- Refactored Homepage with customisable Hero Section - New Homepage Section to add content on Homepage as cards or using Custom HTML - Products page at "/all-products" with customisable filters - Item Configure dialog to find an Item Variant filtered by attribute values - Contact Us dialog on Item page - Customisable Item page content using the Website Content field
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frappe.ready(() => {
const d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __('Contact Us'),
fields: [
fieldtype: 'Data',
label: __('Full Name'),
fieldname: 'lead_name',
reqd: 1
fieldtype: 'Data',
label: __('Organization Name'),
fieldname: 'company_name',
fieldtype: 'Data',
label: __('Email'),
fieldname: 'email_id',
options: 'Email',
reqd: 1
fieldtype: 'Data',
label: __('Subject'),
fieldname: 'subject',
reqd: 1
fieldtype: 'Text',
label: __('Message'),
fieldname: 'message',
reqd: 1
primary_action: send_inquiry,
primary_action_label: __('Send')
function send_inquiry() {
const values = d.get_values();
const doc = Object.assign({}, values);
delete doc.subject;
delete doc.message;
frappe.call('erpnext.shopping_cart.cart.create_lead_for_item_inquiry', {
lead: doc,
subject: values.subject,
message: values.message
}).then(r => {
if (r.message) {
$('.btn-inquiry').click((e) => {
const $btn = $(e.target);
const item_code = $btn.data('item-code');
d.set_value('subject', 'Inquiry about ' + item_code);
if (!['Administrator', 'Guest'].includes(frappe.session.user)) {
d.set_value('email_id', frappe.session.user);
d.set_value('lead_name', frappe.get_cookie('full_name'));
}); |