense_account"):
if not args.get(fieldname) and pos_profile.get(fieldname):
res[fieldname] = pos_profile.get(fieldname)
if res.get("warehouse"):
res.actual_qty = get_bin_details(args.item_code,
return res
def get_pos_profile(company, pos_profile=None, user=None):
if pos_profile:
return frappe.get_doc('POS Profile', pos_profile)
if not user:
user = frappe.session['user']
pos_profile = frappe.db.sql("""select pf.*
`tabPOS Profile` pf, `tabPOS Profile User` pfu
pfu.parent = and pfu.user = %s and = %s
and pf.disabled = 0 and pfu.default=1""", (user, company), as_dict=1)
if not pos_profile:
pos_profile = frappe.db.sql("""select pf.*
`tabPOS Profile` pf left join `tabPOS Profile User` pfu
on = pfu.parent
ifnull(pfu.user, '') = '' and = %s
and pf.disabled = 0""", (company), as_dict=1)
return pos_profile and pos_profile[0] or None
def get_serial_nos_by_fifo(args):
if frappe.db.get_single_value("Stock Settings", "automatically_set_serial_nos_based_on_fifo"):
return "\n".join(frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabSerial No`
where item_code=%(item_code)s and warehouse=%(warehouse)s
order by timestamp(purchase_date, purchase_time) asc limit %(qty)s""", {
"item_code": args.item_code,
"warehouse": args.warehouse,
"qty": abs(cint(args.stock_qty))
def get_conversion_factor(item_code, uom):
variant_of = frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_code, "variant_of")
filters = {"parent": item_code, "uom": uom}
if variant_of:
filters["parent"] = ("in", (item_code, variant_of))
return {"conversion_factor": frappe.db.get_value("UOM Conversion Detail",
filters, "conversion_factor")}
def get_projected_qty(item_code, warehouse):
return {"projected_qty": frappe.db.get_value("Bin",
{"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse}, "projected_qty")}
def get_bin_details(item_code, warehouse):
return frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse},
["projected_qty", "actual_qty"], as_dict=True) \
or {"projected_qty": 0, "actual_qty": 0}
def get_serial_no_details(item_code, warehouse, stock_qty, serial_no):
args = frappe._dict({"item_code":item_code, "warehouse":warehouse, "stock_qty":stock_qty, "serial_no":serial_no})
serial_no = get_serial_no(args)
return {'serial_no': serial_no}
def get_bin_details_and_serial_nos(item_code, warehouse, stock_qty=None, serial_no=None):
bin_details_and_serial_nos = {}
bin_details_and_serial_nos.update(get_bin_details(item_code, warehouse))
if stock_qty > 0:
bin_details_and_serial_nos.update(get_serial_no_details(item_code, warehouse, stock_qty, serial_no))
return bin_details_and_serial_nos
def get_batch_qty(batch_no, warehouse, item_code):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch import batch
if batch_no:
return {'actual_batch_qty': batch.get_batch_qty(batch_no, warehouse)}
def apply_price_list(args, as_doc=False):
"""Apply pricelist on a document-like dict object and return as
{'parent': dict, 'children': list}
:param args: See below
:param as_doc: Updates value in the passed dict
args = {
"doctype": "",
"name": "",
"items": [{"doctype": "", "name": "", "item_code": "", "brand": "", "item_group": ""}, ...],
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"selling_price_list": None,
"price_list_currency": None,
"plc_conversion_rate": 1.0,
"doctype": "",
"name": "",
"supplier": None,
"transaction_date": None,
"conversion_rate": 1.0,
"buying_price_list": None,
"ignore_pricing_rule": 0/1
args = process_args(args)
parent = get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args)
children = []
if "items" in args:
item_list = args.get("items")
for item in item_list:
args_copy = frappe._dict(args.copy())
item_details = apply_price_list_on_item(args_copy)
if as_doc:
args.price_list_currency = parent.price_list_currency
args.plc_conversion_rate = parent.plc_conversion_rate
if args.get('items'):
for i, item in enumerate(args.get('items')):
for fieldname in children[i]:
# if the field exists in the original doc
# update the value
if fieldname in item and fieldname not in ("name", "doctype"):
item[fieldname] = children[i][fieldname]
return args
return {
"parent": parent,
"children": children
def apply_price_list_on_item(args):
item_details = frappe._dict()
item_doc = frappe.get_doc("Item", args.item_code)
get_price_list_rate(args, item_doc, item_details)
return item_details
def get_price_list_currency(price_list):
if price_list:
result = frappe.db.get_value("Price List", {"name": price_list,
"enabled": 1}, ["name", "currency"], as_dict=True)
if not result:
throw(_("Price List {0} is disabled or does not exist").format(price_list))
return result.currency
def get_price_list_currency_and_exchange_rate(args):
if not args.price_list:
return {}
price_list_currency = get_price_list_currency(args.price_list)
plc_conversion_rate = args.plc_conversion_rate
if (not plc_conversion_rate) or (price_list_currency and args.price_list_currency \
and price_list_currency != args.price_list_currency):
# cksgb 19/09/2016: added args.transaction_date as posting_date argument for get_exchange_rate
plc_conversion_rate = get_exchange_rate(price_list_currency, args.currency,
args.transaction_date) or plc_conversion_rate
return frappe._dict({
"price_list_currency": price_list_currency,
"plc_conversion_rate": plc_conversion_rate
def get_default_bom(item_code=None):
if item_code:
bom = frappe.db.get_value("BOM", {"docstatus": 1, "is_default": 1, "is_active": 1, "item": item_code})
if bom:
return bom
def get_valuation_rate(item_code, warehouse=None):
item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item_code)
if item.is_stock_item:
if not warehouse:
warehouse = item.default_warehouse
return frappe.db.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse},
["valuation_rate"], as_dict=True) or {"valuation_rate": 0}
elif not item.is_stock_item:
valuation_rate =frappe.db.sql("""select sum(base_net_amount) / sum(qty*conversion_factor)
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item`
where item_code = %s and docstatus=1""", item_code)
if valuation_rate:
return {"valuation_rate": valuation_rate[0][0] or 0.0}
return {"valuation_rate": 0.0}
def get_gross_profit(out):
if out.valuation_rate:
"gross_profit": ((out.base_rate - out.valuation_rate) * out.stock_qty)
return out
def get_serial_no(args, serial_nos=None):
serial_no = None
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = json.loads(args)
args = frappe._dict(args)
if args.get('doctype') == 'Sales Invoice' and not args.get('update_stock'):
return ""
if args.get('warehouse') and args.get('stock_qty') and args.get('item_code'):
if frappe.get_value('Item', {'item_code': args.item_code}, "has_serial_no") == 1:
args = json.dumps({"item_code": args.get('item_code'),"warehouse": args.get('warehouse'),"stock_qty": args.get('stock_qty')})
args = process_args(args)
serial_no = get_serial_nos_by_fifo(args)
if not serial_no and serial_nos:
# For POS
serial_no = serial_nos
return serial_no