* chore: Added isort to pre-commit config * chore: Sort imports with isort * chore: Clean up imports with pycln * chore: Sort imports with isort * chore: Fix import issues * chore: Clean up sider issues * chore: Remove import errors from flake8 ignore list * chore: Clean up lint issues
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# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import formatdate
from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import get_customers_suppliers
def get_context(context):
context.no_cache = 1
context.show_sidebar = True
context.doc = frappe.get_doc(frappe.form_dict.doctype, frappe.form_dict.name)
context.parents = frappe.form_dict.parents
context.doc.supplier = get_supplier()
context.doc.rfq_links = get_link_quotation(context.doc.supplier, context.doc.name)
context["title"] = frappe.form_dict.name
def get_supplier():
doctype = frappe.form_dict.doctype
parties_doctype = 'Request for Quotation Supplier' if doctype == 'Request for Quotation' else doctype
customers, suppliers = get_customers_suppliers(parties_doctype, frappe.session.user)
return suppliers[0] if suppliers else ''
def check_supplier_has_docname_access(supplier):
status = True
if frappe.form_dict.name not in frappe.db.sql_list("""select parent from `tabRequest for Quotation Supplier`
where supplier = %s""", (supplier,)):
status = False
return status
def unauthorized_user(supplier):
status = check_supplier_has_docname_access(supplier) or False
if status == False:
frappe.throw(_("Not Permitted"), frappe.PermissionError)
def update_supplier_details(context):
supplier_doc = frappe.get_doc("Supplier", context.doc.supplier)
context.doc.currency = supplier_doc.default_currency or frappe.get_cached_value('Company', context.doc.company, "default_currency")
context.doc.currency_symbol = frappe.db.get_value("Currency", context.doc.currency, "symbol", cache=True)
context.doc.number_format = frappe.db.get_value("Currency", context.doc.currency, "number_format", cache=True)
context.doc.buying_price_list = supplier_doc.default_price_list or ''
def get_link_quotation(supplier, rfq):
quotation = frappe.db.sql(""" select distinct `tabSupplier Quotation Item`.parent as name,
`tabSupplier Quotation`.status, `tabSupplier Quotation`.transaction_date from
`tabSupplier Quotation Item`, `tabSupplier Quotation` where `tabSupplier Quotation`.docstatus < 2 and
`tabSupplier Quotation Item`.request_for_quotation =%(name)s and
`tabSupplier Quotation Item`.parent = `tabSupplier Quotation`.name and
`tabSupplier Quotation`.supplier = %(supplier)s order by `tabSupplier Quotation`.creation desc""",
{'name': rfq, 'supplier': supplier}, as_dict=1)
for data in quotation:
data.transaction_date = formatdate(data.transaction_date)
return quotation or None